Generally soil refers to the loose surface of the earth as identified from the original rock and
mineral from its derived through weathering processes. In other word soil is defined as an
accumulation of natural bodies which has been synthesized in profile form from a diversified
mixture of disintegrated and weathered mineral and decaying organic matter which cover the
surface of the earth which supplies, when containing the optimum amount of air and water
mechanical support and substance of plant.
1. Sandy.
2. Loamy.
3. Clay.
Soil is a collection of individual soils, each with distinctive profile characteristics.
Soils are crucial to life on earth because to a great degree, the quality of the soil
determines the nature of plant ecosystems and the capacity of land to support
animal life and society. In view of the above statements, a closer look will be taken
to elucidate the mechanisms of soil formation processes.
2 Weathering Processes
Weathering is a biochemical process that involves both destructs and synthesis.
Without appreciably affecting soil composition, physical disintegration breaks
down rock into smaller rocks and eventually into sand and silt particles. Also, the
minerals decompose chemically, releasing soluble materials and synthesizing new
minerals. During the chemical changes, particle size continues to decrease, and
constituents continue to dissolve in the aqueous weathering solution.
Physical Weathering (Bio-Integration)
Temperature, abrasion by water, ice and wind, and living organisms (flora and
fauna) all act together brining, about physical weathering. For instance, rocks heat
up during the day and cool down at might, causing alternate expansion and
contraction of the rocks. Furthermore, water has tremendous cutting power
especially when loaded with sediments.
Physical weathering is also enhanced by plant roots which sometimes enter cracks
in rocks resulting in further breakdown of the rocks.
Biochemical Weathering
Water, oxygen, microbes and plant – root exudates are various agents acting in
concert to convert primary minerals (e.g. feldspars and micas) to secondary
minerals (e.g. clays and carbonates) and release plant nutrient elements in soluble
forms. Chemical weathering is governed by six basic types of reactions:
Hydration, hydrolysis, dissolution, carbonation and order acid reactions, oxidation
– reduction (redox), chelation.
3.3 Soil Formation Processes
During the formation (genesis) of a soil from parent material, the regolith (loose
earth materials above solid rock) undergoes many profound changes. These
changes are brought about by variations in the four broad soil forming processes.
This occurs when soil constitutions are chemically or physically modified or
destroyed and others are synthesized from the precursor materials.
Translocations involve of movement of in organic and organic materials laterally
within a horizon or vertically from one horizon up or down to another.
Inputs of materials to the developing soil profiled from outside sources are
considered additions.
Materials are lost from the soil profile from outside source are considered
The parent materials from which soils develop vary widely around the world.
Knowledge of these materials, their sources, mechanism for their weathering, and
means of transport and deposition are essential to understanding soil genesis.
Clay particles Ca2+ + 2H+ < – > Clay particles H+H+ +Ca2+
Clay particles soil solution) Clay particles
Some plants nutrients and metal exist as positively charged ions or cations in the
soil environment. Among the cations found in soils are hydrogen (H+), Aluminum
(Mg+) and Potassium (K+), Calcium (Ca++), Sodium (Na+) and Ammonium
(NH4+). Most heavy metals also exist as cations in the soil environment. Clay and
organic matter particles are predominantly negatively charged (anions) and have
ability to hold cations from being leached or washed away. The adsorbed cations
are in a rapid reversible process called cation exchange (CE). Cations leaving the
exchange sites enter the soil solution, where they can be taken up by plants, react
with other soil constituents, or be carried away with drainage water. The cation
exchange capacity or CEC of a soil is a measurement of the magnitude of the
negative charge per unit weight of soil, or the amount of cations a particular
sample of soil can hold in an exchangeable form. The greater the clay and organic
matter content, the greater the CEC. Though, different types of clay minerals and
organic matter can vary in CEC. During cation exchange, hydrogen ions are
released from the root hairs. These root hairs in turn exchange with nutrients
cations adsorbed on the surfaces of the clay particles forcing them into solution
where they can be assimilated by plants. The uptake of these nutrient cations
depends not only on the solubility of the nutrient cations and their being in an
exchangeable position but also on their being in close proximity of the root
surfaces. The process of diffusion can be achieved. The action site of the cation
exchange is the interface where soil colloid meets root surfaces in a bath of soil
The moment a plant rootlet comes in contact with a root surface holding adsorbed
cation, the root gives out hydrogen ions in exchange for these nutrient cations.
Some of the cations then migrate from the swarm of cations adsorbed unto the clay
surface and move from the root hairs. The places of these cations are then taken by
hydrogen ions released from the root hairs. The nutrient cations are then trans
located into the water transporting through xylem tissue of the plant to the stem
and leaves for plant nutrition hence, this is why the cation exchange capacity
quantifies the ability of a soil to provide nutrient reserve for plant uptake. CE is an
important mechanism in soils for retaining and supplying plant nutrients, and for
absorbing contaminants. CE plays an important role in waste water treatment in
soils. Indeed, adsorption of cations and their exchange is probably second only to
photosynthesis, as it is the primary mechanism in plant nutrition.
The chemical properties are of utmost importance to plant nutrition. The presence
of the various elements from the soil forming rocks combining to form many
inorganic substances which are essential to plant and animal lives cannot be over
emphasized. The different soil reactions that bring about the formation of the
nutrients are also very important. The cation exchange which brings about the
uptake of the various nutrients in solution and which is as important as
photosynthesis is of many advantages to the entire ecosystem. It provides a major
retention mechanism within the soil which prevents leaching of essential elements.
The process also acts as a buffer for soil ecosystem in cases of abrupt fluctuations
in soil salinity and pH. CE also improves the water holding capacity of the soil and
forms a biotic-mineral complex which is of utmost importance to the soil
ecosystem, as many microbes adsorbed on the soil particles at interface of cation
exchange, play vital roles in the decomposition of organic materials to simpler
compounds that can be utilized by the plants for food.