Algorithm Design
Algorithm Design
Algorithm Design
Input & Output (READ & PRINT) – Used to receive and display data to the
user respectively. (It is recommended to use input and output commands)
OUTPUT "Hello Mr." , Name
// Alternatively //
PRINT "Hello Mr," , Name
Declaration of variable - A variable/constant can be declared by the
following manner
Array: Array is similar to variable but it can store multiple values of same
datatype under single name
DECLARE [ARRAYNAME] : ARRAY [Lower Limit : Upper Limit ] OF [DATATYPE]
Assignment - Each variable is assigned using a left arrow.
[VARIABLE NAME] <---- [Value to be assigned]
ArrayName [IndexValue] <---- [Value to be assigned]
Conditional Statements:
conditions and corresponding consequences \n
Loop Structures:
FOR…TO…NEXT : Will run for a determined/known amount of times
REPEAT… UNTIL – Will run at least once till condition is satisfied; Verification is done
// Average//
Total ← 0
FOR Counter ← 1 TO NumberOfValues
Total ← Total + StudentMark[Counter]
NEXT Counter
Average ← Total / NumberOfValues
Linear Search: In a linear search, each item in the list is inspected
sequentially until a match is found or the entire list is traversed.
Found ← FALSE
Counter ← 0
IF Value = Array[Counter]
Found ← TRUE
Counter ← Counter + 1
UNTIL Found OR Counter > NumberOfValues
IF Found
OUTPUT Value , " found at position " , Counter, " in the list."
OUTPUT Value , " not found."
Bubble Sort: Iteratively compare and swap adjacent elements in a list to
sort them. Start from the first element and continue until the second-to-last
element. After each pass, the last element is in its correct place. However,
other elements may still be unsorted. Repeat the process, excluding the last
element, until only one element remains or no swaps are needed.
First ← 1
Last ← 10
Swap ← FALSE
FOR Index ← First TO Last - 1
IF Array[Index] > Array[Index + 1]
Temp ← Array[Index]
Array[Index] ← Array[Index + 1]
Array[Index + 1] ← Temp
Swap ← TRUE
NEXT Index
Last ← Last - 1
UNTIL (NOT Swap) OR Last = 1
Test Data
Test data refers to input values used to evaluate and assess the functionality
and performance of a computer program or system.
It helps identify errors and assess how the program handles different
Normal Data
Normal data is the test data which accepts values in acceptible range of
values of the program
Normal data should be used to work through the solution to find the actual
result(s) and see if they are the same as the expected result(s)
e.g. in a program where only whole number values ranging from 0 to 100
(inclusive) are accepted, normal test data will be : 23, 54, 64 , 2 and 100
Abnormal Data
Test data that would be rejected by the solution as not suitable, if the solution
is working properly is called abnormal test data / erroneous test data.
e.g. in a program where only whole number values ranging from 0 to 100
(inclusive) are accepted, abnormal data will be: -1, 151, 200, 67.2, “Sixty-
Two” and -520
Extreme Data
Extreme data are the largest and smallest values that normal data can take
e.g. in a program where only whole number values ranging from 0 to 100
(inclusive) are accepted, extreme data will be: 0 and 100
Boundary Data
This is used to establish where the largest and smallest values occur
At each boundary two values are required: one value is accepted and the
other value is rejected.
e.g. in a program where only whole number values ranging from 0 to 100
(inclusive) are accepted, one example of boundary data will be: 100 and 101.
100 will be accepted and 101 will not be accepted
Trace Table
A trace table is utilized to document the outcomes of every step in an
algorithm. It is employed to record the variable's value each time it
undergoes a change.
A dry run refers to the manual process of systematically executing an
algorithm by following each step in sequence.
A trace table is set up with a column for each variable and a column for any
output e.g.
Test data is employed to execute a dry run of the flowchart and document the
outcomes in a trace table. During the dry run:
Whenever a variable's value changes, the new value is recorded in the
respective column of the trace table.
Each time a value is outputted, it is displayed in the output column.
An example of trace table is given below using a past paper question:
Q: The flowchart below inputs the height of children who want to ride on a
rollercoaster. Children under 1.2 metres are rejected. The ride starts when eight
children have been accepted.
Complete the trace table for the input data: 1.4, 1.3, 1.1, 1.3, 1.0, 1.5, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4,
1.3, 0.9, 1.5, 1.6, 1.0
0 0
1 1.4
2 1.3
1 1.1
3 1.3
2 1.0
4 1.5
3 1.2
Ride Reje Heig
rs ct ht
5 1.3
6 1.4
7 1.3
4 0.9
Ready to
8 1.5
go 4
Identifying errors:
Trace tables can be used to trace errors in a program. For example, if the
requirement for the previous question would be to accept riders that are of
height 1.2 too, rather than rejecting them, then the error would have been
caught in the trace table as when 1.2 is entered, it would increment rejected
which it shouldn’t in our example
How to write an algorithm?
The ability to write an algorithm is very important for this syllabus and
paper. Some key steps/points to be known in-order to write the perfect
algorithm are as follows:
1. Make sure that the problem is clearly understood which includes knowing the
purpose of the algorithm and the tasks to be completed by the algorithm.
2. Break the problem into smaller problems (e.g. in a program which outputs
average values, divide the problem into multiple ones i.e. how to count the
number of iterations and how to count the total of all values)
3. Identify the data that is needed to be saved into variables/constants/arrays
and what datatype it is, and declare all the variables/constants/arrays
accordingly, with meaningfull names
4. Decide on how you are going to construct your algorithm, either using a
flowchart or pseudocode. If you are told how to construct your algorithm,
then follow the guidance.
5. Construct your algorithm, making sure that it can be easily read and
understood by someone else. Take particular care with syntax e.g. when
conditions are used for loops and selection.
6. Use several sets of test data (Normal, Abnormal and Boundary) to dry run
your algorithm and check if the expected results are achieved (a trace table
can be used for this purpose) . If error is found, find the point of error in the
trace table and fix it in the code.
Note: The algorithms that you have looked at so far in these notes were not
designed with readability in mind because you needed to work out what the
problem being solved was.
Validation and Verification
To ensure the acceptance of reasonable and accurate data inputs, computer
systems must thoroughly examine each data item before accepting it, and this is
where Validation and Verification come into play!
Validation in computer systems involves automated checks to ensure the
reasonableness of data before accepting it. If the data is invalid, the system should
provide an explanatory message for rejection and allow another chance to enter the
\n There are many types of it.
Range check
A range check verifies that a numerical value falls within specified upper and lower
IF Value < MinimumValue OR Value > MaximumValue
OUTPUT "The student's mark should be in the range", MinimumValue ," to ",
UNTIL Value >= MinimumValue AND Value <= MaximumValue
Length check
This can either ensure that data consists of a precise number of characters.
OUTPUT "Please enter your value of ", Limit , " characters "
IF LENGTH(Value) <> Limit
OUTPUT "Your value must be exactly" , Limit ," characters, please re-enter "
UNTIL LENGTH(Value) = Limit
It can also check if the data entered is a reasonable number of characters or not
OUTPUT "Please enter your value "
IF LENGTH(Value) > UpperLimit OR LENGTH(Value) < LowerLimit
OUTPUT "Too short or too long, please re-enter "
UNTIL LENGTH(Value) <= UpperLimit AND LENGTH(Value) >= LowerLimit
Type check
A type check verifies that the entered data corresponds to a specific data type.
OUTPUT "Enter the value "
IF Value <> DIV(Value, 1)
OUTPUT "This must be a whole number, please re-enter"
UNTIL Value = DIV(Value, 1)
Presence check
A presence check checks to ensure that some data has been entered and the value
has not been left blank
OUTPUT "Please enter the value "
IF Value = ""
OUTPUT "*=Required "
UNTIL Value <> ""
Format Check
A format check checks that the characters entered conform to a pre-defined
Check Digit
A check digit is the final digit included in a code; it is calculated from all the
other digits.
Check digits are used for barcodes, product codes, International Standard
Book Numbers (ISBN), and Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN).
Verification is checking that data has been accurately copied from one source to
There are 2 methods to verify data during entry ( there are other methods
during data transfer, but they are in paper 1)
1. Double Entry
Data is inputted twice, potentially by different operators.
The computer system compares both entries and if they differ, an error
message is displayed, prompting the data to be reentered.
2. Screen/Visual check
A screen/visual check involves the user manually reviewing the entered data.
After data entry, the system displays the data on the screen and prompts the
user to confirm its accuracy before proceeding.
The user can compare the displayed data against a paper document used as
an input form or rely on their own knowledge to verify correctness.