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94.2.910.25en_N_Technical brochure SPRECON-E-C

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General Overview
Concept Due to the fully-developed and commercially optimized de-
The SPRECON-E-C-Series covers devices of different per- sign, systems, which may range from small installations like
formance classes and case sizes for various control, auto- transformer stations in distribution networks to totally integ-
mation and monitoring solutions in electric power supply and rated solutions for substations and switchgears, can be rea-
municipal utilities. For these tasks the SPRECON-E-C series lized in homogeneous system architecture.
was designed for maximum security, reliability and availabi- Thus investment costs can be reduced as well as installati-
lity. on expenditures, which act as the basis for economical ma-
Expenditures on external auxiliary equipment are minimized nagement.
due to implementation of universal voltage digital inputs, con-
trol outputs with a high making / breaking capacity as well as
Devices of the SPRECON-E-C-Series can be applied as
direct connections to current and voltage transformers.
station computers, bay control units or remote terminal units.
They consist of a basic unit and a separated control panel
Areas of application (optionally).
The series offers a solution that is especially qualified as bay The structure of the devices is completely modular. Adapta-
control-, substation-, SCADA- and remoteterminal-unit appli- tions to reach individually required performance are achie-
cations: ved by combinations of different plug-in modules.
In various system configurations all functions can be configu-
• Electric power supply red separately. In addition, flexible and simple realization of
• High and medium voltage switchgears special applications can be accomplished through program-
• Distribution systems mable logics by either the local control panel or remotely.
• Caloric power plants
• Wind and hydroelectric power plants
• Traction power supply
• Industrial networks
Beside remote control via standard and manufacturer-speci-
• Municipal utilities
• Water supply fic SCADA protocols, the separated HMI control panel, which
• Sewage systems is equipped with a full-graphical TFT display, acts as a com-
• Gas and oil supply fortable and transparent device for local operating. In additio-
• District heating
nal individually configurable LEDs can be used for signalling
• Tunnel automation and traffic control systems
by three different colours (red/green/orange) as well as by
various indication modes.
Flexibility Navigation keys allow intuitive user guidance through the
Through all of the product line, a uniform design has been different pages and submenus. Furthermore, they provide
applied together with the facility of comprehensive scalability. simple configuration of the various control, automation and
Depending on the particular application the user can choose monitoring functions.
different CPU classes with different performance and inter- Furthermore there is a panel with a 17‘ display designed as
faces for external communication. station control and for process visualization which can be
Three different case sizes are available depending on the handled via touchscreen or an optional pluggable keypad.
particular scope of application.

Possible Applications and Configuration

Configuration example of a Sprecher station control system

Main functions Communication
• Control and monitoring of switchgears and other proces- • RS232, RS422/485, fiber-optic connection, Ethernet
ses 10/100 Mbit/s
• Configurable bay interlocking • Realising of an LAN-Ring/Network with RSTP, MRP or
• Control outputs with high making/breaking capacity (e.g. HIPER-Ring (PU-244x) possible
direct control of disconnector motors) • Integrated network redundancy protocols PRP, HSR
• Direct or select before operate based command se- electrical or optical (PU-2449 or CI-2500)
quence • Permanent or temporary connections (via external mo-
• Control of tap changers for transformers and Petersen dem)
coils • Wireless communication via external GSM or radio mo-
• Measured-value processing with direct connection to dem
current and voltage transformers • Integration of standalone devices via station bus (mete-
• Threshold-value monitoring ring and measuring instruments, protective relays, volta-
ge regulators, controllers for Petersen coils, etc.)
• Maximum demand value calculation
• Extensive library of SCADA and IED protocols
• Maximum value calculation
• Configurable transmission modes for measured values
• Counter inputs (optionally auxiliary power-failure safe Structure of the device
with non-volatile memory)
The devices of the SPRECON-E-C-Series consist of two se-
• Operating hours counter, switching operations counter
parate units, the basic unit and the HMI control panel. The
• Local operation via separated HMI control panel
basic unit is structured completely modular. All plug-in modu-
• Programmable automatic functions
les are connected through a internal bus interface.
• Data archiving (event recorder)
This technique applies to modules as power supply, CPU and
• SMS notification
the different I/O modules. Adaptation to reach individually
• Time management via DCF77/GPS (external), NTP ser-
ver or via SCADA protocol required performance can be achieved by combinations of
• Continuous self-monitoring certain I/O modules.
• Remote maintenance and configuration The separated HMI control panel is linked to the basic unit via
• IP sec coding at the device a RS485 connection. It can be mounted on the switchgear
cabinet or directly fixed to the basic unit. The devices of the
SPRECON-E-C-Series offer a wide range of functionalities.
System-specific functions Customer-specific functions for specific applications are also
• Switching authority and switchgear inter-locking (bay implemented. They can be configured or deactivated sepa-
and substation interlocking)
rately. All devices additionally provide functionalities, which
• Programmable substation automatic functions
are necessary in terms of configuration and installation of
• PLC functionality according to IEC 61131-3
integrated systems.
• Substitution of switching device status
• Blocking of switching devices
• Group-assigned indication and measured-value blocking
• Hot-redundancy concept

Additional functions
• Synchro-check
• Automatic voltage regulator (AVR)
• Frequency-based load shedding

cing software platform for SPRECON-E software modules
regarding engineering and maintenance of SPRECON-E
automation systems. With this platform the user faces an op-
timal software environment that is focused on the relevant
Beside project management and the integrated program menu
for easy program access, the SPRECON-E ENGINEERING
CENTER also supports customised workflow for engineering
and maintenance of SPRECON-E systems and devices.
The following software modules cover the complete enginee-
ring and maintenance process:

management of all automation objects

• Integrated project explorer with tree structure for project
• Data backup with parameter status (original/read-only)
• Work environment support for central (network server)
and local (local PC) methods
• Automated document generation
SPRECON-E CONFIGURATOR for configuration and component settings
of the SPRECON-E automation devices
Integrated project management assistant
• Clear arrangement of the specific tasks for project ma-
nagement of SPRECON-E automation systems
• Optimised workflow for project realisation
• Integrated program menu for easy access to specific
software modules
• Automatic adjustment of the program menu depending
on the installed software modules
• Version management of the software modules as well
as multi-versional support of parallel installed software

SPRECON-E DESIGNER for easy and clear hardware configuration. SPRE-

CON-E PLC-DESIGNER for configuration of automation functions with func-
tion block diagrams according to IEC 61131-3.

Control function Switchgear interlockings
The control function allows control and monitoring of swit- Switching commands is issued with the integration of swit-
ching devices and other components. According to specific ching readiness and interlocking tests. Preceding tests befo-
requirements, it is possible to operate and monitor tap chan- re the output of a command are:
gers for transformers and Petersen coils, pumps, motors, cir- • Switching device ready for operation?
cuit breakers and disconnectors. • SETPOINT VAL. = ACTUAL VAL., i.e. is the switching
Thereby operating can be initiated through: device already in the required position?
• Local HMI • Double-operation interlocking, e.g. is another operation
already active?
• SCADA or station HMI
• Control authority, i.e. was the command initiated at a
• Digital inputs, limit values
switching-authorized level?
• Interlocking condition fulfilled?
The number of elements which can be controlled is only re-
stricted by the number of inputs and outputs available. Pos-
After a switching command output, the regular mode of ope-
sible concepts of controlling:
ration of each switching device is monitored. If necessary, an
• 1-pole control
alarm is generated.
• 1½-pole control
• 2-pole control
Tap changer control
As part of the integrated control function, users are allowed to
Command processing control tap changers through specific types of switching de-
There are various types of switching devices with different
vices. The actual tap position can be captured via digital inputs
kinds of command processing:
by binary, BCD or Ghielmetti code or analog mA signals. Fur-
• Single commands:
thermore, the regular mode of operation can be ensured by
• Both persistent and pulse command output can be con-
monitoring of tap changer operating time.
• Double commands:
• A separate output relay has to be actuated for closing Preprocessing of binary data
and opening.
Binary data preprocessing provides various functions for
• Commands for direct disconnector motor interface:
processing of binary inputs. These functions can be enabled
• After selection of a certain switching device via a com-
mand output relay, operation is initiated through a inter- and adjusted independently for each input.
nal power relay.

Contact debouncing
Data security This feature is used for debouncing of signals from mechani-
A security module permits encryption of the entire program cal contacts. The debouncing period can be set individually.
flow. Integrated IPsec ensures security in the network by
concealing the communication between control center and Chatter blocking
process network, the network topology and also all process The chatter blocking feature detects fault inputs, which show
data. Furthermore an authorization concept (RBAC) provi- unstable status. In the case of permanent state changes, the
descontrol about system interaction performed by any user input is blocked for a determined time period in order to sup-
while engineering, maintenance or management. press undefined indication changes.

Signal filtering and delay Scale magnification (zoom-in function)
Signal filtering is used to suppress spikes at the binary inputs. It may be necessary to considerably enlarge a small range
The signal change is only registered if the status is present of the input value when using measuring transducers, for ex-
for a certain period of time. Moreover, the binary signal can ample, in case of a frequency measurement of 45 to 55 Hz or
be delayed, allowing correction of mechanically signal de- the like. Additionally, this function allows a measured-value
lays. adaption by use of a non-linear curve.

Signal generation Threshold-value monitoring

After preprocessing digital input data, spontaneous single All measured and metered values can be monitored by using
point information is generated in case of state changes. Sup- threshold values. The threshold value can be changed online
plementary information on switching device states is gene- via station HMI. In the event of an out-of-range condition, an
rated in terms of double point information. Thus additional alarm can be generated.
information as switching device run, intermediate and fault
conditions can be indicated besides defined on/off positions.
Mean value calculation
Based on the actual measured values over a certain period
Counter values of time, arithmetic mean values can be calculated such as
Energy can be counted from the measured current and vol- the 15-minute mean value.
tage values for SCADA purposes (not for billing). Additionally,
the integrated function of an operating hour counter and a
switching operations counter are available.
Transmission of analog values
Due to the fact that bandwidth is mostly limited for the com-
If an external counter with metering impulse output is con-
munication to the Control Centre, a compromise must be
nected, the pulses are recorded at the digital inputs, and pro-
found between reducing the data volume and providing the
cessed internally. All counter values are stored in a nonvola-
most recent data to the operator.
tile memory, and can be set and reset individually.
Thus, different concepts for initiation of measured value
Following functions are available for counter value proces-
transmissions can be applied, which can also be combined:
• Accumulation of absolute- and relative values
• Cyclic transmission
• Specification of a counter constant (also per remote)
• Spontaneous transmission - by exceeding a certain
• Adjustable storage criteria (cyclica, via command, de-
pending on changes, etc.)
• Spontaneous transmission – with adaptive threshold cri-
• Transmission and reset is controllable

Measured value Acquisition The transmission mode can be configured individually for
The analog value acquisition provides a wide range of func- each measured value.
tions, pre-processing and transmission of measurands, which
in turn permit sophisticated monitoring and easy commissi-
oning in the project phase. Standardized DC signals from
external measurement transducers are processed, using an
optional live zero monitoring for the detection of cable faults.

Signal blocking Switching device blocking
During tests of a feeder, the transmission blocking can be ac- Blocking of the switching device prevents unintentional ope-
tivated to avoid the transmission of information to the master rations during maintenance and inspection works on a swit-
unit. Groups of indication signals and measured values can ching device.
be formed, whereas group-related transmission blocking can
be carried out.
Substitution of switching device status
In the event of a plant section breakdown, this feature allows
the substitution of switching device status. Therefore, equa-
Signal derivation / grouping of signals / tions for switchgear interlocking are kept valid and can be
summing up measured and metered values verified.
Indicated signals as well as commands can be derived from
other signals, measured values and metered values. Hence,
requirements, which are essential for maximum flexibility,
Time management
Time management can be achieved by a number of diffe-
are met.
rent methods. On the one hand via an externally connected
Additionally grouping of signals as well as summing up mea-
DCF77- or GPS-synchronized clock and on the other hand
sured and metered values is possible. Thus the quantity of
via a NTP server or SCADA.
information, which is transmitted to the SCADA system, can
Hence, time setting functions must be implemented in the
be reduced.
SCADA protocol.Time and date stamps are assigned to all
indications, measured and metered values.
Programmable logic Um die Zeitsynchronisierung topologisch untergeordneter
Programmable logic acts as a tool to create specific solu- Komponenten zu gewährleisten, kann das SPRECON-Gerät
tions for the automation of bays or complete substation sys- als NTP-Server fungieren.
tems. Through combinations of signals in logic equations, To ensure time synchronisation of topologically subordinated
user-specific indications can be defined and further actions components, the SPRECON device can act as NTP server.
can be derived.

Continuous self-monitoring
Programmable automation functions Comprehensive self-monitoring procedures within the device
In addition to programmable logic, it is possible to automate ensure that internal hardware or software errors are instantly
any required time sequence by means of programmable au- detected in order to take adequate actions. This guarantees
tomation functions. For instance, sequences of commands a high level of safety and reliability.
like automatic busbar changeover in a double busbar system
can be accomplished.
Hot-redundancy concept
To achieve a higher level of system availability, a hot-red-
Event recording undancy concept is provided. In this regard, two identically
Event recording enables the user to continually archive and equipped station computers are running simultaneously and
store operationally relevant events in a non-volatile memory. both units are active.
In doing so, all relevant events are stored in chronological The station computers automatically synchronize their pro-
order together with time stamps. cess image and monitor the status of their partner. The ap-
pearance of a single fault at substation level or on the com-
munication channels does not affect the system operation.

Synchro-check (parallel switching) Through various communication possibilities, integration into
In dual-fed networks this function ensures, that closing of CB a substation control system of Sprecher (SPRECON) or dif-
will proceed only if the synchronism conditions are fulfilled. ferent providers can be carried out.
The PU-244x offers with its integrated network subsystem
two additional fibre ports for realization of a optical ring. The
Automatic voltage regulator CPU PU-244x offers with its integrated Ethernet switch the
The voltage regulator serves as an automatic control unit for possibility so build a LAN ring without the need of external
transformers with tap changers, which are operated through switches. The redundancy management is ensured by the
a motor-drive mechanism. integrated RSTP protocol. Furthermore, MRP and HIPER-
Flexible adjustments to individual network characteristics RING is supported, but the Ring-Master function has to be
can be achieved through different control algorithms. done by an external switch.
The CPU variant PU-2449 or CI-2500 is supporting the re-
dundancy protocols PRP and HSR. The link to the network
Frequency-based load shedding
can be electrical or optical.
With frequency-based load shedding, consumers can be
Additional stand-alone devices like metering and measuring
automatically disconnected from the power network on the
instruments, protective relays, voltage regulators, controllers
occurrence of frequency reduction.
for Petersen coils, etc. can also be integrated. In addition to
This function avoids network splitting as well as switching-off
the two communication interfaces that support asynchronous
power plant units. Hence, the existing power network can be
as well as synchronous communication protocols located at
the CPU module, an additional communication module with
The necessary supply security of the consumers defines the
another four communication interfaces is available. There-
priority and the frequency allocation regarding the feeders
fore up to 18 serial interfaces per basic unit can be applied.
that have to be tripped.
According to the high level of flexibility of the entire device
concept, a lot of attention was also given to a high level of
SD-Card flexibility in communication. All communication interfaces are
The SPRECON-E-C is equipped with an SD-Card. It is used available in accordance with RS232 and RS422/485 stan-
to save all the relevant data such as configuration and firm- dards as well as fiberoptic connections.
ware version. An overview of realized protocols can be found in the chapter
This back up functionality means that it is very easy to repla- “Technical Data”. Additionally to the freely usable interfaces
ce modules without additional tools like Laptop etc. onsite. an interface for maintenance matters is implemented.

Local operation
Control panel (CP-213x, CP-2330)
With the help of the separated control panel (CP-213x /
CP‑2330) all operations necessary for an efficient manage-
ment can be carried out and information can be displayed.
The user interface convinces with functional and user friendly
Process and device information can be full-graphically
shown on the 5,7 / 5 inch back-lit and optional color1 TFT /
LC-display (9).
Additionally there are 25 freely configurable LEDs for indi-
cation and alarms 11) (which can show three colours (red/
green/orange) on CP-213x / CP-2330. These LEDs can be
allocated with four different states (off, on, flicker, flashing)
and equipped with individually labelled marking pads (10)..
Separated navigation keys (4) allow clear user guidance Control panel CP-213x with optional colour display1

through the various pages as well as input of device configu-

ration parameters. Further these navigation keys are used to
select the switching device. Three individually labelled keys
(2, 3) offer flexible adaptation (CP-213x).
Subsequently the essential switching operation is carried out
via the separated control keys (7) which can be labelled in-
dividually on CP-213x via marking pad (8). Quick and safe
changing of the different operating modes, e.g. selection of
the switching authority, is achieved by use of the key-lock
switch (5, 6).
Through separated status LEDs (12) the status of the basic
unit can be monitored. The “C“ (clear) key (13) allows confir-
mation of incoming alarms and LED check. The setting key
(1) allows direct access to the diagnosis page and settings of
the display. For a more detailed description of the detached
control panel refer to the corresponding product description.

Control panel CP-2330 with optional colour display (CCP)

Coulor display available by licence

Local operation
Alarm panel (AP-2200)
With its 100 freely configurable LEDs (4) that can be alloca-
ted with four different states (off, on, flicker, flashing) and the
individually labelled marking pads (5) the alarm panel ser-
ves as an extended status display. The user can monitor the
status of the connected basic unit through separated status
LEDs (1).
The “C“ (clear) key (2) allows confirmation of incoming
alarms and LED check.A LED check for testing the indicators
is also possible, even during operation. The key-lock switch
(3) allows quick and safe changing of the different operating

Control- and alarm panel(s) can be connected to a basic unit

of the SPRECON-E-C-Series in following way: Alarm panel AP -2200

• One control panel

• One alarm panel
• One control panel and one alarm panel
• Two alarm panels
• One control panel and two alarm panels

Bedieneinheit (CP-2500)
The control panel CP-2500 is designed as station control for
all substation control applications and can be connected to
a SPRECON-E-C station computer (SC). With a second se-
rial interface available the connection to a further, redundant
SC1 is possible.
The full graphic, colour 17“-TFT display (2) is lightened by
white LEDs. Touchscreen and proximity sensor (3) allow
easy control and monitoring of all processes as well as pa-
rameter setting.

Alternatively operation can be carried out by an optional

pluggable keypad (5), which holds control keys (7, 8), freely
Control panel CP-2500
configurable function keys (6) and status LEDs (1) known
from CP-231x / CP-2330.

The blue lighted power button (4) provides different functions

(back light, RESET, screen calibration).
CP-2500 supports multilingualism.

Available from Q4 / 2019
Connection of Control- and Alarm Panel (1 of 2)

Connection of control- (CP) and alarm panel (AP)

Earthing connection, use cross-section ≥ 2.5 mm²
Connection of Control- and Alarm Panel (1 of 2)

Connection of control- (CP) and alarm panel (AP)

Since alarm panel issue „D“
Technical Data1 (1 of 5)
General Data
Mounting variants CP-213x / Surface-mounted case for wall installation with detached control panel see chapter
CP-2330 / Surface-mounted case for wall installation with attached control panel „Dimensions
AP-2200 Flush-mounted case for switchgear cabinets and control panels (attached control panel) and Moun-
CP-2500 only detached mounting possible ting“
Mechanical characteristics Dimensions see chapter „Dimensions and Mounting“
Power supply CP-2500 4 Mini COMBICON type FMC 1,5/2-ST-3,5
Other connections see chapter „Connection diagrams“
Degree of protection (acc. to IEC 60529) Basic unit IP20 / IP51 2
CP-213x, CP-2330, CP-2500, AP-2200 IP54 3
CU with 40 HP: approx. 5 kg (average equipping)
CP-213x, CP-2330, AP-2200 < 1 kg
CP-2500 5 kg

Power Supply
Auxiliary voltage Rated voltage Vaux
24 to 60 V DC or
110 to 220 V DC and 110 to 230 V AC, 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Permitted tolerance -20 to +15 % (-20 to + 20 % for DC supply) of nom. value
Output power 42 W
Bridging time at supply failure of Vaux ≥ 50 ms
Inrush current according to IEC 870-4, HD546.4, 1992 Class S1
Electrical terminals COMBICON GMSTB 2,5/3-ST-7,62

Digital Inputs
PS-DIU10C4 / DIU10C4
Input voltage variant Extended range 110 VDC 220 VDC
Description Number 10
Type Digital input (DI)
Groups 5 potential-free groups with 2 inputs per group
Voltage range Nominal voltage 24 V DC - 220 V DC 110 V DC 220 V DC
230 V AC 50 / 60 Hz
DC operating points U low ≤ 7 V DC U low ≤ 43 V DC U low ≤ 136 V DC
U high ≥ 17 V DC U high ≥ 66 V DC U high ≥ 170 V DC
Maximum voltage 253 V DC 126,5 V DC 253 V DC
(nominal voltage + 15 %) 264,5 V AC 50 / 60 Hz
Maximum line length or 10000 m or 1000 nF at 24 V DC 10000 m or 10000 m or
max. maximum capacitive coupling of inputs at 100 nF / km 4000 m or 400 nF at 110 V DC 1000 nF 1000 nF
1000 m or 100 nF at 220 V DC
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 3-ST-5,08

Accuracy measured at 23° C
IP51 optional, if 2 RU (rack units) space is available above the device
Mounting screws on the backside have to be tightened with 2,9 Nm.
Power supply via PS-3004 (24-60 V) / via PS-3006 (110-220 VDC / 230 AC), scope of delivery
Technical Data1 (2 von 5)
Digital Inputs
Input voltage variant Extended range 110 VDC 220 V DC
Description Number 20
Type Digital input (DI)
3 potential-free groups with 4 inputs per group and
4 potential-free groups mit 2 inputs per group
Voltage range Nominal voltage 24 V DC - 220 V DC 110 V DC 220 V DC
230 V AC 50 / 60 Hz
DC operating points U low ≤ 7 V DC U low ≤ 43 V DC U low ≤ 136 V DC
U high ≥ 17 V DC U high ≥ 66 V DC U high ≥ 170 V DC
Maximum voltage 253 V DC 126,5 V DC 253 V DC
(Nominal voltage + 15 %) 264,5 V AC 50 / 60 Hz
Maximum line length or 10000 m or 1000 nF at 24 V DC 10000 m or 10000 m or
max. maximum capacitive coupling of inputs at 100 nF / km 4000 m or 400 nF at 110 V DC 1000 nF 1000 nF
1000 m or 100 nF at 220 V DC
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 3-ST-5,08
Input voltage variant 24 VDC 48 VDC 60 VDC
Description Number 32
Type Digital input (DI)
Groups 4 potential-free groups with 8 inputs per group
Voltage range Nominal voltage 24 VDC 48 VDC 60 VDC
DC operating points U low ≤ 7 V DC U low ≤ 14 V DC U low ≤ 18 V DC
U high ≥ 15 V DC U high ≥ 29 V DC U high ≥ 36 V DC
Maximum voltage 27,6 VDC 55,2 VDC 69 VDC
(Nominal voltage + 15 %)
Maximum line length or 500 m or 50 nF 180 m or 18 nF 150 m or 15 nF
max. maximum capacitive coupling of inputs at 100 nF / km
Electrical terminals COMBICON MC 1,5/ 9-ST-3,5

Counter inputs (power-loss-safe)

Counting range 64 Bit (264)
Rated voltage range Vi 24 to 60 V DC
Permitted tolerance -20 bis +15% of nom. value
Input impedance > 3,3 kΩ
Bridging time at supply failure of Vaux min. 72 h
Electrical terminals COMBICON MC 1,5/ 2(8)-ST-3,5

Digital Outputs
Signalling DOS32
Type FET-Technologie
outputs SO
Switching voltage 24 to 48 V DC
Continuous current 0,3 A at 24 V DC
Short-circuit current 0,8 A typ.
Overload Thermal protection with restart after cooling
Electrical terminals

Accuracy measured at 23° C

Technical Data (3 of 5)
Relay outputs
Digital outputs DO DO20
Number 20
Type NO contact
Max. switching voltage 250 V AC, 250 V DC
Continuous current 1A
AC ohmic (On/Off) 250 VA (max. 1 A)
Max. load
DC ohmic (On/Off) 24 V / 1 A (24 W) 110 V / 0.25 A (25.3 W) 220 V / 0.18 A (39.6 W)
AC inductive (On/Off) 240 VA; cos φ=0.35; (max. 1 A)
DC inductive (On/Off) 20 W at L/R=40 ms
Operate time max. 8 ms
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 3-ST-5,08 / FRONT-MSTB 2,5/5-ST-5,08
Command outputs CO PS-DIU10C4 / DIU10C4
Number 4
Type 2-pole NO contact
Max. switching voltage 250 V AC, 250 V DC
Continuous current 5A
AC ohmic (On/Off) 1250 VA (max. 5 A)
Max. load DC ohmic (On/Off) 24 V / 5 A (120 W)1 110 V / 0.77 A (84.7 W)1 220 V / 0.3 A (66 W)1
breaking AC inductive (On/Off) 720 VA; cos φ=0.35; (max. 5 A)
capacity DC inductive (On) 1000 W at L/R=40 ms
DC inductive (Off) 250 V / 110 V: 30 W at L/ R=40 ms 24 V: 50 W at L/R=40 ms
Operate time max. 10 ms, typ 7 ms
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 6-ST-5,08
Number 10
Type 2-pole NO contact
Max. switching voltage 250 V AC, 250 V DC
Continuous current 5A
AC ohmic (On/Off) 1250 VA (max. 5 A)
1-pole 24 V / 5 A (120 W) 110 V / 4 A (44 W) 220 V / 0.28 A (61.6 W)
Max. load DC ohmic (On/Off)
1.5 /2-pole 24 V / 5 A (120 W) 110 V / 1.1 A (121 W) 220 V / 0.4 A (88 W)
AC inductive (On/Off) 720 VA; cos φ=0.35; (max. 5 A)
DC inductive (On) 1000 W at L/R=40 ms
DC inductive (Off) 30 W at L/R=40 ms
Operate time max. 8 ms
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 2-ST-5,08 / FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 3-ST-5,08
Number 12
Type NO contact
Max. switching voltage 250 V AC, 250 V DC
Continuous current 5A
AC ohmic (On/Off) 1250 VA (max. 5 A)
Max. load DC ohmic (On/Off) 24 V / 5 A (120 W) 110 V / 0.44 A (48.4 W) 220 V / 0.26 A (57.2 W)
breaking AC inductive (On/Off) 720 VA; cos φ=0.35; (max. 5 A)
capacity DC inductive (On) 1000 W at L/R=40 ms
DC inductive (Off) 250 V / 110 V: 30 W bei L/ R=40 ms 24 V: 50 W bei L/R=40 ms
Operate time max. 10 ms
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 2-ST-5,08
Power output PO PS
Number 2
(PS/X1) Type 2-pole changeover switch
Max. switching voltage 230 V AC, 230 V DC
Continuous current 10 A
AC ohmic (On/Off) 1150 VA (max. 10 A)
Max. load DC ohmic (On/Off) 1150 W (max. 10 A)
breaking AC inductive (On/Off) ---
capacity DC inductive (On) 1000 W at L/R=40 ms
DC inductive (Off) 220 V / 2 A (440 W) 110 V / 5A (550 W) at L/R = 40ms
Operate time typ. 15 ms
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 6-ST-5,08
Alarm output AO PS
Number 2
(PS/X2/X3) Type Changeover switch
Max. switching voltage 250 V AC, 250 V DC
Continuous current 5A
AC ohmic (On/Off) 1250 VA (max. 5 A)
Max. load
DC ohmic (On/Off) 24 V / 5 A (120 W)1 110 V / 0.4 A (44 W)1 220 V / 0.28 A (61.6 W)1
AC inductive (On/Off) 720 VA; cos φ=0.35; (max. 5 A)
DC inductive (On/Off) ---
Operate time max. 8 ms
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 3-ST-5,08
Value for two contacts in series

Technical Data (4 of 5)
Analog Inputs / Outputs
Transducer inputs CTVT AX-2x00
Nominal frequency fnom 50 Hz, 60 Hz or 16.7 Hz
Operating range 45 ... 55 Hz, 55...65 Hz or 15.7...17.7 Hz 42,5...57,5 / 51...69 / 14,2..19,2 Hz
Current transducer Nominal current Inom 1/2/5A 1 / 2 / 5 / 10 A 3
Over-range current 1.2*Inom 12 A
Power consumption current <0.1 VA at Inom
Thermal power capability 4*Inom continuous, 30*Inom 10 s, 100*Inom 1 s
Voltage transducer Nominal voltage Vnom 100 V AC / 220 V AC 3
Thermal power capability 250 V AC / 385 V AC 385 V AC
Adjustable voltage 1.2*Vnom 330 V AC
Power consumption voltage <0.3 VA
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB2,5/8-ST-5,08
Operating measurands Measurand resolution 11 Bit + sign (7FF hex ≙ 120 %) 24 Bit (23 Bit + sign)
Phase current / Earth current 1 Directly measured with ±0.2 % accuracy of nom. value
Phase to earth volt. / Phase to phase volt. Directly measured with ±0.2 % accuracy of nom. value
±5 mHz accuracy für current value
Frequency Directly measured with ±5 mHz accuracy
±1 mHz accuracy für average value
Phase angle calculated with ± 0.5 ° accuracy
Complex-, active and reactive power
Active and reactive energy
Power factor
calculated with ±0.5 % accuracy of nom. value
Phase to phase voltage
Earth current, residual voltage
Frequency-, voltage differency
Analog inputs current AI-2010
Nominal value Inom Inom setable from 0 to ±20 mA
Accuracy ±0.2 %, (at 23 °C ambient temperature)
Measurand resolution 11 Bit + sign (7FF hex ≙ 120 %) with measurand AW2
Over-range mA 1.2*Inom
Input impedance 10 Ω
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/2-ST-5,08
Temperature capturing/ AI-PT100
Sensor type PT100
Resistance measurement Technology Resistance measurement acc. to IEC 60751
with load independent constant current
Temperature range -100 to +300 °C
Resistance range 0 to 200 Ω
Measurand resolution 11 Bit +sign (7FF hex ≙ 120 %)
Sensor circuitry 2- or 4-wire
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 3-ST-5,08
Analog outputs AO-2000
Nominal value Inom settable from -20 to +20 mA
Maximum open circuit voltage ±12 V DC
Resolution 11 Bit + sign
Output load (burden) 0 to 600 Ω
Electrical terminals COMBICON FRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 3-ST-5,08

Communication Interfaces
Service interface CPU-located port for connection to a local maintenance PC on site or for remote maintenance
RS232 RJ45 connector
Baud rate 300 to 115200 baud
Isolation voltage 2
1.0 kV AC r.m.s.
Distance 15 m max. (at 19200 Baud)
Interface to local panel CPU-located port for connection to separated panel (CP / AP)
RS422/485 proprietary RJ45 connector
(CP/AP) Baud rate 300 to 115200 baud
Distance 10 m /150 m max.
Electrical Ethernet-LAN Speed 10/100 Mbit/s
PU-2441 2 x RJ45
PU-2442 1 x RJ45
PU-2443 1 x RJ45
PU-2447 3 x RJ45
PU-2448 1 x RJ45
PU-2449 3 x RJ45
PU-2449 4 x RJ45
Optical Ethernet-LAN Speed 100 Mbit/s
PU-2442 2 x BFOC-(ST) / 2 ,5 (Multimode FO, 50 or 62,5 / 125 μm)
PU-2443 2 x BFOC-(ST) / 2 ,5 (Multimode FO, 50 or 62,5 / 125 μm)
PU-2447 2 x SC / 2 ,5 (Singlemode FO, 9 / 125 μm)
PU-2448 2 x SC / 2 ,5 (Singlemode FO, 9 / 125 μm)
PU-2449 4 x BFOC-(ST) / 2 ,5 (Multimode FO, 50 or 62,5 / 125 μm)
Accuracy measured at 23° C and nominal frequency
Data signals galvanic isolated
not supported at 16,7 Hz
Technical Data (5 of 5)
Extended communication ports
Up to two freely usable CPU-lo cated ports, depending on CPU type
Up to four freely usable ports located at the extended communication module (ECOM, max. 4 ECOM modules)
Possible protocol types synchronous and asynchronous
Interface type RS232, RS422/485, FO, X.21
RS232 Connector style 9-pin D-Sub plug connector (male)
Baud rate 300 to 115200 Baud
Isolation voltage1 1.0 kV AC r.m.s.
Distance 15 m max. (at 19200 Baud)
RS422/485 Connector style 9-pin D-Sub jack connector (femal e)
Baud rate 300 to 115200 Baud or 375 KBaud system bus
Isolation voltage1 1.0 kV AC r.m.s.
Distance 1000 m max. at 38400 Baud
Optical glass fiber Baud rate 1200 bis 115200 Baud
Connector style BFOC-(ST) /2 ,5
Fiber type Multi-mode graded index profile 50/125 μm, 62.5/125 μm
Optical wavelength 820 to 860 nm
Typical distance 2 / 2.5 km
X.21 Connector style 15-pin D-Sub plug connector (male)
Baud rate 64000 Bit/s
Isolation voltage1 1.0 kV AC r.m.s.
Distance 15 m max.

Time Synchronization
External clock (RTC) Source external DCF-77- or GPS-clock NTP server
Connection to any free serial port via Ethernet
Via SCADA protocol Recommended synchronization interval 1 min recommended
Time management Deviation after initial synchronisation <1 ms/h
Time resolution Real-time stamping 1 ms

Communication Protocols and Services

SCADA protocols IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-104
Modbus RTU/ TCP/IP
Indactic 21/RTU200 (R0), RP570 (R2), Indactic 35 (P214), Indactic 33/41
SEAB1-F Geadat 92
SINAUT 8-FW 512/1024
Station bus protocols IEC 61850 Edition 1, IEC 61850 Edition 2
IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-102,
IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104
Courier, Modbus, SPA-Bus
IED protocols IEC 61850
IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104
Courier, Modbus, SPA-Bus, Eberle
Network protocols Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol RSTP IEEE 802.1D
High-availability Seamless Redundancy HSR IEC 62439-3
Parallel Redundancy Protocol PRP-1 IEC 62439-3 (2012)
Media Redundancy Protocol IEC 62439 (Ring-Master function via external switch)
HIPER-Ring (Ring-Master function via external switch)
Network services Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP v3
Network Time Protocol NTP
Simple Network Time Protocol SNTP
NTP Server
„Hardware timestamping“ for time synchronisation based on IEEE 1588-2008 (PTP)
Internet Protocol Security IPsec

Data signals galvanic isolated
Tests (1 of 2)
Insulation Tests1
Characteristics Product standard Test standard Class
Impulse voltage IEC 60870-2-1 IEC 60664-1 VW3
IEC 61010-1 (IEC 60255-27)
High voltage IEC 60870-2-1 IEC 60664-1 VW3
IEC 61010-1 (IEC 60255-27)

EMC tests
Characteristics Product standard Test standard Class

Conducted interference EN 55011 A

Radio interference field strength EN 55011 A
Voltage dips and interruptions IEC 60870-2-1 IEC 61000-4-11 1/-
Surge1,2 IEC 60870-2-1 IEC 61000-4-5 3/4

Immunity to conducted, high-frequency voltages1 IEC 61000-4-6 -/3

Fast transient (Burst)1 IEC 60870-2-1 IEC 61000-4-4 4 / X (>3)

Burst 1MHz 1 IEC 60870-2-1 IEC 61000-4-12 4 / 3/4

Electrostatic discharge IEC 60870-2-1 IEC 61000-4-2 3/3

Power frequency magnetic field 1 IEC 60870-2-1 IEC 61000-4-8 4/4

Damped oscillatory magnetic field1 IEC 60870-2-1 IEC 61000-4-10 4/5

Radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic field IEC 60870-2-1 IEC 61000-4-3 4/3

Alternating component (ripple) in DC auxiliary energizing

IEC 61000-4-17 4

Test for immunity to conducted,

IEC 61000-4-16 4
common mode disturbances3

Tolerated Ambient Conditions Value


Recommended operation temperature range -5° to +55 °C

Storage temperature range -25° to +55 °C
Transport temperature range -25° to +70 °C
Relative humidity in annual average < 75 %, no condensation
Maximum relative humidity < 96 %, no condensation
The devices shall be arranged in such way that they are not exposed to direct sunlight or high changes in temperature that could cause condensation.

Except DI32- and DOS32-modules
Depending on input parametrization
Tested at 50 Hz

Tests (2 of 2)
Environmental Tests
Characteristics Product standard Test standard Class Value
Climatic tests
Dry heat IEC 60870-2-2 IEC 60068-2-2 C3 1 +70 °C / 20 h
Dry cold IEC 60870-2-2 IEC 60068-2-1 C2 1 -25 °C / 20 h
Moist heat steady state IEC 60870-2-2
IEC 60068-2-78
B2 relative humidity 93 % at +55 °C
(previously 2-3)
Moist heat cyclic IEC 60870-2-2 IEC 60068-2-30 relative humidity 93 % at 6 x 24 h from +25 °C to + 55 °C
Vibration and shock
Vibration test
IEC 60870-2-2 IEC 60255-21-1 2

Shock test
IEC 60870-2-2 IEC 60255-21-2 2

Seismic withstand capability

IEC 60870-2-2 IEC 60255-21-3 2

The modules of the series „SPRECON-E“ satisfy the regulations of the Directive 2014/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonization of the sta-
tutory provisions of the member states regarding electrical operating equipment to be used within certain voltage limits - Low-Voltage Directive - and of the Directive 2014/30/
EU of the European Parliament and the Council on the harmonization of statutory provisions of the member states concerning electromagnetic compatibility. The modules of
the series „SPRECON-E-C“ have been developed and manufactured for utilization in industry in accordance with the EMC standard.

Multiple mounting variants

According to different requirements in the number of IOs, the- of surface mounting, the HMI control panel can be directly at-
re are three case sizes (24 HP, 40 HP and 84 HP) available tached to the basic unit with optional available fixing brackets
for the basic unit. The devices can be both surface-mounted (see next page).
to a wall and flush-mounted to cabinets or panels. In terms

Overview of the mounting variants and IP degree of protection acc. to IEC 60529 2

Condensation not permissable
Dimensions and Mounting (1 of 8)

Detached control panels CP-213x (left) and CP-2330 (right)

Drilling patterns for CP and CP-213x (left) and for CP-2250 and CP-2330 (right) - for detached and attached mounting

Dimensions and Mounting (2 of 8)

SPRECON-E-Cx4 basic unit (CU) with 40 HP case, surface-mounted

Dimensions and Mounting (3 of 8)

SPRECON-E-Cx4 basic unit (CU) with attached hinged mounted control panel (CP-213x)

Dimensions and Mounting (4 of 8)

SPRECON-E-Cx2 basic unit (CU) with attached hinged mounted control panel (CP-2330)

Dimensions and Mounting (5 of 8)

SPRECON-E-Cx4 basic unit (CU), flush-mounted with attached control panel (CP-213x)

Dimensions and Mounting (6 of 8)

SPRECON-E-Cx2 basic unit (CU), flush-mounted with attached control panel (CP-2330)

24 HP:
24 TE: 159 mm / 40 HP:
TE: 240 mm / 84 TE:
HP: 464
464 mm
mm Position 1


1 2
1 1

T 9 10
1 2
3 Position 2 M6
X1 2 X1 X1
1 4 4
R 2 3 5 5
1 6 6

1 1 Position 3 Position 2 Position 1
1 5 X2 2 2
2 3 3
T 6 X2
1 1 4
X2 2 X3 2 5
R 1 3 6
105 mm

2 1
1 X11 X21 X3 2
X6 2 PWR 3
3 24V 1 60 mm
5V X4 2
2 3

X4 1 1
90 mm

X8 2 1 X5 2

3 2 3
110-250VDC 1
T 1 3
X5 X9 2 4
X6 2 Position 3 M6
CP X3 1 3
R 3 5
1 6 1
X6 T X5 2
X X7 2
2 7

3 3 3

SPRECON-E-Cxx basic unit (CU) with variable mounting brackets (OrderNo:

Dimensions and Mounting (7 of 8)

SPRECON-E-Cx2 basic unit (CU) with 24 HP case, surface-mounted

SPRECON-E-Cx6 basic unit (CU) with 84 HP case, surface-mounted

Dimensions and Mounting (8 von 8)

Dimensions oc control panel CP-2500

Drilling pattern for CP-2500 with sheet cutout (140 x 140 mm)

Guidelines for Cabinet Mounting

SPRECON-E-C: Guidelines for cabinet mounting

Alignment of the Modules C9x

Slot Slot
a b c d e f a b c d e f g h i j

Power Power
supply supply

01 02 03 04 05 06 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Slot number Slot number


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Slot number

Identification Slot number

C92 C94 C96
24 HP 40 HP 84 HP
CPU module PU-24xx 1 01 01 01
PU-2449 2 01 - 02 01 - 02 01 - 02
Power supply module PS 05 09 20
with command module DIU10C4 06 10 21
Additional modules: 02 - 04 02 - 08 02 - 19
Redundant power supply module RPS 2
Communication module ECOM 1
Command module DIU10C4 1
Command module CO20 1
Command module CO-2005 1
Univ. volt. digital input module DIU20 1
Digital output module DO20 1
Analog input module AI 2
Analog input module AI-2010 1
Temperature capture module PT100 2
Analog output module AO 1
CTVT module CTVT 2
CTVT module AX-2x00 2
Star coupler module SC 1-4
Modem switch module MSW 1
Digital input module DI32 1
Digital output module solid-state DOS32 1

SPRECON-E-C9x – Available range and alignment of the modules

Connection diagrams (1 of 6)

Connection diagrams – PU-244x

order option
Connection diagrams (2 of 6)

Connection diagrams – PU-244x, Communication2-, Star coupler module

order option
ECOM module also available as variant with serial X21 interface
Connection diagrams (3 of 6)

Connection diagrams – Digital input-, digital output- and command modules, Analog input module

Connection diagrams (4 of 6)

Connection diagrams – Temperature capture module, Analog output- and CTVT module, modem switch module

depends on variant
Connection diagrams (5 of 6)

Connection diagrams – Digital input module, Digital output solid-state module, (redundant) power supply module















Multifunctional Automation Platform for Control and
Monitoring of Power Supply and Utilities

Technical Brochure

94.2.910.25EN28. März 2019, 11:05 vorm.

Issue N

Headquarters Locations
Sprecher Automation GmbH Austria Poland
Franckstrasse 51 Sprecher Automation GmbH Sprecher Automation Polska Sp z o.o.
4020 Linz (Linz, Wien) (Łódź, Świdnica)
T: +43 732 6908-0
Germany Swizerland
F: +43 732 6908-278
Sprecher Automation Deutschland GmbH Sprecher Automation Schweiz AG
info@sprecher-automation.com (Berlin, Erfurt, Dortmund, München) (Aarau)

Netherlands Slovakia
Sprecher Automation Nederland B.V. Sprecher Automation spol. s r.o.
(Oud Gastel) (Bratislava)


© Sprecher Automation 2019

Sprecher Automation, the Sprecher Automation logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of
Sprecher Automation. Other names mentioned, either registered or not, are the property of their respective companies

Any liability regarding the correctness and completeness of any information and/or specifications in the brochure is excluded. All rights are reserved
to alter specifications, make modifications, or terminate models without prior notice. The specifications of a model may vary from country to country.

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