PDF Andy Clark and His Critics Matteo Colombo download
PDF Andy Clark and His Critics Matteo Colombo download
PDF Andy Clark and His Critics Matteo Colombo download
The Alpha And His King (Kincaid Pack Book 1) 1st Edition
Kiki Clark
Trevor Kletz Compendium: His Process Safety Wisdom Updated
for a New Generation 1st Edition Andy Brazier
Andy Clark and His Critics
Andy Clark
and His Critics
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers
the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education
by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University
Press in the UK and certain other countries.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Foreword ix
Daniel C. Dennett
Acknowledgements xi
List of Contributors xiii
Introduction 1
M at t e o C o l o m b o, L i z I r v i n e , a n d M o g S ta p l e t o n
vi Contents
Index 303
The ideal of “all things considered” is a perpetual motion machine for epistemology.
You can’t think effectively about any hard topic without relying on unexamined
constraints, self-imposed barricades on your imagination that permit you to dismiss
without a hearing most of the myriad candidate solutions to whatever problem you
are concentrating on. The need for brusque heuristic pruning of the search tree is a
fact of life, not just a fact of chess. My colleague Marcel Kinsbourne has proposed
that what makes any problem hard is always the fact that something attractive, and
false, stands in the way, securing allegiance that then poisons the investigation.
Philosophers, at their best, specialize in “opening our eyes to new perspectives,”
helping us overcome our subliminal aversions and loosen our grip on “home truths”
that are so familiar we never stop to consider them. This delicate task calls for an
artful mingling of arresting observations, vivid language, and a deep understanding
of the theoretical work that has created the arena in which current disputes play
themselves out.
Andy Clark is a peerless perspective-shifter, and the fruits of his labors are mag-
nificently on display in this volume. There is a palpable sense of intellectual com-
munity and progress on the tough issues, a sense that if we put our heads together,
we can discern the contributions of a wide variety of apparently warring positions,
both philosophical and scientific, and weave them into a cable of mutual agreement,
defeasible of course, but a new path of common ground on which to pursue further
research. The central cord of Andy’s cable, still only reluctantly endorsed or even
resisted by some of the contributors, is (in my hardly disinterested opinion) the
working assumption that there is nothing like élan vital, or wonder tissue, or intrinsic
intentionality that distinguishes the mind from the rest of nature. One manifestation
of this assumption is the Parity Principle (and the Reverse Parity Principle proposed
by Goldstone), and another is the fruitful pursuit by all participants of continuities
between all evolved organisms and indeed all designed tools for thinking, from
writing and prostheses to Scrabble tiles and computers.
x Foreword
Daniel C. Dennett
We would like to thank a number of people for helping us make this volume pos-
sible: Abigail Johnson, Judith Hoover, and Lincy Priya for copy-editing and helping
us to prepare the volume for final submission; Peter Ohlin for providing us with
encouragement and guidance during the project; and, most importantly of all, the
authors for contributing thoughtful, bold, and valuable chapters. There are many
other researchers from disparate disciplines doing excellent work on Clarkian
topics, but far too many to fit in one volume!
We, of course, must acknowledge and thank Andy himself, not only for
contributing to, and supporting us in creating this volume, but for contributing to
and supporting our academic development. Each of us has taken a different aca-
demic path through philosophy of cognitive science, but each has been graciously
supported by Andy, and inspired by his spirit of curious openness to new philo-
sophical and scientific developments.
This volume has been in the making since late 2015. Over this time we have had
the good fortune to be academically supported by a number of different institutions
and funding bodies, which made it possible for us to produce the final book.
Matteo gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the priority program “New Frameworks of
Rationality” ([SPP 1516]), and from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Liz has been working as a lecturer at Cardiff University throughout the prepara-
tion of the book.
Mog was supported over this period by postdoctoral positions in Macau on Nevia
Dolcini’s project, Tübingen in Hong Yu Wong’s research group, and Edinburgh on
Duncan Pritchard’s project. She is very grateful for the financial and academic sup-
port over this period.
xiv List of Contributors
2 Andy Clark and His Critics
All this may naturally suggest that we should be looking at a diverse and disunified
array of explanatory resources in order to understand how minds emerge from the
complex cooperation of brain processes with bodily form, action, and the canny
use of environmental structures. While this conclusion seems to follow naturally
from Clark’s work, Clark (2013, 2016) has in fact resisted it in his most recent proj
ect. In this, he argues that the embodied mind’s rag bag of tricks and stratagems
may be unified through a few core principles grounded in the view that the brain
is a multi-layered probabilistic prediction machine. Instead of being passive, feed-
forward accumulators of environmental features, brains are active predictors of
environmental signals. Hierarchically organized networks of neurons encode hi-
erarchically organized statistical models of the environment, which they employ
to make predictions about their next sensory state. As a function of the way in
which observed sensory input proves these predictions to be wrong, the neurally
encoded statistical models get updated and redeployed to make fresh predictions
that organisms use to aptly navigate their environment. In this continuous cycle
of prediction-error-based updating guided by action-perception loops, embodied
brains become better and better at predicting environmental structures that matter
for their own survival and flourishing.
In this exciting picture of brain function, action, perception, attention, and con-
sciousness are painted as continuously co-constructed around the same funda-
mental computational routine: prediction-error minimization. Thus, our embodied,
embedded, extended, and spatially and temporally distributed cognition is to be
grounded in an orchestrated attempt to individually and collectively minimize
the error in our predictions about specific sensorimotor trajectories in our local
However, it is early days for predicting whether the predictive processing account
will deliver a genuinely unified science of the embodied mind. This issue is taken up
in part 3 of the volume. A number of authors in this section question the fit between
predictive processing and Clark’s earlier work on extended, enactive, and embodied
cognition. Mike Anderson and Tony Chemero offer a different reading of how the
predictive processing framework might fit with radical embodiment, which highlights
the role of ecological information and downplays the concepts of prediction, models,
and representation. Somewhat differently again, Karl Friston recommends an
enactivist and embodied version of predictive processing in which agents need not
always have (representational) models of their environments but simply are models of
their environments in virtue of existing. Jakob Hohwy argues that the representational
demands of predictive processing are not consistent with the kind of mind-world re-
lationship that Clark is committed to. Nico Orlandi and Geoff Lee examine Clark’s
interpretation of the predictive processing framework and argue that it preserves tra-
ditional (and non-Clarkian) distinctions between perception and action. Jesse Prinz
offers a critical overview of Clark’s work and raises the question of whether it is pos-
sible for any single account of cognition to be explanatorily adequate. Anil Seth uses
Int roduc tion 5
I feel released
Bad times deceased
My confidence has increased
Reality is here
The game has been disbanded
My mind has been expanded.
—Richard O’Brien, “Rose Tint My World,”
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Clark, A. 1989. Microcognition: Philosophy, Cognitive Science and Parallel Distributed Processing.
MIT Press.
Clark, A. 1993. Associative Engines: Connectionism, Concepts and Representational Change.
MIT Press.
Clark, A. 1997. Being There: Putting Brain, Body and World Together Again. MIT Press.
Clark, A. 2004. Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence.
Oxford University Press.
Clark, A. 2008. Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension. Oxford
University Press.
Clark, A. 2013. “Whatever Next? Predictive Brains, Situated Agents, and the Future of Cognitive
Science.” Behavioural and Brain Science 36:181–204.
Clark, A. 2014. Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science. 2nd ed. Oxford
University Press.
Clark, A. 2016. Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind. Oxford
University Press.
Clark, A., and D. Chalmers. 1998. “The Extended Mind.” Analysis 58:7–19.
It’s a pleasure to contribute to this volume honoring Andy Clark.1 Andy has been an
influential figure for me ever since I read his first book, Microcognition, while I was
in graduate school. A few years later I took up my first job as a postdoctoral fellow
working with him in the newly initiated Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology
Program at Washington University in St. Louis. We had a lot of adventures, but the
one that seems to have left the most traces is our joint paper, “The Extended Mind,”
which argued that cognitive processes can extend outside the brain and the body to
include objects that we interact with in our environment.
I recently came across hard copies of two early drafts of “The Extended Mind”
in my files. The first draft was by Andy on his own and is covered in handwritten
comments by me. The second draft is a coauthored version with revisions by me and
is covered in handwritten comments by Andy. (I have put these two online at consc.
net/e-drafts.html.) There were many further iterations after that. The whole thing
is a wonderful record of distributed and extended cognition, involving a complex
cognitive process spread between Andy, me, various notes on paper, and computer
files. I’m proud to have played a role in constituting this process. That said, I have
to acknowledge that, as with many cases of distributed cognition, there was an in-
dividual at the core who set the whole process into motion and who bears primary
responsibility, and that individual was Andy.
I am still very much sympathetic with the extended mind thesis, though I also
have some doubts about its truth that I articulated in my foreword to Andy’s 2008
book, Supersizing the Mind. I will return to those doubts shortly, but here I will
focus especially on two other issues. First, what exactly is the extended mind thesis?
Second, are there cases of extended consciousness, and if not, why not? In addressing
Thanks to the editors and to Andy Clark, Kati Farkas, Jackson Kernion, Tobias Schlicht, and Rob
Wilson for comments.
10 Extensions and Alterations
the first issue, I will be criticizing and revising the statement of the thesis in our orig-
inal article. In addressing the second issue, I will be criticizing and revising a thesis
that both of us have endorsed separately in more recent work. So these remarks will
to some extent criticize Andy, as the title of this volume requires. But really I am in
the situation of a split-brain hemisphere criticizing a previous whole brain of which
it was a part, as well as criticizing both itself and the other hemisphere on their own.
To unpack this a little: the thesis applies to both cognitive processes and mental
states, which we separate in the article since it is not obvious that the extension of
one implies the extension of the other. “Partly constituted” is naturally understood
as what is often now called “partial grounding” (metaphysical dependence on these
entities along with others), though one might allow weaker relations in order to ac-
commodate property dualist versions of the extended mind thesis in which mental
states depend nomologically on features outside the head. “Entities” can be (per-
haps inter alia) objects, instantiated properties, or states of affairs whereby objects
instantiate properties. As for “external,” at various points we appeal to the boundaries
of brain, body, head, skin, and skull. Each boundary leads to an interesting thesis,
but perhaps to distinguish the extended mind thesis from various embodied mind
theses, it makes sense to use the body as the key boundary.2 Finally, “the right role in
driving cognitive processes” is required to distinguish our externalism from that of
Putnam, Burge, and others. The article gives only limited guidance about just what
I am on record (www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhybIsN5IZc) as once endorsing the thesis that
consciousness is in the hair, which is presumably outside the boundaries of brain, skin, and skull, but
still part of the body, and perhaps a borderline case of being outside the head?
Extend ed Cog nition and Ex tended C ons c i ousne s s 11
roles count as the right ones, but minimally what is needed is an active and ongoing
role, as opposed to a passive and distal role.
Something like this is a fairly standard formulation of the extended mind thesis.
But there is good reason to doubt that it is the right formulation. This reason has
been touched on by various theorists over the years in formulating versions of the
thesis, but it has been pressed most forcefully as an objection by Katalin Farkas
The objection is roughly this: as formulated, the thesis is too weak to be inter-
esting. In particular, it is near-obviously true in extended circuit cases, cases in
which a brain circuit is replaced by an external silicon circuit that is connected di-
rectly (e.g., by wiring or radio transmitters) to the rest of the brain so that it plays the
same role as the original brain circuit.
In his reply to Jerry Fodor’s review of Supersizing the Mind, Andy himself spells
out such a case, the case of Diva:
But now imagine a case in which a person (call her Diva) suffers minor
brain damage and loses the ability to perform a simple task of arithmetic
division using only her neural resources. An external silicon circuit is added
that restores the previous functionality. Diva can now divide just as before,
only some small part of the work is distributed across the brain and the
silicon circuit: a genuinely mental process (division) is supported by a hy-
brid bio-technological system. That alone, if you accept it, establishes the
key principle of Supersizing the Mind. It is that non-biological resources, if
hooked appropriately into processes running in the human brain, can form
parts of larger circuits that count as genuinely cognitive in their own right.
(Clark 2009a)
Andy says here, in effect, that if one accepts that an extended circuit like Diva’s
can partially constitute a mental process (call this the extended circuit thesis), one
has thereby accepted the key thesis of his book. Furthermore, if one accepts the
extended circuit thesis, one has more or less accepted the official thesis of “The
Extended Mind” as described earlier: mental processes will be partly constituted by
something external because of the active role it plays in cognition. Now, some later
remarks (which I will discuss shortly) suggest that Andy may think of his book’s
thesis as something distinct from the original extended mind thesis. Nevertheless
all this tends toward a view on which the extended circuit thesis suffices for ex-
tended cognition.
Farkas (2012) says, and I agree, that this cannot be quite right. The extended
circuit thesis is too weak for it to support the interesting and controversial version
of the extended mind thesis. One way to bring this out is to observe that many who
take themselves to be opponents of the extended mind thesis explicitly accept the
extended circuit thesis. Adams and Aizawa (2008) and Rupert (2009), who have
12 Extensions and Alterations
mounted perhaps the most sustained opposition to the extended mind thesis, are
happy to accept the extended circuit thesis: they agree that in science-fiction cases
such as Diva’s, there can be extended cognition. This suggests that the official for-
mulation of the extended mind thesis does not really capture what is centrally at
issue in the debate.
The point can also be brought out by observing that the Diva case is quite dif-
ferent from the key cases in “The Extended Mind,” such as the Otto case and the
Tetris case. Most obviously, the Otto case and the Tetris case use only existing tech-
nology, where the Diva case uses hypothetical future technology. The first two cases
involve ordinary perception and action, whereas the Diva case requires science-
fiction-style extended circuitry. Furthermore, compared to the other two cases, the
Diva case is much more clearly functionally isomorphic to non-extended cases of
cognition. Partly as a result, the claim of extended cognition in the Otto case and
the Tetris case is far more controversial than the corresponding claim about the
Diva case.
Now Andy and I could stand our ground and stick with our stipulated definition
of the extended mind thesis, so that Adams, Aizawa, Farkas, and Rupert all count
as supporters of the thesis. That would be a little akin to the US declaring victory in
Vietnam and going home. I think it makes more sense to find a stronger formula-
tion of the extended mind thesis that captures what is really at issue in the debate.
This stronger thesis should be one that is not supported by a verdict of extended
cognition in the Diva case, but that is supported by such a verdict in the Otto and
Tetris cases.
Various stronger theses have been suggested in the literature, but no thesis that
I have seen is ideal. Adams and Aizawa (2008) distinguish a modal version of the
thesis (weak), holding that there could be cases of extended cognition, from a
nonmodal version (strong), saying that there are cases of extended cognition. But
this makes the strong thesis uncomfortably contingent. (If no one used notebooks
and the like, would the thesis be false?) One will also need to index the thesis to
times, so that if certain opponents are right, the 2017 version of the thesis is false,
but the 2117 version of the thesis will be true. (My colleague Ned Block likes to say
that the thesis was false in 1995, when we wrote the article, but it has since become
true with the advent of smartphones and the like.) But I do not think that a thesis
about the years 1995 or 2017 really captures what is of deepest philosophical in-
terest in the article.
A related move distinguishes science-fiction from non-science-fiction cases, so
that the strong thesis says there can be externally constituted cognition without
science-fiction resources, while the weak thesis allows science-fiction cases such
as extended circuits to count. Both the strong and the weak theses here are modal
theses, but the modality in the strong thesis invokes only worlds fairly close to the
actual world. I think something like this was what Andy and I had in mind in writing
the paper. In recent work, Andy appeals to a version of this criterion: “In fairly easily
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
Fig. 26. Another type of dwelling house.
Fig. 30. Buried in trees. The opposite extreme from Fig. 26.
“It is a plain, rugged, austere structure, like the men who built it,
and any proposal to modernize it would be received with disfavor; for
it means more to the people than merely a church building—it is a
sacred possession that is a part of their life,” and it is an appropriate
monument to the sturdy religious character of the pioneers who
stood in the forefront as a wall guarding human rights and liberties in
those stormy days of the past. The country church should be as truly
a part of the farm structure as are the house and barn, located on
land held in fee simple.
Fig. 32. Where horses are kept.
Fig. 33. Where boys and girls are taught.
Most of the farmers who now occupy the country west of the
Alleghanies came from the east and brought with them a varied
assortment of styles of architecture inherited from the many
European countries from which they or their ancestors came. These
people, though of limited means, had pride and tenacity of purpose,
and they could not easily change to the plain and appropriate
exterior treatment of the farm house. This inheritance and
persistence, as shown in the farm houses of the middle states, is fitly
illustrated by the expensive and heavy return cornice, the massive
columns, and the complicated and ornate entablatures which are
supposed to adorn an otherwise plain house.
Fig. 36. The expensive box cornice.
They may be very unlike, yet both beautiful. From the farmer’s
standpoint it may be said that the chief characteristics of beauty are
fitness, naturalness and simplicity.
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