Cm Project
Cm Project
Cm Project
Need of water
Water is an important and essential ingredient in our quest for survival on this planet.
It is very essential for carrying out various metabolic processes in our body and also to
carry out Hemoglobin throughout the body.
A daily average of 1 gallon per man is sufficient for drinking and cooking purposes. A
horse, bullock, or mule drinks about 11 gallons at a time. standing up, an average
allowance of 5 gallons should be given for a man, and 10 gallons for a horse or a camel.
An elephant drinks 25 gallons, each mule or ox drinks 6 to 8 gallons, each sheep or pig
6 to 8 pints. These are minimum quantities.
In order to fulfill such a huge demand of water, it needs to be purified and supplied in a
orderly and systematic way.
But with the increasing world population, the demand for drinking water has also
increased dramatically and therefore it is very essential to identify resources of water
from which we can use water for drinking purposes. Many available resources of water
do not have it in drinkable form. Either the water contains excess of Calcium or
Magnesium salts or any other organic impurity or it simply contains foreign particles
which make it unfit and unsafe for Drinking.
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Purification of Water
There are many methods for the purification of water. Some of them are
1. Boiling
2. Filtration
Boiling is perhaps the most commonly used water purification technique in use today.
While in normal households it is an efficient technique; it cannot be used for industrial
and large scale purposes. It is because in normal households, the water to be purified is
very small in quantity and hence the water loss due to evaporation is almost negligible.
But in Industrial or large scale purification of water the water loss due to evaporation
will be quite high and the amount of purified water obtained will be very less.
Filtration is also used for removing foreign particles from water. One major drawback
of this purification process is that it cannot be used for removing foreign chemicals and
impurities that are miscible with water.
The major drawback of this purification technique is that it cannot be used in countries
with cold weather. Also, the time consumed for Purification process is more and it also
needs a ‘blackened’ surface, much like solar cookers.
Therefore we need a purification technique which can be used anytime and anywhere,
does not require the use of any third party content and which is also economically
feasible on both normal scale and large scale.
Hence we look at the method of purification of water using the technique of treatment
by bleaching powder commonly known as “Chlorination”.
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most scientific information. Bleaching powder is added as part of the drinking water
treatment process. However, bleaching powder also reacts with the organic matter,
naturally present in water, such as decaying leaves. This chemical reaction forms a
group of chemicals known as disinfection by-products. Current scientific data shows that
the benefits of bleaching our drinking water (less disease) are much greater than any
health risks from THMs and other by-products. Although other disinfectants are
available, bleaching powder remains the choice of water treatment experts. When used
with modern water filtration methods, chlorine is effective against virtually all
microorganisms. Bleaching powder is easy to apply and small amounts of the chemical
remain in the water as it travels in the distribution system from the treatment plant to
the consumer’s tap, this level of effectiveness ensures that microorganisms cannot
recontaminate the water after it leaves the treatment.
Calcium Process
Sodium Process
This chemical can be used for sterilizing water by Using 5 drops of bleach per each half
gallon of water to be purified, and allowing it to sit undisturbed for half an hour to make
it safe for drinking. Letting it sit several hours more will help reduce the chlorine taste,
as the chlorine will slowly evaporate out. A different reference advises when using
household bleach for purification; add a single drop of bleach per quart of water which
is visibly clear, or three drops per quart of water where the water is NOT visibly clear.
Then allow the water to sit undisturbed for half an hour.
What are the actual processes involved in disinfecting and purifying water?
The combination of following processes is used for municipal drinking water treatment
2. Aeration - along with pre-chlorination for removal of dissolved iron and manganese
5. Sedimentation - for solids separation, that is, removal of suspended solids trapped in
the floc
Out of these processes, the role of Bleaching powder is only in the last step i.e. for
Disinfection of water.
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Aim: To Determine the dosage of bleaching powder required for sterilization or
disinfection of different samples of water.
Bleaching Powder, Glass wool, 0.1 N Na2S2O3 solution, 10% KI solution, different samples
of water, starch solution.
Pre-Requisite Knowledge:
CaOCl2+H20 Ca(OH)2+Cl2
Cl2+2KI 2KCl+I2
I2+2Na2S2O3 Na2S4O6+2NaI
3. A known Volume of one of the given samples of water is treated with a known
volume of bleaching powder solution. The amount of residual chlorine is determined
by adding excess potassium iodide solution and then titrating against standard
sodium thiosulphate solution.
4. From the readings in 2 and 3, the amount of chlorine and hence bleaching powder
required for the disinfection of a given volume of the given sample of water can be
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1. Preparation of bleaching powder solution. Weigh accurately 2.5g of the given sample
of bleaching powder and transfer it to a 250ml conical flask. Add about 100-150ml of
distilled water. Stopper the flask and shake it vigorously. The suspension thus
obtained is filtered through glass wool and the filtrate is diluted with water (in a
measuring flask) to make the volume 250ml. The solution obtained is 1% bleaching
powder solution.
2. Take 20ml of bleaching powder solution in a stoppered conical flask and add it to
20ml of 10% KI solution. Stopper the flask and shake it vigorously. Titrate this
solution against 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution taken in the burette. When the solution in the
conical flask becomes light yellow in color, add about 2ml starch solution. The
solution now becomes blue in color. Continue titrating till the blue color just
disappears. Repeat the titration to get a set of three concordant readings.
3. Take 100ml of the water sample in a 250ml stoppered conical flask and add it to
10ml of bleching powder solution. Then add 20ml of KI solution and stopper the
flask. Shake vigorously and titrate against 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution using starch solution
as indicator as described in step 2.
4. Repeat the step 3 with other samples of water and record the observations.
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Amount of the given sample of bleaching powder required to disinfect one litre of
Sample I = ………g