nia Pu
e p
Ayush Dodwari
by a
This book is Dedicated to
both my Mom and Dad
because they would always
remind me to make the
book and prepare for my
This is Zenia, a Little Pup he
was abandoned by his owner and
had no place to stay then he got
here. He is always dreaming to
get adopted.
One day he decided
he was going to
find a new owner
and a home.
He now was
preparing to leave
this dirty street and
move on his
This is his Best friend,
Zap a bulldog. He is
the one who took care
of him when he got
He told this to his Best Friend.
But his friend said “it’s
really dangerous for you
.And You still get to eat
be thankful for it and
forget about this idea.”
Mom I want to
adopt them. They
are really cute.
Oh don’t be sad
Oh ok Then.
Oh see, a cat and a
dog they both are so
cute I want to adopt
them. Wait my parents
wouldn’t allow them.
Oh see, these cute pup
Should we adopt
and a cat.
them ?
ow ow Yes.
Yes, you were right
if I had give up I It was all worth the
wouldn’t have got trouble, We finally
this good home. got a new home!
Children the moral of the story is to never give up
most people give up on their ideas and even if the
idea is good it would never come in use
About the Author
I am Ayush Dodwaria a normal school boy.
who loves coding and programing, I don’t
read a lot but The book series that I really
like is Amulet a really good book series its a
comic full of adventure, teamwork, and action
there are so many cool effects. I decided to
write this book because I thought that the
thing nobody cares about is that never give
up if you have a good idea try to implement
The Small
nia Pu
e p
Ayush Dodwari
by a