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102 Cathodic Corrosion Protection Systems

Interaction may occur, for example, on a ship that is moored alongside a

cathodically protected jetty, or on a pipeline or metal-sheathed cable that crosses a
cathodically protected pipeline.
Interaction may be minimized by careful design of the cathodic-protection system,
in particular, by design of a scheme to operate at the lowest possible current density
and by maintaining the greater separation between the protected structure and the
secondary structure, and between the ground beds or anodes and the secondary
structure. It is an advantage of sacrificial anode schemes that they are not prone to
creating severe interaction problems and therefore are popular for protection in
congested and complex locations.
Methods and procedures are available for overcoming interaction, and testing must
be carried out in the presence of all interested parties, so that the choice of remedial
measures may be agreed upon if and when the acceptable limit of interaction is

3.9 Impressed-Current System

3.9.1 Current–Voltage Relationships Attenuation
When current is drained from a buried pipeline, the potential of the line to its sur-
roundings is changed, and current is picked up from the soil and flows in the pipe
toward the drain point. The current flow in the line and the potential change are
maximum at the drain point. At any point other than the drain point, the current flow
in the pipe is less because of the current picked up between that point and the drain
point is less. Likewise, the voltage change is less because of the voltage drop caused
by the flow of current in the pipe between that point and the drain point is less.
This decrease in voltage and current flow with distance from the drain point is
called attenuation. The rate, of attenuation is influenced by pipe resistance, coating
conductivity, polarization, length of line, and method of termination (insulating
device or metallic connection to other facilities). In the case of bare or poorly coated
lines, soil resistivity also has a large effect. Attenuation Formulas

Formulas have been derived to express the relationship between current and potential
along a uniform pipeline when current is drained from a single point. The most
commonly used forms of these attenuation formulas are given below. These formulas
apply specifically to coated lines; they are based on the assumption that the pipe is of a
uniform section and resistivity, and that coating conductivity is uniform. The effect of
soil resistivity and polarization is neglected. The voltage as used in the attenuation
formulas for coated lines is the voltage change across the coated line; this is the
voltage change between the pipe and adjacent soil and is the significant voltage
change in cathodic protection.
Design Considerations on Cathodic Protection for Buried Pipelines and Marine Structures 103

Attenuation formulas are sometimes applied to bare lines. In this case, soil re-
sistivity is assumed to be uniform, and the resistance per unit length of the line to
remote earth is usually substituted for the coating resistance. The voltage in the for-
mulas then becomes the voltage change with respect to the remote earth. This voltage
does not necessarily indicate the adequacy of cathodic protection. In addition, polar-
ization has a profound effect on attenuation in the case of bare lines, and wide vari-
ations in soil resistivity further tend to invalidate calculated results. For these reasons,
extreme caution should be exercised in applying attenuation formulas to bare lines. Calculations
The calculations in this section are intended to be a guide only. They should not be
considered as absolute or the only method of calculation. Cathodic-protection design
procedures are empirical at best or based on empirically modified theory. Table 3.6
provides symbols for equations.

dEO . IO dEX . IX dET . IT


Table 3.6 Symbols for Equations

Symbol Quantity Units

Rs Linear pipe resistance ohm-m

RL Leakage (coating resistance) Ohm/m
a Attenuation constant per kilometer
RO Characteristic resistance Ohm
r Soil resistivity micro-ohm-cm
r0 Steel resistivity micro-ohm-cm
g Coating conductivity micro-mhos/m2
D Pipe diameter mm
L Pipe length km
t Pipe wall thickness mm
a Pipe cross-sectional area cm2
A Surface area of the pipe m2/m
W Weight of the pipe kg/m
dEO Change in potential at drain point Volts
dEx Change in potential at point X Volts
dET Change in potential at the end of the line Volts
IO Current at drain point A
Ix Current at point X on the line A
IT Current at the end of the line A
104 Cathodic Corrosion Protection Systems

General case

dEx ¼ dEO $cosh a X  IA $RO $sinh a X Volts

IX ¼ IO $cosh a X  $sinh a X Amperes


dEO ¼ dEX $cosh a X þ RO $IX $sinh a X Volts

IA ¼ IX $cosh a X  $sinh a X Amperes

Finite lines

dEO ¼ dET cosh a L Volts

IO ¼ $sinh a L Amperes

dEX ¼ dET cosh aðL  XÞ Volts

sinh aðL  XÞ
IX ¼ IO Amperes
sinh aL

Infinite lines (in almost all cathodic-protection systems, there are no infinite lines).

dEX ¼ dEO eaX Volts

IX ¼ IO eaX Amperes

IO ¼ ¼ Amperes

ln dEO ¼ ln dEX þ a X

ln IO ¼ ln IX þ a x
Design Considerations on Cathodic Protection for Buried Pipelines and Marine Structures 105

Linear pipe resistance

r0 L
RS ¼

It is to be noted that steel resistivity varies from 16 to 23 micro-ohm cm. An average

value is 18 micro-ohm cm.

Leakage (coating resistance)

RL ¼ ðohm=kmÞ

Characteristic resistance
RO ¼ RS $RL ohm

Attenuation constant

a ¼ per km

a ¼

a ¼ ¼

For design purposes, the coating conductivity of buried, non-fusion-bonded epoxy-

coated landlines may be taken as 2000 micro-mho/m2. Fusion-bonded epoxy-coated
lines should be considered to have a coating conductivity of 400 micro-mho/m2.

3.9.2 Single Drain Point

Figure 3.7 shows the schematic layout of a pipeline with the current drained at a single
point at one end, together with typical attenuation curves. If the line is infinitely long,
the current flow and voltage change vary exponentially with distance along the line as
shown by the curve labeled, “E and I—Infinite Line.” If the line terminates in an
insulated flange or dead ends, it is called a finite line.
Attenuation curves for finite lines of three different lengths, with the voltage at the
drain point the same as in the case of the infinite line, are also shown in Fig. 3.7. The
106 Cathodic Corrosion Protection Systems

Voltage change (E) and current flow in line (I) E - finite line - length L1


E - finite line - length L2

relative values


I(L1) E - finite line - length L3

E and I-infinite line
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Relative distance along line
A 1 T1 T2 T3
Insulating L2 Pipe line
Drain point

Figure 3.7 Typical attenuation curves—single drain point.

current flowing at the far end of a finite line is, of course, zero, and the potential is
substantially higher than the potential at the same distance on an infinite line. Length
L1 corresponds to a short finite line; in this case, the current drained is substantially
less than that for the infinite line. Length L3 corresponds to a moderately long finite
line; in this case, the current drained is nearly as great as the current drained from the
infinite line, but the potential at the far end is nearly twice as great as the potential at
the corresponding distance on the infinite line.
In the above examples, the current drained at the drain point is equal to the current
flowing in the line at the drain point because current flows to the drain point from one
direction only. In the usual case, the line extends in both directions from the drain
point, and the current flows to the drain point from both sides. Under these conditions,
assuming a symmetrical, uniform system, the total current drained is twice the current
flowing in the line at the drain point from either direction.

3.9.3 Multiple Drain Points

When a long pipeline is placed under cathodic protection, it is usually necessary to
drain current at numerous points. A portion of a long uniform pipeline with current
drained at two points is illustrated in Fig. 3.8. The attenuation curves for drain points
1 and 2, considering each drain point independently, are shown as dashed curves.
These correspond to the infinite line curve of Fig. 3.7.
Design Considerations on Cathodic Protection for Buried Pipelines and Marine Structures 107

E = E1 + E2

E1 and I1

E2 and I2
I = i1 – i2 I = i2 – i1

A1 1 P 1 A2
Drain pt .1 Drain pt .2

Figure 3.8 Typical attenuation curves—multiple drain points.

The potential change at any point between the two drain points, with current
drained at both drain points, can be obtained by adding the potential changes pro-
duced by the individual current drains; this is shown as the upper solid curve in
Fig. 3.8. Since the currents induced by the two current drains flow in opposite di-
rections between the two drain points, the resultant current flowing in the line at any
point between the two drain points is equal to the difference in the currents resulting
from the two current drains. At midpoint P, the two currents are equal and opposite,
and the resultant current is zero. Since there is no resultant current flow in the line at
this point, the current and potential distribution will not be disturbed if the line is cut
at this point, and an insulating flange is inserted. From this, it follows that the resultant
current and voltage distribution between a drain point and the electrical midpoint
between two drain points is the same as for a finite line of the same length. This can be
seen by comparing the curves in Fig. 3.8 with those in Fig. 3.7.

3.9.4 Effect of Coating

The coating on the pipeline has a great effect on the current required to protect the line
and the rate of attenuation of current and voltage along the line. With well-coated
lines, the current requirements are modest, and attenuation is slight, and drain
points may be spaced at wide intervals. With bare or poorly coated lines, current
requirements are large, attenuation is rapid, and drain points must be spaced at close

3.9.5 Point of Minimum Protection

Since voltage varies with distance along a pipeline due to attenuation, the point of
minimum protection (least negative potential) must be adequately protected to enure
complete protection of a pipeline. With a uniformly coated line protected from a
single drain point, the point of minimum protection will be the end-most point remote
108 Cathodic Corrosion Protection Systems

from the drain point. With a multiple-drain-point system, points of minimum pro-
tection will exist between drain points. One of the main problems encountered in field
tests on pipelines is to determine the locations of these points of minimum protection.
Once these points have been located, it is normally a relatively simple matter to adjust
the system (assuming that it is adequately designed) to achieve adequate protection at
these points and thus complete protection of the line.

3.9.6 Bare and Poorly Coated Lines

The above discussion is strictly applicable only to uniformly coated pipelines. This
is not always the case in practice; bare lines, lines partly wrapped and partly bare, or
coated lines with the quality of the coating varying widely from point to point are
frequently encountered. In the case of a coated line with a variable coating quality,
the line will pick up relatively more current from the soil in the areas of poor
coating. This will result in larger potential drops in the soil adjacent to the poorly
coated sections, and the pipe-to-soil potentials in these areas will be lower (the line
will be less negative with respect to adjacent soil) than in nearby areas of good
Where lines are partly coated and partly bare, this effect is even more pronounced; the
pipe-to-soil potential at a bare area will normally be much lower than that at an adjacent
coated area, even though the coated area may be more remote from the drain point.
Where a bare pipeline is buried in soil of uniform resistivity, the potential along the
line will vary in the same manner as for a uniformly coated line. However, if a bare
line passes through soil where the resistivity varies widely from point to point, current
pick-up will be largely concentrated in the areas of low soil resistivity with resulting
large potential drops in the soil and low pipe-to-soil potentials in these areas.

3.9.7 Voltage Limitations Coating Deterioration
An excessive potential applied to a coated line has a detrimental effect on the coating;
the bond between the coating and the pipe may be destroyed and the coating
conductance will increase many times. The rate of coating deterioration increases
rapidly as the potential is increased.
For this reason, the maximum potential applied to a coated pipeline should not
exceed approximately 2.0 V (off) to copper/copper sulfate electrode, or the potential
change should not exceed about 1.0–1.5 V (off) with respect to the initial potential.
The lower values should be observed whenever possible. The minimum potential
change should be 0.3 V with respect to the initial potential. Maximum Rectifier Spacing

The potential and current at the drain point required to protect a finite line (or the
section between minimum points in the case of a multiple-drain-point system) in-
crease rapidly as the length is increased. Since the potential change at the drain point
Design Considerations on Cathodic Protection for Buried Pipelines and Marine Structures 109

should not exceed approximately 1.0–1.5 V, this limits the length of the coated line
that can be protected from a single drain point and thus determines the maximum
spacing between units in a multiple-drain-point system.
Spacings between drain points (or rectifiers) depend on pipeline coating and the
diameter of pipeline as well as on soil resistivities of the terrain. It is possible to
protect 75 km of well-coated large diameter crosscountry pipeline from one station,
whereas it is not practical to protect such a distance of a small diameter pipe from a
single station. Depolarization Effect

Any depolarizing parameter will result in increasing current requirement for cathodic
protection. The most effective mechanism for depolarization and removal of
hydrogen polarization film is sulfate-reducing bacteria. The bacteria are active when
conditions are anaerobic. Under this condition, the active sulfate-reducing bacteria
reduces sulfates to sulfide and removes hydrogen polarization films by oxidation and
water formation.
By maintaining the minimum potential value at 0.95 (with reference to copper/
copper sulfate electrode), soil pH will be kept around 9 and sulfate-reducing bacteria
would be rendered inactive. Therefore, a minimum potential value of 0.95 is
essential to eliminate the depolarizing effect of sulfate-reducing bacteria in soils in
which these bacteria are present. Bare Lines

The maximum voltage that can be applied to a bare line is limited only by economics.
An excessive potential will not damage bare steel pipe, but it will result in an
excessive current pick-up and inefficient utilization of the applied power.

3.9.8 Current Requirements

For pipeline design, requirements should be based on the following minimum current
density value in Table 3.7 for the total coated and uncoated pipeline surface:
Two 32-pound magnesium anodes should be installed on all buried valves, on the
pipeline at gas reservoir, and in pipeline anchor locations.
An additional current capacity of 50 A should be provided at plant terminations
where insulating devices are bonded to control interference.

Table 3.7 Current Density for Some Pipeline Surfaces

Pipeline Surface Current Density (mA/m2)

Uncoated 20
Tape or coal tar/bitumen 1.25
Fusion-bonded epoxy or 0.25
three-layer polyethylene

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