Date: Exemplar
Duration: 3 Hours (180 Minutes)
Start time: 9:00 am
Total: 170 Marks
Pass Mark: 65%
Instructions to candidate:
Candidates are requested to read the following instructions carefully and adhere to them.
1. Candidates must ensure that the following information is clearly indicated on the answer sheet:
a. Name and Surname of Candidate
b. ID number or alternative ID number
c. Name of Skills Development Provider (institution that issued the Statement of Results)
d. Name of Assessment Centre
2. Candidates must ensure that they have signed the attendance register
3. ID document (or valid alternative) and Statement of Results must be displayed on the desk for the
duration of the assessment.
4. The candidate’s Statement of Results (SoR) is valid for a period of two years from date of issue.
5. Candidates must use their own stationery. No borrowing, lending or exchange of any material is
allowed during the session.
6. Only essential writing materials are allowed on the candidate’s desk. All bags and books (unless
open book assessment), should be left at the front or back of the venue.
7. No cell phones allowed.
8. Any unauthorised materials or devices found in a candidate’s possession will be confiscated and
the candidate will be liable to disciplinary action.
9. Any forms of communication with other candidates is strictly forbidden.
10. Candidates who are late will not be given extra time.
11. Candidates are to follow all instructions given by the invigilator or assessor at all times.
12. Carefully read through all the questions and follow the instructions provided.
13. Candidates are required to answer questions using blue or black ink, unless otherwise instructed.
14. Structure all written answers logically. Use the mark allocation for each written question as a
guide to the length of your answer.
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15. If instructed to complete or refer to an “Annexure”, please note that all Annexures are at the
back of this assessment instrument.
16. Candidates are not allowed to continue to write after the invigilator has ended the session.
17. All assessment instruments and answer sheets must be handed in when the candidate has
finished the assessment.
18. No candidates are allowed to leave the venue during the last 15 minutes.
19. If additional paper or an additional answer book is used, ensure that required details as stipulated
in number 1 is on each additional page or answer book. The invigilator will supply you with a
stapler to attach the additional pages or answer book.
20. Candidates must remain silent until they have exited the venue.
Special Instructions:
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Question 1 [40 Marks]
1.1 State whether or not the following sentences are True or False
a) An appointed safety rep may advise on work planning and organisation, including workplace design and the
choice, maintenance and condition of machinery, and other equipment and substances used in work. (2)
b) An appointed safety rep does not advise on occupational health, safety and hygiene, and on ergonomics and
protective equipment. (2)
a) Health and safety committees must consist of 50% management representation and 50 % safety rep
representation. (2)
b) An advisory member to the health and safety committee has the right to vote on a matter before the
committee. (2)
a) Remedial or corrective action for an accident that happened must be managed by the CEO or the owner of the
company only. (2)
a) Every employer shall ensure that all machinery used by him/her is suitable for the purpose and that it is
installed and operated and maintained in such a manner as to prevent the exposure of persons to hazards or
potential hazards or conditions. (2)
b) The Driven Machinery Regulation, 1998 – these regulations shall apply to every employer, employee and self-
employed person who carries out work using driven machinery at workplace. (2)
a) Corrective actions will include repairs to unsafe conditions in the workplace. (2)
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b) A Legal register is a list of legal requirements whether legislation, regulations that apply to an operation or
business. (2)
a) Occupational health deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on
primary prevention of hazards with regards to staff, visitors and contractors’ health. (2)
b) Occupational hygiene is the science of the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of hazards arising in
or from the workplace, and which could impair the health and well-being of workers, also considering the
possible impact on the surrounding communities and the general environment. (2)
a) Safety and health management system auditing is a process whereby the organisation can review and
continuously evaluate its safety and health effectiveness. (2)
b) An action plan of agreed remedial measures should be drawn up together with identification of responsible
persons, completion dates, and reporting requirements. (2)
a) The 5 Core Business Systems are: Marketing, Sales, Accounting, Refuelling and Management. (2)
b) A business plan should prove that your business will generate enough revenue to cover your expenses and
make a satisfactory return for bankers or investors. (2)
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Question 2 [70 Marks]
2.1 Read the following scenario and answer the questions below
BAC General manufacturing company has a task evaluation for three of the tasks in the image.
PPE issued to all staff include: Safety shoes, bump helmet, overall, welding apron and a welding visor.
The safety management system used is a basic weekly inspection system and it has to be upgraded to include
Policies, Risk assessments and Disaster management planning and Organisation.
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Risk assessment Matrix
Minor health Minor
2 treatment - Minor effect 3 5 8 12 16
effect damage
4 Single fatality Fatality Major effect 10 14 18 21 23
2.1.1 Identify and explain the basic hazards that can be observed in the picture. (10 Marks)
2.1.2 Considering the short cummings of the safety management system named above, explain how effective the
system performs currently? (10 Marks)
2.1.3 In question 2.1.1 you identified the hazards in the image. You are now required to describe the risk associated
with the hazards identified. (10 Marks)
2.1.4 Using the risk matrix provided, rate the risks on the risk register provided. (15 Marks)
2.1.5 Complete a report that identifies immediate actions for the top 5 risks identified to be taken. Take into
consideration, risk no, potential damage, controls implemented actions by who and when on your report.
(15 Marks)
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2.2 Read the following scenario and answer the questions below
Factory Scenario:
John is a new employee. He is a store assistant at a timber factory. The store man is on a tea break and a delivery of
timber arrives. The delivery man needs the timber taken off the truck. John hasn’t got a forklift license but is in the
process of being trained and knows how to operate the forklift. John uses the forklift to offload the truck. On the
last load, the timber is unstable, but John decides to go slowly so it does not topple over. John drives the forklift
over a pothole in the driveway and the timber falls off the forklift on top of another employee. The employee is
trapped under the timber, and he has a broken leg.
Additional Information:
The employee got hurt in front of the receiving department where 10 other employees work. The store man was on
his way back after tea and saw the whole thing happen. Two employees heard the timber falling ran outside to see
what was going on and saw the employee pinned under the timber.
Damage caused:
Staff member broke his leg and hospitalisation was required. The forklift forks were bent and had to be repaired.
“The member sustained a broken tibia due to timber falling on his leg from the forklift. The member was trapped
underneath the load. First aid was administered in the form of a splint being placed on the right tibia and bandage
was used. The ambulance arrived 40 minutes later. The member was handed over to the paramedics”.
“When I got back from tea, I saw the assistant driving the forklift with a load of wood. He was driving slowly. The
forklift tipped to the right and the load fell off. I heard screams and ran to the forklift. I saw that a yard worker was
trapped under the wood, and he was severely hurt. I called for help and the ambulance took long to arrive”.
2.2.1 Explain what emergency response procedure should have been followed when this accident happened
(10 Marks)
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Question 3 [60 Marks]
3.1 Read the following scenario and answer the questions below
J and A logistics is a national warehouse storage facility. They employ 300 staff members at maximum.
The company is situated next to Alexandra in Gauteng. On the specific site they replenish diesel and store
2000l on site. The forklifts are LP Gas driven and they store maximum 200kg on site in a gas cage. The
warehouse has 22 docking doors for loading and offloading. High bay racking is used on site to the height
of 13 meters.
3.1.1 Develop a risk profile for this company to address all mentioned risks. Address the risk, potential
damage, or loss as well as the rating determined from the matrix in your own table format.(15 Marks)
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3.2 Read the following scenario and answer the questions below
Portland fuel station is a general fuel station situated next to the Umbilo canal leading to Durban harbour. It has 12
dayshift staff and 5 nightshift staff. They receive diesel and petrol every second day delivered by tanker.
They have appointed fire fighting first responders on each shift and ample fire equipment is available on site. The
SHE rep effectively does her duties on site. Both shifts has a first aider appointed.
The service station must abide by the OSH act 85 of 1993 as well as to the National environmental management act.
The major hazardous installation regulations do not apply seeing that they fall below the minimum threshold.
3.2.1 Conduct a risk assessment to determine all potential emergency situations that can take place on that site.
(15 Marks)
3.2.2 Using the details from the risk assessment above, create a business contingency plan for the relevant
emergencies that can take place. (15 Marks)
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3.3 Read the following scenario and answer the questions below
The following tasks are performed in your workplace:
3.3.1 Develop a safe operating procedure related to one of the tasks to include task step, hazard, control, and
supervision. A table format can be used or a paragraph format. (15 Marks)
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