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Group discussion Nudge
Objective: Applying theories/models to fields =prod (someone) gently with one's elbow in order to attract attention
(Oxford Languages)
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• Will it really increase the welfare of people? • How about long-term effects? (Unagami, et al. 2012)
How can we sustain the intention?
• Will it really respect dignity of people?
• Will it harm autonomy of people? • Need to focus intention?
Intention is needed? Without intention, how we behave for
• Will it secure self government? disaster preparedness?
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• Ajzen, I. (1991). ʻThe theory of planned behaviorʼ “Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
Processes” 50(2), pp.179-211.
• Mulilis J-P., & Lippa R.A. (1990). Behavioral change in earthquake preparedness due to negative
threat appeals: a test of protection motivation theory. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 20,
• Loewenstein, G., Weber, E., U., Hsee, C. K., & Welch, N. (2001). Risk as feelings. Psychological
Bulletin, 127, 267-286.
• Nagamatsu Shingo (2020) 4 Policy Paradigms on Emergency Evacuation in Disaster, Journal of
Disaster Information Studies, 18(2), 159-164. (in Japanese)
• Thaler, R. H., & Sunstein, C. R. (2008). Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth, and
happiness. New Haven & London: Yale University Press.
• Unagami, T., Kouda, S., Okamura, S. and Horita, T. (2012). Overview of Intention-Action Gap in
Disaster Prevention Behavior. Bulletin of Aichi Institute of Technology, 47, 59-67. (in Japanese)