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TLE 7 REVIEWER Selling to Other Countries- you can fins
2nd Quarter products in demand in other countries and
sell them there.
TEST I- True or False (1-11) TEST II- Matching Type (12-22) TOOLS FOR LAND CLEARING TEST III- Multiple Choice (23-33) Axe- is used for chopping down tree trunks, TEST IV- Modified True or False (34-44) branches, and large roots. TEST V- Identification (45-56) Cutlass or Machete- used for slashing TEST VI- Essay (57-60) shrubs, weeding and carving points at the bottom end of pegs and poles. INTRODUCTION IN AGRICULTURE Mattock- is used for digging and uprooting The word “agriculture” comes from the small stumps. Latin words AGER and CULTURA. Crowbar- can also be used for digging holes Ager means land or field, and cultura means in seed planting. cultivation. Hand Saw- it is used for cutting wood. AGRICULTURE implies cultivating land, which involves growing crops and raising TOOLS FOR LAND PREPARATION livestock for economic reasons. Garden Fork- used for loosening, lifting, and turning soil over in gardening and farming. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN Shovel- is a tool for digging, lifting and AGRICULTURE moving bulk materials such as soil, coal, gravel, snow, sand an ore. Growing Crops- you can grow and sell Spade- it is used to lift soil particles, pen fruits vegetables or other plants. manure, and other objects into wheel Raising Animals- you can raise chickens, barrows. cows or pigs and sell their products like Rake- used to collect leaves, hay, grass, etc. eggs, milks and meats. and in gardening for loosening, the soil, and Selling Farm Supplies- you can provide light weeding. seeds, fertilizers, or tools to other farmers. Watering can- a portable container, usually Making Food- you can process fruits, with a handle and a spout, used to water vegetables, or grains to make things like plants by hand. jams, sauces or snacks. Farm Visits (Agri Tourism)- you can invite NURSERY MANAGEMENT AND people to visit your farm and show them PLANTING TOOLS how things are grown. Trowel- is used for breaking soil, digging Offering Services- you can help farmers small holes, planting and weeding and manage their farms. Install irrigation system transferring plants to pots. or control pests. Hand fork- is used to crush soil clods on Organic Farming- you can grow crops or sed beds, break surface crust, and loosen soil raise animals using natural methods and sell particles. organic products. Soil Sieves- are shallow metal pans that are Making Special Products- you can create made of metal mesh material that allow soil unique things using agricultural ingredients particles to pass through. like special recipes. Seed boxes- are small, shallow wooden Using Technology- you can create or sell boxes usually filled with potting soil that tools and equipment that help farmers to tiny seeds need for germination. work more efficiently. TOOLS FOR PLANT PROTECTION Moisture Retention- good soil can hold Hand Sprayer- used to apply small droplets some water, but not too much. of liquid pesticide onto the leaf surface of Texture- the soil should have a nice balance plants. of different sized particles like sand, silt, and Knapsack sprayer- are used on larger plots clay. with numerous plants. pH Level- the soil should have the right Respirator- is a light plastic covering that is amount of acidity or alkalinity for the plants. worn over the nostrils and the mouth. Organic Matter- good soil has things like old plants or compost. No Contaminants- the soil should not have bad things like chemicals or heavy metals. Soil Structure- good soil has a nice texture TOOLS USED FOR PRUNING that helps plant grow. Garden Shears- used to cut down unwanted 4. Consider the weather in the places. Make shoots from shrubs, especially those that are sure it matches what your crops or animals used as hedges. needed. Frame Saw- is used to remove woody 5. Check if there are rivers, lakes, or wells branches from orchard crops or ornamental nearby. You need enough water for irrigation plants. or for your animals to drinks. Pruning Knife- used for thinning delicate 6. See how close potential sites are to places branches, removing suckers and shaping where you can sell your products. bushes. 7. Find nearby electricity, roads, and storage facilities. EQUIPMENTS USED FOR LAND 8. Consider how your farm will impact the PREPARATION environment. Tractor with a plow- the plough has metal blades that can be slice the soil and turn it METHODS IN PREPARING LAND over. FOR PLANTING Bulldozer- used for moving large amounts PLOWING- means turning over the top of earth and soil. layer of soil using a special tool called a Disc plows- they are made to work on heavy plow. clayey soils and roughs stony soils. HARROWING- it makes the soil smoother Harrows- are equipment used for breaking and ready for planting seeds. up large soil clouds into smaller ones. TILLING- is a general term for preparing Ridgers- used to prepare the harrowed field the soil. Farmers use of tools or machines into ridges and furrows. like cultivators to loosen the soil. MAKING RAISED BEDS- this means making long, narrow areas of higher soil. It AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES helps the drainage and make it easier for 1. Decide what type of farming you want to plants to grow. do and how much you want to produce. MULCHING- involves spreading a Consider who will buy your products and material layer on the soil around the plants. how big your farm should be. PROTECTING THE SOIL- conservation 2. Find out about different areas suitable for tillage is a way of preparing the soil that farming. Look at the weather, soil quality, does not disturb it too much. water availability you need as follows. LEVELING SLOPES- farmers create flat 3. You want the soil to be good for growing areas called terraces on hilly or sloping land. your crops or keeping your animals healthy. COMPOSTING- before planting, farmers Fertility- good soil is full of nutrients that may add things like compost or manure to plants need to grow. make the soil richer in nutrients. Drainage- the soil should let extra water flow away easily so plants don’t get too wet. Planting and Transplanting Pulling or Uprooting- some crops such as 1. DIRECT SEEDING- It is crucial to carrots, radishes, or potatoes are taken out of prepare the beds before direct seeding. The the ground by pulling the whole plant. beds should be free from weeds and stones Shaking or Beating- certain fruits like and well-leveled. apples or pears can be collected by gently 2. BROADCASTING- or “sabog tanim” or shaking or tapping the tree branches. scatter planning is a method of planting by Threshing- when it comes to grain crops which seeds are scattered over well-prepared like wheat or rice, we need to separate the soil. edible grains from the stalks or husks. 3. DRILLING- seeds are planted in neat Using Machines- on big farms, machines rows using a special seed drill machine. are sometimes used to help with harvesting. Drilling is often used for crops like corn, soybeans, and vegetables. POST HARVESTING 4. HILL DROPPING- seeds are placed in Cleaning- the harvested crops are cleaned to small mounds or hills for crop like squash, remove dirt or unwanted things. melons, and cucumbers. Sorting and Grading- the crops are sorted 5. Transplanting- this method moves young into groups based on size, color, ripeness plant called seedling from a nursery to the and quality. field. Transplanting is commonly done for Packaging- the crops are carefully placed in vegetables and flowers. containers or packaging materials that 6. Direct Seeding- seeds are planted directly protect them during transportation. into the ground without being started Storage- the harvested crops must be stored indoors in a nursery. in a place with the right temperature, 7. Bed Planting- the soil is made into raised humidity, and ventilation. beds, and seeds or seedlings are planted in rows on top of these beds. 8. Container Planting- seeds or seedlings Agricultural Hazards and Risks in Farm are in individual containers filled with Operation special soil or growing material. Weather-Related Risks- farm can be 9. Hydroponics- they are placed in a water affected by droughts, floods, storms, and solution with all the nutrients they need to extreme temperatures. grow. Pests and Diseases- Farms face risks of 10. Aeroponics- plants are grown without pests and diseases that can harm plants, soil or water. The roots hang in the air, and animals and agricultural products. nutrient mist is sprayed on them. Market Risks- Farmers are at risk related to changing prices, demands, and trade policies. Harvesting and Post Harvesting Financial Risks- Running a fam requires money for investments, expenses and HARVESTING unexpected situations. Is the process of collecting plants, animals, Occupational Hazard- farm work involves or fish (as well as fungi) as food, especially physical labor and exposure to dangers such the process of gathering mature crops. as accidents with machinery, falls etc. Environmental Risks- farming practices SIMPLE TECHNIQUES IN can affect the environment, causing risks HARVESTING like soil erosion, water pollution from Hand Harvesting- this means using our chemicals. hands to carefully pick up fruits, vegetables, Technological Risks- using new farm or flowers from the plants. technologies, like machinery, genetically Cutting or Snapping- for certain crops like modified crops, or automation can introduce lettuce, spinach or herbs, we cut off the risks. leaves when they have grown enough. ANIMAL PRODUCTION CORNISH CROSS (BROILERS) They grow quickly and have a lot of breast Livestock production is an essential meat, making them ideal for meat component of world agriculture, production. contributing to food security, ISA BROWN nutrition, poverty alleviation, They are known for their high egg and economic growth. production, especially brown eggs, and are often kept in backyards. POULTRY KABIR Including birds like chickens and ducks Are crossbreed chickens mainly raised for raised for their meat and eggs, is essential meat. They grow fast convert food for several reasons. Poultry provides us with efficiently. food. TYPES OF POULTRY TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT IN Chickens- Are the most common type of POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK poultry. They are raised for their meat and PRODUCTION eggs. FEEDERS Ducks- People raised them for their meat, These containers hold and provide food for eggs, or as pets. Duck has a tasty flavor, and broiler chickens. They make it easy for duck eggs are bigger than chicken eggs. The chickens to eat and ensure they have Turkeys- are bigger than chickens and have enough. features like a fleshy part on their heads WATERERS called “wattle”. Waterers are containers that hold water for Geese- Are larger birds raised for their meat, the chickens to drink. They help keep the eggs, and feathers. Geese are also good at chickens hydrated and healthy. protecting and guarding. HEAT LAMPS Quails- Are smaller birds raised for their Heat lamps provide warmth to baby chicks. eggs and meat. Quail eggs are smaller than They make sure chicks stay warm and chicken eggs. comfortable, just like being with mother. Pigeons- Also known as rock doves, can be VENTILATION SYSTEM raised for their meat or kept as pets. Some These system help keep the air fresh and at people even use for them for racing. good temperature inside the chicken house. CAGES OR HOUSING DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHICKENS Cages or housing structures provide a safe
Is a local breed well-suited to the Philippine climate and can resist common poultry place for broiler chickens to live and grow. disease. LIGHTING SYSTEM WHITE LEGHORN Special lights are used to control the amount They are good at laying many big white of light the chickens get. eggs and efficiently converting their food SCALES into eggs. Scales are used to weigh the chickens at RHODE ISLAND RED different stages. These scales help farmers Are versatile meat and egg production birds. know if the chickens are growing healthy. They have brown feathers, are known for WASTE MANAGEMENT TOOLS laying eggs. Tools are used to manage the waste from the PLYMOUTH ROCK (BARRED ROCK) chickens. They help clean up the waste and Are dual-purpose chickens, meaning they keep the farm clean and healthy. are suitable for meat and eggs. EGG COLLECTION TRAYS SUSSEX They are known for their good meat and for laying brown eggs. These trays are used to collect the eggs that the hens lay. They help keep the eggs safe and prevent them from getting broken. EGG INCUBATOR An egg incubator is a special machine that helps eggs hatch into baby chicks. It provides the right temperature and humidity for the eggs to grow. BROODERS Brooders are like warm homes for baby chicks. They keep them comfortable and provide the right amount of heat need when they are young. NESTING BOXES Nesting boxes are comfortable spaces where hens lay their eggs.