Earth Work- U
Earth Work- U
Earth Work- U
Contract Number Analysis prepared by: Reviewed by: Title:
W5J9LE-11-C-0028 Syed.S.Kazmi H.S.E Officer Earth Work
Activity Hazard Recommended Controls
DEMOBILIZATION OF CREW Vehicle accidents Drive courteously and defensively.
& Make sure all tools and materials are properly secured and not
sticking out.
Obey all traffic laws.
Drive conservatively to the current road conditions.
If tired or sleepy let someone else drive.
Wear seatbelts at all times while in the vehicle.
Do not talk on cell phone while driving.
Rollovers, overhead utilities, crush hazards Only qualified operators shall load or unload equipment.
during offloading /loading heavy Operator certifications shall be maintained in site files.
EQUIPMENT TO equipment. Ensure overhead utilities are not present.
SITE.MOBILIZATION & All personnel shall remain outside the tip zone during off
Use spotters to load/ offload heavy equipment
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Activity Hazard Recommended Controls
of poor housekeeping.
Unloading and placing office Identified slip and trip hazards will be removed or guarded
trailers cont. Slips, trips falls prior to beginning work.
Appropriate illumination will be maintained on and around
the entire work area. The minimum requirement for light
required for exterior work is (5 fc)
Demarcate all above ground hazards (i.e. stakes, rebar, stub-
ups etc…)
Use 3 points of contact when exiting trucks and equipment.
Lifting Plan and pre-lift meeting shall be documented.
Hoisting and Rigging Operations Lifting area will be clearly demarcated to keep unauthorized
personnel out.
Only necessary personnel are to be in the controlled area
during lifting operations.
All equipment and rigging will be inspected prior to lift.
Cranes will have current inspections and posted load charts
and ratings.
Only qualified operators shall use equipment for hoisting
operations, including forklifts.
All equipment shall be rated for the required lift/hoist. During
hoisting/lifting operations personnel will prevent any body
parts from being placed in an area where pinch points could
present a hazard.
Identify and control all overhead and swing radius
hazards .Pads shall be used for outriggers no matter the
Utilization of mechanical devices will be the first option
considered on all appropriate lifting tasks.
Musculoskeletal Injuries/ ergonomic Site personnel will be instructed on proper lifting techniques.
strains If manual lifting is required, have proper footing prior to lift.
Always determine weight of material/ object prior to lifting.
Do not lift more than 50 lbs (22kg) per individual, use two man
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Activity Hazard Recommended Controls
Unloading and placing office When lifting, maintain ergonomically correct
trailers cont. posture. Lift with legs, keep back straight and chin out.
Over Head utilities
Perform survey of area and clearly identify overhead hazards.
Ensure all mobilization activities take place in an area clear of
overhead utility hazards.
Damage to materials/ equipment Ensure there is a proper storage area predetermined for
equipment and materials.
Use dunnage to set materials on.
Perform receipt inspections as required
Crush, pinch points All material handling and heavy equipment operations shall
take place in pre-determined areas away from pedestrian areas
or other operations.
Keep body and hands out of swing and turn radius of
Do not get body and or hands/arms in between equipment and
or materials.
Make eye contact with vehicle operators before
approaching/crossing within 25-feet
Material handling
Only qualified operators shall operate material handling
Operator certification shall be maintained in site files.
Lift plans shall be developed for any hoisting activity or lifts
involving rigging of any kind.
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Activity Hazard Recommended Controls
Equipment Fire Hazards All Equipment will be fitted with ABC Dry fire extinguisher.
Fire extinguishers will be located so that the equipment
operator can easily access them.
Fires should be reported immediately to Supervisor.
Equipment will be kept in new or like new condition as
feasibly possible, hoses and fittings will be inspected daily for
signs of wear and breakage. Items that have been identified as
damaged will be replaced immediately.
Ensure adequate containment, spills must be reported and
cleaned up immediately.
Maintenance of the fire extinguishers will be documented as
required (Monthly).
Do not park or let vehicles idle in high grass
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Activity Hazard Recommended Controls
Exposure to unsafe conditions - leading Maintenance of the fire extinguishers will be documented as
edges. required (Monthly).
Do not park or let vehicles idle in high grass.
No significant excavations or leading edges anticipated for
this task.
Barricades or warning signs must be in place to protect
pedestrians and vehicles from drop-offs over 1 ft. (.3m).
No personnel will be allowed into an excavation or leading
edge when heavy equipment is working next to the edge.
Work areas will be visually inspected continuously for signs
of poor housekeeping.
Identified slip and trip hazards will be removed or guarded
prior to beginning work.
Appropriate illumination will be maintained on and around
the entire work area. The minimum requirement for light
required for exterior work is (5 fc).
Demarcate all above ground hazards (i.e. steaks, stub-ups
Slips, trips, and falls etc…)
Use 3 points of contact when exiting trucks and equipment
Topic will be covered daily in Safety Briefings.
Safety Officer may stop work as necessary when adverse
weather or lightning conditions exist or appear to be
approaching work area.
Do not operate in high wind conditions.
Stop work if lightning is within a 10-second count of the work
area. Proceed to designated office trailer or hard structure as a
safe place of refuge. The interior of a truck or piece of
equipment should be used as a last resort. Do not resume until
30 minutes after last lightning strike
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Activity Hazard Recommended Controls
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Activity Hazard Recommended Controls
Equipment tip over
competent person has assessed site conditions.
Set barricades, stop-blocks, or spotter for equipment backing
towards open excavation.
If travel on a steep slope is a possibility, training will address
safe methods for moving, carrying load, and turning.
Maintain an adequate amount of space between trucks at the
tipping location (this should be at a minimum, the bed length
of the truck and ten feet) so that in the event a truck tips on its
side, it does not hit an adjacent truck, or piece of equipment.
Prior to unloading the truck, ensure the truck is parked on
stable ground in the orientation of the grade and that there are
no personnel who are located directly adjacent to it.
OPERATIONS (Trucks) CONT Allow material to clear your tailgate prior to exiting the waste
tipping area.
Truck tip over Ensure that the truck bed is down and securely locked into
Truck off-loading hazards position prior to placing the truck in motion.
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Activity Hazard Recommended Controls
Strains from the use of tools
Appropriate work rest cycles will be maintained. Especially in
the case of repetitive tasks and extreme temperatures.
Tools will be inspected prior to use. Tools not in good
working order will be discarded or repaired before use.
Tool selection will be based on the task to be completed. Use
the right tool for the job
Crush and Pinch points All equipment shall be in a zero mechanical state prior to
working on.
Only qualified mechanics shall work on equipment.
Maintenance procedures will follow lock out/ tag out
If cribbing is used to support piece of equipment being worked
on the support system shall be inspected by a competent
Cuts/ abrasions
Use leather or cut resistant type gloves.
Use correct body position when working with hand tools.
Expect and plan for a wrench or loosening/tightening tool to
slip off
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Activity Hazard Recommended Controls
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Equipment to be used. Inspection Requirements Training Requirements
Moving trucks. All vehicles drivers will do a pre- All vehicles drivers will be properly
List equipment to be used in operational inspection of their vehicles licensed and have said license on their
the work activity. before rolling out. person while driving.
Personal Protective List inspection requirements for the List training requirements, include
Equipment (PPE) work activity. hazard communication
Haul Trucks Daily equipment inspections All employees involved with this task shall
be trained to the site rules, site specific,
Loaders Weekly safety inspections.
APP, this AHA, and EAP
Hand tools
Prepared by: Contractor’s competent/qualified person(s) Abdul Samad (Signature & Data)
This AHA has been reviewed by the designated AED COR and is acceptable for use on this project. This
acceptance is predicated on satisfactory implementation in the field by the contractor and will be rescinded if
the contractor fails to enforce the controls identified in this document ad/or the requirements identified in
EM385-1-1. This AHA will be reviewed and modified as necessary to address changing site conditions,
operations, or change of competent/qualified person(s). Name, COR (Signature & Date)
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