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Technical Questions Garuda

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Technical Questions

1. Can you explain the primary controls of an aircra and their func ons?

2. Describe the key differences between the ATR and Airbus family of aircra .

3. Discuss your understanding of li in avia on, including the formula for li and the
parameters involved.

4. What are the types and characteris cs of drag, including induced drag, and their effects on
aircra performance?

5. Explain the concept of stall in an aircra . How is it managed during flight?

6. From a pilot's perspec ve, detail the features and performance capabili es of your favourite
aircra , including its top speed.

7. How does the design and opera on of a turbojet engine differ from a turboprop engine? Can
you explain the front part of a turbojet engine?

8. Describe the func oning of a jet engine. Does all air combust in a bypass engine?

9. Can you differen ate between sta c and dynamic pressure in avia on contexts?

10. How does fly-by-wire technology func on in modern aircra ?

11. Describe the types and purposes of flaps and slats on an aircra .

12. What are the various types of airspaces, and what are their specific regula ons and

13. Discuss the role and significance of winglets on aircra .

14. Describe the working of a piston engine and its applica on in avia on.

15. What are the func onali es and specifica ons of runway ligh ng systems?

16. In terms of aircra design, what are the primary controls, and how do ailerons work?

17. Based on your recent flying experience, which aircra did you fly in, and can you provide
details such as the number of doors and wheels, par cularly for models like the A320?

18. Explain the concept of a freighter aircra and its role in avia on.

19. For the following mental math ques ons,

a. calculate the rate of descent for an aircra descending from 39,000 to 11,000 in
20 minutes.

b. the speed for a distance of 40km covered in 15 minutes.

c. the distance travelled at 100 knots in 15 minutes.

d. and the distance covered at 15 nau cal miles in 1 hour.

20. What would be the aerodynamic consequences if the elevator is pulled up during flight?
21. In your opinion, do you prefer a headwind or tailwind while taking off, and why?
22. What are the different types of clouds and atmospheric layers relevant to avia on,
par cularly for meteorological examina ons?

23. Discuss the principles of radia on, fog forma on, and climatology as they pertain to
avia on.

24. Explain the phenomenon of wind shear and its impact on flight opera ons.

25. Discuss the significance and working principles of GPS in avia on.
1. In your opinion, do you prefer a headwind or tailwind while taking off, and why?
I would prefer a headwind during take-off. Here's why:

Increased Li : A headwind increases the rela ve wind speed over the wings of the aircra
compared to a tailwind. This addi onal airflow over the wings at a given air speed generates
more li , which is essen al for take-off.

Shorter Take-off Distance: Due to the increased li , the aircra requires less runway to reach
the necessary speed for take-off. This is par cularly beneficial in airports with shorter
runways or in situa ons where maximum take-off performance is required.

Reduced Li off speed: With a headwind, the ground speed at the moment of li off is lower
than it would be with a tailwind.

In contrast, a tailwind during take-off is generally undesirable because it reduces li and

increases the necessary take-off distance, poten ally leading to safety risks, especially on
shorter runways.

2. What are the different types of clouds and atmospheric layers relevant to avia on, par cularly
for meteorological examina ons?
In avia on, especially for meteorological examina ons, understanding the different types of
clouds and atmospheric layers is crucial. Here's a brief overview:

### Types of Clouds:

1. Cirrus: High-al tude, thin, wispy clouds, indica ng fair weather but can suggest an
approaching front.

2. Cumulus: Fluffy, white clouds with flat bases, indica ng good weather, but can develop
into cumulonimbus.

3. Stratus: Low, grey clouds covering the sky like a blanket, bringing drizzle.

4. Nimbostratus: Thick, dark clouds covering a large area, associated with con nuous rain or

5. Cumulonimbus: Tall, dense clouds with an anvil shape, associated with thunderstorms,
shower, hail, lightening, and severe turbulence.

### Atmospheric Layers Relevant to Avia on:

1. Troposphere: Extends from the Earth's surface up to about 36,000 feet (11 km).
Weather phenomena and most commercial airline opera ons occur in this layer.

2. Stratosphere: Lies above the troposphere, up to about 164,000 feet (50 km).
Commercial supersonic flights and some weather balloons operate here.

3. Mesosphere: Extends from the stratosphere up to about 280,000 feet (85 km).
Meteors burn up in this layer.
4. Thermosphere: Above the mesosphere, extending up to 621 miles (1,000 km).
Satellites orbit in this layer.

Understanding these cloud types and atmospheric layers is essen al for pilots to make
informed decisions about flight plans, naviga on, and safety. Pilots must be able to recognize
cloud forma ons and understand their implica ons for flying condi ons, as well as be aware
of the characteris cs of different atmospheric layers for high-al tude flight planning.

3. Discuss the principles of radia on fog forma on, and climatology as they pertain to avia on.
Radia on fog forma on and its relevance in climatology are important topics in avia on due
to their significant impact on visibility, which is crucial for safe flight opera ons. Here's an
explana on:

### Principles of Radia on Fog Forma on:

1. Cooling of the Ground: Radia on fog typically forms on clear nights with
calm winds. A er sunset, the earth's surface loses heat rapidly through infrared
radia on.

2. Temperature and Dew Point Convergence: As the ground cools, it cools the
adjacent air layer. When the air temperature drops to its dew point, the air becomes

3. Condensa on: This cooling causes water vapor in the air to condense into
ny water droplets, forming fog.

Ideal Condi ons: Clear skies, calm winds, and high rela ve humidity are ideal
condi ons for radia on fog. It o en forms in low-lying areas like valleys.

### Avia on hazard:

Radia on fog significantly reduces visibility, affec ng take-offs, landings, and

naviga on. Pilots need to rely more on instruments for naviga on and landing in
foggy condi ons.

Airports may implement low-visibility procedures, affec ng traffic flow and requiring
specific pilot qualifica ons.

Safety Precau ons: Pilots must be trained to interpret weather forecasts and
reports, understand the local climatology of their flight routes, and be prepared to
alter plans as necessary.

Understanding the forma on of radia on fog and its implica ons in climatology is essen al
for pilots to ensure safe and efficient flight opera ons, especially in terms of naviga on and
decision-making in response to weather condi ons.

4. Explain the phenomenon of wind shear and its impact on flight opera ons.
Wind shear refers to a sudden change in wind speed and/or direc on over a short distance,
either horizontally or ver cally.

1. Types of Wind Shear:

⎯ Ver cal Wind Shear: Changes in wind speed or direc on with al tude.
⎯ Horizontal Wind Shear: Changes in wind speed or direc on over a horizontal distance.
2. Causes:

⎯ Frontal Systems: Wind direc on and speed can change drama cally around weather
⎯ Thunderstorms: Downbursts and microbursts from thunderstorms can create strong wind
⎯ Temperature Inversions: Can cause changes in wind speed and direc on near the ground.
⎯ Jet Streams: High-al tude, fast-flowing air currents can cause wind shear.
### Impact on Flight Opera ons:

1. Turbulence: Wind shear can create turbulence, affec ng passenger comfort and aircra
2. Take-off and Landing: A sudden windshear (may be due to microburst, Subsidence)
when aircra is closer to the ground can be hazardous. just a er the take-off climb may
be supressed and aircra may start sinking al tude or approach can be hazardous.
3. Al tude Changes: Rapid changes in wind speed/direc on can cause airspeed
fluctua ons, poten ally leading to loss of control.
4. Flight Path Devia ons: Pilots may need to adjust their flight paths to avoid areas of
known or suspected wind shear.

### Mi ga on and Safety Measures:

1. Training: Pilots receive training on recognizing and reac ng to wind shear condi ons.

2. Technology: Aircra are equipped with wind shear detec on systems.

3. Communica on: Air traffic control and pilots share informa on about wind shear reports.

Understanding wind shear is crucial for pilots as it directly affects aircra performance, safety,
and decision-making during cri cal phases of flight. Proper training, technology, and
communica on are essen al to mi gate the risks associated with wind shear.

5. Discuss the significance and working principles of GPS in avia on.

The Global Posi oning System (GPS) plays a vital role in avia on, offering significant advantages
in naviga on and flight management. Here's an overview of its significance and working
### Significance in Avia on:
1. Accurate Naviga on: GPS provides precise, real- me posi on informa on, crucial for
naviga on.
2. Flight Planning and Management: It allows for more efficient flight planning, route
op miza on, and fuel management.
3. Safety Enhancement: Improves situa onal awareness and safety by providing accurate
loca on data.
#Working Principles of GPS:

GPS uses a network of about 24 satellites orbi ng the Earth. These satellites transmit signals
that GPS receivers in aircra use to determine their posi on.
The GPS receiver calculates its posi on by precisely ming the signals sent by mul ple
satellites. Each satellite sends a signal that includes the satellite's loca on and the exact me
the signal was transmi ed.
The receiver measures the me delay between when the signal was sent and when it was
received. This me delay, mul plied by the speed of light, gives the distance from the
satellite. By measuring distances from mul ple satellites, the receiver can determine the
aircra 's posi on in three dimensions - la tude, longitude, and al tude.
#Differen al GPS (DGPS):

To enhance accuracy, DGPS uses ground reference sta ons to correct GPS signal errors.

Systems like the Wide Area Augmenta on System (WAAS) and Ground-Based Augmenta on
System (GBAS) enhance GPS reliability and accuracy for cri cal phases of flight, especially
approaches and landings.
The integra on of GPS into avia on has revolu onized how pilots navigate, contribu ng to
enhanced efficiency, safety, and situa onal awareness. It's an essen al tool in modern avia on
opera ons, from general avia on to commercial airlines.

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