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Adventure Time (Lesson 33 - 48)

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Week 11 Date 20.5.2024 Day Monday
Class 6A, 6G Time 8.00-10.00 am Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 33 (Reading 7) Topic Adventure Time Theme Family and
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Reading
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
print and digital texts by using appropriate print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies reading strategies
Learning 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple longer 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
Standard texts of simple longer texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. List out at least ten activities that they can do in Malaysia.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils will be asked to open to page 60 in pupil’s book.
 Pupils are introduced to the text and use the pictures to predict content.
Starter  Pupils will be asked if they have ever done any of the activities in the pictures.
 Pupils read for global understanding to check their answers to Activity 1
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils guess the meaning of new words before checking them in the dictionary as
necessary. 6. Ask pupils which country Emma is from (Canada).
Main Activities  Elicit some ideas for similar activities people in Malaysia might do e.g. scuba diving,
visiting tall buildings in Kuala Lumpur.
 Pupils could do this in pairs.
 Pupils read the blog posts again for specific information to answer the questions.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils will have a whole class discussion for the activity that they have done.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Past simple (e.g. I tried it this month.) Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
& present perfect (e.g. I’ve never Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 34–36 Worksheet
been kayaking before.) Exercise(s): 1–4, 1-3
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 60–62

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 11 Date 21.5.2024 Day Tuesday
Class 6A, 6G, 6E Time 8.00-12.50 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 34 (Writing 7) Topic Adventure Time Theme Family and
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
Content 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
print and digital texts by using appropriate
Standard a range of purposes in print and digital media
reading strategies
Learning 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
Standard and others of simple longer texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Differentiate at least 5 true false sentences based on the worksheet given.
Learning Outlines
Starter 8.
Main Activities 9.
Plenary 10.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present perfect for experience + Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
never (e.g. I’ve never seen a lion in Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 36–37 Worksheet
the wild.) Exercise(s):1–2
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 61, 63– 64
Worksheet: Three true or false
sentences in present perfect about
Emma (from the texts on pp.34–35),
e.g. Emma has been skiing. (T)
Sets of six-to-eight-word cards
showing plain verbs (those with both
regular and irregular participles)

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 11 Date 22.5.2024 Day Wednesday
Class 6A, 6G, 6E Time 9.00-12.50 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 35 (Listening 7) Topic Adventure Time Theme Family and
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Speaking
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Standard contexts
Learning 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves
Standard questions and others
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Talk spontaneously on their dialogue.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils brainstorm camping experiences.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils check their understanding of key words. 3.
 Pupils listen to and practise the dialogue.
 Focus on the questions in the dialogue and ask pupils to underline them.
Main Activities  Have pupils ask each other the questions. They give their own answers. Do not insist
on full answers at this stage.
 Pupils prepare questions and then give their own answers.
 Pupils prepare and answer one or two extra questions.
 Pupils ask each other the questions, including the extra one(s) they have prepared.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils have further practice in forming and understanding questions. You could play between
two large teams in your class, sitting face-to-face, depending on the size and layout of your
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present perfect questions (e.g. Have Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
you ever visited Tokyo? [Yes, I have. / Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 38 Exercise(s): Worksheet
No, I haven’t.]) 1–3
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 66–67

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks The lesson was postponed due to public holidays.
Week 11 Date 23.5.2024 Day Thursday
Class 6A, 6E Time 9.00-12.20 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 36 (Speaking 7) Topic Adventure Time Theme Family and
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Standard contexts
Learning 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported
Standard and others questions
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. List out at least three Have you ever ........... sentences.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils will be asked to review present perfect in questions and statements.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Have pupils to sit in a circle.
 This could be on chairs or on the floor, depending on what is most suitable in your
 Show each picture card in turn.
 Elicit what the picture shows (e.g. swim in the sea/play a computer game, etc).
 Pass the card around the circle, pupils should say if they have/haven’t done this activity.
 Still in the circle, have pupils ask another pupil in the circle Have you ever…?
 The pupil answers and then asks another pupil the same question.
 Repeat several times with each card. You could then introduce several cards at once.
Main Activities
 Pupils will need to accompany speech with gestures, perhaps, if this becomes noisy.
 Hand out the worksheet.
 Pupils complete the gapped Have you ever…? questions.
 Ask pupils to write between one and three extra Have you ever…? questions.
 Pupils move around the classroom asking each other the questions.
 They should try to find someone who answers ‘yes’ to each question.
 They write the name of the person who says ‘yes’ next to the question.
 Pupils return to their desks.
 They compare their findings with their partner by saying, for example, Adilah has been
camping or Adam has been fishing
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils review and consolidate the target language
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present perfect statements (I’ve seen Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
a lion.) and questions/answers: (Have Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 37 Exercise(s): Worksheet
you ever visited Tokyo?) 3
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 65
Worksheet: A ‘Find Someone Who’
survey with gapped Have you ever..?
questions and space for a name next
to the question. Allow space for extra

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 11 Date 24.5.2024 Day Friday
Class 6E, 6G Time 10.20-12.20 Attendance

37 (Language Arts World of

Lesson Topic Adventure Time Theme
7) Stories
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Speaking
Content 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or
Standard texts large group
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly 2.3.1 Narrate short stories, events and
through creating simple stories and simple experiences
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Narrate their predicted story to their classmates.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils look at Akbar’s Dream book cover and identify the features of the book cover e.g.
Starter title, author, blurb, publisher
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils look at the cover and brainstorm ideas about what the story is about.
 Divide pupils into small groups and distribute a set of pictures from the guidebook (page
36) to each group.
Main Activities
 In groups, pupils discuss the pictures and create a possible story based on the pictures
 Groups take turns to narrate their predicted story to their classmates.
 Other groups provide feedback on friends’ stories
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils choose the story they think is most likely to happen.
7. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
Plenary  Teacher records the chosen predicted story and will revisit it once the pupils read and
find out what happens.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Past simple tense Akbar’s Dream by Jane Langford Individual
Akbar’s Dream Teacher’s Guidebook Worksheet
Page(s): 35-36

Many pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Non-achievers were guided by little teachers.
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 14 Date 4.6.2024 Day Tuesday
Class 6E, 6G, 6A Time 9.00-12.50 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 38 (Reading 8) Topic Adventure Time Theme Family and
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
print and digital texts by using appropriate form and style for a range of purposes in print
reading strategies and digital media
4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs
Learning 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
or more for a familiar topic and modify this
Standard of simple longer texts
appropriately in response to feedback
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Create a bubble map based on Emma’s blog entries.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Reviews present perfect forms or key vocabulary needed in this lesson relating to the
Starter text in the Pupil’s Book, pp.34–35.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Divide the class into three groups (A–C).
 Ask pupils to look at Emma’s blog entries for January (Pupil’s Book, p.34).
 They should highlight the information:
o Group A – What Emma did [I went skiing]
o Group B – Where Emma was [Whistler ski resort near Vancouver; Canada]
o Group C – Emma’s opinions [the views are amazing; it’s a really fun place with lots
of exciting activities to try]
 Draw a mind map on the board with three secondary bubbles.
Main Activities  Ask a member of each group to come and write their answers around one bubble each.
 Elicit the headings for each bubble (What Emma did / Where Emma was / Emma’s
 Pupils will be guided to understand how mind maps work using the example on the
 Explain that these can help us brainstorm and organise ideas for writing, too.
 Pupils look at another example of a mind map then create one from another of Emma’s
blog entries.
 They will read for specific information to do this.
 Pupils analyse the features of blogs as a text type, having read for detail in the text.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils answer a simple quiz with the guidance of the teacher.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Past simple (e.g. I went skiing) & Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
present perfect (e.g. the best I’ve ever Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 34–35, 40 Worksheet
done) Exercise(s): Learning to Learn, 1
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 70

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 14 Date 5.6.2024 Day Wednesday
Class 6A, 6G, 6E Time 9.00-12.50 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 39 (Writing 8) Topic Adventure Time Theme Family and
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Writing
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
form and style for a range of purposes in print a range of purposes in print and digital media.
and digital media.
4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs 4.2.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and
or more for a familiar topic and modify this experiences.
appropriately in response to feedback.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Complete mind map with notes.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Tell pupils it was your birthday at the weekend (or talk about your real birthday). Tell
Starter them what you did on your birthday
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Draw a mind map on the board with headings such as Where? What? Why? Opinion?
etc. (relating to the content of your talk).
 Pupils copy the mind map into their notebooks.
 Tell pupils again about your birthday. They listen and complete mind map with notes.
 Pupils compare their mind maps in pairs before some come out to complete the mind
Main Activities
map on the board.
 Pupils look at the pictures and complete the mind map.
 Pupils use the information on Pupil’s Book, p.41 to write. Pupils write on the writing task
sheet (worksheet).
 Guide the task as necessary and support pupils (see Teacher’s Book, p.70) if they need
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils answer a simple quiz with the guidance of the teacher.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Past simple (e.g. I went skiing) & Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
present perfect (e.g. the best I’ve ever Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 41 Exercise(s): Worksheet
done) 2–3
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 70
Prepare a short talk about what you
did on our birthday.
Worksheet: A writing task sheet. The
writing rubric should be based on the
information in Activity 3, Pupil’s Book,

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities
were given to non-achievers
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 14 Date 6.6.2024 Day Thursday
Class 6A, 6E Time 9.00-12.20 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 40 (Listening 8) Topic Adventure Time Theme Family and
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a
Standard contexts variety of contexts
1.2.2 Understand with little or no support specific 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
information and details of longer simple texts on from clues provided by other known words and
a range of familiar topics by context on familiar topics
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. List at least to similarities and differences between Mike’s work and home life.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Put up the pictures and ask pupils what they can see. Pre-teach and review some key
vocabulary, but not the words in the box: say a word and ask pupils which picture it
relates to. Explain or show pupils new vocabulary using the pictures.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Tell pupils they will listen to an interview. Check understanding of this word.
 Hand out the worksheet. Ask pupils to read the definitions. They could try to guess the
words they are defining if possible.
 Play the recording again and ask pupils to try to hear a word which means the same as
Main Activities
the definition.
 Have pupils try to complete the fact files before listening again.
 Pupils put in the answers from their memory first. Play the recording again only if
 Pupils talk about similarities and differences between Mike’s work and home life.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Focus attention on the Values box on Pupil’s Book, p.39. Lead a class discussion about
the benefits of travelling. (CCE: Values)
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present perfect review (e.g. What’s Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
the worst experience you’ve ever Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 39 Exercise(s): Worksheet
had?) 1–4
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 68–69
Enlarged copies of the pictures in
Pupil’s Book, p.39
Worksheet: Written definitions of the
words in the box in the Pupil’s Book,
p.39 (without mentioning the word)

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities
were given to non-achievers
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 14 Date 7.6.2024 Day Friday
Class 6E, 6G Time 10.20-12.20 Attendance

World of
Lesson 41 (Speaking 8) Topic Adventure Time Theme
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Listening
Content 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
Standard large group contexts
Learning 2.3.1 Narrate short stories, events and 1.2.3 Understand with little or no support longer
Standard experiences simple narratives on a range of familiar topics
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Tell a short story using pictures.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Show the large copies of pictures in turn.
 For each, ask pupils to look at the picture and write three words about it in their
notebooks. Put the pictures on the board
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Have pairs look at each other’s words.
 Conduct feedback and record useful words together on the board next to each picture.
 Drill any new words.
 Tell pupils the pictures make two stories. Ask them to decide which pictures belong in
each story, then in which order they think the pictures go in to make each story.
 Have pupils discuss in pairs possible story outlines. (CCE: Creativity & Innovation).
 Ask some pairs to tell the class their ideas.
 Introduce the requirements of the speaking assessment, where pupils tell a short story
using pictures.
 Tell pupils they will practise this in the lesson.
Main Activities  Pupils work in pairs. Hand out the worksheets, one A and one B for each pair.
 Pupils take turns to plan and tell their story based on the pictures on their version of the
 They can use the vocabulary on the board to help, as they will have support in this way
in the exam.
 Pupils should listen to each other and try to give some encouragement.
 They can also make notes about the story they hear.
 Pupils exchange worksheets and re-tell their partner’s story.
 They should try to change at least three details of the story.
 Monitor as pupils do these tasks and note any common problem areas. You may want
to identify individuals who will need extra support in developing skills for this task.
 Ask pupils which story they prefer and why. This could be done as a whole class.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Give whole-class feedback on their performance on the task.
Plenary  Give plenty of positive feedback so that pupils feel confident as Speaking tests can be
stressful or frightening for some children.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Past tenses review Worksheets A & B: Individual
Two sets of pictures (one set for each Worksheet
Worksheet A and worksheet B) which
tell a story (you could use those in the
Workbook, p.32, Activity 2 and one
Also, large copies of the pictures.

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities
were given to non-achievers
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 15 Date 10.6.2024 Day Monday
Class 6A, 6G Time 8.00-10.00 Attendance

42 (Language Arts World of

Lesson Topic Adventure Time Theme
8) Stories
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Reading
Content 3.3 Read independently for information and
5.2 Express personal response to literary texts
Standard enjoyment
5.2.1 Describe in simple language a character’s 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non fiction print
actions or feelings and explain the reasons for and digital texts of interest
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Perform the song in groups.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Prepare jumbled-up words that make up a sentence about Akbar’s Dream (i.e. Akbar’s
dream was to make the most beautiful silk cloth in the whole of India).
 The fastest group that can rearrange the words to make the sentence wins
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Divide pupils into groups.
 In groups, pupils read Chapter 1 of Akbar’s Dream together.
 Pupils talk about the characters and the sequence of events.
Main Activities  Distribute the lyrics of the song from the guidebook (page 38) to each group.
 Show the video clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb3B5NZ6c-c to introduce the
tune of the song to the pupils.
 Pupils read the lyrics together and practise singing the lyrics with the tune.
 Pupils perform the song in groups.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Use Post-lesson Task 1: Pupils listen to the actual song
 Ask pupils to raise their hands up each time they hear something different from the
lyrics they sang.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Vocabulary from Chapter 1 Akbar’s Dream by Jane Langford Individual
Akbar’s Dream Teacher’s Guidebook Worksheet
Page(s): 37-38
http://www.youtub e.com/watch?v=N
https://music.yout ube.com/watch?v

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities
were given to non-achievers
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 16 Date 9.7.2024 Day Tuesday
Class 6E, 6G, 6A Time 8.00-12.50 Attendance

World of
Lesson 43 (Reading 9) Topic Adventure Time Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Reading
3.3 Read independently for information and 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
enjoyment print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
66Learning 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non-fiction print 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple longer
Standard and digital texts of interest texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Explain about Environmental Sustainability
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Follow the instructions for Warm-up: Name five in the Teacher’s Book, p.76 to introduce
Starter the topic of the lesson.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Have pupils sit comfortably to read the story quietly on their own before talking about
their global understanding of the story.
Main Activities
 Pupils check their understanding of the story.
 Pupils order the main events in the story.
 Pupils watch a video with an alternative ending
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils discuss the questions.
 Talk to pupils at this stage about the environmental message in the story (protection of
wildlife – CCE: Environmental Sustainability) and the need for everyone to take
responsibility in reporting suspicious activity (CCE: Values).
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Narrative tenses review, e.g. past Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
simple, past continuous Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 44–47 Worksheet
Exercise(s): 1–5
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 76–79

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 16 Date 10.7.2024 Day Wednesday
Class 6A, 6G, 6E Time 9.00-12.50 Attendance

World of
Lesson 44 (Writing 9) Topic Adventure Time Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Writing
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
Content 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
form and style for a range of purposes in print
Standard a range of purposes in print and digital media.
and digital media
4.2.5 Connect sentences into two coherent 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, commas in
paragraphs or more using basic coordinating lists, question marks, and speech marks
conjunctions and reference pronouns appropriately at discourse level
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Write at least 4 out of 6 sentences accurately, including punctuation.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Using some examples of pupils’ mistakes in vocabulary or grammar, in particular use of
cohesive devices (linking words) as well as punctuation, play a team game where you
Starter say a sentence with a mistake and pupils then write the sentence accurately, including
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Hand out the worksheet.
 Have pupils work first individually to try to correct the mistakes.
 Ask pupils to compare their answers with their partner and discuss any differences.
Then conduct feedback with the whole class.
 Give some general feedback on pupils’ writing from Lesson 39. Remain positive to
encourage pupils, focussing on the effort they made as much as the positive aspects of
their writing.
Main Activities  Focus specifically on the use of cohesive devices, as relevant.
 Return pupils’ writing with your comments and markings on it.
 Explain the correction code if your pupils are not already familiar with it.
 Have pupils work with a partner to correct the mistakes you have highlighted in their
writing. It’s a good idea to have them do this in a different colour pen.
 Monitor and help pupils by guiding them with questions to make the corrections.
 Collect pupils’ writing again.
 Briefly review their work and check the progress of pupils in their writing. You will use
their work again in Lesson 48.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils answer a simple quiz with the guidance of the teacher.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Cohesion (e.g. but, because), Pupils’ writing from Lesson 39 with Individual
punctuation, tenses review your feedback. Worksheet

No feedback because the lesson is not carried out.

Choose an item.
Remarks The lesson was postponed due to meeting/ briefing/CRK/public holidays/school programme.
Week 16 Date 11.7.2024 Day Thursday
Class 6A, 6E Time 9.00-12.20 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 45 (Listening 9) Topic Adventure Time Theme Family and
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a
Standard contexts variety of contexts
1.2.2 Understand with little or no support specific 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
information and details of longer simple texts on from clues provided by other known words and
a range of familiar topics by context on familiar topics
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Guess the meaning of one words from job advertisement
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils look at the job advert.
 Have pupils talk to a partner before feeding back as a whole class.
Starter  Some of the vocabulary may be new to many pupils. Ask them to try to guess the
meaning from the context of the job advert
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils look at the pictures to predict who is best suited to the job advertised in Activity 1.
 Talk to pupils about the process of applying for a job, including the need for interview.
 Pupils listen to the interview to find specific information about the interviewees.
Main Activities
 Have pupils discuss the questions in small groups of three or four.
 Conduct feedback on groups’ discussions. Ask pupils whether their impressions of the
people from the pictures were correct. Talk to pupils about the risks of pre-judging
others based on appearance (CCE: Values). 7. Follow instructions for Cooler: Hiring a
new teacher. If you have time, pupils could role play the interview in their small groups.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils answer a simple quiz with the guidance of the teacher.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present perfect review Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 43 Exercise(s): Worksheet
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 74–75

No feedback because the lesson was not carried out.

Choose an item.
Remarks The lesson was postponed due to meeting/ briefing/CRK/public holidays/school programme.
Week 16 Date 12.7.2024 Day Friday
Class 6E, 6G Time 10.20-12.20 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 46 (Speaking 9) Topic Adventure Time Theme Family and
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Standard contexts
Learning 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported
Standard and others questions
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Introduce the vocabulary in the box in the Pupil’s Book, p.42 using charades.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Have pupils check their understanding using the definitions of the words from the
prelesson stage in the dictionary.
 Pupils think about questions the interviewer may be asking the interviewee.
 Pupils read and add a question(s) to the form.
Main Activities  Pupils exchange their ideas with a partner and add more questions to the form if they
 Pupils prepare, practise and perform the role play activity.
 Make sure only volunteers come to the front to tell the class about their partner.
 If you have extra time in this lesson, ask pupils to talk in pairs about a job they think
their partner would be good at (CCE: Values).
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils answer a simple quiz with the guidance of the teacher.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present perfect review Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 42 Exercise(s): Worksheet
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 72–73

None achieved the stipulated skill.

Teacher will carry out this lesson on the next day.
Remarks The lesson was postponed due to meeting/ briefing/CRK/public holidays/school programme.
Week 17 Date 15.7.2024 Day Monday
Class 6A, 6G Time 8.00-10.00 Attendance

47 (Language Arts World of

Lesson Topic Adventure Time Theme
9) Stories
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Reading
Content 3.3 Read independently for information and
5.2 Express personal response to literary texts
Standard enjoyment
5.2.1 Describe in simple language a character’s 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non fiction print
actions or feelings and explain the reasons for and digital texts of interest
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Perform the song in groups.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Read statements that may be true or false from Chapter 1 of Akbar’s Dream.
 Pupils stand up if the statement is true and sit down if the statement is false (e.g. Akbar
and his grandfather wanted to go to Agra to see the Taj Mahal - true)
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils read Chapter 2 of Akbar’s Dream (pages 12 - 21) together.
 Get pupils to discuss and recall the sequence of events on Akbar’s journey to Agra
without referring to their books.
 Display jumbled up pictures of events and ask pupils to sequence them.
 Divide pupils into groups and explain that they will be creating a booklet.
Main Activities  Distribute 4 sheets of A4 paper as well as pictures and excerpts from the guidebook
(Appendices 1 and 2, pages 48 - 49) to each group.
 Pupils cut each sheet into half, horizontally. Then, pupils cut out the pictures and
excerpts to match them and arrange them in sequence.
 Check pupils’ work before they paste the cut-outs onto the sheets of paper.
 Pupils compile the sheets of paper to form a booklet and display their work in a gallery
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Have pupils review Chapter 2 for 1 minute.
 Hide one of the pictures of events and ask pupils to guess which picture is missing.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Sequencing adverbs: first, after that, Akbar’s Dream by Jane Langford Individual
next, finally Akbar’s Dream Teacher’s Worksheet
Guidebook Page(s): 47 - 49

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
48 (Language
Awareness 3)
Topic Adventure Time Theme Family and
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Learning Outlines
Starter 1.
Main Activities 8.
Plenary 9.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.

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