DLL math 7 Q3 w2
DLL math 7 Q3 w2
DLL math 7 Q3 w2
During/Lesson Proper
Explicitation: Let the students answer: Explicitation
Let the students answer the Lesson Activity/Worksheet 1 The teacher will
following: (A) define/describe a pie graph
Suppose you are keeping
track of how much money
Reading the Key Idea/Stem you have saved each week.
You are able to save for the
last three years or 156
weeks. What do you think is
the best method to organize
these numbers?
The teacher will illustrate Let the students answer: The teacher will discuss how
Developing Understanding the Frequency Distribution Lesson Activity/Worksheet to create a pie graph using
of the Key Idea/Stem Table and discuss its parts No. 1 (1 & 2 of B), group the worked examples given.
The teacher will use the Discussion of answers in Let the students watch a
Deepening Understanding
work example as an Worksheet Number 1 to short video clip about
of the Key Idea/Stem
individual or group activity deepen student’s creating a pie graph.
and as formative understanding about the Alternatively, the teacher
assessment to let learners lesson may introduce graphing
participate in an interactive using Excel.
After/Post-Lesson Proper
Let the students answer the Ask the students: The teacher in this part will
following: What difficulties did you let the learner fill in the KWL
1. What is a Frequency encounter in doing the chart to identify their
Distribution Table, and activities and how did you takeaways of the lesson.
Making Generalizations and why is it useful in data overcome them?
Abstractions analysis?
2. What are the key
components of a
Frequency Distribution
If time permits, the teacher Let the students answer: Let the students answer the The teacher may use the
can give the item found on Lesson Activity (3 of B) Lesson Activity worksheets for formative
Evaluating Learning the Formative Assessment assessment.
under Homework,
Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation
(if applicable)