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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.841,559 B1

O’Shea (45) Date of Patent: Nov.30, 2010
(54) AERIAL VEHICLE WITH VARIABLE ASPECT 4,364,531 A 12/1982 Knoski
RATO DEPLOYABLE WINGS 4,365,773. A 12/1982 Wolkovitch
4,447,025 A 5/1984 Bocket al.
(75) Inventor: Hank O'Shea, Thousand Oak, CA (US) 4,471,923 A 9/1984 Höppner et al.
4,541,593. A 9, 1985 Cabrol
(73) Assignee: MBDA Incorporated, Wesclake Village, 4,664,338 A 5, 1987 Steuer et al.
4,699,334 A 10, 1987 Boeder
CA (US) 4,793,571 A 12/1988 Kranz
4,845,357 A 7, 1989 Brennan
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued)
U.S.C. 154(b) by 958 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(21) Appl. No.: 11/707,088 DE 3710703 A1 10, 1988

(22) Filed: Feb. 16, 2007 (Continued)

Related U.S. Application Data
(60) Provisional application No. 60/773,645, filed on Feb.
16, 2006. (Continued)
(51) Int. Cl. Primary Examiner Galen Barefoot
B64C3/40 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Kaye Scholer LLP
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................ 244/46; 244/49; 244/219 (57) ABSTRACT
(58) Field of Classification Search ................. 244/218,
244/46, 49, 139, 63 Embodiments of the present invention relate a wing arrange
See application file for complete search history. ment for an aerial vehicle configured to adjust the vehicles
(56) References Cited aspect ratio in response to flight mission parameters. The
Wing arrangement may include a pair of Wing assemblies
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS capable of deploying to a first winged position defining a first
aspect ratio. Each wing assembly may have a forward inboard
25,080 A 8/1859 Goodspeed wing pivotally connected to the fuselage and an aft inboard
2,038,337 A 4/1936 Ballmann
2,858,091 A * 10/1958 Kapenkin ................... 244,218 wing pivotally connected to the carriage. The forward inboard
3,415,467 A 12, 1968 Barringer wing and aft inboard wing of each assembly may be con
3,666,210 A * 5, 1972 Look et al. .................. 244,218 nected, forming a bi-plane configuration. Additionally, the
3,942,747 A 3, 1976 Wolkovitch each assembly may include a set of outboard wings config
3,990,656 A 11, 1976 Minnich ured to telescope from the inboard wings to an extended
4,053,125 A 10/1977 Ratony winged position defining a second aspect ratio greater than
4,090,681 A 5, 1978 Zimmer the first aspect ratio.
4,106,727 A 8, 1978 Ortell
4,209,147 A 6/1980 Jones, Jr. 20 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

Sequence: A Aesses
US 7,841559 B1
Page 2

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,626,398 B1 9, 2003 Cox et al.

6,749,153 B1 6, 2004 August
4,858,851 8, 1989 Mancini et al. 6,854,686 B2 2, 2005 Perlo et al.
4,923, 143 5, 1990 Steuer et al. 6,978,970 B2 12/2005 Purcell, Jr.
4,998,689 3, 1991 Woodcock 6,984, 109 B2 1, 2006 Bagai
5,029,773 7, 1991 Lecat 6,986,481 B2 1, 2006 Fanucci et al.
5,039,030 8, 1991 Kraus 6,991,280 B2 1, 2006 McKnight et al.
5,078,339 1, 1992 Lapidot 7,185,847 B1 * 3/2007 Bouchard et al. ............. 244/46
5,118,052 6, 1992 Alvarez 7,582,977 B1* 9/2009 Dehlsen ...................... 290.1 R
5,141,175 8, 1992 Harris 2001/0010348 A1 8, 2001 Bilanin et al.
5,150,864 9, 1992 Roglin et al. 2001/0035477 A1 11/2001 Fink et al.
5, 192,037 3, 1993 Moorefield 2004/01298.27 A1 T/2004 Perlo et al.
5,240,203 8, 1993 Myers 2004/021723.0 A1 11, 2004 Fanucci et al.
5,549,260 8, 1996 Reed, III 2005, 0121945 A1 6, 2005 Browne et al.
5,615,846 4, 1997 Shmoldas et al. 2005/O151015 A1 7/2005 Cagle et al.
5,626,312 5, 1997 Head 2006, OO27703 A1 2, 2006 Bussom et al.
5,899,410 5, 1999 Garrett
5,901928 5, 1999 Raskob, Jr. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
5,934,967 8, 1999 Brown et al.
6,065,934 5, 2000 Jacot et al. DE 42122O1 A1 10, 1992
6, 2000 FR 2557065 A 6, 1985
6,078,674 Cattafesta, III et al. GB 2203714. A 10, 1988
6,082,672 T/2000 Audren
6,135,713 10, 2000 Domzalski et al. GB 2266873. A 11, 1993
B1 4, 2001 McKillip, Jr. RU 1818272 A 5, 1993
6,231,013 B1 5, 2001 Jaenker
6,260,797 B1* 7, 2001 Palmer .................. - - - - - - 244/49

6,345,792 B2 2, 2002 Bilanin et al. http://www.icase.edu/colloq/data colloq.Carpenter. Bernie.2002.5.

6,371,415 B1 4, 2002 Lorkowski et al. 16.html.
6,474,604 B1 11, 2002 Carlow http://www.farSwing.com/about.html.
6,481,667 B1 11, 2002 Ho http://spiedl.aip.org/getabs servlet.
6,508.439 B1 1, 2003 Fink et al.
6,601,795 B1 8, 2003 Chen * cited by examiner
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Fig. 1
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Sequence: F G

Fig. 7

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(E)2S) N 34

a Red S
US 7,841,559 B1
1. 2
AERIAL VEHICLE WITHVARIABLE ASPECT scoping wings employ a conventional cantilevered wing con
RATO DEPLOYABLE WINGS figuration, where the extending wing provides a means for
manipulation of the wings aspect ratio. Unfortunately, canti
This application claims priority to co-pending U.S. Provi levered wings are typically large and heavy and lack the
sional Patent Application 60/773,645, filed Feb. 16, 2006, and ability to fold or package in a compact and streamlined
entitled “Variable Aspect Ratio Deployable Wings With Self Stowed configuration.
Contained Aerodynamic Control Surfaces.” which is The mechanical complexities of implementing deployable
assigned to the assignee of the present invention and is hereby wing systems in a reduced physical Volume have prevented a
incorporated by reference in its entirety. compact arrangement of flight control schemes. Prior
10 attempts to include deployable wings for guided munitions
FIELD OF THE INVENTION and other flight vehicles have resulted in flight control actua
tion schemes that, in the case of air launched and ground
The present invention relates generally to aerodynamic launched guided munitions, are housed outside of the wing
bodies and, more particularly, to aerodynamic bodies having structure. The control actuators are often mounted on the
deployable joined wings with increased aspect ratio and self 15 fuselage, for example. Conventionally, when actuation of a
contained aerodynamic control. control Surface on a deployable wing has been required, the
means for actuating the deployable control Surfaces are com
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION plicated due to the mechanical transmission of actuation
forces across or through the articulated joints between the
Aerodynamic vehicles, such as aircraft, guided missiles, fuselage and the wing panels. As such, the aerodynamic con
munitions, and unmanned aerial vehicles, include design trol surfaces on deployable wings have suffered from
parameters that are configured to provide the necessary lift increased part counts, increased cost and reduced reliability.
and control to overcome the drag and weight of a vehicle
during flight. For example, the aspect ratio (“AR”), the lift SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
coefficient, and the drag coefficient are examples of typical 25
design parameters which affect the performance of an aero One embodiment of the invention includes a wing arrange
dynamic vehicle. ment for an aerial vehicle having a deployment mechanism
One goal in designing an aerodynamic vehicle is to maxi configured to attach to a first side of a fuselage and configured
mize the lift generated by the aerodynamic surfaces for the to move from a first position to a second position. The wing
drag associated with the overall aerodynamic vehicle design, 30 arrangement may also include a first wing configured to be
i.e., maximize the lift to drag (“L/D') ratio. In pursuit of this rotationally coupled to a second side of the fuselage, a second
goal, the AR is considered an important parameter and can be wing configured to be rotationally coupled to the deployment
computed as follows: mechanism and rotationally coupled to the first wing, a third
AR=(span), area wing configured to be rotationally coupled to the second side
35 of the fuselage, and a fourth wing configured to be rotation
wherein the span is the distance from wingtip to wingtip ally coupled to the deployment mechanism and rotationally
and area is the Surface area of the wings. coupled to the third wing. Movement of the deployment
The AR is an important design parameter because, gener mechanism from the first position to the second position may
ally, a wings ability to generate lift is influenced by changes cause the first and second coupled wings and the third and
in aspect ratio. As aspect ratio increases for a given wing 40 fourth coupled wings to deploy to a first winged position.
design the lift generating capability also increases. Wings Another embodiment of the invention may include a wing
with high aspect ratios are more Suited for missions requiring arrangement for an aerial vehicle having a carriage config
long flight times or long distance glide range whereas wings ured to be attached to a fuselage and move from a first position
with lower aspect ratio are more Suited for missions requiring to a second position and a pair of wing assemblies having a
higher speeds and long distance cruise ranges. 45 Stowed position and deployed position. Each wing assembly
For many aerodynamic Vehicles, especially guided mis in the deployed position may include a forward wing config
siles, munitions, and unmanned aircraft, variable geometry ured to be pivotally coupled to the fuselage and arranged on a
wings may conflict with other desirable design parameters, first side of the fuselage, an aft wing configured to be pivotally
Such as reduced physical envelope, launch constraints, and/or coupled to the carriage and arranged on a second side of the
compact storage (dense packing). One attempt to reconcile 50 fuselage Substantially opposite the first side, and a connector
these competing interests is taught in U.S. Pat. No. 5,615,846 pivotally connecting an outboard end of the forward wing and
(the “846 patent”), which is incorporated by reference herein an outboard end of the aft wing. The wing arrangement may
in it entirety, where extended range and increased maneuver also include an actuator coupled to the fuselage and config
ability are accomplished through deployable joined wings. ured to move the carriage from the first position to the second
During storage and launch, the deployable wings remain 55 position whereby movement of the carriage to the second
tucked against the fuselage of the guided missile, conserving position causes the forward wing and the aft wing of each pair
storage space. The deployable wings change geometry and of wing assemblies to deploy to the deployed position.
deploy into a diamond shaped joined wing configuration dur Another embodiment of the invention may include an
ing flight, in Some cases tripling the range of an un-powered aerial vehicle having a folding wing arrangement. The aerial
munition/ordinance or missile. While, the 846 patent effec 60 vehicle may include a fuselage defining a first side and a
tively combines the advantages of compact storage and second side Substantially opposite each other, a carriage con
deployable wings, the deployed joined wings do not alter the nected to the fuselage on the first side and configured to move
AR of the aerodynamic vehicle during flight for different from a first position to a second position, and pair of wing
mission parameters. assemblies having a stowed position and a deployed position.
Other attempts at variable wing geometries have included 65 Each wing assembly in the deployed position may include a
telescoping wings that alter the aerodynamic characteristics first wing pivotally connected to the fuselage on the second
of the airframe. Previous aerodynamic vehicles using tele side and a second wing pivotally connected to the carriage and
US 7,841,559 B1
3 4
pivotally connected to the first wing. The aerial vehicle may configuration to an initial winged position having a first AR.
also include an actuator connected to the fuselage and con Manipulation of the AR of the aerodynamic vehicle to meet
figured to translate the carriage from the first position to the mission or mission phase needs may be accomplished by
second position whereby movement of the carriage to the actuating the deployment of the joined tandem wing from the
second position causes the first wing and the second wing of 5 initial winged position to an extended winged position having
each pair of wing assemblies to deploy to the deployed posi a second, higher AR. The extended winged position may be
tion. achieved using telescoping outboard wing panels that tele
An embodiment of the invention may also include a Scope from inboard wing panels, for example.
method of flying an aerial vehicle. The method may include Embodiments of the invention provide flexibility through
deploying a first set of four deployable wings on an aerial 10 aspect ratio manipulation, making an aerodynamic vehicle
vehicle to a first winged position defining a first aspect ratio, Suitable for use in varied mission scenarios. For example, a
deploying a second set of four deployable wings to a second lower AR configuration of a vehicle may benefit a mission or
winged position defining a second aspect ratio that is greater phase of a mission requiring higher speeds and maneuverabil
than the first, and flying the aerial vehicle to a destination. ity. In a deployed and unextended state, the variable AR wing
15 configuration provides a lower AR, enabling low altitude
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS flight where terrain and obstacle avoidance or evasive maneu
vers are a necessity. In the event that a mission or phase of a
Examples of the invention will be apparent to those skilled mission calls for long flight distances or long loitering time,
in the art from the following detailed description of preferred for example, the outboard wings may be deployed, allowing
embodiments, taken together with the accompanying draw the wing vehicle to increase its AR. In one example, the AR
ings, in which: may be increased to a maximum of about 14. In some
FIG. 1 shows a fully deployed joined wing arrangement in examples of an aerial vehicle with the variable AR wing
accordance with an embodiment of the invention; arrangement, the AR of the fully extended wing arrangement
FIG. 2 shows a stowed joined wing arrangement in accor may be more than double the AR of the initial deployed wing
dance with the embodiment of the invention shown in FIG.1; 25 arrangement.
FIG.3 shows a cross section along line X-X, shown in FIG. In the case of a powered aerial vehicle, such as the Hunter
2, of the Stowed joined wing arrangement in accordance with RQ5A Tactical Unmanned Aerial vehicle, for example, the
the embodiment of the invention shown in FIG. 1; inclusion of a variable AR deployable wing arrangement on
FIG. 4 shows deployment positions for the deployable the vehicle may extend the flight distances over 500 miles or
joined wing arrangement shown in FIG. 1 in accordance with 30 alternatively flight loiter times of more than 24 hours. In the
an embodiment of the invention; case of munitions such as bombs and/or missiles, embodi
FIG.5 shows apartially deployed joined wing arrangement ments of the invention may allow personnel and equipment to
in accordance with the embodiment of the invention shown in deliver ordinance from beyond the range of anti-aircraft
FIG. 1: weaponry or the like, providing increased safety and improv
FIG. 6 shows a joined wing arrangement deployed to an 35 ing the aerial vehicle's overall mission effectiveness. It
initial deployment configuration in accordance with the should be understood that the fuselage of a munition may
embodiment of the invention shown in FIG. 1; include a single ordinance or may carry multiple Sub-muni
FIG. 7 shows additional deployment positions for the tions for delivery of a wide area during flight.
deployable joined wing arrangement shown in FIG. 1 in In accordance with embodiments of the invention, a vari
accordance with an embodiment of the invention; 40 ableAR deployable wing arrangement may be integrated with
FIG. 8 shows a cross section of the stowed inboard and anaerodynamic body Such as a guided missile or munitions or
outboard wing panels in accordance with an embodiment of other aerodynamic vehicles. FIG. 1 shows a deployable wing
the invention; arrangement 100 installed on a small unmanned aerial vehicle
FIG. 9 shows a telescoping linear actuator in accordance or powered munition in accordance with one embodiment of
with an embodiment of the invention; 45 the invention. The wing arrangement 100 is shown in FIG. 1
FIG. 10 shows an enlarged view of one end of the telescop in an extended wing position. The deployable wing arrange
ing linear actuator shown in FIG. 9 in accordance with an ment 100 may be integrated on a long flight time munition,
embodiment of the invention; designed for missions requiring the munition to loiter over a
FIG.11 shows another view of a telescoping linear actuator designated area for an extended period of time, in some cases
in accordance with an embodiment of the invention; 50 greater than 24 hours.
FIG. 12 shows a trailing edge flap actuator in accordance The aerial vehicle or munition shown in FIG. 1 includes a
with an embodiment of the invention; and fuselage 5. As used herein, the term fuselage is meant to
FIG. 13 shows a trailing edge flap and actuator configura include, but not limited to, a body portion of an aerial vehicle
tion in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. or flying device such as a missile, a munition, a bomb, or an
55 aircraft, for example. When the wings are deployed in the
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS initial winged position, as shown in FIG. 6, the wing arrange
ment provides a AR of about 6. In the initial winged position,
The present disclosure will now be described more fully the aerial vehicle may be capable of greater than 60 nautical
with reference to the Figures in which various embodiments miles glide range or a powered cruising range greater than
of the invention are shown. The subject matter of this disclo 60 500 miles.
sure may, however, be embodied in many different forms and In the extended position shown in FIG. 1, the deployable
should not be construed as being limited to the embodiments wing arrangement 100 includes a forward left inboard wing
set forth herein. panel 1 and a forward right inboard wing panel 2. Both
In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, a forward wing panels 1 and 2 are attached to a bottom or lower
variable aspect ratio (“AR”) deployable wing arrangement is 65 fixed articulated attachment 6 on the fuselage 5. The deploy
provided for an aerial vehicle. A joined tandem wing arrange able wing arrangement also includes an aft left inboard wing
ment may be configured to unfold from a compact storage panel 3 and an aft right inboard wing panel 4 connected to the
US 7,841,559 B1
5 6
movable carriage 10 mounted on the upper or top side 5a of tion. Additionally, it should be understood that a munition or
the fuselage 5, as shown in FIG.1. The forward wing panels aerial vehicle may include separate flight controls, as part of
1 and 2 may be connected directly to the fuselage or otherwise the propulsion system, for example. As such, the flight control
configured without using the articulated attachments 6. Addi Surfaces on the wing arrangement 100 may not be necessary.
tionally, the aft wing panels 3 and 4 may also be connected The ability of an aerial vehicle to stay aloft for long periods
directly to the fuselage or otherwise configured. The deploy of time may be strongly dependent on the wing aspect ratio,
able wing arrangement, shown in FIG. 1, is configured in a wing loading and resultant lift to drag ratio. The embodiment
reverse staggered configuration, where the forward inboard of the invention shown in FIG. 1 provides an example of
wing panels 1 and 2 are mounded on the bottom of the fuse minimizing wing loading by maximizing deployed wing
lage during flight. It should be understood that a conventional 10 area, maximizing aspect ratio by maximizing deployed span,
staggered arrangement may also be used. The reversed Stag and an maximizing vertical separation of the forward and aft
gered arrangement provides the deployment mechanism on wings to increase lift to drag ratio. This wing arrangement 100
top of the fuselage, leaving the bottom of the fuselage avail may result in an airframe that, when deployed in the extended
able for dispensing of Submunitions if necessary. wing position, may be capable of flight times over 24 hours.
Each inboard wing panel includes an associated outboard 15 In the initial deployed position shown in FIG. 1, the
wing panel that may be configured to telescope out of the inboard wing panels 1, 2, 3, and 4 form a biplane configura
inboard wing panel. As shown in FIG. 1, the left forward tion with vertical connector 8 bracing the ends of the wing
outboard wing panel 12 is associated with the wing panel 1 panels. As understood by those of skill in the art, the effi
and the right forward outboard wing panel 13 is associated ciency of a biplane arrangement of wings is increased as the
with the inboard wing panel 2. The left aft outboard wing Vertical separation is increased up to a limit in vertical sepa
panel 14 is associated with inboard wing panel 3 and the right ration of approximately one chord length. As shown in FIG.1.
aft outboard wing panel 15 is associated with the inboard the biplane configuration may include Vertical separation
wing panel 4. between the aft Swept wings and the forward Swept wings,
As shown in FIG.1, the forward wing panels 1, 2, 12 and 13 efficiently generate lift. It should be understood that this
are swept aft and the aft wing panels 3, 4, 14, and 15 are swept 25 applies to the wing arrangement in its initial deployed posi
forward. The right side wing panels and the left side wing tion shown in FIG. 6 and in its extended position shown in
panels are attached at the tips of the outboard wing panels, for FIG 1.
example, wing panels 12 and 14 are connected with a vertical It should be understood that one embodiment of the inven
connector 8. The joints between the panel 12 and the vertical tion may include the bi-plane configuration of the wing
panel 8 and between the panel 14 and the vertical panel 8 may 30 arrangement 100 shown in FIG. 6 without the telescoping
be an articulated pivot 9 that allows the vertical panel 8 to outboard wing panels where the inboard wing panels are
rotate relative to the panels 12 and 14 during deployment. The directly connected at their tips.
panels 13 and 15 may also be connected with a vertical panel FIG. 2 shows the deployable wing arrangement 100 in a
8 and articulated pivots 9. The fixed articulated attachment 6 Stowed or folded configuration. The Stowed configuration
and the carriage 10 may also include articulated pivot joints 9 35 may be used for transportation and handling. Although the
that attach inboard wing panels 1, 2, 3, and 4 to the fuselage wing arrangement may be deployed prior to launch, it is
5. contemplated that the stowed configuration shown in FIG. 2
As discussed below, the fuselage 5 includes a deployment may be used for air launches and the deployed position for
track and linear actuator 11 on the topside of the fuselage, as ground launches. In the folded configuration, the carriage 10
shown in FIG.1. The linear actuator 11 may be configured to 40 is positioned at the front of the fuselage 5. The carriage 10
drive the carnage 10 from the front of the fuselage 5 (in a may be configured to translate along the length of the fuselage
stowed position) to the rear of the fuselage 5 (in a deployed 5using the track and linear actuator 11. The aft inboard wings
position) as shown in FIG.1. It should be understood that the 3 and 4, connected at the attachment point 7, extend rearward
deployment track and linear actuator 11 may be separately over the top surface of the fuselage 5 in a folded position.
configured and attached to the aerodynamic vehicle. Alterna 45 Likewise, the forward inboard wings 1 and 2, connected at the
tively, the deployment track and linear actuator may be inte fixed carriage 6, extend rearward under the bottom surface 5b
grally formed with the fuselage 5. of the fuselage 5 in a folded position. As shown in FIG. 2, the
Additionally, the articulated attachment 6 and the carriage inboard wing 3 folds on top of the inboard wing 4 and the
10 may be initially positioned at the rear of the fuselage 5 (not inboard wing 2 folds below the inboard wing 1. It should be
shown in the figures) and the carriage 10 may deploy to the 50 understood that the outboard wing panels 12, 13, 14, and 15
front of the fuselage 5. This configuration may experience (not shown in FIG. 2) are nested with the inboard wing panels
certain aerodynamic instability during deployment. How and therefore not seen when in the stowed position.
ever, the wing panels may be deployed while Suspended from As shown in FIG. 2, the vertical connectors 8 (only one of
a parachute. While Suspended from a parachute, it may be which is visible in FIG. 2) are stowed adjacent to the tail of the
irrelevant for deployment whether the articulated attachment 55 fuselage 5. It should be noted that the articulated pivot joints
6 is positioned as shown in FIG. 1, or positioned at the rear of 9 may be configured to position the vertical connectors 8 flush
the fuselage 5 (not shown in the figures). against the side of the fuselage 5. This serves to minimize the
One example of an arrangement of aerodynamic control physical envelope of the Stowed wing arrangement and main
surfaces is shown on the wing arrangement 100 in FIG.1. The tain stable aerodynamic characteristics prior to deployment
inboard wings 1, 2, 3, and 4 include control surfaces 50 60 of the wing arrangement 100. Although not obvious in FIG. 2,
positioned on the trailing edge of the inboard wings, adjacent the vertical connecters 8 do not directly connect the corre
to the fuselage. Additionally, the wing arrangement 100 sponding inboard wings, for example, Vertical connector
includes control surfaces 60 located on the outboard wings panel 8 does not directly connect inboard wing 1 to inboard
12, 13, 14, and 15. It should be understood that alternative wing 3. Instead, the vertical connectors 8 connects the tips of
configurations of controls surfaces may be used, including 65 the corresponding outboard wing panels, for example, the
changing the position, size, number and type of control Sur Vertical connector panel 8 connects the outboard wings 12
face, without deviating from the scope and spirit of the inven and 14, which are shown nested in FIG. 2.
US 7,841,559 B1
7 8
It should be noted that the separation of the inboard wings Smart material linear actuators, or other linear actuators
1 and 2 on the bottom 5b of the fuselage 5 and the inboard known to those of skill in the art.
wings 3 and 4 on the top 5a of the fuselage 5 allows the span Referring to FIG. 5, the rearward movement of the carriage
or length of the inboard wings (especially the rear inboard 10 in the direction of arrow A forces the wing panels to
wings 3 and 4) and consequently the outboard wings as well, unfold. As shown, the inboard wing panels 3 and 4 are
to be maximized. This is because the fixed articulated attach attached to the carriage 10 such that, when the carriage 10
ment 6 and the moving carriage 10 do not have to fit on the moves rearward, the relative geometry of the joined tandem
same side of the fuselage, allowing the moving carriage 10 the wings forces the inboard wing panels 1, 2, 3, and 4 to pivot
ability to move to the very front of the fuselage 5 in the stowed out. As would be apparent to those of skill in the art, the
position. Consequently, the length of the forward inboard 10 connector panels 8 drive the deployment of the front inboard
wings 1 and 2 and the rear inboard wing 3 and 4 may be wings 1 and 2 as the inboard wings 3 and 4 deploy. Due to the
maximized along the available length of the fuselage 5. geometry created by the wing panels acting as struts in a
FIG. 3 shows a cross section along line X-X in FIG. 2 two-memberlinkage system, each pair of wings on either side
through the fuselage 5, the linear actuator 11, and the inboard of the fuselage form a triangular shape with the fuselage.
and outboard wing panels 12, 13, 14, and 15 of the wing 15 Referring to FIG. 6, the initial winged position of the wing
arrangement 100 in the Stowed configuration. As shown in arrangement 100 is shown with the carriage 10 deployed to
FIG. 3, the inboard wings 3 and 4 are not stowed side by side the rear of the fuselage 5 by the linear actuator 11, resulting in
but rather are stacked vertically, one on top of the other. Also, a diamond shape formation of the four inboard wing panels 1.
the wing arrangement 100 is configured to nest the wings, for 2, 3, and 4. Due to the wing area distributed fore and aft of
example, the trailing edge of wing 3 is positioned over the where the center of gravity is typically located, the static
leading edge of wing 4 and the trailing edge of wing 4 is stability of the wing arrangement shown in FIGS. 1 and 6 may
positioned under the leading edge of wing 3. The nesting be inherently flexible and easily tailored. An aerodynamic
allows the total height of the stowed wings 1, 2, 3, and 4 and designer may have at his disposal design parameters, such as
the fuselage 5 to be minimized. The stacked and nested fore and aft wing area distribution, selection of fore and aft
arrangement of the wing panels also allows the width of the 25 Sweep angles, and airfoil selection.
physical envelope to be minimized while maximizing the FIG. 7 schematically demonstrates an extended deploy
chord width of each wing. As shown in FIG. 3, the chord of ment of the outboard wings 12, 13, 14, and 15 in accordance
wing 4, for example, may be configured to be the same as the with one embodiment of the invention. As shown, the phase of
width of the fuselage, thereby maximizing the chord size for the extended wing deployment is achieved by telescopic
a given fuselage size. 30 extension of the four outboard wing panels (forward left
FIG. 4 schematically demonstrates an initial deployment at outboard 12, forward right outboard 13, aft left outboard 14
various stages in accordance with one embodiment of the
and aft right outboard 15). When in the stowed position, the
invention. In position A, the wing panels are shown fully outboard panels 12, 13, 14, and 15 are nested within the
inboard wing panels as illustrated in FIG. 6.
stowed. As the movable carriage translates from the front of 35 FIG. 7 and position F illustrate the outboard wing panels
the fuselage to the rear, the wing panels begin to unfold as telescoping form their Stowed position inside the inboard
shown in positions B and C. Position D illustrates the position wing panels toward their fully deployed position or the
of the wing panels when the movable carriage is approxi extended winged position. As shown, the outboard wing pan
mately halfway between its stowed position at the front of the els 12, 13, 14, and 15 may be extended synchronously in a
fuselage and its deployed position at the rear of the fuselage. 40 controlled fashion to avoid jamming of the wing panels due to
Finally, the movable carriage reaches its deployed position in resistive loads generated by increased friction between the
position E, illustrating the deployed position of the four inboard and outboard panels. It should be understood that the
inboard wings. In alternative examples, the wing panels may outboard wing panels may be deployed incrementally or par
deployed and flown at intermediate steps between position A tially to a position short of their full extension (as shown in
and position E. Such as position D, for example. 45 position F, for example) Such that the AR of the wing arrange
Although the deployment positions discussed with respect ment 100 may be fine-tuned.
to FIG. 4 may be attempted during flight, the transitional FIG. 7 and position G schematically show the outboard
aerodynamics of a partially deployed wing arrangement pro wing panels 12, 13, 14, and 15 in the extended winged posi
portioned in an embodiment as shown in wing arrangement tion and fully deployed. Referring back to FIG. 1, a detailed
100 may introduce aerodynamic instability. As an alternative, 50 view of the wing arrangement 100 is shown in the extended
deployment of the wing arrangement may occur while Sus winged position with the telescoping outboard wings in full
pended from a parachute. Because the flight controls may be extension. The fully deployed wing arrangement, shown in
located in the wing arrangement, the aerial vehicle may FIG.1, includes an AR of about 14, which is more than double
require deployment of the wings in order to have any active the partially deployed wing configuration of the wing
control. However, it is also contemplated that the wing 55 arrangement shown in FIG. 6. Additionally, in one example,
arrangement may be placed on a munition that may not the wing span of the wing arrangement may be extended from
require that the wings be deployed for every mission type. about 76 inches in the initial winged position of FIG. 6 to
FIGS. 5 and 6 show detailed views of the deployable wing about 144 inches in the extended winged position of FIG. 1.
arrangement 100 at two different stages associated with the Referring to FIG. 6, the wing arrangement 100 may be
movement of the movable carriage 10 from the stowed posi 60 capable of flight in the initial winged position with an AR of
tion to the deployed position. As discussed, the aft inboard about 6. As such, the wing arrangement 100, as shown in FIG.
wing panels 3 and 4 are attached at their roots to the movable 6, may be well configured for missions requiring high speeds
carriage 10, which when in the folded or stowed position, lies and long distance cruise ranges. For example, a mission pro
at its forward most position. During the initial deployment or file Suitable for the aerial vehicle and wing arrangement
extension, the movable carriage 10 moves aft by the action of 65 shown in FIG. 6 may include release at high altitude and
the linear actuator 11. It should be understood that the linear speed from a carrier aircraft followed by deployment of the
actuator 11 may include linear worm drives, screw drives, wing arrangement to an initial wing position. The mission
US 7,841,559 B1
9 10
may also include a mission leg dedicated to providing ingress winged position. For example, after loitering in a particular
to a desired location where high speed and maneuverability is region, the outboard wings may be retracted to some degree in
needed. Such as flying at low altitudes and/or avoiding order to take advantage of the high speed and maneuverability
obstacles. This ingress mission leg may include a maximum of a lower AR, Such as flying at low altitudes and/or avoiding
range glide or a powered maximum range cruise to an obstacles when approaching a target.
employment destination. A gliding phase of the mission may It should be understood that upon full deployment, a por
include deployment of the wings to the initial wing position as tion of the outboard wing panel may remain within the
shown in FIG. 6 and could provide a glide range performance inboard wing panel for structural rigidity. This interface
over 60 nautical miles without consuming on board fuel. between the inboard panel and the outboard panel provides
Alternatively, the ingress mission leg may require powered 10 the necessary structural Support through a structural fitting in
cruise to reach the desired locations where ranges of up to 500 the root of the outboard wing and mechanical reaction points
nautical miles may be reached. It should be understood that a within the inboard wing that provide a load path for the
glide leg and powered cruise leg may also be combined to outboard wing aerodynamic loading.
achieve targets positioned at even greater distances. FIG. 8 presents a cross sectional view of the telescoping
Other missions may include releasing the aerial vehicle 15
inboard and outboard wing panels. A linear actuator 16,
and wing arrangement and immediately deploying the wing which drives the extension of the outboard panel, is also
arrangement to the extended wing position shown in FIG. 1. shown schematically in FIG. 8. It should be understood that
The wing arrangement 100 may be configured with an AR of the cross sectional view of FIG. 8, the outboard panel 19 and
about 14. Additionally, the wing arrangement 100, as shown the inboard panel 20 are representative of the four wing pan
in FIG. 1, may be well configured for missions requiring long els 1, 2, 3 or 4 and with their associated nested outboard wing
flight times or long distance glide ranges. For example, an panels.
ingress mission leg for the wing arrangement in the extended In FIG. 8, the outboard panel 19 nests within the inboard
wing position may include release at high altitude and deploy panel 20. Both panels may be constructed from composite
ment of the wings to the extended position of wing arrange skins bonded onto an internal composite structure comprising
ment 100. After deployment of the wing, the aerial vehicle 25
two main spars. The chord wise spacing of the spars may be
may use an unpowered glide to an operational altitude. With configured to provide the Volume necessary to house a linear
wing arrangement 100 shown in FIG. 1, a glide range over actuator used to extend the outboard wing panels. However,
100 miles may be achieved. Upon reaching the operation alternative methods and materials may be used to fabricate
altitude, the aerial vehicle propulsion system may enable the inboard and outboard wings.
powered thrust as necessary for flight mission requirements. 30
For example, the aerial vehicle may be configured to long A cross section of telescopic panel actuator 16 (used to
flighttime mission requirements where the aerial vehicle may extend the outboard panel 19) is shown housed in a cavity
loiter over an area until commanded to deliver an ordinance. internal to the outboard panel 19. This cavity is formed by the
Additionally, the aerial vehicle may immediately deliver an outboard wing panel skins 21 above and below and by two
ordinance by un-powered gliding or by powered flight 35 spars 22 that extend the length of the outboard panel 19.
directly to a target. FIG.9 shows a representative volume and mechanism that
It is also contemplated that the aerial vehicle may use both may be used for the linear actuator 16 for driving the tele
the initial wing position and the extended wing position in a scoping action of the outboard panels 12, 13, 14, and 15,
single mission. For example, a first ingress mission leg with shown in FIG. 1, in accordance with one embodiment of the
the wing arrangement in the initial wing position may include 40 invention. The actuator 16 includes an inboard end 18 and an
delivering the aerial vehicle from a release point to a final outboard end 28. The inboard end 18 may be secured to the
destination up to about 500 nautical miles. Once the aerial root of the inboard wing, for example inboard wing 1 in FIG.
vehicle has arrived at the final destination, the wing arrange 1. Alternatively, the inboard end 18 may also be secured to the
ment may be placed in the extended wing position and the fuselage or other fixed element. As shown in FIG. 8, the
aerial vehicle may loiter for up to 24 hours. Other combina 45 length of the actuator 16 is nested inside of the outboard wing
tion of wing positions and gliding and powered flight may be 19.
used in accordance with embodiments of the present inven FIG. 10 shows a blown up detail view of end 18 of the
tion. actuator 16 shown in FIG. 9. Tabs 30 may be secured to the
The deployment of the inboard wings and outboard wings inboard portion of the outboard wing 19 and may be config
may be timed to coincide with different stages of a mission 50 ured to translate along slots 31 when the actuator 16 is acti
flight. For example, an aerial vehicle may include a non vated. By attaching the outboard wing panel 19 to the tabs 30,
winged propelled stage early in flight after an air or a ground the outboard wing panel 19 telescopes out of the inboard wing
launch. The inboard wings may be deployed to the initial panel 20 as the tab 30 moves from the inboard end 18 of the
winged position for an initial cruise stage until the aerial actuator 16 to the outboard end 28. Upon activation and
vehicle achieves a certain speed or altitude. In another stage 55 movement of the tabs 30, the deployment of the outboard
of the mission, once all the fuel is used or upon reaching a wings may be effectuated as schematically shown in FIG. 7.
particular distance or flight condition, for example, the engine As would be apparent to one of skill in the art, the length of
or propulsion unit may be shut down and the outboard wings the actuator 16 may vary depending on the desired extension
may be deployed to their extended winged position, allowing of the outboard wing. Further, it should be understood that
the aerial vehicle to loiter. In a final stage, the aerial vehicle 60 different amounts of extension may be available through
may glide to its destination, in Some cases far beyond the varying the length of the actuator 16 or by controlling the
distance the aerial vehicle could have reached underpowered amount of extension of the actuator 16. Although the linear
flight alone. It should be understood that alternative flight actuator 16 is shown and described as being used with each
stages, schedules, and configurations of the wing arrange pair of inboard and outboard wing panels, it would be appar
ment 100 may be used. 65 ent to one of ordinary skill in the art that a single linear
It is contemplated that the mission requirements may actuator 16 may be used to drive two connected outboard
include retracting the outboard wings from the extended wing panels to an extended position. Additionally, one actua
US 7,841,559 B1
11 12
tor 16 may be included as redundant, included for use in the polymer may be allowed to resume a rigid configuration,
case of failure of a primary actuator. freezing or locking the tabs 30 in a deployed position. It
Other linear actuators may be used to deploy or drive the should be understood that the hybrid cord may be used to
telescoping action of the outboard wings. For example, the deploy the outboard wing panels incrementally, providing an
linear actuator 16 may be replaced with a ball screw or cyl 5 increase in AR as needed.
inder containing gas under pressure to extend the outboard Aerodynamic control for the vehicle shown in FIG.1 may
wing panels. The ball screw linear actuator may include a ball beachieved through differential manipulation of the lift of the
screw assembly, similar to aircraft flap drives, where both free wing panels through actuation of trailing edge flaps or control
ends of the ball screw are secured to the inboard wing and the surfaces. As shown in FIG. 1, each of the inboard wing panels
ball screw is secured to the root of the outboard wing panel. 10 1, 2, 3, and 4 include an inboard trailing edge flap 50 and each
One example of a pressurized gas system may include of the outboard wing panels 12, 13, 14, and 15 include out
configuring the inboard wing as a cylinder and the outboard board trailing edge flap 60 that provide aerodynamic control.
wing as a piston (not shown in the figures). The gas driven Control actuators may be used to control the position of the
system may then use compressed gas or gas from an onboard trailing edge flaps.
generator to pressurize the internal Volume of air in the 15 By way of example, fore and aft differential manipulation
inboard wing panel, creating a piston in a cylinder arrange of the lift between the backward sweeping wing panels (1, 2,
ment where the outboard wing panel acts as the piston and the 12, and 13 in FIG. 1) and the forward sweeping wing panels
inboard wing panel acts as the cylinder. (3, 4, 14, and 15 in FIG. 1) may be used to provide pitch
FIG. 11 shows a schematic representation of one example control. Right to left differential manipulation of the lift
of a mechanism for driving the tabs 30 from end 18 to end 28 between the right wing panels (2, 4, 13, and 15 in FIG. 1) and
of the actuator 16 in accordance with one embodiment of the left wing panels (1, 3, 12, and 14 in FIG. 1) may be used to
invention. The actuator shown in FIG. 11, for example, may provide roll control. Directional control may be achieved
include a box shaped structure 26 in the shape of actuator 16, through turning moments achieved by a combination the
which functions to Support the internal mechanism and the manipulation of lift on the vertically oriented connectors 8,
telescoping outboard wing panel. In one embodiment, the 25 shown in FIG. 1, joining the forward and aft wing panels and
structural box 26 may be designed to Support an elastic cord differential manipulation of the drag produced by these ver
27 that is initially stretched and latched or secured in the tically oriented connectors. It should be understood that small
position shown in FIG. 11. The cord 27 may extend be trailing edge flaps and control Surfaces, as described below,
secured to the inboard end 18 and extend the length of the may also be used on other sections of the wing panels and on
actuator, around a pulley 29 located at the outboard end 28, 30 the vertical connector panels 8 to provide additional yaw
and back the length of the actuator to attach to the movable control.
tabs 30. As would be apparent to those of skill in the art, FIG. 12 shows a trailing edge flap 34 that may be used, for
conventional latches and/or releasable locks may be used to example, for the trailing edge flaps 50 and 60 shown in FIG.
secure the cord 27 under tension until the actuator 16 is 1. As shown in FIG. 12, the trailing edge flap 34 is integrated
activated. In one example, the cord may be constructed from 35 into the trailing edge of an inboard wing panel 12. The
any well known eleastomer capable of 300% strain. For inboard wing panel 12 includes a articulated pivot joint 9 and
example a latex elastomer may be used. The tabs 30 may be the trailing edge flap 34. A hinge 36 may attach the trailing
bonded to the elastomer and the opposing end of the elas edge flap 34 to the wing panel 12. The flap 34 may be con
tomer may be bonded to the inboard end of the box shaped figured as a high aspect ratio flap where the flap includes a
structure 26. The free end of the elastomer may be stretched 40 small flap chord compared to the flap span. It should be
from a 16 inches in length, in its free state, to a stretched understood that the trailing edge flap 34 may be sized and
length of 64 inches. During the stretching process and as the shaped according to the size and shape of the aerial vehicle.
length exceeds 32 inches the elastomer engages the pulley 29 One means of controlling the trailing edge flap 34 may
at the outboard end 28. When the full length of 64 inches is include commercially available actuators similar to those
reached, conventional latches and/or releasable locks may 45 used in a remote control airplanes, such as the Futaba Servo
latch the tabs in place. Model S3050, manufactured by Futaba Industries in Hunts
When the actuator is activated, the cord 27 may be config ville, Ala. For example, the remote control actuator may be
ured to contract, effectively pulling the tabs 30 in the direction used to control the trailing edge flap 34. Depending on the
32 shown in FIG. 11. The cord 27 may be configured to use size of the aerial vehicle and the size of the servo, the design
the stored elastic energy initial stored in the cord during 50 of the wing panel may require that the servo be positioned
assembly to contract around the pulley 29. By transferring the external to the wing panel. For example, the servo actuator
actuating force to the tabs 30, the root of the outboard wing may be positioned in or on the fuselage and require linkages
panel (which is connected to the tabs 30) telescopes outward, to connect the actuator to the trailing edge flap.
extending the outboard wing panel. In one example, the cord Alternatively, if the aerial vehicle is sufficiently sized, the
27 may contract to approximately half of its original stretched 55 servo actuator may be configured and positioned internal the
length, pulling the root of the outboard panel to its fully wing. FIG. 13 presents one example of a cross section view of
extended position. the wing panel 12 and the trailing edge flap 34, illustrating
Alternative methods may be used to secure the cord 27 in a one example of a rotary servo actuator 41, the Futaba Servo
stretched condition prior to activation. For example, a shape Model S3050, installed internal to a wing panel. A linkage 42
memory polymer may be applied to cord 27 forming a hybrid 60 may be configured to pass through an opening in the skin 21
cord. The shape memory polymer, such as Veriflex(R) from and convert the rotary motion of the servo actuator output
CRG Industries, LLC in Dayton, Ohio, may be configured to wheel 44 to linear motion of the linkage 42. The linear motion
hold the cord 27 in position. Upon activation by heat or by at the end of the linkage 42 may be transferred into an angular
application of an electrical current, the shape memory poly motion at an arm 43 eccentric to the trailing edge flap hinge
mer may become deformable or elastic, allowing the cord 27 65 36. The servo actuator may then control the deflection of the
to contract, effectively driving the tabs 30 as discussed above. trailing edge flap 34 about the hinge 36. In one example of the
Once deployed to the desired distance, the shape memory arrangement shown in FIG. 13, the trailing edge flap may be
US 7,841,559 B1
13 14
capable of a deflection of 30 degrees up or down. It should be an eighth wing configured to be telescopingly stowed Sub
understood that the control Surface trailing edge flap and stantially inside the fourth wing:
actuator shown in FIG. 13 may be used on other airfoil con wherein the first and fifth wings are rotationally coupled to
figurations and on various aerial vehicles in accordance with the second and sixth wings and the third and seventh
embodiments of the invention. wings are rotationally coupled to the fourth and eighth
Referring back to FIG. 1, the manipulation of lift on the wings.
joined tandem wings may be accomplished through the use of 3. The wing arrangement of claim 2, wherein:
trailing edge devices 50, located on the inboard panels 1,2,3, in the first winged position, the fifth, sixth, seventh, and
and 4, and through the trailing edge devices 60, located on the eighth wings are substantially stowed within the first,
outboard panels 12, 13, 14, and 15, of the joined tandem 10 second, third, and fourth wings respectively and the first
wings. As such, deflection of the trailing edge devices may be winged position defines a first aspect ratio; and
used to manipulate lift on the inboard or outboard panels and the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth wings are configured to
ultimately to manipulate lift for the entire aerial vehicle and telescope out of the first, second, third, and fourth
the joined pair of tandem wings. Additionally, it should be respectively to a second winged position defining a sec
understood that the number, size, and placement of the con 15 ond aspect ratio.
trol surfaces 50 and 60 shown in FIG.1 may be changed. 4. The wing arrangement of claim 3, wherein the second
However, as would be apparent to those of skill in the art, aspect ratio that is greater than the first aspect ratio.
alternative combinations of trailing edge devices may be 5. The wing arrangement of claim 4, wherein the fifth,
used. For example, the trailing edge flap device shown in FIG. sixth, seventh, and eighth wings are configured to deploy to an
13 may be exclusively used on all inboard and outboard wing intermediate position defining a third aspect ratio between the
panels. Additionally, various other combinations of trailing first aspect ratio and the second aspect ratio.
edge devices may be used on the inboard and outboard wing 6. A wing arrangement for an aerial vehicle, comprising:
panels. It is also contemplated that other control Surfaces and a carriage configured to be attached to a fuselage and move
aerodynamic controls may be used instead of the trailing edge from a first position to a second position;
devices 50 and 60 shown in FIG. 1. By way of example, 25 a pair of wing assemblies having a stowed position and
aerodynamic control may be provided by a propulsion system deployed position, each wing assembly in the deployed
or by permanent or deployable tail panels (not shown in the position comprising:
figures) mounted at the rear of the fuselage. a forward wing configured to be pivotally coupled to the
The foregoing merely illustrates the principles of the fuselage and arranged on a first side of the fuselage;
invention. It will thus be appreciated that those skilled in the 30 an aft wing configured to be pivotally coupled to the
art will be able to devise numerous other arrangements which carriage and arranged on a second side of the fuselage
embody the principles of the invention and are thus within its substantially opposite the first side; and
spirit and scope. a connector pivotally connecting an outboard end of the
What is claimed is: forward wing and an outboard end of the aft wing; and
1. A wing arrangement for an aerial vehicle, comprising: 35 an actuator coupled to the fuselage and configured to move
a deployment mechanism configured to attach to a first side the carriage from the first position to the second position
of a fuselage and configured to move from a first position whereby movement of the carriage to the second posi
to a second position; tion causes the forward wing and the aft wing of each
a first wing configured to be rotationally coupled to a pair of wing assemblies to deploy from the Stowed posi
second side of the fuselage; 40 tion to the deployed position.
a second wing configured to be rotationally coupled to the 7. The wing arrangement of claim 6, wherein:
deployment mechanism and rotationally coupled to the the forward wing comprises a forward inboard wing panel
first wing: in telescoping relation with a forward outboard wing
a third wing configured to be rotationally coupled to the panel;
second side of the fuselage; and 45 the aft wing comprises a aft inboard wing panel in tele
a fourth wing configured to be rotationally coupled to the Scoping relation with an aft outboard wing panel; and
deployment mechanism and rotationally coupled to the the connector pivotally connects the forward outboard
third wing: wing panel to the aft outboard wing panel.
wherein: 8. The wing arrangement of claim 7, wherein, in the
the wing arrangement has a stowed position, in which:
50 deployed position, the forward outboard wing panel is stowed
substantially within the forward inboard wing panel and the
the deployment mechanism is in the first position; aft outboard wing panel is stowed substantially within the aft
the first and third wings are stacked on the second side inboard wing panel and the deployed position defines a first
of the fuselage; and aspect ratio.
the second and fourth wings are stacked on the first 55 9. The wing arrangement of claim 8, wherein the forward
side of the fuselage; and outboard wing panel and the aft outboard wing panel are
movement of the deployment mechanism from the first configured to telescope to an extended position defining a
position to the second position causes the first and second aspect ratio.
second coupled wings and the third and fourth 10. The wing arrangement of claim 9, wherein the second
coupled wings to deploy to a first winged position. 60 aspect ratio is greater than the first aspect ratio.
2. The wing arrangement of claim 1, further comprising: 11. An aerial vehicle having a folding wing arrangement,
a fifth wing configured to be telescopingly stowed Substan comprising:
tially inside the first wing: a fuselage defining a first side and a second side Substan
a sixth wing configured to be telescopingly stowed Sub tially opposite each other,
stantially inside the second wing: 65 a carriage connected to the fuselage on the first side and
a seventh wing configured to be telescopingly stowed Sub configured to move from a first position to a second
stantially inside the third wing; and position;
US 7,841,559 B1
15 16
a pair of wing assemblies having a stowed position and a a second wing configured to be rotationally coupled to the
deployed position, each wing assembly in the deployed deployment mechanism and rotationally coupled to the
position comprising: first wing:
a first wing pivotally connected to the fuselage on the a third wing configured to be rotationally coupled to the
second side; and second side of the fuselage; and
a second wing pivotally connected to the carriage and a fourth wing configured to be rotationally coupled to the
pivotally connected to the first wing; and deployment mechanism and rotationally coupled to the
an actuator connected to the fuselage and configured to third wing:
translate the carriage from the first position to the second a fifth wing configured to be telescopingly stowed Substan
position whereby movement of the carriage to the sec 10 tially inside the first wing:
ond position causes the first wing and the second wing of a sixth wing configured to be telescopingly stowed Sub
each pair of wing assemblies to deploy from the Stowed stantially inside the second wing:
position to the deployed position. a seventh wing configured to be telescopingly stowed Sub
12. The aerial vehicle of claim 11, wherein: stantially inside the third wing; and
the first wing comprises a first inboard wing panel in tele 15 an eighth wing configured to be telescopingly stowed Sub
Scoping relation with a first outboard wing panel; and stantially inside the fourth wing:
the second wing comprises a second inboard wing panel in wherein:
telescoping relation with a second outboard wing panel, the first and fifth wings are rotationally coupled to the
the second outboard wing panel being pivotally con second and sixth wings and the third and seventh
nected to the forward outboard wing panel. wings are rotationally coupled to the fourth and eighth
13. The aerial vehicle of claim 12, wherein, in the deployed wings:
position, the first outboard wing panel is stowed substantially movement of the deployment mechanism from the first
within the first inboard wing panel and the second outboard position to the second position causes the first and
wing panel is stowed Substantially within the second inboard second coupled wings and the third and fourth
wing panel and the deployed position defines a first aspect 25 coupled wings to deploy to a first winged position.
ratio. 18. The wing arrangement of claim 17, wherein:
14. The aerial vehicle of claim 13, wherein the first out in the first winged position, the fifth, sixth, seventh, and
board wing panel and the second outboard wing panel are eighth wings are substantially stowed within the first,
configured to telescope to an extended winged position defin second, third, and fourth wings respectively and the first
ing a second aspect ratio. 30 winged position defines a first aspect ratio; and
15. The aerial vehicle of claim 14, wherein the second the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth wings are configured to
aspect ratio is greater than the first aspect ratio. telescope out of the first, second, third, and fourth
16. The aerial vehicle of claim 11, wherein the aerial respectively to a second winged position defining a sec
vehicle is at least one of a missile, a munition, a bomb, or an ond aspect ratio.
aircraft. 35 19. The wing arrangement of claim 18, wherein the second
17. A wing arrangement for an aerial vehicle, comprising: aspect ratio that is greater than the first aspect ratio.
a deployment mechanism configured to attach to a first side 20. The wing arrangement of claim 19, wherein the fifth,
of a fuselage and configured to move from a first position sixth, seventh, and eighth wings are configured to deploy to an
to a second position; intermediate position defining a third aspect ratio between the
a first wing configured to be rotationally coupled to a 40 first aspect ratio and the second aspect ratio.
second side of the fuselage; k k k k k

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