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tm TE

CH T8332AD


• 5 - 60V input voltage range The T8332AD is designed to operate as a
• Single resistor programmable constant constant current source for driving high current
current driver LEDs. It is a current mode control IC which
• Excellent constant current accuracy ±3% provides a good line transient response. The
typically device can provide an excellent constant current
• 0.1V feedback reference voltage tailor- accuracy of +/-3% typically. Moreover, the IC
made for LED application also provide several protection features like IC
• Support Boost/Buck/Buck-Boost overvoltage protection, cycle by cycle current
configuration limit protection and thermal shutdown
• DC Dimming & PWM dimming protection.
• On-chip thermal shutdown at 170oC
• Fixed switching frequency 430kHz
• Dithering in oscillator frequency to PART NUMBER EXAMPLES
simplify the EMI design
• Cycle-by-cycle current limit
• Over-current protection
• IC overvoltage protection
• 15µA shutdown current T8332AD SO8-EP
• SO8-EP package


• High Power LED Driver

• LED illuminance
• LCD backlight illumination
• Automotive interior lighting
• Automotive Headlights


SO8-EP Version

(T8332AD 9 PINS)

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to change products or specifications without notice. Revision:C
tm TE
CH T8332AD

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to change products or specifications without notice. Revision:C
tm TE
CH T8332AD
T8332AD 9 PINS
Pin No. Pin Name Pin Description
1 DIM DC Dimming Function pin.

2 COMP Compensation pin.

Connect a resistor for the current mode control and cycle by
3 CS
cycle current limit function.
4 GATE Switch gate drive

5 VREG Internal regulator

6 VIN Main supply

7 VSN Load current sense –ve input

8 EN Enable the chip

9 GND Ground Pin. IC ground.(Package EP)

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tm TE
CH T8332AD

Parameter Symbol Value Unit

VIN pin voltage relative to GND -0.3 to +60 V

DIM pin voltage relative to GND -0.3 to +3.3 V

GATE -0.3 to +10 V


VREG -0.3 to +8 V
COMP ENand CS pin voltage
-0.3 to +5.5 V
relative to GND
Junction temperature range TJ -40 to +150 C
Maximum soldering temperature o
(at leads, 10sec)
Storage temperature range TS -65 to +150 C

Power dissipation at 70oC, SOP8-EP 800 mW

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tm TE
CH T8332AD
Electrical Characteristics
Denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range TJ = -40oC to
+125oC, VIN = 12V. Otherwise specifications are at TA = 25oC, VIN = 12V.
Symbol Description Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Supply and Reference
VINOVP VIN overvoltage 65.5 V
VIN Operating voltage range ** 5 60 V
VINUV VIN under-voltage Decreasing VIN 4.25 4.52 V
VIN under-voltage
Operating quiescent fOSC = 430kHz; Gate
IQ 2.5 3 mA
current Driving at 1nF
IC shutdown by
IOFF Shutdown current 20 26 µA
VREG Regulation pin voltage VIN = 12V, IREG = -10mA 6.5 7.3 8 V
VREG under-voltage turn-
VREGUV Decreasing VREG 3.6 4.2 V
Δ VREG under-voltage
350 mV
VREGUV hysteresis
VREGCL VREG current limit VREG short to GND -25 -52 mA
Oscillator and Soft Start
fOSC Oscillator frequency 430 kHz
LED Current Sense and Control
Differential input voltage EN=High,
VIDL 97 100 103 mV
(Active) VIDL = VIN - VSN
LED Over current EN=High,
VOCLED 150 167 182 mV
threshold VSP - VSN
VDIM,ON DC Dimming ON 0.116 0.156 0.196 V
DC Dimming Control DC voltage on the DIM
for Full Brightness pin
DC Dimming Control DC voltage on the DIM
VDIM,MIN 0.07 0.11 0.15 V
for Gate Driver OFF pin
Gate Drive Output
Loading Cap =2.2nF
TR Turn-On Rise Time 30 ns
(from 10% to 90%)
Loading Cap =2.2nF
TF Turn-Off Fall Time 30 ns
(from 90% to 10%)
VOL Output low level 0.2
VOH Output high level VREG V
DMAX Maximum duty cycle 88 92 96 %

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tm TE
CH T8332AD
Symbol Description Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Switch Current Sense
Switch over-current
SWOCP 440 500 560 mV
threshold voltage
ACS Voltage Gain 4 V/V
IBIASS Input Bias Current -24 -32 -40 µA
Slope Compensation
Sawtooth current added to
ISLOPE Slope Injection Current -97 µA
current sense (CS) pin
Logic Inputs and Outputs
EN pin chip enable
VEN_ON VEN rising 2 V
voltage threshold
EN pin chip disable
voltage threshold
tDIS Disable time fOSC = 430kHz 38 ms
Dither Generator
fSPREAD Dither Frequency Range % of switching frequency +/-12 %
At start up,
tFB Fault blank timer 2.4 ms
fOSC = 430kHz
LED short protection
VSCL VSP - VOUV 260 300 330 mV
LED open protection
VOCL VSP - VOUV 1.08 1.2 1.34 V
Over-temperature Measured at junction, o
TSD * 170 C
warning threshold* temperature increasing
Over-temperature Measured at junction, o
hysteresis* recovery = TSD-TSDHYS
Function is correct but parameters are not guaranteed.
** At VIN equals 5-6V and >50V, the part only guarantees GATE pin switching but not guarantee
to follow the electrical parameters.
*Parameters are not tested at production and guaranteed by design, characterization and process

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tm TE
CH T8332AD
Block Diagram

T8332AD Block diagram


T8332AD is a constant current LED driver which can be configured as a Boost, Buck and Buck-
Boost converter. It depends on the user’s the choice of the number of LED in the output. Typical
converter application circuits of T8332AD are shown in the next section.

The VIN is the power supply voltage pin for the supply to the control circuit of T8332AD. The pin
has an UVLO function, once voltage on the pin reaches 4.52V; the IC is ready to start the operation.
When the voltage on this pin falls below 4.78 V, the IC will be shutdown. (Note: A bypass
capacitor must be connected close between this pin and GND.)

To provide a filtered output and to ensure the regulator is stable, a 2.2µF or above ceramic capacitor
is required to be connected between VREG and GND. The ceramic type should be a quality type
such as X5R, X7R, or X8R. The VREG pin voltage is for driving the external switching MOSFET.
Normally, at 12V VIN, the VREG voltage is 7.3V typically. The UVLO point of the VREG is
around 4.2V. Once the VREG is under 4.2V, the gate driver will be turned off and it will resume
back to normal when the VREG voltage rises back to around 4.55V.

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tm TE
CH T8332AD
Output current setting
The output LED current is determined by a combination of the LED sense resistor RSENSE, the LED
current threshold voltage, VIDL, (100mV). For example, to program a 1A output current, the sensing
resistor will be

RSENSE = = 0.1Ω

Rsense /ohm Rsense vs. LED Current









0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50
LED Current /A

Frequency Dithering
T8332AD has an internal frequency dither function to improve the EMI performance of the system.
The internal frequency is hopping in a small frequency range to reduce the radiation at the switching
frequency which simplifies the EMI design. The dither frequency range is ~ +/-12% typically.

Enable Pin Function

The enable pin is to control the IC on/off operation. When the enable pin is pulled down over the
disable time that stated in the datasheet (~16340 clock cycles which equivalent 38ms at switching
frequency 430 kHz), the IC will completely shutdown and enter into the shutdown mode. The IC
current consumption reduces to nearly 20µA. This pin can also be used as direct PWM input for
LED dimming.

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tm TE
CH T8332AD
Switch current limit and over-current protection
T8332AD has a switch current limiting function. When the CS pin voltage reaches the current limit
threshold (~0.5V), the IC begins to count for the switch over current. Once the switch over current
is over 8 clock cycles, the IC will enter into hiccup mode. The hiccup mode turns off the gate driver
for 8192 clock cycles. After the hiccup mode, the IC will resume to monitor for the switch over
current, if the switch over current stills exist and over 8 switching clock cycles, the IC will go to the
hiccup mode again. Of course, if the switch over current condition removed, the IC will resume to
normal operation. The switch over current limit equation is shown below.

Slope Compensation
The slope compensation is to prevent subharmonic oscillations at duty cycles greater than 50% in
continuous current conduction mode. A current source is provided at the CS pin as a sawtooth from
0 to 100µA. An external resistor, RSLOPE, connected between the CS pin and the source connection
of the MOSFET, is used to program the appropriate voltage level to scale the slope compensation
for correct use with the appropriate topology and set up conditions that have been adopted.

Fixed Over Voltage Protection

The T8332AD has a fixed over voltage protection which is implemented on the VSP pin. Once the
VSP pin voltage over around 65.5V, the IC will stop the gate driver and the output voltage will drop.
The hysteresis for the fixed over voltage protection is around 5V. Once the voltage on the VSP falls
below around 60.5V, the IC will resume the switching on the gate driver.

Over-temperature Protection
If the chip temperature exceeds the over-temperature threshold TSD (~170oC), the IC will stop the
gate driving. When the IC is shutting off, the IC’s temperature will begin to drop. Once the
temperature drops around 135oC (the temperature hysteresis is 35oC typically).The IC will resume to
start switching again.
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tm TE
CH T8332AD

Output current adjustment by PWM control

• Directly driving EN input

A pulse-width-modulation (PWM) signal with can be applied to the EN pin, as shown below, to
adjust the output current to a value below the one programmed by RSENSE.

• Driving the EN input from a microcontroller

Another possibility is to drive the device from the open drain output of a microcontroller. The
diagram below shows one method of doing this:

If the NMOS transistor inside the microcontroller has high drain capacitance / source capacitance,
this arrangement can inject a negative spike into EN input of the T8332AD and cause erratic
operation. The addition of a schottky clamp diode (cathode to EN) to ground and inclusion of a
series resistor (10K) will prevent this. See the section on PWM dimming for more details of the
various modes of control using high frequency and low frequency PWM signals.

PWM Switching Frequency = 100Hz

Switching Frequency = 350kHz

PWM Dimming at 100Hz achieves 100:1 Dimming Ratio.

Testing Condition: Vin =12V, LED voltage and full load current = 15V, 2A.

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tm TE
CH T8332AD
Output current adjustment by external DC DIM control voltage
DC Dimming
The DIM pin can be driven by an external dc voltage, as shown, to adjust the output current to a
value below the one programmed by RSENSE.

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tm TE
CH T8332AD
The T8332AD can be configured as Boost, Buck and Buck-Boost. The application circuits are
shown below:

Boost Converter which is for VBAT < VLED.

Buck Converter which is for VBAT > VLED.

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tm TE
CH T8332AD

Buck-Boost which is for VBAT < VLED or VBAT > VLED.

Note: VBAT+VLED must be less than 65V

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tm TE
CH T8332AD

Package Type: 8 Lead SO8-EP

Dimension in mm Dimension in inch

Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
A 5.70 6.00 6.30 0.224 0.236 0.248
A1 3.75 3.95 4.10 0.148 0.156 0.164
B - - 5.13 - - 0.202
B1 - 1.27 - - 0.050 -
C - - 1.80 - - 0.071
C1 1.35 1.55 1.75 0.052 0.061 0.069
C2 0.10 - 0.25 0.001 - 0.004
D 0.31 0.41 0.51 0.012 0.016 0.020
E 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.012 0.020 0.028
F 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.004 0.006 0.010
J 2.23 REF 0.088 REF
K 2.97 REF 0.117 REF
H 0 ~ 8o 0 ~ 8o

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