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Fifi Alfianty Psycholinguistic 19

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Name : Fifi Alfianty

NPM : A1B018037

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh sir 🙏, good afternoon.

This is my task sir

Thank you and stay healthy sir 🙏

1. The role of psycholinguistics in language learning and teaching

By Norita Purba

Language acquisition is told in psycholinguistic theories. The theories are used to develop
language teaching method called psycholinguistic Approach. There are several methods
available such as : natural method, TPR, Sugestopedia, etc. By using these methods, it helps us
to know how people acquire first or second language, how they perceive and produce it.

Next, psycholinguistic helps us to understand the difficuties appearing in 4 skills english

( listening, reading, speaking, and writting ). And also, it helps us to know the errors of students
in language learning. More than that, It also helps us to identify brain troubles such as
aghraphia and aphasia. Last, for teacher it is really helpful for teacher to choose what the most
appropriate methods for teaching her students.

2. A psicholinguistic overview of language acquisition from down syndrom children in

Ponorogo. By : Sumarlam Sumarlam, Dwi Purnanto, Sri Pamungkas, Khoirul Hasyim, Angga
Cahyaning Utami

After doing this research, the researchers have found that the down syndrom children are able
to master the first language or their mother tongue language but they face difficulty to master
the second language ( Bahasa Indonesia ). In the first language acquistion, the down syndrom
children show a unique thing, for example when they want to say the object, they use
onomatophoeic sound. "Eong" to call the cat. The beginning of consonats and vowels were
eleminated. They also didn't speak the prefix, repetition, and compound words. The down
syndrom children often imitate others, replay their own sounds, and has phonological troubles.

3. Second language acquistion in teaching english as a second language

Sophia Azhar

School of Education, UIN Alauddin Makassar

Acquistion and learning are different. Acquistion happened in natural way, while learning
happened in formal way. Example of acquistion is the people from Indonesia work in America,
when they interact with native speaker it makes them require the language while learning is
when we learn a language in class.

The studies have found that adult learner learn faster than younger learner but this younger
one will have more higher level of Proviciency.

The errors in learning second language is not caused by their first language, but it's caused by
overgeneralization, rule simplication, and strategies they use

4. On teaching strategies in second language acquisition

YANG Hong (Department of Applied Foreign Language of Tourism College, Hainan University,
Haikou Hainan 570228, China)

To develop second language acquistion, it has some stages :

1. The receptive or prepoduction stage

This stage often called silent period. While the students don't speak but try to receive 500
vocabulary by pointing an object, gesturing, and nodding. and the period of this stage is about
ten hours to six month.

2. The early production stage

Students must increase their vocabulary until 1000 words and are able to understand the
function and the use of the words.

3. The speech emergence stage

They must develelop their vocabulary until 3000 words and are able to produce simple

4. The intermediate language proficiency stage

They must develop their vocabulary until 6000 words and are able to deliver more complex
sentences and their own opinion.

5. The advance language Proviciency stage

They can speak English with good grammar and vocabulary and can be compared to native in
the same age.

5. Some psycholinguistic condition for second language learning

By Bernand spolsky

- condition 1

The children who learn second language have more opportunity deliver the language like native
in pronounciation

- condition 2
The children are better in second language communication on informal situation

- condition 3

The better learner can differentiate the sounds of it's language, the better they have knowledge
about the language

- condition 4

The better they long and strong memory of learners, the better they can get vocabularies

- condition 5

The better they know the role of grammar mostly, the better they can develop control of
grammatical structure.

- condition 6

The better learners realize their goal of learning the second language, the better they will find
the suitable strategies for learning.

6. Language and Culture

Dr. Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi

Based on this research, it shows that there is relationship between language and culture.
Language is a part of culture, when we learn a language we also need to learn the culture of
language it self. Because language also the symbolic of the community which differentiate them
from others.

There are several points based on Sapir-Whorf hyphothesis which support this argument :
1. We use Language to express our means to community, by this we learn chatacteristic and
literary words encode in language itself.

2. We use this chatacteristic and literary words are different with others culture.

3. Each of the places have different language, if they communicate each other by using their
own language it will make misunderstanding, so learning the nation language is important.

4. If we want to understand the specific words and literary words, we need to also understand
the culture where the language take place.

7. The Relationship between Language and Culture

Samaneh Rangriz and Mahdi Harati

Ph. D Student, Department of Foreign Languages, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Bushehr, Iran

Based on this research, it's stated that language and culture are closely related each other.
There are some points to prove it :

1. The linguistic structure/behavior are often affected by social structure.

2. Unfortunatelly, another study shoes the social strructure or worldview can be affected by
linguistic structure.

3. The language changing ( language re-form ) follows up the social development time by time.

4. But there is another research shown that there is no relationship between linguisyic
structure and social structure.

8. The impact of culture in second language learning

By Ming Ming Kou and Ching Che Lay

Based on this research, it shows that the culture has an impact in second language learning. It's
true because they are related each other. Language as the language of culture can not be
separated from it's learning. We need to learn the culture when we learn the language. So, as a
curiculum designer we need to pay attention in giving the lesson by measure the aspecta
culture of it's language. And as the teacher, it's needed to choose what the best strategies to
solve the culture shock and to make the students become more richful of knowledge. Because
if they learn the culture, it means they learn the idea of the way using the language in polite
way and in suitable way. Besides, learning culture of it's language also help us to get another
view of world

9. The effect of language change on cultural caused by producing knowledge and technology

Language is one of the instruments that was changed by political and cultural evolution and
revolutionized during human history. However, every nation and government strives to protect
their local culture and language from this change. Language evolution is inevitable. Language
can influence the detection of cultural identity. This is due to the diversity of words in the
language structure due to the expansion in spoken language which is influenced by the totality
of history and culture of a nation. The main reasons for the evolution of this language occur
because of the entry of industrial and cultural phenomena, political, economic and cultural
relations, as well as the arrival of those who study abroad, geographical factors (bordering each
other), and military conflicts.

Language change is not always from extrinsic factors but also language has natural movements
and changes according to the needs of society. This evolution is too slow and gradual. But the
main reason for the inclusion of foreign terms which is one of the important factors of language
change is due to technological advances in the world which are producing countless scientific
and technical instruments at high speed. When these instruments and tools entered other
countries, they also entered their commercial name and were known by this name. Sometimes
in the translation of scientific books, translators cannot find suitable equivalents and synonyms
due to the large number of technical terms and a lack of time, so they enter the original terms
and use them in their translations.


by Destri Wahyuningsih

Language acquisition refers to the development of a second language for children. It is very
important for children to take a moment to learn language learning. There are many differences
between the learning and acquisition process. For example, the term that is usually used to first
separate language as the acquisition of a second language as learning. According to Oxford
(2001: 214), language sets are "devices that come to mind effectively children on which their
mother's grammar is based." Oxford (2001: 358) states that a second language is "a language
that is not native to a community. but has a given role, for a specific purpose or at a certain
social level in it "

An important factor in language acquisition refers to the study of how children learn in a
language other than their first language.Other factors are also important, such as teacher
competence and mother tongue. Teachers are also expected to teach structurally and
grammatically, and must be able to create a learner center instruction. Furthermore, parents
are also part of modifying their children's words when they are children. It certainly helps
children when parents speak to children well.

The similarities and differences

- from this article the research shown is almost in one way. But only one has opposite, it's about
social structure influences language structure. One said that It doesn't relate each other, but
one said that It has relation each other. In my own opinion, I agree with the statement which
say that social structure and language structure influance each other since language is a
product of culture. So it can not be separated.

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