RNS Institute of Technology, Bengaluru: (AICTE Approved, VTU Affiliated, NAAC A' Grade Accredited)
RNS Institute of Technology, Bengaluru: (AICTE Approved, VTU Affiliated, NAAC A' Grade Accredited)
RNS Institute of Technology, Bengaluru: (AICTE Approved, VTU Affiliated, NAAC A' Grade Accredited)
2. a Reduce the given block diagram and obtain the Transfer function 10 L3 CO2
3 a For the SFG shown in figure, find C/R using Mason’s gain formula 10 L3 CO2
4 a Obtain overall transfer function C/R from signal flow graph shown below 10 L3 CO2
5. a Reduce the given block diagram shown in figure below and obtain the Transfer 7 L3 CO3
function for the system
b For the above question (Q5 a) obtain the transfer function of the system if G1 =G2 = 1, 3 L3 CO3
G3=G4=2, H1=H2=1 and H3=2
6. a Draw signl flow graph for the block diagram shown in figure 3 L3 CO3
b Obtain control ratio using for the signal flow graph obtained from Q6. a using Mason’s 7 L3 CO3
1. A node having only outgoing branches. 2. Loop which do not possess any common node are
a) Input node b) Output node said to be ___________ loops.
c) Incoming node d) Outgoing node a) Forward gain b) Touching loops
c) Non touching loops d) Feedback gain
3. Transfer function of the system is defined as the 4. For which systems are the signal flow graphs
ratio of Laplace output to Laplace input considering applicable?
initial conditions________ a. Causal b. Invertible
a) 1 b) 2 c. Linear time invariant system d. Dynamic
c) 0 d) infinite
5. The overall transfer function of two blocks in parallel
are: 6. Routh Hurwitz criterion is used to determine
a) Product of individual gain a) peak response of a system
b) Sum of individual gain b) absolute stability of the system
c) Difference of individual gain c) time response of the system
d) Division of individual gain d)roots of characteristics equation graphically