Soal Latihan UT
Soal Latihan UT
Soal Latihan UT
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Circle ( ⃝ ) the correct and appropriate answers from the following questions.
8. Which of the following search units would contain the thinnest quartz crystal :
Manakah dari unit pencari ( Probe ) berikut yang berisi kristal quartz tipis: t = V/2f
A. 1 megahertz
B. 5 megahertz
C. 15 megahertz
D. 25 megahertz
9. A test method employing two separate search units on opposite surface of the material being
tested is called :
Sebuah metode uji menggunakan dua unit pencarian yang terpisah pada permukaan yang
berlawanan dari bahan yang diuji disebut:
A. Contact testing
B. Surface wave testing
C. Through transmission testing
D. Lamb wave testing
10. When the motion of the particle of a medium is parallel to the direction of propagation, the
wave being transmitted is called a :
Bila gerakan partikel media sejajar dengan arah propagasi, gelombang yang dikirim disebut:
A. Longitudinal Wave
B. Shear wave
C. Surface wave
D. Lamb wave
11. 25 milion cycle per second can also be stated as :
25 juta siklus per detik juga dapat disebut sebagai:
A. 25 kilohertz
B. 2500 kilohertz
C. 25 megahertz
D. 25 microhertz
12. Moving a search unit over a test surface either manually or automatic is referred to as :
Pergerakan probe di atas permukaan uji baik secara manual atau otomatis ini disebut sebagai:
A. Scanning
B. Attenuating
C. Angulating
D. Resonating
13. An ultrasonic testing technique in which the transducer element is not parallel to the test
surface is called :
Sebuah teknik pengujian ultrasonik di mana elemen transduser tidak sejajar dengan permukaan
uji disebut :
A. Angle beam testing
B. Immersion testing
C. Contact testing
D. Through transmission testing
14. In figure 2, angle 1 ( Ф 1 ) is called the :
A. Angle of incidence
B. Angle of reflection
C. Angle of refraction
D. None of the above
15. In figure 2, angle 2 ( Ф 2 ) is called the :
A. Angle of incidence
B. Angle of reflection
C. Angle of refraction
D. None of the above
16. In figure 2, angle 3 ( Ф 3 ) is called the :
A. Angle of incidence
B. Angle of reflection
C. Angle of refraction
D. None of the above
17. Most commercial ultrasonic testing is accoplished using frequencies between :
Pengujian ultrasonik paling komersial menggunakan freqwensi antara:
A. 1 – 25 kilohertz
B. 0,2 – 25 megahertz
C. 1 – 1000 kilohertz
D. 15 – 100 megahertz
18. In A scan presentation, the horizontal base line represents the :
Dalam tampilan A scan, garis dasar horisontal mewakili:
A. Amount of refleted ultrasonic sound energy
B. Distance traveled by the search united
C. Elepsed time or distance
D. None of the above
19. In a scan presentation, the amplitude of vertical indications on the screen represents the :
Dalam tampilan A scan, amplitudo indikasi vertikal pada layar merupakan:
A. Amount of ultrasonic sound energy returning to the search united
B. Distance traveled by the search united
C. Thickness of material being tested
D. Elapsed since the ultrasonic pulse was generated
20. Which the following test frequencies would generally provide the best penetration in a 12 inch
thick specimen of coarse grained steel?
Pemilihan freqwensi yang mana yang akan memberikan penetrasi terbaik dalam spesimen tebal
12 inci dari baja berbutir kasar?
A. 1.0 Mhz
B. 2,25 Mhz
C. 5.0 Mhz
D. 10 Mhz
21. Sound waves of a freqwency beyond the hearing range of the human ear are refered to as
ultrasonic waves or vibration, and the arm embraces all vibration waves of frequency greater
than approximately :
Gelombang suara dari freqwency luar jangkauan pendengaran telinga manusia yang disebut
sebagai gelombang ultrasonik atau getaran, gelombang ultrasonic berada pada freqwensi lebih
besar dari :
A. 20000 Hz
B. 2 Mhz
C. 2 Khz
D. 200 Khz
22. The velocity of sound waves is primarily dependent on :
Kecepatan dari gelombang suara terutama tergantung pada:
A. The pulse length
B. The freqwency
C. The material in which the sound is being transmitted and the mode of vibration.
D. None of the above
23. A disadvantage of using natural quartz crystals in a search unit is that :
Kerugian dari menggunakan kristal kuarsa pada tranducer probe adalah :
A. It will dissolve in water
B. It is the least effective generator of ultrasonic energy of all comonly used material.
C. It is mechanically and electrically unstable.
D. It is easly loses it operation characteristic as it ages.
24. When testing by the surface wave method, patches of oil or dirt on the surface may :
Saat pengujian dengan metode gelombang permukaan, bercak minyak atau kotoran pada
permukaan dapat:
A. Block the progress of all sound
B. Attenuate the sound
C. Have no effect on the test
D. Cause both an attenuation of sound and indication on the screen
25. Which of the following frequency will produce the shortest wavelength pulse :
Manakah dari frekuensi berikut akan menghasilkan pulsa panjang gelombang terpendek:
A. 1.0 Mhz
B. 25 Mhz
C. 10 Mhz
D. 5 Mhz
26. When testing a plate, increasing the frequency of an ultrasoni longutidinal wave will result in :
Pengujian pada sebuah plate, meningkatkan frekuensi gelombang longutidinal ultrasoni akan
menghasilkan :
A. an increase in its velocity
B. a decrese in its velocity
C. no change in its velocity
D. a reversal in its velocity
27. Figure 2 illustrates a contact test on an 80mm aluminium block, using a normal beam
compression probe and a calibrated range of 200mm. A discontinuity is located 60mm from the
front surface and the screen representation for this is shown below. What does indication A
A. Initial pulse
B. First discontinuity indication
C. First back surface reflection
D. Mode conversion
35. The differences in signal received from identical reflectors at different material distance from a
tranducer may be caused by :
Perbedaan sinyal yang diterima dari reflektor identik pada jarak material yang berbeda dari
tranducer mungkin disebabkan oleh:
A. Material attenuation
B. Beam divergence
C. Near field effect
D. All of the above
36. Where does beam divergence accur :
Di manakah perubahan beam terjadi :
A. Near field
B. Far field
C. At the cristal
D. None of the above
37. As frequency increases in ultrasonic testing, the angle of beam divergency of a given diameter
crystal :
Menaikan frekwensi dalam pengujian ultrasonik, maka perubahan beam yang terjadi :
A. Decrease
B. Remains unchanged
C. Increase
D. Varies uniformly through each wavelength.
38. The ratio of the velocity of sound in water compared to that for amuminium or steel is
approximately :
Rasio dari kecepatan suara dalam air dibandingkan dengan yang untuk amuminium atau baja
adalah sekitar :
A. 1 : 4
B. 1 : 2
C. 1 : 8
D. 1 : 3
39. As transducer diameter decrease, the beam spred :
Ukuran diameter tranduser mengecil, maka beam profilenya akan menjadi :
A. Decrease
B. Remains the same
C. Increase
D. Becomes conical in shape.
40. Compression waves travel fasted in :
Gelombang kompresion dengan perjalanan tercepat dibawah ini:
a. Perspex
b. Steel
c. Aluminium
d. Water