Chapter 3 - F2024
Chapter 3 - F2024
Chapter 3 - F2024
AC Network Analysis
Main Goals
• Compute current, voltage, and energy of capacitors and inductors.
• Calculate the average and root-mean-square value of an arbitrary periodic waveform.
• Convert time-domain sinusoidal voltages and currents to phasor notation, and represent circuits using
• Apply DC circuit analysis methods to AC circuits in phasor form.
dvC (t)
• Power: PC (t) = iC (t)vC (t) = C vC (t) =
• Energy: WC (t) = PC (τ )dτ =
Example 1.
Find the energy stored in the capacitor for all time. Assume R = 2Ω and
C = 0.1F. Also, let
−∞ < t < 0,
v(t) = tV, 0 ≤ t < 10s,
10V, 10s ≤ t < ∞.
L1 L2
- Two inductors in parallel:Leq =
L1 + L2
diL (t)
• Power: PL (t) = iL (t)vL (t) = iL (t)L =
• Energy: WL (t) = PL (τ )dτ =
x(t) = x(t + nT ) n = 1, 2, 3, · · · ,
n.b. 60-Hz sinusoidal voltage waveform for households and streets power
• Average or mean value: x(t) = x(τ )dτ
T 0
v(t) = A cos(ωt + φ)
where A is the peak amplitude and φ is the phase shift relative to a reference sinusoid.
n.b. A phase shift in the frequency domain = A delay in the time domain
• ej 2 = 1∠ π2 = j
• A cos(ωt + θ) = Re(Aej(ωt+θ) )
V |V |
• =
I |I|
• ∠ = ∠V − ∠I
−1 Im(A)
• ∠A = tan
n.b. The impedance Z for a specific network of resistors, capacitors, and inductors is determined by the
definition of impedance: Z =
• Impedance of a Resistor
• Impedance of an Inductor
diL (t)
– vL (t) = L
– iL (t) = IL cos(ωt + θ)
– iL (t) = −IL ω sin(ωt + θ) = IL ω cos(ωt + θ + π/2)
= Re IL ωejπ/2 ej(ωt+θ) =
– V L = L(jω)I L , so Z L ≡ = jωL = ωL∠ π2
• Impedance of a Capacitor
dvC (t)
– iC (t) = C
– vC (t) = VC cos(ωt + θ)
– vC (t) = −VC ω sin(ωt + θ) = VC ω cos(ωt + θ + π/2)
= Re VC ωejπ/2 ej(ωt+θ) =
VC 1 −j 1 −π
– I C = C(jω)V C , so Z C ≡ = = = ∠
IC jωC ωC ωC 2
n.b. At low frequencies =⇒ open circuit
At high frequencies =⇒ short circuit
Example 5.
Determine the equivalent impedance seen by the voltage source vS . Assume vS (t) = 10 cos(4000t + 60◦ )V,
R1 = 800Ω, R2 = 500Ω, L = 200mH, and C = 70nF.
Drill 5.
Use phasor techniques to solve for the voltage v(t) in the circuit.
Drill 6.
Find the impedance Z shown in the circuit. Assume ω = 2 rad/s,
R1 = R2 = 2Ω, C = 0.25F, and L = 1H.
Drill 7.
Find the sinusoidal steady-state output vout shown in the circuit.
Drill 8.
Find the sinusoidal steady-state output vout shown in the circuit.
Drill 9.
Find the equivalent impedance Z o seen by the voltage source in the
circuit. Assume the frequency is 377 rad/s.
AC Equivalent Circuit
• Thévenin’s or Norton’s theorem can be used to simplify the source network.
• Impedances in series:
• Impedances in parallel:
Drill 11.
Solve for I 1 in the circuit. Assume I = 20∠ −π
4 A, R =
3Ω, Z 1 = −j3Ω, Z 2 = −j7Ω.
Drill 13.
Use phasor techniques to solve for iL in the circuit. Assume R =
5Ω, C = 2mF, L = 2mH, and i1 (t) = i2 (t) = 5 cos(500t)A.
Drill 15.
Use the node voltage method to determine the node voltage va (t)
and vb (t). Assume i(t) = 2 cos(300t)A, v(t) = 7 cos(300t + π/4)V,
R1 = 4Ω, R2 = 3Ω, R3 = 5Ω, L = 300mH, and C = 300µF.
Ans: wL (t) = 0
for −∞ < t < 0, wL (t) = t2 J for 0 ≤ t < 10s, wL (t) = 100J for 10s ≤ t < ∞
Exercise 3.
Determine i2 (t) in the circuit. Assume i1 (t) = 100 cos(ωt + 4)mA, i3 (t) =
80 sin(ωt − 1.2)mA, i4 (t) = 150 sin(ωt + 2)mA, and ω = 377 rad/s.
1 + j5
Ans: zL = , C = 510.1µF
1 − 1885C + J377C
Exercise 6.
Determine the frequency so that the current I i and the voltage V o in the
circuit are in phase. Assume Z S = 13000 + jω3Ω, R = 120Ω, L = 19mH, and
C = 220µF.
Exercise 7.
Solve for V R . Assume ω = 3 rad/s, V S = 13∠0V, R = 15Ω, L1 = 7H, and
L2 = 2H.
Exercise 8.
Find the current iR (t) through the resistor.