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Year 6

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 1 (Reading 1) Topic Welcome Theme Family and
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
print and digital texts by using appropriate a range of purposes in print and digital media
reading strategies
Learning 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple longer 4.2.4 Describe personality.
Standard texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Write at least two sentences about themselves using notes and the personality adjective.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils will play vocabulary game to activate knowledge of words learned in previous years.
 Pupils focus on word sets that will be used in this lesson (personality adjectives, family,
Starter school subjects, free time activities and holidays).
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity.
 Pupils will have to introduce themselves and describe their personality with an
adjective, e.g. Hi! I’m kind Sara.
 Pupils brainstorm personality adjectives and introduce themselves in groups.
 Pupils to make name cards (this could be done at home) showing their personality and
their name.
 Pupils to read the short texts in the Pupil’s Book, p.4. Ask pupils which of the children
they agree with most and what they would like to learn about this year.
 Ask for two or three volunteers to introduce themselves to the class using the texts as a
 Pupils will be asked to introduce themselves to their partner, using the texts and the
Main Activities volunteers as a model.
 Monitor as pupils do this to get an impression of individuals’ levels in your class.
 Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Book, p.18, for Activity 1.
 Pupils listen to the four children talking about themselves.
 Have them read the audio script as they listen.
 Pupils read the script again.
 Pupils will get asked a question to check their overall understanding of the text, for
example: “Which child are you similar to?”
 Pupils tell their partner.
 Pupils will be asked to note two things about themselves in their notebooks.
 Pupils to write at least two sentences about themselves using these notes and the
personality adjective
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils introduce themselves in new groups by reading their self-introduction.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple to describe personality Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
(e.g. I’m kind Sara.) and expectations Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 4–5 Worksheet
(e.g. This year I want to…) Exercise(s): 1
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 18
Copy the audio script for each pupil

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 2 (Writing 1) Topic Welcome Theme Family and
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Speaking
Content 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Standard a range of purposes in print and digital media
Learning 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves
Standard and others and others
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Write at least 5 questions in their exercise books
Learning Outlines
1. Review previous lesson’s personality adjectives and pupils’ names with a short class quiz:
‘Who is [kind]?’
Starter  Ask pupils to display their name cards.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity.
 Briefly review the content of Activity 1 (Pupil’s Book, p.5) by asking pupils what they
remember about the four children.
 They can check what they remember by looking at their answers to Activity 1 from the
previous lesson.
 Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Book (p.19) for Activity 2.
 Pupils work individually to write questions.
 Pupils need to be supported as necessary by writing gapped questions on the board
when eliciting these before the pupils write.
Main Activities
 If pupils find this challenging, review present simple questions at this stage. 4.
 Pupils use their questions to ask a partner about themselves. They should check the
accuracy of their questions as they do this.
 Monitor to assess pupils’ ability to write questions. 5.
 Based on the instructions for Activity 3 (Teacher’s Book, p.19), pupils should ask
members of their group (4–6 pupils) the questions and make a note of the answers. 6.
 Pupils will be asked to write about their group in their notebooks.
 Pupils share their writing with their group and ask each other to check content and
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
Plenary 6. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple questions & answers Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
to talk about oneself (e.g. How many Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 5 Exercise(s): Worksheet
people are there in your family?) 2–3
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 19

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 3 (Listening 1) Topic Welcome Theme Family and
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language
Standard contexts sounds
1.2.2 Understand with little or no support specific 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce independently a
information and details of longer simple texts on wide range of target language phonemes
a range of familiar topics
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. At least count 6 words syllables with their fingers and highlight the stressed syllable as they say the longer words.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils play a game to introduce the two topics (jobs & places), for example Beat the Teacher
(see Pre-lesson Task 7).
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity.
 Follow the instructions for Warm-up in the Teacher’s Book, p.20 –
 Pupils listen to words and categorise them.
 Follow the instructions for Activity 1 (Teacher’s Book, p.20) – pupils find words in the
 Review answers to Step 3 by having pupils listen to the word and point to the picture.
 Drill the new words as they point.
 Focus on difficult sounds and word stress of longer words such as photographer,
Main Activities
businesswoman and police officer.
 Ask pupils to count the syllables with their fingers and highlight the stressed syllable as
they say the longer words.
 Read aloud the definitions you have prepared.
 Pupils listen to your definitions and try to find the words you are describing.
 They should write the words. [E.g. This is a person who rides the waves on a board].
 Check answers and draw attention to spelling where needed.
 Have pupils prepare some similar definitions and play the game in small groups.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Review learning by asking pupils to say which words they often use in their own daily lives.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for defining vocabulary Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
(e.g., This is a person who…) Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 6–7 Worksheet
Exercise(s): 1
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 20
Prepare 4 or 5 definitions for
vocabulary items

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 4 (Speaking 1) Topic Welcome Theme Family and
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Writing
Content 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
Standard a range of purposes in print and digital media
Learning 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves
Standard and others and others
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Pupils able to write at least 3 out 5 true/false statements.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils review new or difficult vocabulary from the previous lesson using an activity from the
pre-lesson task list in Section 3.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity.
 Cooler true-false activity will be conducted by the teacher.
 Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Book, p.20, for Activity 2.
 Pupils will be told to focus on spelling in this activity.
 Pupils will be monitored as to whether they spelled the words correctly.
 Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Book, p.20, for Activity 3, but pupils first say two
Main Activities
true and two false statements in pairs. Then together, they write their statements in their
notebooks. Pairs join another pair.
 Pupils read the other pair’s statements and decide which are true and which are false.
 They explain their answer to the other pair.
 Monitor and check pupils’ work as they do this activity.
 Note examples of common mistakes for Step 6.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. On the board, write one or two sentences’ pupils made mistakes in.
Plenary  Ask pupils to work with a partner to say the correct sentence.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for descriptions (e.g. A Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
chef is coming out of the shop.) Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 6–7 Worksheet
Exercise(s): 2–3
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 20–21

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
5 (Language Arts
Topic Welcome Theme Family and
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Listening
Content 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language
Standard texts sounds
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce independently a
Learning through creating simple stories and simple wide range of target language phonemes
Standard poems Other imaginative responses as
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Perform jazz chants with the help of the teacher.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils look at the pictures around the poem and talk about them.
 Pupils guess what the poem is about.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity.
 Teacher will recite the poem and pupils repeat after them.
 Pupils do the gestures as they recite the poem e.g. jumping, kicking, thirsty, sticky.
 Pupils will get to elicit on who they can relate to best: Jumping John, Kicking Kirsty, Mad
Main Activities Mickey or Fat Fred.
 Teacher will demonstrate how to perform a jazz chant for the first stanza.
 Pupils will be helped to identify the stress and rhythm by clapping hands or snapping
fingers in time to the beat.
 Pupils recite the poem in a form of a jazz chant in groups.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils assess each group’s recitation using Two Stars and a Wish: two things that are good
Plenary (stars) and one thing that can be improved (wish).
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Reported speech (e.g. He said he sat Anthology of Poems for Year 4,5, and Individual
in some glue.) 6 Worksheet
Messing About by Michael Rosen
Page: 27
Contemporary Children’s Literature
Teaching Guidebook (BPK) – Poetry

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