Mathematics Education in the Information Age Stacy A.
Mark Wolfmeyer
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Names: Wolfmeyer, Mark.
Title: Mathematics education : a critical introduction / by Mark Wolfmeyer.
Description: New York : Routledge, 2017. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016035095 | ISBN 9781138243279 (hardback) |
ISBN€9781138243286 (pbk.)
Subjects: LCSH: Mathematics—Study and teaching—United States. |
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For my parents, Helen and Paul
Figure€1.1╅ A€worked-out mental math example 3
Figure€1.2╅ An elementary example of pure mathematics 5
Figure€1.3╅ Beans arranged to deduce theorems from number theory 6
Table€1.1╅ Some branches of pure mathematics, with description 4
Table€1.2╅ Some branches of applied mathematics, with description 4
Table€2.1╅ Two mathematics lesson plan structures 29
students and seasoned scholars in education would benefit from consulting these
Critical Introductions for a fuller comprehension of their field and the political
struggles and stakes in several subjects affecting teachers, students, and colleagues.
This book, Mathematics Education: A€Critical Introduction, provides an overview
to its subject. Mathematics education, perhaps more than any other area in teacher
education, is framed as neutral and apolitical and has been codified in ways that
resist examination of the values, assumptions, interests, and ideologies that organ-
ize knowledge and pedagogical practice. Mark Wolfmeyer breaks through the
assumptions that math education is neutral, disinterested, and universal and instead
gives the reader an understanding of how math education relates to social and
racial inequality, gender disparity, and class oppression. His account clearly and
accessibly investigates the philosophical underpinnings behind math education
in its traditional and critical variations. As well, in the course of showing what
is entailed in a specifically critical math education, he engages with the different
perspectives of major scholars. His book explores the broader economic, social,
political, and cultural implications of teaching math and makes these concerns
central rather than incidental to mathematics education.
Wolfmeyer’s work is unique in helping new math teachers ask the question of
why they are becoming math teachers, what it means socially, and how it affirms
or contests existing social arrangements.Teachers, through their practices, inevita-
bly make meanings in the classroom, and the meanings that they make have social
import. Wolfmeyer shows that it is impossible for a math teacher to be outside of
politics in this sense—that is, math education is implicated in the inevitable con-
flicts among groups and classes over money and resources but also over symbols,
values, and meanings. The crucial matter is whether or not one comes to under-
stand these inevitably political dimensions of teaching math. Moreover, once one
comes to understand that teaching math is inevitably political, Wolfmeyer shows
the reader what s/he can do about it by making the teaching of math a force for
challenging oppression and exploitation. Wolfmeyer offers a vision for math edu-
cation as a force for expanding justice, equality, fairness, and inclusion.
This book presents my attempt to bring together the most critical work in math-
ematics education and make this accessible for future and current mathematics
teachers. I€also hope that critical educators more generally will find it helpful in
understanding mathematics teaching. What, you ask, do I€mean by critical? I€start
my answer with two famed scholars of mathematics education, Ole Skovsmose
and Brian Greer (2012), who first argue that to be critical is to challenge. This is
the conventional use of the term; to be critical is to ask questions, to check for
hidden assumptions, to push and prod. But second, in looking at etymological
relations, they also remind us that to be critical is to attend to crisis. True to this
dyad, then, the assemblage contained herein opens up mathematics education
for its contribution to the crises of our time, as well as the opportunities existing
within mathematics education that can interrupt them.
Take the following as examples of modern-day crises: racial injustice, gender
inequality, social class hierarchy, and environmental catastrophe. As will be revealed
in the contents of this book, to think critically about mathematics teaching is
to examine the underlying sociopolitical orderings of relations between groups
of people through a focus on power, ethics, and historical and cultural under-
standings. Advanced work in critical social theory suggests that such a framework
illuminates the aforementioned crises of our time. Sadly, mathematics education
as it is largely practiced reinforces these unjust circumstances and, interestingly,
does so with a veil of neutrality. The propagation of mathematics as an objective,
value-free discipline will be our first line in critiquing mathematics education as
it is typically conceived. In place of this, we can view mathematics as a socially
developed collection of not-yet-disproven concepts, and such a view begins to
open our eyes to the manner in which a mathematical education can interrupt
today’s crises.
Skovsmose, O.€& Greer, B. (Eds.) (2012). Opening the cage: Critique and politics of mathematics
education. Boston, MA: Sense.
First and foremost, I€thank members of my family for their support in writing
this book. My partner Ellie Escher and children Beatrice and Guy WolfmeyerE-
scher have provided much encouragement and the space that I€needed to get
the project done. Thanks specifically to Beatrice for help with Figure€1.3! Also,
thanks to my parents Helen and Paul Wolfmeyer, to whom I€have dedicated this
book. I€have the critical orientations needed to write it thanks to their efforts in
teaching me justice and empathy since I€was a child. Last, to my in-laws Gus and
Connie Escher and to siblings David Wolfmeyer, Beth Cocuzza, and Amy Escher,
thank you for your support.
Thank you to Kenneth Saltman for inviting me to submit a proposal for the
series and for feedback throughout the writing process and to Catherine Bernard,
editor at Routledge, for help in shaping the book as it developed and for seeing
it through to print. Also continued thanks to my early mentor, Joel Spring, for
teaching me a style of writing that increases access to challenging, complicated,
and critical topics.
A number of others provided encouragement, support, and/or extensive feed-
back on this book. These include John Lupinacci, Nataly Chesky, Brian Greer,
Erika Bullock, Theresa Stahler, Patricia Walsh Coates, George Sirrakos, E. Wayne
Ross, Greg Bourassa, Graham Slater, Miriam Tager, Edwin Mayorga, and Charles
Nace. Finally, thanks to the blind reviewers who provided substantive feedback to
augment the book’s contents and accessibility.
From Mathematicians to Philosophers
and Anthropologists
Hersh (1997) differentiates the two as follows: “Mathematics that stresses results
above proof is sometimes called ‘applied mathematics.’ Mathematics that stresses
proof above results is sometimes called ‘pure mathematics’â•›” (p.€6). Pure mathema-
ticians work within abstract worlds to prove things that have little association to
a particular physical (or social) situation. Applied mathematicians do the opposite:
they start with these physical or social situations and adapt the work of pure math-
ematicians to address particulars within the real-world application.
Within each division are a host of topics. From among the topics in pure math
are number theory, algebra, geometry, topology, calculus, analysis, and combinato-
rics. Table€1.1 gives an elementary description of each of these.
Generally speaking, applied mathematics includes any kind of mathematical
knowledge that has made a connection to a real-world problem. Such endeavors
have spawned particular fields of their own, such as differential equations, mathe-
matical modeling, statistics, mathematical physics, and game theory.Table€1.2 gives
an elementary description of each of these. Both the applied mathematics table
and the preceding pure mathematics table give a sense of what these branches are
about. In truth, most are difficult to define narrowly, and none are entirely isolated
from any other branch. These are partial lists aiming to distinguish the character-
istic differences between pure and applied mathematics.
Thus a variety of mathematical topics are at play among the work of mathe-
maticians. The distinction between pure and applied mathematics proves highly
relevant as we look at mathematics critically in order to conceptualize how we
will teach it and for what purpose. I€want to illuminate this distinction with two
4â•… What Is Mathematics?
and there are other examples that reflect the work of applied mathematics more
accurately. As for pure mathematics, teaching mathematics in this way implies that
we provide experiences through which our students will come to “invent” math-
ematical ideas as pure mathematicians do.
For the latter, here is an example adapted from Paul Lockhart’s (2009) Math-
ematician’s Lament: How School Cheats Us Out of Our Most Fascinating and Imagina-
tive Art Form. We will take a deeper look at this book in Chapter€2, but for now, it
helps us explore pure mathematics a bit more with an example problem coming
from the mathematical branch of number theory. The most helpful part of Lock-
hart’s example is the fact that he encourages us to imagine any number as a pile
of rocks. So, to begin: imagine the numbers 9 and 4 as two separate piles of rocks.
Now consider arranging them in various ways, like a line, a circle, a square, more
than one object, and so on. It could be helpful for you to get out some beans or
something else to use as your “rocks.”
I assume you know that 9 is an odd number and 4 is an even number. Con-
tinue playing around, arranging your rocks, and this time focus on these facts
about even and odd. Is there a way you can arrange the 4 to show that it’s even?
Maybe create a set of 6 rocks and 8 rocks as well; then you have a few even num-
bers to play with. Do the same for odd. Come up with as many arrangements
as possible. The longer you play, the more likely you are to come up with the
arrangement I€hope you do. This arrangement, Figure€1.3, appears below. Don’t
peek until you’ve played enough!
Any even number can be placed in two equal rows. In other words, we can pair
up each of the rocks. If we try to place an odd number of rocks into two rows, one
of the rocks is left without a pair. Fascinating!
This representation can be used to answer some interesting questions in num-
ber theory. Use these representations (numbers as rocks) to prove an answer to the
following questions: What kind of a number do you get when you add two even
numbers? Two odd numbers? An even and an odd number? Enjoy playing with
these representations and work on a problem in pure mathematics!
There is one final note about the notions of pure and applied math. As with
most dichotomies, I€suggest you consider them as useful categories to further
appreciate the nuances of mathematics. In doing so, however, we cannot come
to understand them in any way as distinct entities. There is much of mathematics
that may fall into one or the other category. Similarly, the notion of application
seems to suggest that pure math always comes first. And, by further logic, that
pure math is somehow superior to applied math. Hersh (1997) notes that pure
mathematicians value applied math just as highly as pure math. Part of this is the
fact that much of pure math has occurred as the result of applied math. “Not only
did the same great mathematicians do both pure and applied mathematics, their
pure and applied work often fertilized each other. This was explicit in Gauss and
Poincaré” (p.€26).
creation. Hersh refers to this group as the humanists, and he identifies thinkers on
both sides throughout the western history of the philosophy of mathematics. As
an example of humanist mathematics philosophy and a philosopher of mathemat-
ics himself, Ernest’s specific critical viewpoint is termed “social constructivism.”
The mainstream view of the philosophy of mathematics is clearly exhibited
by ancient Greek philosophers, including the Pythagorean society and Plato. The
Pythagorean society situated its mathematical activity within a quest for spiritual-
ity. For example,
The perfect, ideal relationships witnessed in music and elsewhere indicated a har-
monious truth and beauty. It was as if to say, to lead fully spiritual lives, to become
more beautiful and perfect, we as people must learn mathematics and discover
such harmonies in their existence.
This is regarded as a stepping stone toward Plato’s famous notion of ideals, in
which mathematics played a significant role.
Platonism is the view that the objects of mathematics have a real, objective
existence in some ideal realm. It originates with Plato, and can be discerned
in the writings of the logicists Frege and Russell, and includes Cantor,
Bernays, Godel and Hardy among its distinguished supporters. Platonists
maintain that the objects and structures of mathematics have a real exist-
ence independent of humanity, and that doing mathematics is the pro-
cess of discovering their pre-existing relationships. According to Platonism
mathematical knowledge consists of descriptions of these objects and the
relationships and structures connecting them.
(Ernest, 1991, p.€29)
Such Platonism is one of a few varieties in the mainstream view of the philoso-
phy of mathematics that imagines mathematics as fixed, neutral, and value free.
Another strand of mathematics philosophies, absolutism, includes intuitionism,
formalism, and logicism. Logicism describes a standpoint in which all of math-
ematics can be described within logical terms and principles; formalism essentially
claims mathematics to be the practice of defining mathematical truths through
symbols; and intuitionism holds that mathematics must rely on the construction
What Is Mathematics?â•… 9
of proofs and objects (Ernest, 1991, pp.€7–12). As Ernest (1990) writes, absolutist
schools of philosophy should have
Hersh points out that in many instances, such absolutist and Platonic frames of
mind coincide with a religious or theological perspective. For example, Descartes
attempts to prove that God exists because a perfect triangle exists within his mind.
In this way, mathematics is seen as a set of divine ideals to be discovered by people.
On the other hand, a major branch of philosophy of mathematics is termed
fallibilism: the view that “mathematical truth is fallible and corrigible, and can
never be regarded as beyond revision and correction” (Ernest, 1991, p.€18). If Pla-
tonism and absolutism rest on mathematics’ attempts to discover what is indubita-
ble, fallibilism represents a mathematical body of knowledge that we know to be
true simply because we have not proven it false yet. More broadly, this description
fits under what Hersh terms a “humanist” mathematics, in which mathematics is
seen as the product of human interaction and contestation. Ultimately, any math-
ematical truth has been argued by people and is thus the product of such human
experiences. Among many more, two philosophers of mathematics are important
here: Ludwig Wittgenstein and Imre Lakatos. Wittgenstein declares the following:
“1 plus 1 equals 2 because we have decided it so.” This is an important step and
a clear disagreement with the mainstream absolutist and Platonic perspectives.
The sum of two 1s equals 2 not because of some ideal set of numbers, existing in
their perfect form and perhaps with divine intervention. Instead, over the course
of human history, we have decided it so. Any person is free to disagree with the
equation. For example, they might say that the sum is 3. However, this person
would have difficulty participating in the mainstream use of numbers that society
has developed over time.
Lakatos described the process in more detail. Influenced by Karl Popper, a
philosopher of science, essentially he claimed that every mathematical truth is
the result of argumentation. Popper had revolutionized science by arguing that
scientific theories are only guesses waiting to be disproved by experimentation.
Similarly, mathematical truths are statements either proven true via an argument
that is accepted by the mathematical community (a “proof ”) or proven false given
a “counterexample” or perhaps other means. Earlier, we played with the notion
of proof when attempting to explain that the sum of two even numbers is even
earlier in this chapter. For the record, mathematicians would not accept our play
with rocks as a formal proof, but for conversation’s sake this will be helpful. How
about the counterclaim that two even numbers add to an odd number? Well, that
10â•… What Is Mathematics?
is easy to argue against with the use of a counterexample. Take a minute to give
one now by playing with your rocks, beans, and so forth.
Proving and providing counterexamples leads to mathematical “truth.” Hersh
That said, Ernest’s philosophy of social constructivism begs us to ask these ques-
tions as we go about our critical understanding of mathematics. We have thus
opened the door to our final two sections of this chapter: looking to the history
of mathematics and the field of ethnomathematics. It is my hope that these sec-
tions will help you more fully appreciate how mathematics is a social construct.
As you read, consider how these contributions describe a social process by which
mathematical knowledge has been created.
It certainly came to the West from the Arabs, who learned it from India.
In fact, one of the influential treatises by which Europeans learned about
the decimal system and the symbols for digits was a treatise by the Muslim
scholar Kushyar ibn Labban.
(Cooke, 1997, p.€197)
Our numeral system is often referred to as Arabic, but it has also been referred to
by other names to reflect more accurate historical understandings, such as Hindu-
Arabic numerals.
Indian influence also included their dealings with number theory, or the
branch of mathematics that studies whole numbers and rational numbers. Typi-
cal problems in the field include finding prime numbers and divisibility. For one,
Hindus were interested in the triples of integers for which the sum of the squares
What Is Mathematics?â•… 13
of the two smaller equals the sum of the square of the larger. Two examples of
these triples are the numbers (3, 4, 5) and (9, 40, 41).You may have encountered
these before under the name “Pythagorean triples.” While the Pythagoreans may
have been interested in their practical use as related to right triangles, it is possible
the Hindus found a religious purpose to this project:
A Hindu home was required to have three fires burning at three different
altars. The three altars were to be of different shapes, but all three were to
have the same area. These conditions led to certain “Diophantine” prob-
lems, a particular case of which is the generation of Pythagorean triples, so
as to make one square integer equal to the sum of two others.
(Cooke, 1997, p.€198)
This example shows how the context within which mathematical knowledge
originates can be surprising. Perhaps we might expect to have found the first
use of Pythagorean triples in a topic more relevant to engineering. The religious
nature to this origination serves as an example of the socially constructed nature
of mathematics. Recall Ernest’s notion of the social constructed nature to math-
ematics. In this example from Hindu culture, the community of knowers validated
the mathematical knowledge because it fulfilled a particular desire in a religious
Similar to number theory, algebra emerged among a variety of locations and
cultures. Its title comes from the Arabic word al-jabr, used by Muhammad ibn
Musa Al-Khwarizmi of the ninth century. His work centers on solving equa-
tions with an unknown by keeping the equation balanced. This can relate to
common practices in mathematics classrooms and modern algebra. For example,
to solve the equation€3x + 9€=€12, we can first subtract 9 from both sides to
keep the equation balanced. In this way, Al-Khwarizmi was interested in develop-
ing an algorithm, or procedure, for solving equations with unknowns. This goal
came about as the result of extensive work in dealing with equations with such
unknowns. Many consider this the essential feature of elementary algebra: solving
equations to find an unknown value.
With this quest to find unknowns as the focus of algebra, most consider the
“father of algebra” a toss-up between Al-Khwarizmi and the Roman mathema-
tician Diophantus of Alexandria. Likely written in the second century C.E.,
his Arithmetike contributes several practices that are commonly used in algebra.
As Roger Cooke notes, these include using symbols to represent an unknown
number (like using x in the earlier equation) and describing such an unknown
so that it can be determined. For the same equation (3x + 9€=€12), we could
give the following description: “I€am thinking of a number. When you multiply
this number by 3 and add 9, you get 12. Can you tell me the number?” This is a
game that some algebra teachers use with their students to begin understanding
the idea of an unknown number, as well as fostering the students’ development
14â•… What Is Mathematics?
This claims that mathematics exists in a multiplicity of practices and, a point rel-
evant to our teaching, that students and communities have mathematics embed-
ded in their lives.Thus D’Ambrosio suggests that ethnomathematics is essential to
best practices in pedagogy.
One mathematics education scholar, Alexander Pais (2011), cautions us to
think more carefully about these applications of ethnomathematics. He provides
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The principal parts of the carriage are: trail, axle, wheels, brakes,
shields, angle of site elevating mechanism, range elevating
mechanism, traversing mechanism, rocker, cradle and sights.
When traveling or resting, the tube rests on the cradle which
supports it by means of the jacket. When firing, it recoils on the
cradle by means of the rollers. The jacket has two pairs of rollers,
and the muzzle hoop is provided with a single pair of rollers. On the
upper part of the cradle are the lower slides, on which the jacket
rollers, supporting the tube, roll during the recoil. When the jacket
rollers are about to leave the lower slides, the muzzle rollers come
under the upper slides; the tube is then supported until the end of the
recoil by the muzzle rollers and the more forward of the two pairs of
jacket rollers. This device gives the gun a long recoil upon short
slides. Inclined planes are used in such a manner that when the gun
returns into battery the rollers rise from the lower slides thereby
relieving the slides from the weight of the tube when the tube is in
the traveling position.
The carriage supports the cradle which in turn supports the tube.
The cradle and the tube together are displaced, during the laying for
elevation with respect to the carriage which remains stationary. The
carriage is held steady on the ground by means of the trail spade
which with abatage prevents the carriage from recoiling on the
Abatage consists of elevating the wheels on the brake shoes
which are provided with small spades which prevent lateral
movement. The brake shoes are fastened to brake beams attached
to a sliding rack beneath the trail in such a manner that the abatage
frame may be placed under the carriage during travel. In preparing to
fire, the frame may be adjusted to allow the brake shoes to slip from
a position in rear of the carriage wheels to a point directly beneath
the wheels.
The angle given the gun for range is effected through a telescopic
screw. This screw is fastened at one of its extremities in the rocker
and at the other in the cradle. The nut which receives the elevating
screw is seated in an oscillating support which allows it to always
remain perpendicular to the axis of the bore at any elevation.
The angular displacements of the cradle with respect to the rocker
(angle of elevation) are recorded by the elevating system composed
of a graduated arc and a range drum. The lower part of the arc is
connected with the right arm of the rocker. The arc is graduated in
meters. When the range handle is turned the arc does not move, but
a brass slide block connected with the gun and the cradle and
bearing an index slides along the arc. It is thus possible to set the
range in meters.
However, the arc graduations are not very legible and it has been
supplanted by a graduated range drum having more legible
The black part of the arc bears a rack which meshes with a pinion,
which in turn rotates around an axle fixed on the cradle. When the
cradle moves, the pinion rotates and carries with it the range drum.
The elevation on level ground varies from a minus 11 degrees to a
plus 20 degrees. Greater elevation may be obtained by sinking the
The Recoil and Counter-recoil mechanisms are of the Hydro-
pneumatic type. Their accurate description is a secret. The following
brief description will give only a general idea of the working of the
mechanism. The whole apparatus is inside of the cradle through
which are bored two cylinders: an upper cylinder 40 mm diameter,
and a lower cylinder 66 mm diameter. These cylinders may
communicate through a large hole. A piston moves in the upper
cylinder, the piston rod, 24 mm diameter, being fast to the gun.
In the lower cylinder are: (1) The valve carrier pipe screwed in the
rear part of the cylinder supporting spring valves; in the inner walls
of the pipe are cut two grooves; the valve carrier pipe is ended by a
circular ring. (2) The diaphragm with its hollow rod. (3) The loose
piston with its small rod, which may come in contact with the upper
rack of the gauge. The two cylinders are full of liquid, usually
Russian oil. The front part of the upper cylinder in front of the piston
may communicate freely with the air through the Front Plug. The
front part of the lower cylinder is closed by a plug and contains
compressed air at a pressure of 150 kg. per sq. cm.
Operation. In recoil the piston of the upper cylinder compresses
the liquid, which has to pass through the spring valves and between
the circular ring and the hollow rod of the diaphragm. The passage of
the liquid through these different openings constitutes the braking
effect. In so moving the liquid opens the valves, which are widely
opened at the beginning of the recoil and gradually close in
proportion to the decrease of the speed of the recoil. At the same
time, the air of the recuperator is compressed by the action of the
liquid on the diaphragm.
When the recoil is finished, the compressed air pushes back the
diaphragm. The liquid thus compressed acts on the small cylinder
piston and obliges it to come back into its initial position, bringing
with it the tube.
The liquid in flowing back completely closes the valves and must
pass between the diaphragm rod and the inner wall of the pipe. At
beginning of the return into battery, the space between the rod and
the bottom of the groove is large. This space decreases in proportion
to the progress of the return. The passing of the liquid through this
constantly decreasing space causes the braking which at the end
reduces the speed of the return to nil.
Cannoneer Dismountings.
A. Breechblock.
1. Safety piece.
2. Striker.
3. Lanyard.
4. Striker hammer.
5. Hammer spindle.
6. Spring assembling pin.
7. Rack springs.
8. Rack.
9. Latch pin. (Pawl Pin.)
10. Latch (Pawl).
11. Latch spring. (Pawl spring.)
B. Extractor.
1. Clow. (Tang.)
2. Spindle.
3. Arms.
C. Level.
D. Sight case.
E. Wheels.
F. Limber pole.
G. Fuze setter from caisson.
H. Luggage frame from limber.
Mechanic Dismountings.
A. Coupling keg.
B. Push gun back on slides.
C. Safety bolt.
D. Friction piece. (Sweeper plate.)
E. Wiper. (Guide piece.)
F. Front plug.
G. Filling hole plug.
H. Elevating screw pin.
I. Elevating screw.
J. Trunnion caps.
K. Rocker Trunnion caps. (Half Rings.)
Forbidden Practices.
1. Readjustment of French Sights.
2. Fitting with files.
3. Forging and Riveting.
4. Unauthorized Dismountings.
Weights and Dimensions.
Weight Kg 339.74 pounds 749.
Caliber mm 75. inches 2.953
Total length mm 2,308.5 inches 90.9
Length of bore mm 2,134. inches 84.
Length of rifled portion of
bore mm 1,847. inches 72.72
Number of grooves 24
Width of grooves mm 7.30 inches .2874
Depth of grooves mm .501 inches .02
Width of lands mm 2.52 inches .0992
Twist, right hand, zero turns from origin to a point 2.89 inches from
origin. Increasing from one turn in 119 calibers at a point 2.89 inches
from origin to one turn in 25.4 calibers at a point 9.72 inches from
muzzle. Uniform from a point 9.72 inches from muzzle to the muzzle.
Recesses cut in both the side faces of the breech recess form
seats for trunnions for the two extractors. Holes bored into these
recesses from the rear face form seats for the extractor plungers,
springs and plugs. The block slides up and down in the breech
recess under the action of the operating arm which is pivoted on the
operating shaft and acts as an oscillating crank in raising and
lowering the block. The operating shaft which rotates the operating
arm is actuated by the operating handle. The operating handle is
provided with a latch to keep it in the closed position and is
connected by a chain, piston, and piston rod to the closing spring,
which is carried in the closing-spring case. The closing spring is
under compression and tends to keep the block closed or to close
the block when it is opened.
When the block is opened as far as it will go, it is locked in that
position by the inside trunnions on the extractors. These trunnions
are forced over horizontal shoulders on the block by means of the
extractor plungers and holds the block in the open position. When a
cartridge is pushed smartly into the gun, its rim striking against the
lips on the extractor frees the trunnions from the shoulders on the
block and allows the block to close under the action of the closing
A continuous-pull firing mechanism is carried in the recess bored
out in the center of the block and is operated by the trigger shaft
which projects from the bottom of the block. This mechanism is
cocked and fired by one continuous motion of the trigger shaft so
that in case of a misfire the primer may be struck a second blow by
releasing the shaft and rotating it again. A lanyard may be attached
to the projecting end of the trigger shaft.
The carriage is of the split trail, variable long-recoil type. The
length of recoil is regulated automatically, so that the breech of the
gun will not strike the ground on recoil at an angle of elevation of
less than 47 degrees. At elevations greater than 47° a hole must be
dug for the breech in recoil.
The gun is mounted in slides on a cradle formed by the spring
cylinder. The spring cylinder is suspended by trunnions mounted in
bearings in the top carriage, which is supported by the pintle bearing
to which are attached axle arms bearing in the wheels.
The carriage has an independent angle of site elevating
mechanism, by means of which a maximum depression of seven
degrees and an angle of elevation of 11 degrees may be obtained.
The remaining elevation is obtained through the elevating
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