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1.1. Introduction

In this chapter is dealing with the experimental work carried out in this study.
Arabin Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO) is located in the city of Tobruk in Libya, the
company's branch, and the system in place to protect the transfer of oil pipeline diameter of
34ʺ and the length of 513 km. The Arabian Gulf Oil Company is a Libyan oil company
headquartered in Benghazi, Libya. It works in the search and exploration for crude oil and
natural gas, its production and refining. It was established in 1971 and is affiliated with the
National Oil Corporation. It has a number of branches, including a branch in Tobruk,
where the Tobruk refinery and the Harika port of Tobruk are located. The buried pipeline
(Sarir pipeline) by an impressed current cathodic protection system. This system of
impressed current cathodic protection has been added to the passive protection system
provided by the pipe insulating coating (wrapping )

1.2. The pipeline characteristics:

The pipeline specific characteristics are as follows:

1. Pipeline diameter: 34ʺ.
2. Pipeline length: 513 km.
3. Pipeline length protected: 44 km.
4. Design pressure: 40 bar.
5. Normal operating pressure: 32.7 bar.
6. Material properties: Carbon steel XL45.
7. Wall thickness: 9.5 mm.
8. Burial depth: 0.75 : 1.5 m.
9. Minimum normal temp: -10 C° (blow down).
10. Maximum normal temp: 24 C° (at pump outlet).

1.3. Cathodic protection system:

The pipeline is catholically protected by an impressed current system. The pipe-to

soil potential is also monitored by the test posts are located at a nominal 4 km spacing
along the pipeline route. The impressed current system was designed to cope with a 75%
reduction in coating performance from an initial 20,000 ohm/m² to 5,000 ohm/m². In
addition, there is a 100% over capacity in the cathodic protection station sizing.

The following criterion was set for the operation of the system. "Off" pipe to soil
potentials or "Off" coupon potentials should be maintained more negative than -0.85V with
respect to a Cu/ CuSO4 reference electrode. "On" pipe to- soil potentials should not be
more negative than -1.5 to reduce the risk of cathodic disbandment of the coating. The
design for the C.P. system is based on coating deterioration (after 15/20 years).
Calculations are based on following formulas (Butter worth-Heinemann 1993)

RL= =Ohms / Km
π DT H

RI = =Ohms / Km
n D 1000

Rc=√ RL . RI =Ohms

√ RL
=1/ Km

αL=σ . L

ℜ= =Ohms
t g h αL

VM =Vm cosh α =volts

I =VM /ℜ= Amps


R = Insulation resistance
Th = Pipe thickness.
D = Pipe diameter.
L = Pipe length to be protected
RL = Longitudinal resistance
RI = Transversal resistance
Rc = Characteristic resistance
σ = 1/km Characteristic index
Re = Equivalent resistance
VM = Voltage between pipe and soil at each end
Vm = Voltage between pipe and soil at midpoint
I = protective current at each end of the pipe

1.4. Calculating of the Cathodic protection station

Calculating the CP station (at station 500 km) using 5,000 ohms.m² the maximum
protected distance is 44 km (overall 513 km) and the relevant maximum current required is
100 Amps.
In fact:-
1.4.1. Calculation the Longitudinal resistance

From the given data and using the equation

RL= =Ohms / Km
π DT H

the Longitudinal resistance is RL = 5.9880 ohms km-1

1.4.2. Calculation the Transversal resistance

From the given data and using the equation

RI = =Ohms / Km
n D 1000

The Transversal resistance is RI = 0.2316 ohms . km−1.

1.4.3. Calculation the Characteristic resistance

From the given data and using the equation

RI = =Ohms / Km
n D 1000

The Characteristic resistance is Rc = 1.177 ohms.


Figure 3.1: Measurement of ON Potential

1.5. Coating

The pipe is coated with wrapping . The coating was applied generally in accordance
with Shell Expro Standard ES/014. The coating was applied by electrostatic spraying ,
white metal, blast cleaned surface. The surface of the pipe was pre-treated with a
chromatic conversion coating to improve its resistance to cathodic disbonding. The dry
film thickness was 350 ± 50 microns.

1.6. Transformer Rectifiers

 The transformer data

 Cable route marker, 1700mm long
 Angle iron 50x50x5mm galvanized with 2 plates
 Transformer rectifier unit 60V/100A, oil cooled
 Transformer rectifier unit, oil cooled, with sunshade
 AC input : 415V, 3phase, 50Hz
 DC output: 60V/100A
 Output control : continuous 0 – 100A by auto transformer
 Hazardous area: None
 With top control cabinet,
 Oil tank, oil level, Thermometer, Silicagel Breather c/w over voltage protection
 Devices on AC and DC circuits, DC voltmeter 0-60V, DC Ammeter 0-100A

Figure 3.2 : Transformer rectifier at Tobruk station

1.7. Anode junction box (AJB)

The Anode junction box consist of

1. Cast aluminum alloy box with dimensions 404 mm x 313 mm x 180 mm,
complete with mounting plate,5 nos. shunts 50mV/10A,
2. Copper rail
3. Steel support( 440 x 1250mm)
4. Galvanized steel conduct type M50
1.8. Magnetite Anodes chain type 25-5-5/105V

Magnetite anode string assembly with 25 nos. anodes, consisting 5chains with 5
nos magnetite anodes each. space between anodes 1.68m. Free length of 10mm 2 PVDF
cable above top anode 105m , all plastic components of chain made from PVDF material ,
each chain provided with titanium suspension ring for fixing at supporting axle inside
wellhead structure. This special type of magnetite anode chains are used for deep well
anode ground beds, both open hole and close hole. As open hole anode ground bed they
can be used in conjunction with non-conductive slotted casing without backfill but can also
be used in close hole ground beds with coke backfill material in case of unstable or non-
existing static water level.

All parts of anodes, anode chains and suspension devices are made of material
resistant against low pH value, high chloride content of water and high concentration of
chlorine gas. Each anode is center connected to the cable using copper compression clamp
and a bronze connection spring. The internal space is filled with a two component mixture
of polyurethane and polyester. Each anode chain has one individual lead cable connection
ready for fixing on suspension device inside ground bed head structure.

1.8.1. Anode Specification

Table 3.1 : Anode Specification

Diameter 60mm
Total length 740mm
Effective length 600mm
Total weight 6.2 kg
Min. effective mass 4.7 kg
Surface area 11.3dm2
Max. current load ( grounded) 4A

1.8.2. Anode consumption and anode connection

1. The calculated consumption rate was 0.2 Kg/Ampere-year

2. Free length of 10mm2 above PVDF cable above top anode 105m all plastic
3. Magnetite anode string assembly with 25nos consisting of 5 chains made from
1.9. Test points

The (3 inch) pipe which moves the ground base, containing copper cable to take readings of
voltage. Figure 2.3 shows one of test-point that used in CP system

Figure 3.3 : Test point

1.10. Soil resistivity measurements

Soil resistivity measured by soil resistance, BBC GOERZ METAWATT Fig.(2.4). The 4
pins should be driven into the ground in the straight line at 50 cm spacing. Good contact
with the soil is important. The two "C" binding posts are connected to the end pins, and the
two "P" binding posts are connected to the adjust center pins.

Figure 3.4 : Soil resistivity meter

1.11. Copper / Copper sulfate electrode

The figure 3.5: shows Cu / CuSO4 electrode consists of a piece of copper, a saturated
solution of copper sulfate in contact with a copper; a porous member placed in contact with
a soil. Excess crystals are added, to ensure that the solution always will be saturated.

Figure 3.5 : Copper / Copper sulfate electrode

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