EET302 - ktu qbank
EET302 - ktu qbank
EET302 - ktu qbank
Preamble: This course aims to provide a strong foundation on classical control theory.
Modelling, time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis and stability analysis of linear
systems based on transfer function approach will be discussed. The compensator design of
linear systems is also introduced.
Course Outcomes : After the completion of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Describe the role of various control blocks and components in feedback systems.
CO 2 Analyse the time domain responses of the linear systems.
CO 3 Apply Root locus technique to assess the performance of linear systems.
CO 4 Analyse the stability of the given LTI systems.
CO 5 Analyse the frequency domain response of the given LTI systems.
CO 6 Design compensators using time domain and frequency domain techniques.
Assessment Pattern:
Total Marks CIE marks ESE marks ESE Duration
150 50 100 03 Hrs
Reg. No:
Course Code: EET302
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
Answer all Questions. Each question carries 3 Marks
1 Give a comparison between open loop and closed loop control systems with suitable
2 Derive the dependence of φm and α of a lead compensator and hence explain the
restrictions on the selection of α?
3 For a closed loop system with G ( s) =
and H(s) = 0.05, calculate the steady
s (s+5)
state error constants.
4 Check the stability of the system given by the characteristic equation,
G ( s ) = s5 + 2s 4 + 4s3 + 8s 2 + 16s + 32; using Routh criterion.
5 With suitable sketches explain how the addition of poles to the open-loop transfer
function affect the root locus plots.
6 Explain Ziegler – Nichol’s PID tuning rules.
7 Explain the features of non-minimum phase systems with a suitable example.
8 How do you determine the gain margin of a system, with the help of Bode plot?
9 State and explain Nyquist stability criterion.
10 Discuss the procedure for Lag compensator design using Root locus technique.
Answer any one full question from each module. Each question carries 14 Marks
Module 1
11 a) Derive the transfer function of an Armature controlled dc servo motor. Assess the effect
of time constants on the system performance. (9)
b) Compare the effect of H(s) on the pole-zero plot of the closed loop system with
G (s) =
s+3 with: i) derivative feed back H(s)= s; ii) integral feedback
(s + 3 s + 2)
H(s)=1/s. (5)
12 a) Why compensation is necessary in feedback control system? What are the factors to
be considered for choosing the feedback compensation? (6)
b) With relevant characteristics explain the operation of the following control devices.
i) Synchro error detector, ii) Tachogenerator. (8)
Module 2
13 a) Derive an expression for the step response of a critically damped second order
system? Explain the dependency of Mp on damping factor. (9)
b) Determine the value of K and the natural frequency of oscillation for the unity
feedback system with forward transfer function G ( s ) = K , which results in
s(s + 10)
a critically damped response when subjected to a unit step input.
Also determine the steady state error for unit velocity input. (5)
14 a) A unity feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function
G (s) =
20 . Determine the transient response when subjected to a unit
(s + 5 s + 5)
step input and sketch the response. Evaluate the maximum overshoot and the
corresponding peak time of the system. . (9)
b) Using Routh criterion determine the value of K for which the unity feedback closed
loop system with G ( s ) = K is stable. . (5)
s(s + 20 s + 8)
Module 3
15 a) Design a lag lead compensator with open loop transfer function
to satisfy the following specifications (i) damping ratio of the dominant closed loop
poles is 0.5 (ii) Undamped natural frequency of the dominant closed loop poles ωn
= 5 rad/sec iii) Velocity error constant Kv = 80. (10)
b) Compare between PI and PD controllers. (4)
16 a) Sketch root locus for a system with G (s) H (s) =
K(s+1) . Hence determine the
range of K for the system stability. . (9)
b) With help of suitable sketches, explain how does Angle and Magnitude criteria of
Root locus method help in control system design. (5)
Module 4
17 a) The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is
G(s)= .Use asymptotic approach to plot the Bode diagram and
18 a) Draw the polar plot of an open loop transfer function G(s)= and
comment on the phase margin and gain margin. (8)
b) Explain the detrimental effects of transportation lag, using Bode plot. (6)
Module 5
19 a) Draw Nyquist plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is
. Determine the range of K for which the closed loop
system is stable. (9)
b) Write a short note on Nichols chart. . (5)
20 a) Design a phase lead compensator for a unity feedback system given by the open
Module 1
Feedback Control Systems (9 hours)
Open loop and closed loop control systems- Examples of automatic control systems -
Transfer function approach to feed back control systems – Effect of feedback
Control system components – Control applications of DC and AC servo motors, Tacho
generator, Synchro, Gyroscope and Stepper motor
Controllers- Types of controllers & Compensators - Transfer function and basic
characteristics of lag, lead and lag-lead phase compensators.
Module 2
Performance Analysis of Control Systems (9 hours)
Time domain analysis of control systems: Time domain specifications of transient and
steady state responses- Impulse and Step responses of first and second order systems-
Pole dominance for higher order systems.
Error analysis: Steady state error analysis and error constants -Dynamic error
Stability Analysis: Concept of BIBO stability and Asymptotic stability- Time response
for various pole locations- stability of feedback systems - Routh's stability criterion-
Relative stability
Module 3
Root Locus Analysis and Compensator Design (11 hours)
Root locus technique: Construction of Root locus- stability analysis- effect of addition of
poles and zeroes- Effect of positive feedback systems on Root locus
Design of Compensators: Design of lag, lead and lag-lead compensators using Root
locus technique.
PID controllers: PID tuning using Ziegler-Nichols methods.
Simulation based analysis: Introduction to simulation tools like MATLAB/ SCILAB or
equivalent for Root locus based analysis (Demo/Assignment only)
Module 4
Frequency domain analysis (9 hours)
Frequency domain specifications- correlation between time domain and frequency
domain responses
Polar plot: Concepts of gain margin and phase margin- stability analysis
Bode Plot: Construction- Concepts of gain margin and phase margin- stability analysis,
Effect of Transportation lag and Non-minimum phase systems.
Module 5
Nyquist stability criterion and Compensator Design using Bode Plot (9 hours)
Nyquist criterion: Nyquist plot- Stability criterion- Analysis
Introduction to Log magnitude vs. phase plot and Nichols chart (concepts only) -
Compensator design using Bode plot: Design of lag, lead and lag-lead compensator using
Bode plot.
Simulation based analysis: Introduction to simulation tools like MATLAB/ SCILAB or
equivalent for various frequency domain plots and analysis (Demo/Assignment only).
1. Nagarath I. J. and Gopal M., Control System Engineering, 5/e, New Age Publishers
2. Ogata K, Modern Control Engineering, 5/e, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Nise N. S, Control Systems Engineering, 6/e, Wiley Eastern
4. Dorf R. C. and Bishop R. H, Modern Control Systems, 12/e, Pearson Education
Reference Books
1. Kuo B. C, Automatic Control Systems, 7/e, Prentice Hall of India
2. Desai M. D., Control System Components, Prentice Hall of India, 2008
3. Gopal M., Control Systems Principles and Design, 4/e, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Imthias Ahamed T. P, Control Systems, Phasor Books, 2016
No. of
Module Topic coverage
1 Feedback Control Systems (9 hours)
1.1 Terminology and basic structure of Open loop and Closed loop control 2
systems- Examples of Automatic control systems (block diagram
representations only)
1.2 Transfer function approach to feed back control systems- Effect of 2
feedback- Characteristic equation- poles and zeroes- type and order.
1.3 Control system components: Transfer functions of DC and AC servo 3
motors –Control applications of Tacho generator, Synchro, Gyroscope
and Stepper motor
1.4 Need for controllers: Types of controllers – Feedback, Cascade and Feed 2
forward controllers
Compensators: Transfer function and basics characteristics of lag, lead,
and lag-lead phase compensators
2 Performance Analysis of Control Systems (9 hours)
2.1 Time domain analysis of control systems: 3
Time domain specifications of transient and steady state responses-
Impulse and Step responses of First order systems- Impulse and Step
responses of Second order systems- Pole dominance for higher order
2.2 Error analysis: 2
Steady state error analysis - static error coefficient of Type 0, 1, 2
systems. Dynamic error coefficients
2.3 Stability Analysis: 2
Concept of stability-BIBO stability and Asymptotic stability- Time
response for various pole locations- stability of feedback systems
2.4 Application of Routh's stability criterion to control system analysis- 2
Relative stability
3 Root Locus Analysis and Compensator Design (11 hours)
3.1 Root locus technique: 3
General rules for constructing Root loci – stability from root loci -
3.2 Effect of addition of poles and zeros on Root locus 1
3.3 Effect of positive feedback systems on Root locus 1
3.4 Design using Root locus: Design of lead compensator using root locus. 2
3.5 Design of lag compensator using root locus. 1
3.6 Design of lag-lead compensator using root locus 1
3.7 PID Controllers: Need for P, PI and PID controllers 1
3.8 Design of P, PI and PID controller using Ziegler-Nichols tuning method. 1
3.9 Simulation based analysis: Introduction to simulation tools like
MATLAB/ SCILAB or equivalent simulation software and tool boxes
for Root locus based analysis (Demo/Assignment only)
4 Frequency domain analysis (9 hours)
4.1 Frequency domain specifications- correlation between time domain and 2
frequency domain responses
4.2 Polar plot: Concepts of gain margin and phase margin- stability analysis 2
4.3 Bode Plot: Construction of Bode plots- gain margin and phase margin- 4
Stability analysis based on Bode plot
4.4 Effect of Transportation lag and Non-minimum phase systems 1
5 Nyquist stability criterion and Compensator Design using Bode Plot (9 hours)
5.1 Nyquist stability criterion: Nyquist plot- Stability criterion- Analysis 3
5.2 Introduction to Log magnitude vs. phase plot and Nichols chart 1
5.3 Design using Bode plot: Design of lead compensator using Bode plot. 2
5.4 Design of Lag compensator using Bode plot. 2
5.5 Design of Lag- lead compensator using Bode plot 1
5.6 Simulation based analysis: Introduction to simulation tools like
MATLAB/ SCILAB or equivalent simulation software and tool boxes
for various frequency domain plots and analysis (Demo/Assignment