CG Syllabus
CG Syllabus
CG Syllabus
Semester: V
Course Objectives: This course equips students with the fundamental knowledge and basic technical
competence in the field of Computer Graphics. It includes various display technologies, 2D and 3D
object representation, transformation, viewing, clipping, and various color models. The course enables
students to implement various algorithms of computer graphics like line, circle and ellipse drawing,
color filling, transformation and clipping.
Detailed Syllabus:
Sr. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: 06
Basics of computer graphics, applications of computer graphics, display devices,
raster scan systems, random scan systems, graphics monitors and workstations,
input devices, hard copy devices, graphics software
2 Graphics Primitives: 08
Output primitives: points and lines, line drawing algorithms, circle and ellipse
generating algorithms, loading the frame buffer, pixel addressing and object
geometry, filled area primitives including scan-line polygon filling, inside-outside
test, boundary and flood fill, character generation
3 2D Transformation and Viewing: 06
Two-dimensional geometric transformations: matrix representations and
homogeneous coordinates, composite transformations, Two-dimensional viewing:
viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference frame, widow-to-viewport
coordinate transformation, two-dimensional viewing functions, Clipping operations:
point clipping, line clipping (Cohen-Sutherland, Liang Barsky, NLN) and polygon
clipping algorithms
4 3D Concepts and Object Representation: 06
3D display methods, visible surface detection methods: classification of visible
surface detection algorithms, back face detection, depth buffer method, A buffer
method, Three-dimensional object representations: polygon surfaces, polygon
tables, plane equations, polygon meshes, curved lines and surfaces, quadratic
surfaces, blobby objects, cubic spline interpolation methods, Spline representations:
Bezier curves and surfaces, B-spline curves and surfaces
5 3D Transformation and Viewing: 08
Three-dimensional geometric and modeling transformations: translation, rotation,
scaling, composite transformations, Three-dimensional viewing: viewing pipeline,
viewing coordinates, Projections: parallel and perspective, view volume and general
projection transformations
6 Illumination and Color Models: 06
Light sources: basic illumination methods, ambient, diffuse reflection, specular
reflection, displaying light intensities, halftone patterns and dithering techniques,
Properties of light: standard primaries and chromaticity diagram, Intuitive color
concepts: RGB, YIQ, CMY, HSV,HLS color models, color selection
Total 40
Reference Books:
1 D. Hearn and P. Baker, “Computer Graphics (C-Version)”, Pearson Education
2 Foley and van Dam, “Computer Graphics”, Person Education
3 Hearn and Baker, “Computer Graphics with Open GL”, Pearson Education
4 Madasu Hanmandlu, “Computer Graphics”, BPB Publication
5 David F Rogers, “Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics”, Mc-GrawHill
6 David F Rogers, “Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics”, Mc-GrawHill
Direct classroom teaching
Audio Visual presentations/demonstrations
Continuous assessment
Interactive methods
Seminar/Poster Presentation
Industrial/ Field visits
Course Projects