Construction of Ponds
Construction of Ponds
Construction of Ponds
Three meters is the common depth for numbers of structures with 60m3
volume constructed in the region.
V R 3 Where, V = storage capacity, m3; R= radius &П = 3.142
4. Construction of Ponds
Construction Plan should be prepared including technical specification of the construction works, dimension
of the structure, construction schedule, responsibility of each stakeholder in the construction period and
lists of construction materials &technical procedures.
At present, the price of construction materials (cement, sand, and stone) and labor is very high
further increasing the cost of the system. There is a wide concern that all types of WHS are not
replicable at such high prices and they are not affordable by the Ethiopian farmers. Therefore, we
have to look for low cost and easily available materials for scaling up the system in the country.
Among the low cost lining materials, geo membrane plastic sheet is easily available in most of the
woreda or zone office of Agriculture; or otherwise the excavated earthen pond with a soil texture of
low seepage can serve as storage pond. The most common and recommended construction
materials to reduce seepage, evaporation and sedimentation are the following.
a) For Seepage losses: red clay, termite mound, cement mortar, concrete, stone or brick with
cement mortar and geo membrane plastic sheet (thickness not less than 0.5mm).
b) For Evaporation losses:The storage tank should be covered with appropriate roofing materials
that inhibit vaporization; and surface area of the storage tank should be minimum to reduce the cost
of tank roofing.
c) Sedimentation:To reduce the problem of sedimentation in a water tank, select suitable water
source (catchment) area with minimum sediment load; treat the water source (the catchments
area); and provide appropriate silt trap with filter mesh.
4.1. Trapezoidal Pond lined with GPS
Following the steps below, the trapezoidal shaped pond can be constructed:
4.2. HHWH cylindrical shape pond lined withstone masonry
All materials and tools required should be transported to the site before construction starts. At
site the following procedures will be followed. Assuming 6m diameter and 3m water depth