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Bhavesh report

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Chapter -1



NIGAM LTD.(RRVPNL) .This grid substations is main supplier of electricity in Reodar, Sirohi & part
of Riico Aburoad Total grid capacity is 50 MVA. Total normal load is about 35 to 40MW & peak load
is 42 MW.








Chapter -2


Transformer is a static device by means of which electric power in one circuit is transformed into
electric power of the same frequency in another circuit. It can raise or lower the voltage in a circuit
corresponding increase & decrease in current. The physical basis of a transformer is mutual induction
between two circuit linked by a common magnetic flux.

In its simplest form, it consists of two induction coil which are electrically separated but magnetically
linked through a path of low reluctance. The first coil, in which electric energy is fed from the ac supply
mains is drawn out, is called secondary winding.


When an ac source is connected to the primary winding of the transformer, then an alternating current
will flow in the circuit Then this flux will link to the core. When this links with the secondary winding
of transformer, the due to rate of change of flux, an EMF will induce in secondary current will flow
through that part.

Fig.2.1: Transformer core

Fig2.2 Setup and down transform


Generally, transformers are housed in tightly fitted sheet metal tanks filled with special insulating oil.

Properties of oil

1. Free from alkalis, moisture.

2. Non inflammable.
3. Don't decompose to produce inflammable gases.
4. Sledging should not be ther
Sledging is formed by decomposition of oil with the longs & continuous use. It is principal caused by
exposure to oxygen during eating & results in the formation of large deposits of dark & heavy matter
that cooling ducts in transformer.

We have to change the oil in 10 to12 years after tan ð result more than 20. This oil is very costly. Instead
of natural mineral oil, new insulating fluid is used know as "ASKARELS".

Its properties are -Non inflammable.

-Less costly.

-Changing time is more than mineral oil.

-Don't decompose to produce inflammable gases. One such fluid is "PYROCLOR".


Moisture is one affects transformer the most. Even small % lowers the dielectric strength of oil.


The tanks are sealed air tight in smaller unit. In case of large units, where complete air tight construction
is impossible, chambers know as breathers are provided. The atmospheric moisture is entrapped by these
breathers & is not allowed to pass thought the oil.



In these types of cooling, when core & winding of transformer gets heated, the oil expands. It then flow
downwards by the inner walls of tank the heat is removed from the wall of tanks by air convection.

In this types of cooling oil is circulated through the pump & flows through fans & heat is extracted
quickly because this system works as oil to air heat exchanger.


1. CORE:

The core material's construction should be such that both the magnetizing current and the core losses are
min. The cores laminated in order to reduce eddy current loss.

The lamination are made of so called transformer grade steel

Containing 3.5%.The steel used for transformer core may be hot rolled or cold rolled. The insulation on
the surface of lamination is of KAOLIN or VARNISH but for cold rolled oriented, phosphate base
coating is used. The core has stepped crosssection. The yoke is clamped with end frames by yoke bolts
or by fiber glass tape. The yoke bolts, end frames and core are insulated from each other to withstand a
test pressure of 2KV RMS at 50 Hz for a minute.


The winding used in transformer are of different types and employ different arrangements for coil

a. Shell type transformer-Sand witch winding.

b. Core type transformer-Concentric winding.

The type and arrangement used for winding used for core type of transformer depends upon many

1. Current rating.
2. Short circuit strength
3. Temperature rise
4. Impedance.
1. Transport facilities.

The winding used for core type of transformer are of following types-

1. Cylindrical winding.
2. Helical winding.
3. Double helical winding.
4. Multi-layer helical winding.
5. Cross-over winding.
6. Disc & continues disc winding

Paper covered insulated copper strips or continuously transposed cable for making winding. Winding are
dried in a oven and composed before assembly and remain in compressed position by means of
clamping bolts.


The tank is of welded mild steel plate construction, sand/shot blasted on the inner & outer side to
remove scale before painting. The outer side applied with primer paint and final coat of synthetic
enamel of shade no.631, 632 of IS-5. The cover is bell type or flat and mounted on the top of the tank or
bolted to the bottom tank rim. Adequate numbers of inspection covers are provided. To make joints, oil
tight neoprene bonded cork or nitrite rubber gasket is used. Bidirectional flanged rollers


As the temperature of oil increases or decreases during operation there is a corresponding rise in fall in
the volume. An expansion vessel (conservator) is connected to the transformer tank. The conservator is
provide with magnetic oil level gauge on one of the end covers, which has a low oil alarm suitable for
240V DC or AC.
Prismatic oil to level appropriate to the.


The conservator or air cell is connected to the outer atmosphere through a dehydrating (silica gel filled)
breather to make sure that the air in the conservator or the cell is dry. When the Silica gel gets saturated
with the moisture it's changes to pink or red. By heating the gel at 100°C for 48 hours it can be reusable.

In case of major fault in the transformer like short circuit in the winding, the internal pressure is built up
to a very high level, which may result in rupture of tank. To avoid such a contingency a pressure relief
valve is fitted on the transformer. It is self sealing spring loaded type and has contacts for tripping.


The transformer is having either single or mixed cooling like OFWF, OFAF, ONAF, and ONAN.
Radiators, fans pumps, heat exchangers are used depending upon different type of cooling. Fans with
wire mesh are mounted on separate frames
Supported form tank wall.


Connecting leads from the core & end frame are being terminated at the cover, by
connecting them to tank cover, core and core frame are earthed. Insulation resistance between the
leads from core and end frame or between lead from core and earth point
can be checked by 500v meager.


It is done by connecting copper strips between tank rim & tank cover.


For tank earthing two earthing pads have been provided.12 bolts are required to make perfect earthing
between pads on tank and external earthing strip.


 Oil level check, conservator tank breaker, OLTC conservator tank.

 Condition of silica gel, vent pipe/diaphragm.
 Working of cooling fans.
 AC supply to cooling bank and operation, OLTC and counter reading & oil level of gear.
 Observation of air in the conservator oil.
 General cleaning of control cubicles.

 Bushing check for cracks and dirt.

 Check oil level in the bushings.
 Measurements of BDV of oil (main tank) minimum.

 Tightening of nuts, bolts, clamps, fixtures, etc.

 Checking of arcing horn gap-setting on bushing.
 Checking of indicator position of P.R.D. pump selector.


 Electrical testing of P.R.D., Buchholz relay, OLTC surge relay.  Measurements of insulation
resistance of winding with meager.
 Checking of the working of conservator below/float of M.O.O.
 Testing of oil for DGA and other parameters ( water content, sp. Resistance , ten delta, IFTA, total

 Measurements of BDV of selector switch oil-min-40 KV/ diverter switch.
 Capacitance of ton delta measurements of bushing & winding resistance.
 External cleaning of radiators, OLTC, marshalling boxes of BCT/ cooler control.
 IR measurement of winding.
 Maintenance of OLTC driving mechanism i.e. shaft, gear, coupling, etc.
 Electrical checking of PRD Buchholz relay, OLTC surge relay & replacement of the gaskets of the
 Tightening of terminations in the marshalling box.


Transformer used in conjunction with measuring instruments for measurements purposes are called
“instrument transformer”. In power systems , current & voltage handled are very large & therefore,
direct measurement are not possible as these currents & voltage are far too large for any meter of
reasonable size & cost. The transformer used for measurement of current is called “current transformer”
or simply “CT” & transformer used for voltage measurement are called as “potential transformer” or
simply “PT”.

The current transformer is used with its primary winding connected in series with line carrying current
to be measured. Primary winding consist of very few turns & secondary has large number of turns. The
ammeter or wattmeter current coil, are connected directly across the secondary winding terminal thus,
secondary winding terminals thus, secondary winding. Is always short circuited. One of the terminals of

Fig 2.3: Current Transformer

Fig:- Application Instrumental Transformer


Potential transformers are used to operate voltmeter .the potential coils of wattmeter & relay from high
voltage line .the primary winding. Of transformer is connected across the line carrying the voltage circuit
is connected across secondary winding.

The design of potential transformer is quite similar to that of a power transformer but the loading is
always small, sometimes only a few volt ampere. The secondary winding is designed so that a voltage of
100 to 120V is delivered to the instrument load .the normal secondary voltage rating is 110V.

Fig 2.5: Potential Transformer

The potential transformer is connected in parallel with the circuit. The primary windings of the potential
transformer are directly connected to the power circuit whose voltage is to be measured. The secondary
terminals of the potential transformer are connected to the measuring instrument like the voltmeter,
wattmeter, etc.The secondary windings of the potential transformer are magnetically coupled through
the magnetic circuit of the primary windings.
The primary terminal of the transformer is rated for 400V to several thousand volts, and the secondary
terminal is always rated for 400V. The ratio of the primary voltage to the secondary voltage is termed as
transformation ratio or turn ratio.


 Checking of oil level.


 Oil level in base and top unit.

 Visual checking of earthing of HF point.

 Inspection/cleaning of bushings for cracks/dust deposit.

 Checking of oil leaks.

 Measurement of voltage at metering points & at CVT terminals.

 Checking of healthiness of gaskets.


 Checking of CVT capacitor, stacks & tightening of terminal connection.

 Checking & tightening of all connections including earthing.

 Leaning of marshaling box & junction box.


 Thermo vision scanning of capacitor stacks.

 Capacitance & tan delta measurement of CVT.

 Measurement of IR values after removing jumper.


Make:- Crompton Greaves Sr. no.:-VT 102068 (R-Φ) VT 102066 (Y-Φ)

VT 102067 (B-Φ) H.S.V.:-36 KV
Insulation level:-70/170 KV VA / CL:-100/1.0


The capacitive voltage transformer step-down the high voltage input signals and provide the low voltage
signals which can easily measure through the measuring instrument. The Capacitive voltage transformer
(CVT) is also called capacitive potential transformer. For measuring high voltage (above 100kV) the
high insulated transformer is required. The highly insulated transformer is quite expensive as compared
to the normal transformer. For reducing the cost, the capacitive potential transformer is used in the
system. The CVT is cheap, and their performance is not much inferior to the highly insulated
transformer. The capacitive potential divider is used in combination with the auxiliary transformer and
the inductive element. The capacitive potential divider step-down the extra high voltage signals into a
low voltage signal. The output voltage of the capacitive potential transformer is further step-down by the
help of the auxiliary transformer. The capacitor or potential divider is placed across the line whose
voltage is used to be measured or controlled. Let the C 1 and C2 be the capacitor placed across
the transmission lines. The output of the potential divider acts as an input to the auxiliary transformer.
The capacitor places near to the ground have high capacitances as compared to that placed near the
transmission line. The high value of capacitances means the impedance of that part of the potential
divider becomes low. Thus, low voltages pass to the auxiliary transformer. The auxiliary transformer
further step-down the voltages.
The N1 and the N2 are the numbers of turns on the primary and the secondary winding of the
transformer. The meter used for measuring the low value of voltage is resistive, and the potential divider
is capacitive. Thereby, the phase shift occurs, and the output will be affected. To overcome this
problem, the inductance is placed in series with the auxiliary transformer.


 Metering
 Protection
 It offers low impedance at carrier frequency & high impedance At Power frequency.
Chapter - 3



In this protection all the relays are situated at primary side. There are following relays used at primary
side of transformer.
Over Current Protection
Differential protection is generally uneconomical for power transformer below about 5 MVA. In such
cases, over current protection is employed as main protection against phase faults
.For transformer about 5MV. If differential protection is used in as a main protection, over current
protection is use in addition, as a back-up for sustained through fault protection. For small distribution
below 500KVA over current protection may be provide simply by means of fuse on HV side, as such
transformer are installed in unattended sub-station, circuit breakers and relays are not provide.
Earth Fault Protection
Earth fault protection of transformer can be in one or more forms such as restricted earth fault protection
by differential protection additional/separate restricted earth fault protection Leakage of frame
Neutral current relays.

Protection from lightning surges

By use lightning arrester this protection is provide to transfer. Horn type lightning arrester used at G.S.S
Abu Road.


In this protection all the protective equipment used at secondary side of transformer.

Over current protection

This protection is used to protect the secondary of transformer from more current then rating.

a. Earth fault protection:

It is used to protect the secondary from earth leakage current.

b. Restricted earth fault protection:

The star connected side is protected by R.E.F. an earth fault beyond the transformer causes the current in
CT secondary. Therefore, the Resultant current in earth fault
relay is negligible.

When fault occurs very near the neutral point of the transformer, the voltage available for driving earth
point the transformer, the voltage available for driving earth fault current is small. Hence, fault current
would be low. If the relay is not sense such, it has too sensitivity and would therefore, operate for
spurious signals, external faults and switching surges. Hence, the practice is not set the relay such that it
operates for earth fault current of the order of 15% of rated winding. Hence, the name restricted
earth fault protection.

a. Directional O/C and E/F Protection:

This relay on secondary side to prevent the healthy section feeding into faulty section. The feedback is
prevented by operation by directional over current relay of faster setting. By operation of this directional
over current relay, the corresponding CB is quickly tripped and the feedback from healthy is prevented.


Differential Protection:

This protection is provided to transformer by means of different relay. The different protection responds
to the vector different between the two similar quantities. In protection of transformer, CT are connected
at each end of the transformer. The CT secondary are connected in star or delta and pilot wires are
connected between the CTs of each end of the CT connection and CT ratios are such hat current fed into
the pilot from both the ends are equal during normal condition and for through faults.
Oil temperature alarm:
When the temperature of oil increasing during the operation from is limit then oil temperature alarm
operates and we get an indication against fault.Oil temperature increase more then limit then the oil
temperature relay get trip and we get protection against the
any fault due to oil temperature.

Winding temperature alarm:

This protection provided against the fault due to rise in winding temperature. When the temperature of
winding rise then fixed temperature then this alarm indicate to us.
Winding temperature trip:

When temperature of winding rise and the alarm indicate then the trip circuit comes in circuit and it
break the circuit from entire circuit.

Buchholz alarm:

This alarm indicate to us against the Buchholz development in transformer due the breaking the gas in
Buchholz Trip:

The incipient faults in transformer tank blow oil level actuate Buchholz relay so as to give an alarm. The
are causes decomposition of transformer oil. the product of decomposition contain more than 70% of
hydrogen gas , which being light ,rises upwards and tries to go into the conservator. The Buchholz relay
is fitted in the pipe leading to conservator. The gas get collected in upper portion of the Buchholz relay,
thereby the oil level in the Buchholz relay drops down.

The float, floating in oil in the Buchholz relay tilts down with the lowering oil level. While doing so the
mercury switch close alarm circuit. Thereby the Operates know that there is some incipient fault in
transformer. The transformer is disconnected as early and possible and the gas sample is tested. The
testing of gas gives clue regarding the type of insulation failure.Buchholz relay gives an alarm so that
the transformer can be disconnecting before the incipient fault grows
into a serious one.
Chapter -4
Circuit breakers are mechanical operated devices designed to open or close contact members, thus
closing or opening of an electrical circuit under normal or abnormal conditions. A breaker is a piece of
equipment which can make or break a circuit either manually or by remote control under normal
Break a circuit automatically under fault conditions. Make a circuit manually or by remote control under
fault conditions.
Thus a circuit breaker incorporates manual or by remote control as well as automatic control for
switching functions. The latter control employs relay and operates only under fault conditions.


Fig 4.1: Circuit Breaker


A circuit breaker essentially consists of fixed and moving contacts, called electrodes. Under normal
operating conditions, these remain closed and will not open automatically until and unless the system
becomes faulty. The contacts can be opened manually whenever desired, when a fault occurs on any part
of the system, the trip coils of the circuit breaker get energized and the moving contacts gets pulled apart
by some mechanism, thus operating the circuit. When the contacts of the circuit breaker are separated
under fault condition, an arc is struck between them. The current is thus able to continue until the
discharge ceases.


There are several ways of classification of circuit breakers. However the most general way of
classification is on the basis of our extinction. Accordingly circuit breaker may be classified into: Oil
circuit breaker, which uses some insulating oil for arc extinction. Air blast circuit breakers in which high
pressure air blast is used for extinguishing the arc. Sulphur hexafluoride
circuit breaker in which SF6 gas is used for arc extinction. Vacuum circuit breaker in which vacuum is
used for arc extinction.


In such circuit breakers, some insulating oil is used as an arc-quenching medium. The contacts
are opened under the oil and arc is struck between them. The heat of the arc evaporates the
surrounding oil and dissociates into substantial volume of gaseous hydrogen at high pressure.
The hydrogen gas bubble the arc region and surrounding portion of the contacts.
Mainly two processes facilitate the arc extinction. Firstly the H2 gas has high heat conductivity
and cools the arc thus aiding the de-ionization of the medium between the two contacts,
secondly the gas sets up turbulence in oil and forces it into the spaces between the contacts
thus eliminating the arcing products from the arc path, the result is that the arc is interrupted
and circuit current is interrupted.
Types of oil circuit breaker:


which use large quantity of oil. The oil has two purposes. Firstly it extinguishes the arc during
opening of the contacts and secondly, it insulates the current conducting parts from one another and
from the earthed tank. Such circuit breaker may further be classified as:

A) plain break oil circuit breaker

B) arc control oil circuit breaker


which uses minimum amount of oil. In such circuit breaker oil is used only for arc extinction: the current
conducting parts are insulated by air or porcelain or organic insulating medium.


A plain oil circuit breaker involves the simple process of separating the contact under the whole of oil in
the tank. There is no special system for arc control other than the increase in length caused by the
separation of the contacts. The arc extinction occurs when a certain gap between the contacts is reached.

The plain oil circuit breaker consists of and moving contacts enclosed in strong weather tight earthed
tank containing oil up to a certain level and an air cushion provides sufficient room to allow for the
reception of the arc gases without the generation of unsafe pressure in the dome of the circuit breaker. It
also absorbs mechanical shock of the upward oil movement. Under normal operating condition, the
fixed and moving contacts remain closed and the breaker carries the normal circuit current. When a fault
protective system and an arc is struck which vaporizes the following processes:

1. The H2 gas bubble generated around the arc cools the arc column and aids the ionization of medium
between the contacts. The gas set up turbulence in the oil and helps in eliminating the arcing products
from the arc path.
2. As the arc lengthens due to separating contacts, the dielectric strength of the medium is increased.


 Operation counters reading.
 Checking and cleaning of control cubile.
 Checking of terminals.
 Checking of heater operation.
 Rectification of any abnormality reported by shift staff.
 Date of abnormality reported.
 Date of rectification.


 Checking/cleaning of auxiliary switches & marshaling box.

 Cleaning/tightening/checking of electrical connection in marshaling box’s mechanism.

 Checking of alarm/indicator circuit & control & relay armlet wiring.

 Checking of ventilation cartridge.

 Checking/cleaning of control & selector switch.


 Tightening of jumpers and bus connection.

 Checking of air/SF6 leakage.

 Checking/cleaning of air filters.

 Maintenance of air dryer.

 Checking of local/remote operation.

 Checking/cleaning of CB, interrupter, support, insulator, PIR & braking capacitor.


 SF6 gas leakage test.

 Checking of pole discrepancy.

 Functional checks, duty cycle, operation including rapid closing.

 Checking of all operational lock out.

 Checking of all inter locks.

 Measurement of static contact resistance 150 micro ohm per pole.

 Dynamic contact resistance, contact travel, contact speed, contact pipe.

 Checking of close coil current as per type & make of CB.

 Capacitance & tan delta measurement at grading capacitors.


In such circuit breaker SF6 is used as a quenching medium. The SF6 is an electro negative gas and has a
strong tendency to absorb free electrons. The contacts of the breaker are opened in a high – pressure
flow of SF6 gas and an arc is struck between them. The conducting free electrons in the arc are rapidly
captured by the gas to form relatively immobile negative ions. This loss of conducting electrons in the
arc quickly builds up enough insulation strength to extinguish the arc. The SF6 circuit breakers have
been found to be very effective for high power and high voltage service.

Construction of SF6 circuit breaker:-

It consists of fixed and moving contacts in a chamber called an area interruption chamber containing
SF6 gas. This chamber is connected to SF6 gas reservoir. When the contacts of the breaker are open, the
value mechanism permits a high pressure from the reservoir to flow towards the arc interruption
chamber. The fixed contact is hollow cylindrical contacts fitted with are horn. The moving contact is
also a hollow cylinder with regular sides to permit the SF6 gas to let out through these holes after
flowing along and across the arc. The tips of fixed contact, moving contact and are horn are coated with
Copper-Tungsten are resistant metal. Since SF6 gas costly, it reconditioned and reclaimed by suitable
auxiliary system after each operation of the breaker.
In the closed position of the breaker, the contacts remains surrounded by the SF6 gas at a pressure of
about 2.8 kg/cm when the breaker operates the moving contacts is pulled apart and an arc is stuck
between the contacts. The movement of the moving contact is synchronized with the opening of
the valve, which permits SF6 gas at 14-kg/cm pressure form the reservoir to the arc interruption
chamber. The high pressure SF6 rapidly absorbs the free electrons in free electrons in the arc to form
immobile negative ions, which are ineffective as charge carriers. The result is that the medium between
the contacts quickly builds up high dielectric strength, which results in extinction of the arc. After the
operation of breaker the valve is closed by the action of the sets of the spring.
Fig:- SF6 circuit breaker

Advantage of SF6 circuit breaker:-

1. Due to superior arc quenching properties of SF6, such circuit breakers have short arcing time.

2. Since the dielectric strength of SF6 is 2 to 3 times that of air such breakers can interrupt much larger

3. The SF6 circuit breaker gives noiseless operation due to its closed gas circuit & no exhaust to
atmosphere unlike the air blast circuit breaker.

Disadvantage of SF6 circuit breaker:-

1. SF6 circuit breakers are costly.

2. Since SF6 gas has to be reconditioned after every operation of the breaker addition equipment required

for this purpose. 132KV SF6 Circuit Breaker:


In such breaker (degree vacuum being in the range from 10 tors) is used as the arc-quenching medium.
Such vacuum offers the highest insulating strength, it has far superior are quenching properties than any
other medium. For example, when contacts of breakers are opened in vacuum, the interruption occurs at
first current zero dielectric strength between the contacts building up at the rate thousands of times
higher than that obtained with other circuit breakers.

The production of arc in a vacuum circuit breaker &its extinction can be explain as follows: when the
contacts of the breaker are opened in vacuum(10 to 10 tor) an arc is produced between the contacts by
the ionization of metals vapors of contacts. However, the arc is quickly extinguished because the
metallic vapors, electrons & ions produced during arc rapidly condensed on the surface of the circuit
breaker contacts, resulting in quick recovery of dielectric strength in vacuum.


It consists of fixed contact and an arc shield mounted inside a vacuum chamber. The movable member is
to the control mechanism by stainless steel bellows. This enables the permanent sealing of the vacuum
chamber so as to eliminate the possibility of leak. A glass vessel or ceramic vessel is used as the other
insulating body. They are shied prevents the deterioration of the internal dielectric strength by
preventing metallic vapors falling on the inside surface of the inside of the other insulating cover.


When the breaker operator the moving contact separates form the fixed contact and as arc is struck
between the contacts. The production of arc is due to the ionization of metal ions and depends very
much upon the material of contacts. The arc is quickly extinguished because the metallic vapors,
electrons and ions produced during arc are diffused in a short time and seized by the dielectric strength,
the arc extinction in a vacuum breaker occurs with a short contact separation.

Advantage of vacuum circuit breaker:-

1.They are compact, reliable and have a longer life
2.There are no fire hazards
3.There is no generation of gas during and after operation.
Disadvantage of vacuum circuit breaker:-

1. Any leakage may result in a disastrous occurrence.

2. Circuit breaker vacuum production requires advanced technologies.
3. Additional surge suppressors are required for the interruption of low magnetizing currents in a
certain range.
4. The loss of vacuum due to transit damage or failure makes the entire interrupter inoperable and
cannot be fixed on site.

Fig:-4.3: Vacuum Circuit Breake



In above protection scheme two over current type relay are connected into two phases through CT’s in
case of over current. These type of relay trip the circuit breaker because of phase to phase fault.

Under healthy condition, the sum of all three phase current of CT’s is zero and the earth fault occurs.
Unbalancing in current causes the earth fault relay to operate, which trip the circuit breaker.


Distance relays are double actuating quantity relays, which one energized by current. The torque
produced is that when V/s reduced below a set value, the relay operates during a fault on a

transmission line the fault-current increases and voltages at fault point reduce. The ratio V/I is measured
at the location of CT and PT the voltage at V/I location depends upon the distance between the VT and


Ground Wires:

Generally a GI wire is used above the line without insulator and it is connected to the earth at intervals
of at least 4 points in every 1.609km. the sky lightning take that path and discharge through earth
without causing any damage to the line and equipment.In steel line it is grounded to each tower by
means of metal clamp, which it is fastened. The ground wire is brought above transmission line.
Guarding Of Overhead Lines:

Guarding is provided to low, medium and HT overhead lines so that in event of breakage of any phase
wire due to wind storm etc. it would first come in touch with the cradle guard wires, which are earthed,
making live conductor dead by tripping the circuit breakers. Necessity of guarding:

Guarding is necessary in overhead line at the following places:

1. Road crossing

2. Railway crossing

3. River
4. Canals

5. Telegraph or telephone lines

6. Between different line voltage i.e. 11 KV & LT lines on the same pole.

Types of guarding

1. Cradle guarding

2. Cage guarding

3. Bird guarding

4. Trolley guarding

Advantages of guarding

1. To save human being

2. To save animals

3. To save LT line equipment from HV lines surges.

Chapter - 6



The aim of the line insulator in an overhead line is to hold the live conductor and to prevent leakage of
the current from the conductor to the pole. These are made up of porcelain clay and are thoroughly
glazed to avoid the absorption of moisture in the

The following are the common types of insulators in use:

(i) Pin type Insulators

(ii) Shackle Insulators

(iii) Suspension Insulators

(iv) Stay Insulators


These are used for holding the line conductors on straight running poles. Pin insulators are of three
i.e. single shed, double shed and trip shed. The single shed pin insulators are used for telephone lines
only. The double shed pin insulators are used for LT lines while the trip shed are used fore over 3000 V,
these sheds are used to drip off the water.


These are generally used for terminating or corner poles. These insulators are used for medium voltage
line only.


These insulators are also known as disc or link insulators and are used for high and extra high tension
overhead lines. Many discs are connected in series to withstand the high tension supply as a single disc
can safely operate 11 KV.


These are also known as strain insulators, and are generally used up to 33 KV line. These insulators
should not be fixed below 3 meters from the ground level. These insulators are also used where the

Chapter- 7



These lightning arresters are used to protect transformer from over voltage caused by lightning. The
lightning causes high voltage. Probably maximum voltage operating in a line is 10-15 million volts. It
may be difficult to save the electrical equipment from such strokes completely.

The most common device used for protection of the power systems against the high voltage surge
diverter. Lightning arrester or a surge diverter is a protective device which conducts the high voltage
surges on the power system to the ground.

ACTION: the action of the lightning arrester is as under:

1. Under normal operation, the lightning arrester is off the line i.e. it conducts no current to the earth or
the gap is non-conducting.

Fig:-5.1:- Lighting Arrester


1. Rod Gap Arresters

2. Horn Gap Arresters

3. Multi Gap Arresters

4. Expulsion Type Arresters


It operates on the fact that certain chemicals have the property to change rapidly from a good conductor
to almost perfect insulator when heated. These types of lightning arresters are used in ABR GSS. This
L.A consists of thin pallet of Zinc oxide with a thin porous coating of litharge arranged in a column and.
enclosed in a tube of few copper, the tube contain spark gap. A single tube system is available for up to
25KV for use on higher voltage several units in series are employed when over voltage occurs an arc
passes through the spark gap.


Substations are protected from direct strokes by earthing screens. It consists of a network of copper
conductor earthed at least on two points. It consist of a network of copper conductors (generally called
shield or screen) mounted all over the electrical equipment in the substation or power station. Shield is
properly connected to the earth on at least two points through low impedance. On the occurrence of
direct strokes on the station, screen provides a low resistance path by which lightning surges are
connected to the ground in this way, station equipment is protected against damage.

Every time charge is accumulated on the line due to capacitance between line and earth. It is necessary
during using the isolator, that accumulated charge is grounded. This is done with the help of earth switch
or ground switch.


An isolator is a switch which is used for a isolating a circuit under no load condition only. If an isolator
is switched off when a high current is flowing through the circuit, a heavy spark will be produced. This
heavy spark may break the supporting insulator which may cause a fatal accident to the operator.
Isolators employed at gss can be simple or random. Generally, isolators employed at gss are of
horizontal break type, further they can be categorized as
I. Single break type

II. Double break type



 Checking of healthiness of the surge counter & reading.


 Cleaning of insulator stacks & checking of crack and dirt deposit on insulator.

 Tightening of clamps.

 Checking of the healthiness of the surge counter & reading.

 Checking of healthiness of the earth connection.


 Same maintenance done on quarterly basis is done half yearly.


 Measurement of leakage current by LCM meter



There are number of bus bar arrangement and the choice of particular arrangement depends in many
factors such as voltage position of the system in the system flexibility and reliability of supply and cost.

Bus bar is conductor, which carry heavy current to which no. of circuits are connected. There is
numerous variation of bus bar arrangement depending upon the system voltage.

The outdoor bus bar is either of rigid type or strain type bus bar. Rigid type bus bar can be used as bus
bar and also for making connections among the various equipments whenever required. The strain type
bus bar is used in overhead system. Wire between two support structured by strain type insulator, the
straining tension may be limited to 500-900kg depending upon the size of the conductor.


In the case of rigid bus arrangement Al pipes are commonly used. There are various sizes of pipes which
are given below:
33kv 40mm

66kv 65mm

132kv 80mm

Bundled conductors ar4e used where high rating for bus is required.
66kv 37/2.79 ACSR
132kv 37/4.27


Carrier equipment has been used on the power system in this country since long time. First carrier was
used for voice communication. But its applications subsequently expanded to include a variety of
functions such as protective relaying, Tele. Metering Supervisory control and others.
PLCC differ in the method of calling.


In substations, PLCC systems are mainly used for the purpose of protection. This type of protection is
used for protection of transmission line.

Each line is provided with identical carrier current equipment consisting of transmitter, receiver line,
tuning unit, master oscillator, power amplifier etc.

Power line carrier channels include the signal path from transmitting electronic equipment at one
terminal, along with its tuning equipment over the power line. A transmitter signal from one end passes
through tuner which in conjunction with coupling capacitor provides the low impedance path between
transmitter and line.
The tuner contains an impedance matching transformer, so that the PLCC equipment and line both
interface with same impedance. At receiving end the signal is filtered out with the help of LC filter.


It is placed on the gantry. It is carrier current equipment. It is connected to the high voltage power
circuit. The line trap provides high impedance at channel frequencies to prevent loss of carrier signal
power into low impedance of station bus. Carrier wave is of high frequency of the order 10 to 500 KHz
The PLCC equipment is suitable for following operations:
1. Telephone

2. Teleportation

For e.g.:-

a. Telemetry,

b. Remote control,

c. Teleprompter

3. Teleportation signaling for high power equipment and high voltage power lines. While the telephone
and Tele. Operation facilities are typically used for economic control and supervision of energy
networks. 132 KV LA with PLCC Coupling Unit


International Year:-11/98


L.Q. Class:-

3 PR Class:-

Altitude:-0 to 3050

miters Rated:-120 KV per

single pole Total unit:-2

COV:-102 KV
Unit sailing arrangement:-9L12BVU060
PLCC Coupling Unit:


Sr. no:-

2041931 CL:-

4400 PF Z1:-

320 Ohm Z2:-

125 Ohm


F1:-90 KHz

F2:-500 KHz



Sr. no:-786

Frequency Band:-50-450 KHz

Coupling capacity:-4400 PF

Equivalent Impedance:-125

Ohms Line Impedance:-600-

400 Ohms
It was a very good experience of taking summer training at 132KV GSS Reodar (Sirohi). All Employees
working there were very helpful and were always ready to guide me. They give best to make us
Training at 132 KV GSS Reodar. Give the insight of the real instruments used. There are many
instrument like transformer, CT,PT,CVT,LA,Relay,PLCC,bus bar, capacitor bank, insulator,
isolator,control room, battery room etc. What is the various problem seen in substation while handing
this instrument. There are various occasion when relay operate and circuit breaker open, load shedding
shunt down which has been heard previously.
To get insight of the low substation how thing operate low thing manage all is learned there. Practical
traning as a whole proved to bee extremely informative and experience building and the thing leant .

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