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Sec 1.3 Geom

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Section 1.

3 Points, Lines, and Planes

Objective 1: Learning Terms and Postulates of Geometry

The following table describes three undefined terms of Geometry, how to name these terms, and
gives an example of each.

Description How to Name It Example

A point has no dimension Name a point by a
(no length, width, or single capital letter.
height). It does have a
location or position.
A line extends in opposite Name a line by a
directions without end single lowercase
and has one dimension— letter or by any two
length. points on the line.
A plane extends in two Name a plane by a
dimensions without end. single capital letter
The two dimensions are or by any three
length and width, but no points on the plane
thickness. We represent a (that do not lie on
plane by a flat surface. the same line).

Collinear points are points that lie on the same line.

Coplanar points are points that lie on the same plane.

a. Use the figure shown below to answer the following questions:

i. Name two other ways to name line .

ii. Name two other ways to name plane C.

iii. Name three collinear points.

iv. Name four coplanar points.

Space is the set of all points in three dimensions.

A geometric figure is any nonempty subset of space.

Another undefined term is between. In the figure below, points A, B, C, and D all lie on the same
line. Point B is between points A and C as well as between points A and D.

However, in the next figure, point B is not between points A and C because point B does not on the
same line as points A and C.

The following table describes some defined terms, how to name them, and gives an example of each.

Definition How to Name It Example

A line segment or simple Name a segment by
segment is part of a line. It its end points:
consists of two endpoints and (segment AB) or
all the points between them.
(segment BA)
A ray is part of a line. It Name a ray by its
consists of an endpoint and endpoint and any
all points of the line on one other point on the
side of the endpoint. ray. The order of
the points is
important here—
list the endpoint
first. (ray AB) is
not the same as
(ray BA)
Opposite rays are two rays Name each
that share the same endpoint opposite ray as you
and form a line. would name a ray.

Postulate: Two Points Determine a Line

Through any two points there is exactly one line.
In the figure below, line t passes through points A and B. Line t is the only line that passes through
both points.
The intersection of two or more geometric figures is the set of points that the figures have in

Postulate: Intersection of Lines

If two distinct lines intersect, then they intersect at exactly one point.
In the figure below, lines m and n intersect at point C.

b. Use the figure shown below to answer the following:

i. Name five points.

ii. Name three rays.

iii. Name four segments.

iv. Name a pair of opposite rays.

v. Are rays and opposite rays?

Postulate: Intersection of Planes

If two distinct planes intersect, then they intersect in exactly one line.
In the figure below, plane RST and plane WST intersect in line .
Postulate: Three Noncollinear Points Determine a Plane
Through any three noncollinear points there is exactly one plane.
Points Q, R, and S are noncollinear. Plane P is the only plane that contains them.

Hint: Do not forget the three points must be noncollinear. If the three points are collinear, many
planes will pass through the three points!

c. Use the figure below to answer the following questions:

i. Name the intersection of planes QRS and TGF.

ii. Name the intersection of planes HEF and SER.

iii. Name two planes that intersect in line .

iv. Name the intersection of planes TSF and HES.

v. Name a point that is coplanar with Q, T, and G.

vi. Name a point that is coplanar with R, S, and G.

d. Plot the points on a coordinate plane and state whether they appear to be collinear or not.
i. (0, 0), (-3, 4), (5, -3)
ii. (-1, -1), (2, 2), (4, 4)

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