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Introduction To Excel

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Introduction to Spreadsheets
A spreadsheet is a table used to store various types of data. The data is
arranged in rows and columns to make it easier to store, organize, and
analyze the information.

Spreadsheet applications (sometimes referred to simply as spreadsheets)

are computer programs that let you create and manipulate spreadsheets
electronically. In a spreadsheet application, each value sits in a cell. You can
define what type of data is in each cell and how different cells depend on one
another. The relationships between cells are called formulas, and the names
of the cells are called labels.

A sample excel worksheet


 Rows run horizontally in an Excel worksheet. They are identified by a number

in the row header.
 In Excel 2003, there are 65,536 rows in each worksheet. In Excel 2007, there
are more than one million rows.


 Columns run vertically in a spreadsheet and help to identify the

location of data. Each column is identified by a letter in the column
 There are 256 columns in an Excel 2003 worksheet. In Excel 2007,
there are more than 16,000.


 Is the intersection point between a row and a column . Cells are the
basic storage unit for data in a spreadsheet.


 Worksheet is a single page or sheet in a spreadsheet program such as Exce

which is made up of a combination of cells.


 A workbook is a spreadsheet file. By default, each workbook in Excel contains

three pages or worksheets.


1. Efficiency

o You need only enter values, variables and formulas into a

spreadsheet once to calculate results. If you notice a mistake in
one number, or if a situation differs later, you only have to
update the specific entry. All related values change
automatically. This lets you concentrate on entering new values
or planning what-if scenarios, rather than tediously re-entering
editing numbers and formulas.


o The appearance of every part of the spreadsheet lies under your

total control. You can specify the font style and size used for
numbers and text, define the border width and cell size of tables,
add images, and color everything with a brilliant palette. You can
also export your creation in a variety of file formats so it can be
used in everything from printed documents, group presentations
and websites.

o Have you ever written an extra numeral into a phone number?

Or, inadvertently moved a decimal point to the wrong position? A
spreadsheet prevents these typos by enforcing data integrity. On
the simplest level, you can specify a cell format so all entries are
displayed consistently. For more complex assurances, you can
use a macro. Its built-in programming language can present
wizards, forms and options to ease data entry. A macro can
automatically reject or correct wrong entries, as well as sort
them into the correct categories.


o Charts make numerical information understandable by

presenting them as a graphic. Creating them used to require
drawing tools that could only approximate values. With a
spreadsheet, you simply select the numbers you want to include
and choose a chart type. The program automatically creates the
image using precise values. You can easily change options, such
as type and color, transforming charting from a tiresome
manipulation of numbers to a pleasurable exercise in
customizing art.


o A spreadsheet can secure sensitive data from prying eyes by

revealing a file only with a correct user code and password. It
can hide individual cells, like those showing wholesale cost,
depending on users, like customers. It can also lock numbers and
formulas so they are not accidentally erased during data entry.

Disadvantage of spreadsheets applications

1. Hidden Functions

o Spreadsheet applications offer an extensive library of built in

functions, and users who need additional, more advanced
features can even program their own functionality. Many of the
functions included in powerful spreadsheet applications like
Microsoft Excel, though, require the user to know and manually
enter many complex formulas. According to the official Microsoft
website, Excel spreadsheet users can select basic functions from
icons at the top of the spreadsheet view, but users must call
more advanced features by manually entering a formula or
command into a spreadsheet cell. Users who require a higher
level of operation can use the Microsoft's own programming
language, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), to create the
functionality, according to Microsoft's Excel reference website; to
meet this need and perform this task though, users must have
some familiarity with the VBA language.

Confusion of Use

o Spreadsheet applications can appear somewhat intimidating to

uninitiated users, and this overwhelming initial appearance can
lead users to use the applications for unintended purposes. Users
should employ spreadsheet applications only for purposes of
short-term data compilation and analysis, not for the long-term
data storage that many users attempt. In addition, some uses of
spreadsheets, especially data sorting and sharing, are better
handled in databases. Spreadsheets offer limited sorting,
querying and sharing abilities while programmers design
database applications such as Microsoft Access and Apple
Filemaker to serve these purposes. Because many users remain
unfamiliar with spreadsheet capabilities, they may continue to
ineffectively use spreadsheets for these database functions.

Limits on Simple Functions

o Though spreadsheet applications can perform very advanced

and highly complex calculations with ease, the software
packages often limit or entirely omit simple functionality.
According to Murdoch University, spreadsheets lack the ability to
calculate simple algebraic equations, and spreadsheet users may
experience significant challenges when attempting to graph a
function that includes numerous algebraic variables. Many users,
too, attempt to type short descriptions or input text data into
spreadsheet cells; because spreadsheets revolve almost
exclusively around numbers, rather than letters, simple word
processing functions may not exist. The absence of word
processing functions like spell check and paragraph formatting
can create challenges for users who enter considerable amounts
of text, embed documentation or wish to create elaborate
spreadsheet headers.

Excel Errors

error Description

##### error Excel displays this error when a column is not

wide enough to display all the characters in a
cell, or a cell contains negative date or time

For example, a formula that subtracts a date in

the future from a date in the past, such as
=06/15/2008-07/01/2008, results in a
negative date value.
#DIV/0! error Excel displays this error when a number is
divided either by zero (0) or by a cell that
contains no value.

#N/A error Excel displays this error when a value is not

available to a function or formula.

#NAME? error This error is displayed when Excel does not

recognize text in a formula. For example, a
range name or the name of a function may be
spelled incorrectly.

#NULL! error Excel displays this error when you specify an

intersection of two areas that do not intersect
(cross). The intersection operator is a space
character that separates references in a

For example, the areas A1:A2 and C3:C5 do not

intersect, so entering the formula =SUM(A1:A2
C3:C5) returns the #NULL! error.

#NUM! error Excel displays this error when a formula or

function contains invalid numeric values.

#REF! error Excel displays this error when when a cell

reference is not valid. For example, you may
have deleted cells that were referred to by other
formulas, or you may have pasted cells that you
moved on top of cells that were referred to by
other formulas.

#VALUE! error Excel can display this error if your formula

includes cells that contain different data types.
If error checking for formulas is enabled, the
ScreenTip displays "A value used in the formula
is of the wrong data type." You can typically fix
this problem by making minor changes to your

Starting Excel

1. Go to the Start Button on the Desktop and press it. Click on All Programs.

2. Then click on Microsoft Office, then Microsoft Office Excel 2007.

3. This opens the Excel 2007 program.

Excel 2007 screen parts/components

1. Office Button
clicking on the Office Button displays a drop down menu containing a
number of options, such as open, save, and print. The options in the
Office Button menu are very similar to those found under the File menu
in previous versions of Excel.
2. Quick Access Toolbar
This customizable toolbar allows you to add frequently used
commands. Click on the down arrow at the end of the toolbar to
display the available options.
3. Ribbon
The Ribbon is the strip of buttons and icons located above the work
area in Excel 2007. The Ribbon replaces the menus and toolbars found
in earlier versions of Excel. It has seven tabs: Home, Insert, Page Layouts,
Formulas, Data, Review, and View. Each tab is divided into groups. The groups are
logical collections of features designed to perform function that you will utilize in
developing or editing your Excel spreadsheets.

Home: Clipboard, Fonts, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells, Editing

Insert: Tables, Illustrations, Charts, Links, Text
Page Layouts: Themes, Page Setup, Scale to Fit, Sheet Options, Arrange
Formulas: Function Library, Defined Names, Formula Auditing, Calculation
Data: Get External Data, Connections, Sort & Filter, Data Tools, Outline
Review: Proofing, Comments, Changes
View: Workbook Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros
4. Active Cell
In an Excel 2007 worksheet, the cell with the black outline. Data is always
entered into the active cell.
5. Name Box
Located next to the formula bar, the Name Box displays the cell reference or
the name of the active cell.
6. N/B (a cell reference identifies the location a cell or group of cells in the
spreadsheet. Sometimes referred to as a cell address, a cell reference
consists of the column letter and row number that intersect at the cell's
7. Formula Bar
Located above the worksheet, this area displays the contents of the active
cell. It can also be used for entering or editing data and formulas.
8. Column Letter
Columns run vertically on a worksheet and each one is identified by a letter in
the column header
9. Row Numbers
Rows run horizontally in a worksheet and are identified by a number in
the row header. Together a column letter and a row number create a
cell reference. Each cell in the worksheet can be identified by this
combination of letters and numbers such as A1, F456, or AA34.
10. Sheet Tabs
By default there are three worksheets in an Excel file.
The tab at the bottom of a worksheet tells you the name of the worksheet -
such as Sheet1, Sheet2 etc.
Switching between worksheets can be done by clicking on the tab of the
sheet you wish to access.
Renaming a worksheet or changing the tab color can make it easier to keep
track of data in large spreadsheet files

Starting Excel:

1. Go to the Start Button on the Desktop and press it. Click on All Programs.

2. Then click on Microsoft Office, then Microsoft Office Excel 2007.

3. This opens the Excel 2007 program.

Navigating through a worksheet

Shortcut Action

Ctrl-down arrow -Think If the active cell is in a range of cells holding data, the cursor jumps to the
bottommost cell in that range. If the active cell is empty, the cursor jumps to the next cell down that
contains data.

Ctrl-up arrow If the active cell is in a range of cells holding data, the cursor jumps to the topmost cell in
that range. If the active cell is empty, the cursor jumps to the next cell up that contains data.

Ctrl-left arrow/Ctrl-right arrow As above, but row-wise, left and right Page up/page down Displays the
previous and next page in the worksheet

Ctrl-home Jumps to the very beginning of the worksheet, i.e. cell A1

Ctrl-page down/ctrl-page up Jumps to the next/previous worksheet in the work book

Ctrl-end Jumps to the end of the section of the worksheet that contains data

2. Creating Work Books and Entering Data In

Concept of workbook in relation to files

An Excel Workbook is a file used by a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet application. Excel workbooks are
actually sets of spreadsheet 'pages', each of which can include separate data.

To Create a new workbook

1. Click on the office button
2. Click on new
3. On the new workbook dialogue box, click on blank workbook
4. Click on create
5. A new workbook is created
To Save a workbook

1. Click the Microsoft Office Button

2. Point to Save As. You can save a workbook in many ways, but the two most
common are as an Excel Workbook, which saves it with a 2007 file
extension, and as an Excel 97-2003 Workbook, which saves the file in a
compatible format so people who have earlier versions of Excel can open the
3. Type in the name for the Workbook
4. In the Save as Type box, choose Excel 97-2003 Workbook
5. select the location to save your file
6. In the file name box type your file name
7. Click on save
Close workbook
1. Click on the office button
2. Click on close

Open a Workbook
To open an existing workbook:

 Click the Microsoft Office Button

 Click Open
 Browse to the workbook
 Click the title of the workbook
 Click Open

Enter data in the worksheet

Entering Data
There are different ways to enter data in Excel: in an active cell or in the formula bar.
To enter data in an active cell:

 Click in the cell where you want the data

 Begin typing
To enter data into the formula bar

 Click the cell where you would like the data

 Place the cursor in the Formula Bar
 Type in the data

Shortcut methods of executing commands

CTRL+B Applies or removes bold formatting
CTRL+C Copies the selected cells.
CTRL+C followed by another
CTRL+C display the Clipboard.
CTRL+D Uses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost cell of a selected
range into the cells below.
CTRL+F Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Find tab selected.
CTRL+G Displays the Go To dialog box. F5 also displays this dialog box.
CTRL+H Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Replace tab selected.
CTRL IA pplies or removes italic formatting in Microsoft Excel
CTRL+K Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box for new hyperlinks or the Edit Hyperlink dialog box for
selected existing hyperlinks.
CTRL+N Creates a new, blank workbook.
CTRL O Displays the Open dialog box to open or find a file.
CTRL SHFT O selects all cells that contain comments in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+P Displays the Print dialog box.
CTRL+SHFT+P opens the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected.
CTRL+R Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the leftmost cell of a selected
range into the cells to the right.
CTRL+S Saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format.
CTRL T Displays the Create Table dialog box in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+U Applies or removes underlining.
CTRL+SHFT+U switches between expanding and collapsing of the formula bar.
CTRL+V Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point and replaces any selection. Available
only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents.
CTRL+W Closes the selected workbook window.
CTRL+ X Cuts the selected cells.
CTRL Y repeats the last command or action, if possible in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+ ZUses the Undo command to reverse the last command or to delete the last entry that you
typed. CTRL+SHFT+Z uses the Undo or Redo command to reverse or restore the last automatic
correction when AutoCorrect Smart Tags are displayed

3. Editing a Workbook
To Edit or Delete Text:

 Select the cell.

 Press the Backspace key on your keyboard to delete text and make a correction.
 Press the Delete key to delete the entire contents of a cell.

You can also make changes to and delete text from the formula bar. Just select the cell and place your insertion
point in the formula bar.

To Move Through a Worksheet Using the Keyboard:

 Press the Tab key to move to the right of the selected cell.
 Press the Shift key and then the Tab key to move to the left of the selected cell.
 Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to navigate the worksheet.
 Use the arrow keys.

Copy and move worksheets within a workbook and

between workbooks

Excel allows you to move, copy, and paste cells and cell content through cutting and pasting and
copying and pasting.

Select Data
To select a cell or data to be copied or cut:

 Click the cell

 Click and drag the cursor to select many cells in a range

Select a Row or Column
To select a row or column click on the row or column header.

Copy and Paste

To copy and paste data:

 Select the cell(s) that you wish to copy

 On the Clipboard group of the Home tab, click Copy

 Select the cell(s) where you would like to copy the data
 On the Clipboard group of the Home tab, click Paste

Cut and Paste

To cut and paste data:

 Select the cell(s) that you wish to copy

 On the Clipboard group of the Home tab, click Cut
 Select the cell(s) where you would like to copy the data
 On the Clipboard group of the Home tab, click Paste

Undo and Redo

To undo or redo your most recent actions:

 On the Quick Access Toolbar

 Click Undo or Redo

Auto Fill
The Auto Fill feature fills cell data or series of data in a worksheet into a selected range of cells.
If you want the same data copied into the other cells, you only need to complete one cell. If you
want to have a series of data (for example, days of the week) fill in the first two cells in the series
and then use the auto fill feature. To use the Auto Fill feature:

 Click the Fill Handle

 Drag the Fill Handle to complete the cells

Inset, delete, hide and unhide rows and columns and


To Insert Rows:

 Select the row below where you want the new row to appear.
 Click the Insert command in the Cells group on the Home tab. The row will appear.
The new row always appears above the selected row.

Make sure that you select the entire row below where you want the new row to appear and not just the cell. If you
select just the cell and then click Insert, only a new cell will appear.

To Insert Columns:

 Select the column to the right of where you want the column to appear.
 Click the Insert command in the Cells group on the Home tab. The column will appear.

The new column always appears to the left of the selected column. For example, if you want to insert a column
between September and October, select the October column and click the Insert command.

Make sure that you select the entire column to the right of where you want the new column to appear and not just
the cell. If you select just the cell and then click Insert, only a new cell will appear.

To Delete Rows and Columns:

 Select the row or column you’d like to delete.

 Click the Delete command in the Cells group on the Home tab.

Use the Budget or any Excel workbook you choose to complete this challenge.

 Open a workbook.
 Insert a column.
 Insert a row.
 Delete a column.
 Change the width of a column using AutoAdjust.
 Change the height of a row.
 Close and save the file.

To Insert a New Worksheet:

 Left-click the Insert Worksheet icon. A new sheet will appear. It will be named Sheet4, Sheet5 or
whatever the next sequential sheet number may be in the workbook.


 Press the Shift and the F11 keys on your keyboard.

Deleting Worksheets

Any worksheet can be deleted from a workbook, including those that have data in it. Remember, a workbook must
contain at least one worksheet.

To Delete One or More Worksheets:

 Click on the sheet(s) you want to delete.

 Right-click the sheet(s) and a menu appears.
 Select Delete.

 Select the sheet you want to remove.
 Click the drop-down arrow next to Delete in the Cells group on the Home tab.
 From the menu that appears, select Delete Sheet.

To Modify Column Width:

 Position the cursor over the column line in the column heading and a double arrow will appear.

 Left-click the mouse and drag the cursor to the right to increase the column width or to the left to
decrease the column width.
 Release the mouse button.
 Left-click the column heading of a column you'd like to modify. The entire column will appear

 Click the Format command in the Cells group on the Home tab. A menu will appear.
 Select Column Width to enter a specific column measurement.
 Select AutoFit Column Width to adjust the column so all the text will fit.

To Modify the Row Height:

 Position the cursor over the row line you want to modify and a double arrow will appear.

 Left-click the mouse and drag the cursor upward to decrease the row height or downward to increase the
row height.
 Release the mouse button.
 Click the Format command in the Cells group on the Home tab. A menu will appear.
 Select Row Height to enter a specific row measurement.
 Select AutoFit Row Height to adjust the row so all the text will fit.

Renaming worksheets

 Right-click the sheet tab to select it.

 Choose Rename from the menu that appears. The text is highlighted by a black box.

 Type a new name for the worksheet.

 Click off the tab. The worksheet now assumes the descriptive name defined.
 Click the Format command in the Cells group on the Home tab.
 Select Rename Sheet. The text is highlighted by a black box.
 Type a new name for the worksheet.
 Click off the tab. The worksheet now assumes the descriptive name defined.

4. Formatting Data in Worksheets

Specifying the types of data

To Format Numbers and Dates:

 Select the cell or cells you want to format.

 Left-click the drop-down arrow next to the Number Format box.
 Select one of the options for formatting numbers.

By default, the numbers appear in the General category, which means there is no special formatting.

In the Number group, you have some other options. For example, you can change the U.S. dollar sign to another
currency format, numbers to percents, add commas, and change the decimal location.

Formatting Cells.

To Format Text in Bold or Italics:

 Left-click a cell to select it or drag your cursor over the text in the formula bar to select it.
 Click the Bold or Italics command.
You can select entire columns and rows, or specific cells. To select the entire column, just left-click the column
heading and the entire column will appear as selected. To select specific cells, just left-click a cell and drag your
mouse to select the other cells. Then, release the mouse button.

To Format Text as Underlined:

 Select the cell or cells you want to format.

 Click the drop-down arrow next to the Underline command.
 Select the Single Underline or Double Underline option.

To Change the Font Style

 Select the cell or cells you want to format.

 Left-click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Style box on the Home tab.
 Select a font style from the list.

As you move over the font list, the Live Preview feature previews the font for you in the spreadsheet.

To Change the Font Size:

 Select the cell or cells you want to format.

 Left-click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Size box on the Home tab.
 Select a font size from the list.
To Change the Text Color:

 Select the cell or cells you want to format.

 Left-click the drop-down arrow next to the Text Color command. A color palette will appear.
 Select a color from the palette.


 Select More Colors. A dialog box will appear.

 Select a color.
 Click OK.

To Add a Border:

 Select the cell or cells you want to format.

 Click the drop-down arrow next to the Borders command on the Home tab. A menu will appear with
border options.
 Left-click an option from the list to select it.

You can change the line style and color of the border.

To add a Fill Color:

 Select the cell or cells you want to format.

 Click the Fill command. A color palette will appear.
 Select a color.


 Select More Colors. A dialog box will appear.

 Select a color.
 Click OK.

Aligning cell contents

Worksheets that have not been formatted are often very difficult to read. Fortunately, Excel gives you many tools
that allow you to format text and tables in various ways. One of the ways you can format your worksheet so that it
is easier to work with is to apply different types of alignment to text.

In this lesson, you will learn how to left, center, and right align text, merge and center cells, vertically align text, and
apply different types of text control.

Aligning Text

Excel 2007 left-aligns text (labels) and right-aligns numbers (values). This makes data easier to read, but you do
not have to use these defaults. Text and numbers can be defined as left-aligned, right-aligned or centered in Excel.

To Align Text or Numbers in a Cell:

 Select a cell or range of cells

 Click on either the Align Left, Center or Align Right commands on the Home tab.

 The text or numbers in the cell(s) take on the selected alignment treatment.

Left-click a column label to select the entire column, or a row label to select an entire row.

Formatting Text

The Formatting Toolbar allows you to make many changes to your text to give it the look you want for your

To Format Text

 In the Formatting Toolbar, click on the down-pointing arrow OR button for the item you want to format.
 For example, to set the font size for text you haven't typed yet, click on the down-pointing arrow next to the
number and choose the font size. To change the font color, click on the down-pointing arrow next to the
"underlined" A.

 To make formatting changes to existing text, highlight the text and click on the down-pointing arrow OR
button for the formatting change.

Take some time to experiment with the different formatting options to decide what's best for your presentation.

Changing Vertical Cell Alignment

You can also define vertical alignment in a cell. In Vertical alignment, information in a cell can be located at the
top of the cell, middle of the cell or bottom of the cell. The default is bottom.

To Change Vertical Alignment from the Alignment Group:

 Select a cell or range of cells.

 Click the Top Align, Center, or Bottom Align command.

Changing Text Control

Text Control allows you to control the way Excel 2007 presents information in a cell. There are two common types
of Text control: Wrapped Text and Merge Cells.

The Wrapped Text wraps the contents of a cell across several lines if it's too large than the column width. It
increases the height of the cell as well.

Merge Cells can also be applied by using the Merge and Center button on the Home tab.
To Change Text Control:

 Select a cell or range of cells.

 Select the Home tab.
 Click the Wrap Text command or the Merge and Center command.

If you change your mind, click the drop-down arrow next to the command, and choose Unmerge cells.


Use the Inventory workbook or any workbook you choose to complete this challenge.

 Insert a row and center-align the text.

 Insert a column and left-align the text.
 Use the merge and center command to add a title row.
 Apply the wrapped text command to the entire table.
 Practice using the other features discussed in this lesson.

Adding and removing patterns

Imagine you have a spreadsheet with thousands of rows of data. It would be extremely difficult to see patterns and
trends just from examining the raw data. Excel gives us several tools that will make this task easier. One of these
tools is called conditional formatting. With conditional formatting, you can apply formatting to one or more cells
based on the value of the cell. You can highlight interesting or unusual cell values, and visualize the data using
formatting such as data bars.

To Apply Conditional Formatting:

 Select the cells you would like to format.

 Select the Home tab.
 Locate the Styles group.
 Click the Conditional Formatting command. A menu will appear with your formatting options.
 Select one of the options to apply it to the selected cells. A cascading menu will appear.

 An additional dialog box may appear, depending on the option you choose.
 If so, make the necessary choices, and click OK.
To Remove Conditional Formatting Rules:

 Click the Conditional Formatting command.

 Select Clear Rules. A cascading menu appears.
 Choose to clear rules from the entire worksheet or the selected cells.

Using auto format feature to format data

There are 17 Autoformat styles available in Excel. These styles affect six main formatting areas: number
formatting, borders, fonts, patterns and background color, alignment, and column and row size.

Although readily available in earlier versions of Excel, Microsoft chose not to add Autoformat to
one of the tabs of the ribbon in Excel. The first step to using Autoformat, therefore, is to add the
Autoformat button to the Quick Access Toolbar so that we can use it.

Add the Autoformat Button to the Quick Access Toolbar

1. Click on down arrow at the end of the Quick Access Toolbar to open the drop down menu.
2. Choose More Commands from the list to open the Customize the Quick Access Toolbar dialog
3. Click on down arrow at the end of the Choose commands from line to open the drop down
4. Choose All Commands from the list to see all the commands available in Excel in the left hand
5. Scroll through this alphabetical list to find the Autoformat command.
6. Click on Add button between the command panes to add the Autoformat button to the Quick
Access Toolbar.
7. Click OK.
8. The Autoformat button should now be added to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Applying an Autoformat Style

1. Select only the data on the worksheet that you want formatted

2. After adding the Autoformat button to the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Autoformat button
to bring up the feature's dialog box

3. Scroll through the list of available styles

4. Click on the one you want to use

5. Click OK

6. The chosen Autoformat style should be applied to the selected data.

If none of the styles are quite to your liking, you can modify them either before or after they have
been applied to your worksheet.

Modify an Autoformat Style before Applying

To modify a style before applying it:

1. Click on the options button at the bottom of the Autoformat dialog box.

2. Deselect any of the six formatting areas such as font, borders, or alignment before applying the
style in order to deactivate them.

3. Click OK to apply the modified style.

Modify an Autoformat Style after Applying

Once you have applied a style you can modify it further using Excel’s regular formatting options
located mostly on the Home tab of the ribbon.

Many people use the Autoformat options as a starting point and then use the regular formatting
options to fine-tune their selection to meets their needs.

Protecting data in a worksheet

Protect a Worksheet in Excel

1. Open an Excel file to protect. If you open a new file all cells in the worksheet will be protected. If
you wish, follow the example in step one to unlock certain cells in a worksheet.

2. Click on the Home tab.

3. Choose the Format option on the ribbon to open the drop down list.

4. Click on Protect Sheet option at the bottom of the list to open the Protect Sheet dialog box.

5. This dialog box contains a number of options when protecting the worksheet.

6. The first option is to add a password to prevent worksheet protection from being turned off.
This password does not stop users from opening the worksheet and viewing the contents.

7. Next there a number of options that can be turned on or off with check boxes. The first two
allow a user to drag select locked and unlocked cells. If these two are turned off, users will not
be able to make any changes to a worksheet - even if it contains unlocked cells.

8. The remaining options allow users to carry out specific tasks on a protected worksheet, such as
formatting cells and sorting data.

9. These options, however, do not all work the same. For instance, if the format cells option is
checked off when a sheet is protected, all cells can be formatted. The sort option, on the other
hand, works only on those cells that have been unlocked before the sheet was protected.

10. When you have selected the appropriate options, click OK.

Turning Off Worksheet Protection

1. Click on the Home tab.

2. Choose the Format option on the ribbon to open the drop down list.

3. Click on Unprotect Sheet option at the bottom of the list.

5. Working With Ranges and Formulae and functions in a

Excel Formulas
A formula is a set of mathematical instructions defined by user that can be used in Excel to
perform calculations. Formals are started in the formula box with an = sign.

There are many elements to and excel formula.

References: The cell or range of cells that you want to use in your calculation
Operators: Symbols (+, -, *, /, etc.) that specify the calculation to be performed
Constants: Numbers or text values that do not change
Functions: Predefined formulas in Excel

To create a basic formula in Excel:

 Select the cell for the formula

 Type = (the equal sign) and the formula
 Click Enter

Step 1: Entering the data

Note: For help with this tutorial refer to the image above.

1. Type a 3 in cell E1 and press the ENTER key on the keyboard.

2. Type a 2 in cell E2 and press the ENTER key on the keyboard.

3. Click on cell E3 (outlined in black in the image) with your mouse pointer.

4. Type the equal sign ( = ) in cell E3.

 Click on cell E1 with the mouse pointer to enter the cell reference into the formula.

 Type a plus ( + ) sign.

 Click on cell E2 with the mouse pointer to enter the cell reference into the formula.

 Press the ENTER key on the keyboard.

 The answer 5 should appear in cell E3.

 Click on cell E3. The formula = E1 + E2 is shown in the formula bar

Mathematical Operators

Creating formulas in Microsoft Excel is not difficult. Just combine the cell references of your
data with the correct mathematical operator.

The mathematical operators used in Excel formulas are similar to the ones used in math class.

 Subtraction - minus sign ( - )

 Addition - plus sign ( + )
 Division - forward slash ( / )
 Multiplication - asterisk ( * )
 Exponentiation - caret ( ^ )

Excel Order of Operations

If more than one operator is used in a formula, there is a specific order that Excel will follow
to perform these mathematical operations. This order of operations can be changed by adding
brackets to the equation. An easy way to remember the order of operations is to use the
acronym: BEDMAS (Brackets-Exponents-Division-Multiplication-Addition-Subtraction)

To Create a Simple Formula that Adds the Contents of Two Cells:

 Click the cell where the answer will appear (C5, for example).
 Type the equal sign (=) to let Excel know a formula is being defined.
 Type the cell number that contains the first number to be added (C3, for example).
 Type the addition sign (+) to let Excel know that an add operation is to be performed.
 Type the cell address that contains the second number to be added (C4, for example).
 Press Enter or click the Enter button on the Formula bar to complete the formula.

To Create a Simple Formula using the Point and Click Method:

 Click the cell where the answer will appear (C30, for example).
 Type the equal sign (=) to let Excel know a formula is being defined.
 Click on the first cell to be included in the formula (C5, for example).
 Type the subtraction sign (-) to let Excel know that a subtraction operation is to be performed.
 Click on the next cell in the formula (C29, for example).

 Press Enter or click the Enter button on the Formula bar to complete the formula.

To Create a Simple Formula that Multiplies the Contents of Two Cells:

 Select the cell where the answer will appear (E32, for example).
 Type the equal sign (=) to let Excel know a formula is being defined.
 Click on the first cell to be included in the formula (C9, for example) or type a number.
 Type the multiplication symbol (*) by pressing the Shift key and then the number 8 key. The operator
displays in the cell and Formula bar.
 Click on the next cell in the formula or type a number (12, for example).
 Press Enter or click the Enter button on the Formula bar to complete the formula.

To Create a Simple Formula that Divides One Cell by Another:

 Click the cell where the answer will appear.

 Type the equal sign (=) to let Excel know a formula is being defined.
 Click on the first cell to be included in the formula.
 Type a division symbol. The operator displays in the cell and Formula bar.
 Click on the next cell in the formula.
 Enter or click the Enter button on the Formula bar to complete the formula.

Complex Formulas

Simple Formula: =2+2

Complex Formula: =2+2*8

Creating Complex Formulas

Excel automatically follows a standard order of operations in a complex formula. If you want a certain portion of
the formula to be calculated first, put it in parentheses.

Example of How to Write a Complex Formula:

 Click the cell where you want the formula result to appear. In this example, H6.
 Type the equal sign (=) to let Excel know a formula is being defined.
 Type an open parenthesis, or (
 Click on the first cell to be included in the formula (G6, for example).
 Type the addition sign (+) to let Excel know that an add operation is to be performed.
 Click on the second cell in the formula (G7, for example)
 Type a close parentheses ).
 Type the next mathematical operator, or the division symbol (/) to let Excel know that a division operation
is to be performed.
 Type an open parenthesis, or (
 Click on the third cell to be included in the formula (D6, for example).
 Type the addition sign (+) to let Excel know that an add operation is to be performed.
 Click on the fourth cell to be included in formula. (D7, for example).
 Type a close parentheses ).

 Very Important: Press Enter or click the Enter button on the Formula bar. This step ends the formula.

To show fewer decimal places, you can just click the Decrease Decimal place command on the Home tab.

Absolute Reference and relative reference.

A relative reference is when a cell references in formulas automatically adjust to new locations when the formula
is pasted into different cells.
Sometimes, when you copy and paste a formula, you don't want one or more cell references to change. Absolute
reference solves this problem. Absolute cell references in a formula always refer to the same cell or cell range in a
formula. If a formula is copied to a different location, the absolute reference remains the same.

An absolute reference is designated in the formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($). It can precede the column
reference or the row reference, or both. Examples of absolute referencing include:

To Create an Absolute Reference:

 Select the cell where you wish to write the formula (in this example, H2)
 Type the equal sign (=) to let Excel know a formula is being defined.
 Click on the first cell to be included in the formula (F2, for example).
 Enter a mathematical operator (use the multiplication symbol for this example).
 Click on the second cell in the formula (C2, for example).
 Add a $ sign before the C and a $ sign before the 2 to create an absolute reference.

 Copy the formula into H3. The new formula should read =F3*$C$2. The F2 reference changed to F3 since
it is a relative reference, but C2 remained constant since you created an absolute reference by inserting the
dollar signs.

Use the Inventory or any Excel workbook you choose to complete this challenge.

 Create at least one complex formula that uses the addition and division operations.
 Create at least one complex formula that uses parentheses and a multiplication operation.

Create a formula that uses an absolute reference.

Mixed Cell Addressing

You use mixed cell addressing to reference a cell when you want to copy part of it absolute and
part relative. For example, the row can be absolute and the column relative. You can use the F4
key to create a mixed cell reference


A function is a built in formula in Excel or a predefined equation in excel. A function has a
name and arguments (the mathematical function) in parentheses. Common functions in Excel:

Sum: Adds all cells in the argument

Average: Calculates the average of the cells in the argument
Min: Finds the minimum value
Max: Finds the maximum value
Count: Finds the number of cells that contain a numerical value within a range of the argument

To calculate a function:

 Click the cell where you want the function applied

EXAMPLE 1: SUM function

1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Type the above data
3. Type =SUM(B1:B3) in cell A4.
4. Press Enter. The sum of cells B1 to B3, which is 63, appears.

Alternate Method: Enter a Function with the Ribbon

1. Type 150,85,65 in cell C1, C2 and C3 respectively

2. Choose the Formulas tab.
3. Click the Insert Function button. The Insert Function dialog box appears.
4. Choose Math & Trig in the Or Select A Category box.
5. Click Sum in the Select A Function box.
6. Click OK. The Function Arguments dialog box appears.

12. Type C1:C3 in the Number1 field, if it does not automatically appear.
13. Click OK. The sum of cells C1 to C3, which is 300, appears.

Advanced Functions if functions

Returns one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE.
Use IF to conduct conditional tests on values and formulas.



Logical_test is any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. For example,
A10=100 is a logical expression; if the value in cell A10 is equal to 100, the expression evaluates to
TRUE. Otherwise, the expression evaluates to FALSE. This argument can use any comparison
calculation operator.

Value_if_true is the value that is returned if logical_test is TRUE. For example, if this argument is the text
string "Within budget" and the logical_test argument evaluates to TRUE, then the IF function displays the
text "Within budget". If logical_test is TRUE and value_if_true is blank, this argument returns 0 (zero). To
display the word TRUE, use the logical value TRUE for this argument. Value_if_true can be another

Value_if_false is the value that is returned if logical_test is FALSE. For example, if this argument is the
text string "Over budget" and the logical_test argument evaluates to FALSE, then the IF function displays
the text "Over budget". If logical_test is FALSE and value_if_false is omitted, (that is, after value_if_true,
there is no comma), then the logical value FALSE is returned. If logical_test is FALSE and value_if_false
is blank (that is, after value_if_true, there is a comma followed by the closing parenthesis), then the value
0 (zero) is returned. Value_if_false can be another formula.

Example 1



Formula Description (Result)

=IF(A2<=100,"Within If the number above is less than or equal to

budget","Over budget") 100, then the formula displays "Within
budget". Otherwise, the function displays
"Over budget" (Within budget)

=IF(A2=100,SUM(B5:B15),"") If the number above is 100, then the range

B5:B15 is calculated. Otherwise, empty text
("") is returned ()

Example 2

1 A B

2 Actual Expenses Predicted Expenses

3 1500 900

4 500 900
500 925

Formula Description (Result)

=IF(A2>B2,"Over Checks whether the first row is over budget

Budget","OK") (Over Budget)

=IF(A3>B3,"Over Checks whether the second row is over budget

Budget","OK") (OK)

Example 3




Formula Description (Result)

=IF(A2>89,"A",IF(A2>79,"B", Assigns a letter grade to the

IF(A2>69,"C",IF(A2>59,"D","F")))) first score (F)

=IF(A3>89,"A",IF(A3>79,"B", Assigns a letter grade to the

IF(A3>69,"C",IF(A3>59,"D","F")))) second score (A)

=IF(A4>89,"A",IF(A4>79,"B", Assigns a letter grade to the

IF(A4>69,"C",IF(A4>59,"D","F")))) third score (C)

In the preceding example, the second IF statement is also the value_if_false argument to the first IF
statement. Similarly, the third IF statement is the value_if_false argument to the second IF statement. For
example, if the first logical_test (Average>89) is TRUE, "A" is returned. If the first logical_test is FALSE,
the second IF statement is evaluated, and so on.

The letter grades are assigned to numbers using the following key.

If Score is return

Greater than A

From 80 to B
From 70 to C

From 60 to D

Less than 60 F

6. Working with Large Worksheets


A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet can contain a great deal of information. With more rows and columns than previous
versions, Excel 2007 gives you the ability to analyze and work with an enormous amount of data. To most
effectively use this data, you may need to manipulate this data in different ways.

A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet can contain a great deal of information. Sometimes you may find that you need to
reorder or sort that information, create groups, or filter information to be able to use it most effectively.

Sorting lists is a common spreadsheet task that allows you to easily reorder your data. The most common
type of sorting is alphabetical ordering, which you can do in ascending or descending order.

To Sort in Alphabetical Order:

 Select a cell in the column you want to sort (In this example, we choose a cell in column A).
 Click the Sort & Filter command in the Editing group on the Home tab.
 Select Sort A to Z. Now the information in the Category column is organized in alphabetical order.

You can Sort in reverse alphabetical order by choosing Sort Z to A in the list.

To Sort from Smallest to Largest:

 Select a cell in the column you want to sort (a column with numbers).
 Click the Sort & Filter command in the Editing group on the Home tab.
 Select From Smallest to Largest. Now the information is organized from the smallest to largest amount.

You can sort in reverse numerical order by choosing From Largest to Smallest in the list.
To Sort Multiple Levels:

 Click the Sort & Filter command in the Editing group on the Home tab.
 Select Custom Sort from the list to open the dialog box.


 Select the Data tab.

 Locate the Sort and Filter group.
 Click the Sort command to open the Custom Sort dialog box. From here, you can sort by one item, or
multiple items.

 Click the drop-down arrow in the Column Sort by field, and choose one of the options. In this example,

 Choose what to sort on. In this example, we'll leave the default as Value.
 Choose how to order the results. Leave it as A to Z so it is organized alphabetically.
 Click Add Level to add another item to sort by.
 Select an option in the Column Then by field. In this example, we chose Unit Cost.
 Choose what to sort on. In this example, we'll leave the default as Value.
 Choose how to order the results. Leave it as smallest to largest.
 Click OK.

The spreadsheet has been sorted. All the categories are organized in alphabetical order, and within each category,
the unit cost is arranged from smallest to largest.

Remember all of the information and data is still here. It's just in a different order.

Filtering Cells

Filtering, or temporarily hiding, data in a spreadsheet very easy. This allows you to focus on specific spreadsheet

To Filter Data:

 Click the Filter command on the Data tab. Drop-down arrows will appear beside each column heading.
 Click the drop-down arrow next to the heading you would like to filter. For example, if you would like to
only view data regarding Flavors, click the drop-down arrow next to Category.

 Uncheck Select All.

 Choose Flavor.
 Click OK. All other data will be filtered, or hidden, and only the Flavor data is visible.

To Clear One Filter:

 Select one of the drop-down arrows next to a filtered column.
 Choose Clear Filter From....

To remove all filters, click the Filter command.

Filtering may look a little like grouping, but the difference is that now I can filter on another field, if I want to. For
example, let’s say I want to see only the Vanilla-related flavors. I can click the drop-down arrow next to Item, and
select Text Filters. From the menu, I’ll choose Contains because I want to find any entry that has the word vanilla
in it. A dialog box appears. We’ll type Vanilla, and then click OK. Now we can see that the data has been filtered
again and that only the Vanilla-related flavors appear.


Use the Inventory workbook or any workbook you choose to complete this challenge.

 Use the Sort command to sort data alphabetically.

 Use the Sort command to sort data numerically from smallest to largest.
 Create groups using the Subtotal command.
 Practice using the Filter command.

Creating and viewing different sheets simultaneous

1. Activate view tab
2. Under windows group, click on arrange all
3. Click on either tiled, vertical, horizontal or cascade
4. Click ok
Creating identical sheets in the same worksheet file
Split a Worksheet
You can split a worksheet into multiple resizable panes for easier viewing of parts of a
worksheet. To split a worksheet:

 Select any cell in center of the worksheet you want to split

 Click the Split button on the View tab
 Notice the split in the screen, you can manipulate each part separately

Linking sheets

1. In the source spreadsheet or worksheet, select the cell you want to link to and click the Copy
button on the Home tab (or right-click and select Copy).
2. Switch to the destination spreadsheet and click the cell where you want the link. Then from the
Home tab, click the down arrow below Paste and click Paste Link.
3. Return to the source worksheet and press ESC to remove the animated border around the cell.

Freezing tiles

Freezing Worksheet Panes

The ability to freeze, or lock, specific rows or columns in your spreadsheet is a really useful feature in Excel. It is
called freezing panes. When you freeze panes, you select rows or columns that will remain visible all the time, even
as you are scrolling. This is particularly useful when working with large spreadsheets.

To Freeze a Row:

 Select the row below the one that you want frozen. For example, if you want row 1 & 2 to appear at the top
even as you scroll, then select row 3.

 Click the View tab.

 Click the Freeze Pane command in the Window group.
 Choose Freeze Panes. A thin, black line appears below everything that is frozen in place.

 Scroll down in the worksheet to see the pinned rows.

To Unfreeze a Pane:

 Click the Freeze Pane command.

 Select the Unfreeze command.

To Freeze a Column:

 Select the column to the right of the column(s) you want frozen. For example, if you want columns A & B
to always appear on the left, just select column C.
 Click the View tab.
 Click the Freeze Pane command in the Window group.
 Choose Freeze Pane. A thin, black line appears to the right of the frozen area.
 Scroll across in the worksheet to see the pinned columns.


Use the Inventory workbook or any workbook you choose to complete this challenge.
 Rename Sheet1 to January, Sheet2 to February and Sheet3 to March.
 Insert two worksheets and name them April and May.
 If necessary, move the April and May worksheets so they are immediately following the March sheet.
 Use the Grouping feature so that all the sheets contain the same information as the January sheet.
 Delete the May sheet.
 Freeze rows 1 and 2 on the January sheet.

Hiding columns and sheet

Hide column/row

 Column/row you wish to hide

 Right-click on the Column/row
 Click Hide

Hide Worksheets
To hide a worksheet:

 Select the tab of the sheet you wish to hide

 Right-click on the tab
 Click Hide

To unhide a Column/row

 Right-click on the Column/row

 Click Unhide

To unhide a worksheet

 Right-click on any worksheet tab

 Click Unhide
 Choose the worksheet to unhide

Combing a spreadsheet and word processing document

7. Create and Enhancing Charts

A chart is a tool you can use in Excel to communicate your data graphically. Charts allow your audience to more
easily see the meaning behind the numbers in the spreadsheet, and make showing comparisons and trends a lot
easier. In this lesson, you will learn how to insert and modify Excel charts and see how they can be an effective tool
for communicating information.

Creating a Chart

Charts can be a useful way to communicate data. When you insert a chart in Excel, it appears in the selected
worksheet with the source data, by default.

To Create a Chart:

 Select the worksheet you want to work with. In this example, we use the Summary worksheet.
 Select the cells that you want to chart, including the column titles and the row labels.
 Click the Insert tab.
 Hover over each Chart option in the Charts group to learn more about it.
 Select one of the Chart options. In this example, we use the Columns command.
 Select a type of chart from the list that appears. For this example, we use a 2-D Clustered Column. The
chart appears in the worksheet.

Identifying the Parts of a Chart

Have you ever read something you didn't fully understand but when you saw a chart or graph, the concept became
clear and understandable? Charts are a visual representation of data in a worksheet. Charts make it easy to see
comparisons, patterns, and trends in the data.
Source Data

The range of cells that make up a chart. The chart is updated automatically whenever the information in these cells


The title of the chart.


The chart key, which identifies each color on the chart represents.


The vertical and horizontal parts of a chart. The vertical axis is often referred to as the Y axis, and the horizontal
axis is referred to as the X axis.

Data Series

The actual charted values, usually rows or columns of the source data.

Value Axis

The axis that represents the values or units of the source data.

Category Axis

The axis identifying each data series.

Chart Tools

Once you insert a chart, a new set of Chart Tools, arranged into 3 tabs, will appear above the Ribbon. These are
only visible when the chart is selected.
To Change the Chart Type:

 Select the Design tab.

 Click the Change Chart Type command. A dialog box appears.

 Select another chart type.

 Click OK.

The chart in the example compares each salesperson's monthly sales to his/her other month's sales; however you can
change what is being compared. Just click the Switch Row/Column Data command, which will rotate the data
displayed on the x and y axes. To return to the original view, click the Switch Row/Column command again.

To Change Chart Layout:

 Select the Design tab.

 Locate the Chart Layouts group.
 Click the More arrow to view all your layout options.

 Left-click a layout to select it.

If your new layout includes chart titles, axes, or legend labels, just insert your cursor into the text and begin typing
to add your own text.

To Change Chart Style:

 Select the Design tab.

 Locate the Chart Style group.
 Click the More arrow to view all your style options.
 Left-click a style to select it.

To Move the Chart to a Different Worksheet:

 Select the Design tab.

 Click the Move Chart command. A dialog box appears. The current location of the chart is selected.
 Select the desired location for the chart (i.e., choose an existing worksheet, or select New Sheet and name


Use the Company Sales workbook or any other workbook to complete this challenge.

 Use worksheet data to create a chart.

 Change the chart layout.
 Apply a chart style.
 Move the chart to a separate worksheet.

Pivot table, pivot reports and pivot charts

Creating Pivot Tables


Pivot table reports, or pivot tables as they are often called, can help you
answer questions about your spreadsheet by analyzing the numerical information in various ways. If you work with
spreadsheets with a lot of data, pivot tables can be an extremely useful tool. Pivot table reports give you power
because you can quickly find the answer to many different questions, and manipulate your data in many different

In this lesson, you will learn the basics of inserting and working with pivot table reports.

Why are They Named Pivot Tables?

You may be wondering why it is called a pivot table. Basically, pivot tables allow you to pivot, or move, data so
that you can produce answers to questions. Once you create a pivot table, you can very easily see what effect
pivoting the data has on the spreadsheet information.

To Create a Pivot Table Report (Part I):

 Select the cells in your spreadsheet that you want to use in the pivot table report.
 Select the Insert tab.
 Click the PivotTable command.
 Click PivotTable again. Excel selects cells in the actual spreadsheet and the Create PivotTable dialog box
o Select a table or range is already selected and the Table/Range field shows the range of the
selected data. New Worksheet is also selected by default as the place where the report will be
 Click Existing Worksheet and select a worksheet, if you do not want the pivot table to appear in a new
 Click OK.

Creating Pivot Tables

Creating a Pivot Table Report

If you use the sample spreadsheet to create a pivot table, you can see that the column headings are salesperson,
region, account, order amount, and month. When you create a pivot table, each column label in your data
becomes a field that can be used in the report. The Field List appears on the right side of the report, while the
layout area appears on the left.

To Create a Pivot Table Report (Part 2):

 Determine what question you want your pivot table report to answer. For example, using the sample
spreadsheet, you might want to know which salesperson sold the greatest dollar amount.
 Determine the fields that are necessary to answer this question. In this example, salesperson and order
 Select the check box next to the Salesperson field in the PivotTable Field List. The field will appear in
the drag and drop area at the bottom of the field list and in the layout area. The order amount data appears
on the right. This is a default setting in Excel – data with numbers will always appear on the right.
 Select the check box next to the Order Amount field in the PivotTable Field List. The field will appear in
the drag and drop area at the bottom of the field list and in the layout area. All of the salesperson data
appears on the left side as rows.
 You can now see the answer to your question in the report on the left.

To Add a Report Filter:

 Select a field in the Field List. In this example, choose Region. By default, it will appear in the Row
Labels group.
 Click and drag Region into the Report Filter section.
 Release the mouse button. The region appears at the top of the report as a filter.
 The arrow by the Region fields shows (All). To show just the data for a specific region, click the drop-
down arrow and select the region. To see multiple regions, click the Multiple Regions box, select the
regions to display, and then, click OK.

Moving, or Pivoting Data:

 Click and drag a field from one area to another.

 Release the mouse button to drop the field in the new area. In this example, we move Region from Report
Filter to Column Label. The pivot table report will change.

 Right-click one of the rows. A menu will appear.

 Select Move and then select a move option.

To Create a PivotChart

 Select the Pivot Chart command from the Options tab. The Insert Chart dialog box appears.
 Select the chart you’d like to insert.
 Click OK. The chart will now appear on the same sheet as the Pivot Table.

The information in the chart includes the information in the pivot table, rather than all the original source data.


Use the Company Sales workbook to complete this challenge.

 Create a pivot table report that calculates the amount each salesperson sold.
 Filter the report by region.
 View the data for the salespeople in the North and West region.
 Who sold the greatest dollar amount in those two regions?

8. Printing
Printing Workbooks


In Excel, there are many things you can do to prepare your workbook for
printing. Many of these tasks make it easier to format the spreadsheet for the printed page.

In this lesson you will learn how to view the spreadsheet in print preview, modify margins, change the page
orientation, use the scale to fit feature, use the Print Titles command, insert breaks, and more.

Preparing to Print and Printing

Watch the video! (10:14min) - Tips for watching our videos.

Download the example to work along with the video.

To View the Spreadsheet in Print Preview:

 Left-click the Microsoft Office Button.

 Select Print.
 Select Print Preview. The spreadsheet will appear in Print Preview view.

Click the Close Print Preview button to return to the Normal View.

To make previewing your spreadsheet easier, add the Print Preview command to the Quick Access toolbar.

Exploring Print Preview:

Once you are in Print Preview, you can access many of the same features that you can from the Ribbon; however, in
Print Preview you can see how the spreadsheet will appear in printed format.
To Modify Margins, Column Width, or Row Height While in Print Preview:

 Click the Print Preview command on the Quick Access toolbar, or select Print Preview from the Microsoft
Office Button menu. The spreadsheet opens in print preview mode.
 Hover your cursor over one of the black margin markers until a double arrow appears.

 Left-click and drag the marker to the desired location. The change will be reflected in the spreadsheet.

To Modify Margins:

 Select the Page Layout tab.

 Left-click the Margins command.
 Choose one of the predefined settings or enter custom margins.

To Change Page Orientation:

 Select the Page Layout tab.

 Left-click the Orientation command.
 Select either Portrait or Landscape.

Portrait orients the page vertically, while Landscape orients the page horizontally.

To Use Scale to Fit:

 Select the Page Layout tab.

 Locate the Scale to Fit group.
 Enter a specific height and width, or use the percentage field to decrease the spreadsheet by a specific

Scale to Fit is a useful feature that can help you format spreadsheets to fit on a page. Be careful with how small you
scale the information -- it can become difficult to read!

To Change the Paper Size:

 Select the Page Layout tab.
 Click the Size command.
 Select a size option from the list.

To Define a Print Area:

 Left-click and drag your mouse to select the cells you wish to print.
 Click the Print Area command.
 Choose Set Print Area.

 Now, only the selected cells will print. You can confirm this by viewing the spreadsheet in Print Preview.

To return to the default setting, which is the entire worksheet, click the Print Area command and select

Use the Budget or any Excel workbook you choose to complete this challenge.

 View the spreadsheet in Print Preview.

 Change a column width in Print Preview.
 Insert a break.
 Use the Print Titles command to print a specific row or column on each printed page. Use Print Preview to
verify how this will appear.
 Print the spreadsheet.


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