BS Syllabus
BS Syllabus
BS Syllabus
IMBA Programme
Business Statistics
Understanding statistics is essential to understand research in the social and behavioural
sciences. In this course, students will learn the basics of statistics; not just how to calculate
them, but also how to evaluate them. The topics covered in this course are measures of
central tendency, measures of dispersion, study of relationships between variables through
correlation and regression. probability and probability distributions followed by sampling –
its estimation and testing of hypotheses.
Course Objectives
1: To expose the students to basic statistical tools and techniques.
2: To make students aware of statistical techniques that help in managerial decision making
through examples and cases drawn from different functional areas.
❖ Course Duration:
The course duration is 35 sessions of 55 minutes each.
❖ Course Content:
❖ Teaching Scheme
Teaching Scheme (Hours): 35
Course Credit: 3
Theory Tutorial Practical
05 0 30
❖ Examination Scheme
Examination Scheme
CEC Marks
Exter Inter Quiz Group Any other (Please Mention) -
nal nal Quiz 1 2 Projects CP____________________
50 20 10 5 5 10 100
❖ Teaching Methods:
The following pedagogical tools will be used to teach this course:
(1) Lectures & Discussions
(2) Research Papers
(3) Case Analysis
Supplementary Readings:
❖ Session Plan:
Session No. Topics / Chapters
1 Introduction to statistics, purpose of statistics
2 Mean, properties, merits and demerits
3 Mean - Problem sums for Individual, Discrete and Continuous series
4 Median, properties, merits and demerits
5 Median - Problem sums for Individual, Discrete and Continuous series
6 Mode, properties, merits and demerits
7 Mode - Problem sums for Individual, Discrete and Continuous series
8 Measure of Dispersion: Introduction
9 Range, Mean Deviation Introduction
10 Range - Problem sums for Individual, Discrete and Continuous series
11 MD - Problem sums for Individual, Discrete and Continuous series
12 Standard deviation
13 SD - Problem sums and cases
14 Coefficient of variations – Problem sums and cases
15 Meaning, interpretation, and Importance of Correlation
16 Coefficient of correlation
17 Rank Correlation
18 Regression - Difference between regression and correlation, simple linear
regression model, principles of least squares,
19 Regression lines and regression coefficients and its properties
20 Problem sums – Regression coefficient and regression equation
21 Bi variate correlation and regression
22 Coefficient of Determination and its interpretation, Curve fitting.
23 Probability - Basic Concepts of Random Experiment, Events, Sample
Space, Mutually Exclusive Events, Equally Likely Events, Independent
Events, Dependent Events.
24 Law of Addition and sums
25 Law of Multiplication and sums
26 Conditional probabilities
27 Baye’s Rule and sums
28 Concept of discrete Random variables and continuous random variable: Its
expectation and variances.
29 Meaning of Probability Distribution, Discrete Probability Distributions,
Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution
30 Binomial Distribution – Probability distribution sums, Poisson Distribution
31 Continuous Probability Distribution, Normal distribution
32 Introduction to the concept of Sampling, Sampling methods
33 Computation of Standard Error, Confidence Interval
34 Central Limit Theorem, Statistical Estimation for Single and Two
35 Hypothesis Testing for Single and two Populations-Mean and Proportion.