Regulation-Integrated MPES 1
Regulation-Integrated MPES 1
Regulation-Integrated MPES 1
Regulations for Master of Physical Education and Sports (M.P.E.S)
(Five-year Integrated Programme) Under Choice Based Credit Semester
System (CBCSS) in the School of Physical Education and Sports
Sciences, Kannur University effective from 2023 admissions.
Core, Elective, Open Electives) specifying the Syllabus, Credits, hours of
teaching, evaluation and examination schemes, minimum number of credits
required for successful completion of the programme etc. prepared in
conformity with University Rules.
2.6 ‘Foundation Course’ means a course that comes under the category of
courses, including compulsory foundation courses both theory and practicum
including Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC), Practicum
(Compulsory Foundation Course) which is compulsory for all students
undergoing the programme.
Lecture/tutorials+30 hrs. of learner engagement in terms course related
activities such as seminars preparation, submitting assignments etc. Credit for
a practical could be proposed as part of a course or as a separate practical
2.10 ‘Credit Point’ of a course (CCP) is the value obtained by multiplying the
grade point (GP) by the credit (C) of the course: CCP = GP x C.
2.11 SGPA means Semester Grade Point Average calculated for individual semester.
2.12 Credit Point of a semester (SCP) is the product of SGPA of that semester
and the totalcredit load of that semester. SCP=SGPA x Credit of the semester
2.13 Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) is the sum of credit points in all
semesters of the Programme/Total credits.
2.14 Cumulative Grade Point Average’ (CGPA) is the value obtained by dividing
the sum of credit points in all the courses taken by the student for the
completed semesters by the total number of credits acquired so far and shall
be rounded off as follows: If the student exits from the Programme after 6th
semester, credit shall be rounded off to three decimal places and if completes
the 10th semester, credit can be rounded off to two decimal places.
2.15 ‘Department’ means any teaching department offering a programme/course
of study approved by the university, as per the Statutes and Act of the
2.16 'Department Council' means the body of all regular teachers of the
2.17 ‘Duration of programme’ means the time period required for the conduct of
the programme. The duration of M.P.E.S (Five Year Integrated) Programme
(CBCSS) coming under the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
Sciences shall be 10 Semesters distributed in a period of 5 academic years.
2.18 ‘Faculty Advisor’ means a teacher from the parent Department nominated by
the Department council, who will advise the students in the academic matters
and in the choice of Generic Elective course.
2.19 Grade Card means the official record of student’s performance, awarded to
the candidate in a semester.
2.20 Consolidated Grade Card means the official record of student’s
performance, awarded to the candidate in a programme.
D, and E).Grade means the prescribed alphabetical grade awarded to a student
based on her/his performance in various examinations. The Letter Grade that
corresponds to a range of CGPA is given in clause 8.
2.22 Parent Department’ means the Department which offers a particular degree
2.23 ‘Programme’ means the entire course of study and examinations for the
award of degree.
2.25 ‘Strike off the roll’ means removing a student from the roll, who is
continuously absent for 14 working days without sufficient reason and proper
intimation in writing to the Head of the Department/Course Coordinator, after
following the procedure prescribed.
2.26 Words and expressions used and not defined in these regulations, but defined
in the Kannur University Act, Statutes and Ordinances shall have the meaning
respectively assigned to them in the Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances.
3.1 M.P.E.S (Five Year Integrated) Programme (CBCSS) is a five-year (10
semesters) programme with an exit option after the completion of VI
Semesters if the student so desires, with permission from the University.
Lateral entry into the M.P.E.S. programme to the seventh semester will also be
allowed for those candidates who have successfully completed B.P.E.S /
B.P.Ed Programme from any of the recognized Universities. Candidates on
successful completion of first six semesters will be awarded Bachelor of
Physical Education and Sports (B.P.E.S.) Degree on request. Candidates
who are awarded B.P.E.S Degree on request after six semesters shall surrender
the same at the time of issuing. M.P.E.S (Five Year Integrated) Degree
Certificate. Candidates who successfully complete the first six semesters and
thereafter continue the programme and successfully complete the remaining
four semesters, will be awarded M.P.E.S (Five Year Integrated) Degree. If
the candidate gets admission through lateral entry, the candidate who
successfully completes the semesters (i.e., seven to ten) will be awarded
Master of Physical Education and Sports (M.P.E.S.) Degree.
3.2 Admission taken in the first semester shall be admission to “M.P.E.S. (Five
Year Integrated) Programme” (CBCSS) (and students will not be required to
take re- admission at any stage of the course unless the student discontinues
the course after 6th semester).
3.3 Eligible candidates registered for a semester examination alone will be
promoted to the subsequent semesters.
3.4 There shall be a provision for readmission of students already registered under
Kannur University Regulations for M.P.E.S. (Five Year Integrated)
Programme under the Choice Based Credit and Semester System (CBCSS)
subject to the conditions that;
(i) The Candidate seeking readmission to a particular semester should have
registered for the previous semester examination.
(ii) There should not be any change in the scheme and syllabus. If there is
change in the scheme and syllabus, readmission may be given in
consultation with the Department Council and Examination Branch. The
Semester syllabi can change at any time.
(iii)For re-admission, the vacancy should be within the statutory limit or as per
university rules. Re-admission shall be made within 14 days of the
commencement of classes.
3.5 Those students who prefer the exit option and obtain B.P.E.S Degree shall be
given readmission to the 7th semester of the Programme along with
subsequent batch to complete Integrated M.P.E.S Degree, subject to the
availability of vacancy.
eligible categories will be given in qualifying examinations as per rules of
Kannur University/Govt. of Kerala for admission.
4.1 (i). The selection of students for admission will be done as per the merit
4.1 (ii). The merit list will be prepared according to admission tests (written
test, physical test and game proficiency assessment) based on the
rules/regulations as laid down by Kannur University from time to time.
4.2 B.P.E.S and M.P.E.S degrees awarded as per regulation of M.P.E.S. (Five
Year Integrated) Programme (CBCSS) shall be equivalent to the B.P.E.S
and M.P.E.S. Degree for academic and employment purposes.
4.3 If any vacancy arises due to discontinuation or exit option after VI Semester,
fresh admission shall be allowed to VII semester, for candidates with Degree
in B.P.E.S or B.P.Ed, as per University PG Department Admission regulations.
4.4 The maximum number of students to be admitted to the Programme shall be
limited to 30.
4.5 The University shall publish a Prospectus listing all courses offered in the
4.6 There shall be a uniform Academic cum Examination Calendar approved by
the University for the registration, conduct and scheduling of examinations,
and publication ofresults.
4.7 Each student shall register for the courses that they propose to take in a
semester, in consultation with the Faculty Adviser.
separately will be granted by Vice Chancellor as per the existing rules.
5.3 Records of attendance shall be maintained by the concerned Department for
a period of six years after the programme and the attendance register shall be
made available for verification.
6.1 Semester and Working Days: The M.P.E.S (Five Year Integrated)
programme is a 5-year 10 semester programme under the CBCSS. Each
semester shall consist of 18 weeks of academic schedule equivalent to 90
teaching days.
6.2 In each semester 15 days should be kept aside for examinations including
internal examination and other academic activities
6.4 Course Code: The programme shall include the theory and Practicum Courses
as follows: In theory - Core Courses, Elective courses, Open Elective courses,
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses; and in Practicum Courses which
includes, Compulsory Foundation Courses, Elective Courses, Skill
Enhancement Courses and Ability Enhancement Courses.
6.5 Each course offered is identified by a unique course code. The first two letters
denote the Integrated Programme (IP), the next three letter denote the
programme, Master of Physical Education and Sports (MPS), this is followed
by the semester 01, 02, 03, 04…. 10. After semester number the single
alphabet stands for course as C for Core Course; E for Elective Course, A for
Ability Enhancement Course, and P for Practicum Course.
6.6 For the first six semesters, candidates have to undergo the prescribed course of
study leading to the award of outcome-based B.P.E.S Degree with courses at
Graduate level, and subsequent 4 semesters leading to M.P.E.S (Five Year
Integrated) Programme (CBCSS), coming under the Faculty of Physical
Education and Sports Sciences. The minimum credits required for the
Integrated Programme will be 217 with minimum 134 credits for Semesters I
to VI; minimum 83 credits for Semesters VII to X. The credit distribution
shall be as follows:
Theory - Core Courses
Theory - Elective Courses
Theory – Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 9
Practicum – Compulsory Foundation Course 16
Practicum – Elective Course
Practicum – Skill Enhancement / Ability Enhancement Courses 12
Total credits for first six semesters 134
Theory - Core Courses
Theory - Elective Courses
Theory – Open Electives 4
Practicum – Compulsory Foundation Course 12
Practicum – Elective Course
Practicum – Skill Enhancement / Ability 8
Enhancement Courses
Total credits for first six semesters 83
6.7 If the candidate takes an exit option after semester 6, the total credits for the
B.P.E.S programme is 134. If the candidate takes admission to Semester 7
through lateral entry, the total credits required for the programme (M/P/E/S) is
83. The total credits required for the Integrated M.P.E.S programme is 217
(134 + 83).
6.8 The number of courses and their respective credits can be decided by the
department council. The department council shall design Core, Elective and
Open Elective courses including the detailed syllabus for each Programme
offered by the department. Department Council shall have the freedom to
introduce new courses and/or to modify/redesign existing Courses and replace
any existing Course with a new Course to facilitate better exposure and
training for the students, with the approval of the Department Council and the
Academic Council. Any such change in the syllabus or course during a
programme shall be effected before the commencement of the semesters with
prior approval from the university.
6.9 Grace mark will be awarded as per the existing rules applicable for UG and
PG programmes of the University departments.
7.1 In addition to the courses specified as part of the programme, all students
should complete a Value-Added Course or MOOC course of at least 2 credits
during the semesters VII to IX for getting the degree.
7.2 The credits earned from Value Added Course/ MOOC course will be over and
above the minimum credits required for the completion of the programme.
7.3 Value Added Courses will be offered by the departments and the students can
opt it. The MOOC courses selected by the students should be relevant to the
discipline and approved by the department in which the student is enrolled.
7.4 The students should submit the pass certificate of the Values Added Course /
MOOC course before completing the last semester (Xth Semester)
examination to the Controller of Examination through the Head of the
7.5 The marks/grades secured for Value Added Courses / MOOC course will not
be considered for the computation of CGPA. However, the name of such
course, the credits earned, and the marks/grades secured will be shown in the
final grade card.
8.1 Evaluation of the students shall be done by the faculty member who teaches
the Course based on Continuous Evaluation and an End Semester
Examination. The proportion of the distribution of marks among End Semester
Examination and Continuous Evaluation shall be 60: 40.
8.2 Continuous Evaluation includes assignments, seminars, periodic written
examinations, or other measures as proposed in the syllabus and approved by
the university.
8.3 The allocation of marks for each component under Continuous Evaluation
shall be usually in the following proportions:
Theory Practical
Components % of marks Components % of marks
8.5 Performance of each student in an assessment shall be intimated to the student
within two weeks of the conduct of test/ submission of assignment/ report.
9.2 The Board of Examiners will function as the Pass Board with the Head of the
Department or a nominee of the Vice Chancellor as its Chair.
9.3 The grades so finalized by the pass board will be forwarded to Controller of
Examinations by the Chairman of the Board of Examiners.
9.4 The minimum percentage of marks required for pass for each course shall be
50%, with minimum 40 % marks for the End Semester Evaluation (ESE).
10.1 All Integrated MPES students are required to carry out a research project in the
fourth semester. For this, the students are encouraged to go to institutes /
research centres / coaching academies of national importance to acquire hands-
on-training and exposure to a research culture. The department/University may
establish close link with such institutions for the purpose, by way of executing
appropriate MoU, if required.
10.2 There shall be a board of at least two examiners (At least one external expert)
for the evaluation of the project work. Each candidate must submit two copies
of the Project Report approved by the project guide before the last date fixed
by the department. The candidate must present the project before the board of
examiners which will be followed by a Viva-voce. The ESE for the project will
be made jointly by the board of examiners based on the project report, its
presentation and Viva-Voce. The ESE marks for the project will be 60.
10.3 Continuous evaluation of the project work shall be done by the project
supervisor. The marks for CE will be 40. The total marks for the project will
be 100.
11.2 A minimum of grade point 5 (Grade C) is needed for the successful completion
of a Course. A student who has failed in a Course can reappear for the End
Semester Examination of the same Course along with the next batch without
taking re-admission or choose another Course in the subsequent Semesters of
the same programme to acquire the minimum credits needed for the completion
of the Programme. There shall not be provision for improvement of CE and
ESE. A student who has successfully completed the CE requirements in a
subsequent semester can also appear for the ESE subject to the maximum
duration permitted.
11.3 Performance of a student at the end of each Semester is indicated by the
Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and is calculated by taking the
weighted average of grade points of the Courses successfully completed in
that semester. The following formula is used for the calculation. The average
will be rounded off to two decimal places.
11.4 At the end of the Programme, the overall performance of a student is indicated
by the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and is calculated using the
same formula given above, by taking all courses successfully completed in the
% Marks = CGPA x 10
11.6 Based on the CGPA overall letter grade of the student and classification shall
be in the following way.
Examination (ESE) are compulsory, and no Grade shall be awarded to
a candidate if the candidate is absent for CE or ESE or both.
12.1 The Controller of Examinations shall issue the grade cards of all
semesters and the consolidated grade card and certificates on
completion of the programme, based on the details submitted by the
Heads of the Departments concerned. This will be in digital form only.
12.2 The Grade Card shall contain the following.
(a) Title of the Courses taken as Core, Elective & Open Elective, Ability
Enhancement / Skill Enhancement Courses separately for theory and
Practicum Courses.
(b) The credits associated with, and grades awarded for each Course.
(c) The number of credits (Core /Elective / Open Elective, Ability
Enhancement / Skill Enhancement Courses) separately earned by
the student and the SGPA.
(d) The total credits (Core / Elective / Open Elective, Ability
Enhancement / Skill Enhancement Courses) separately earned by
a student till that Semester.
12.3 The consolidated grade statement issued on completion of the
Programme shall contain the name of the Programme, the
Department/School offering the Programme, the title of the Courses
taken, the credits associated with each Course, grades awarded, the
total credits for Theory and Practicum (Core/ Elective/Open Elective/
Ability Enhancement/Skill Enhancement Courses) separately earned
by the student, the CGPA and the class in which the student is placed.
Rank/Position Certificates will be issued based on CGPA calculated at
the end of the last semester of that Programme.
12.4 The consolidated grade card shall also contain the details of the Value-
Added Course / MOOC course successfully completed by the student.
However, the marks/grades secured in the Value-Added Course /
MOOC course will not be taken for computing the CGPA.
14.1 Ranking shall be done on the basis of the OGPA obtained by the candidate in
the whole examination of the M.P.E.S (Five Year Integrated) Programme
(CBCSS) (Ten Semesters) passed in the first chance, including Improvement
chance within the Programme period.
14.2 Candidates taking exit after successful completion of first 6 semesters/
Lateral Entry candidates shall not be considered for Ranking of M.P.E.S
(Five Year Integrated) Programme (CBCSS)
14.3 No provision for Ranks/Position for B.P.E.S (exit option) and M.P.E.S
(lateral entry)
15.2 The maximum time limit to complete the Programme for a candidate taking
exit on completion of 6 semesters shall be 6 years after joining the
15.3 The maximum time limit to complete the Programme for Lateral entry
candidates joining in 7th semester shall be 4 years after joining the programme.
17.2 University Level Committee (ULC) will consist of the Convenor of the
Curriculum Committee, the concerned Dean, the concerned Head of the
Department and a nominee of the Students’ Union.
17.3 Department Level Committee will be presided over by the HoD. Complaints
will have to be submitted to the Department concerned within two weeks of
publication of results of Continuous Evaluation (CE) and disposed of within
two weeks of receipt of complaint. Appeals to University Level Committee
should be made within two weeks of the decisions taken by Department
Level Committee and disposed of within two weeks of the receipt of the