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S V Engineering College For Women: Eee - A

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Signature of the invigilator S V ENGINEERING COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Marks Obtained

Karakambadi Road, Tirupati - 517507

II B.Tech I Semester II Internal (Objective) Examinations, November- 2016
Branch: EEE – A
Time : 20 Minutes.
Max. Marks : 10 H.T.No:
I. Choose the Right Answer 10× 1/2 = 5 M

1. The phase angle for the transfer function, G (jw) = of corner frequency is [ ]

a) 450 b) - 450 c) - 900 d) 900

2. For the gain term K, the log - magnitude (db) sketch in Bode plot is [ ]
a) Zero db b) Negative
c) Positive d) Negative or Positive depending on the value of K
3. With reference to frequency response resonant peak occurs only of the value of damping ratio [ ]
a) Equals to 1 b) < 0.707 c) > 0.707 d) Equals to 1.41
4. The frequency of which the phase curve of a Bode plot crosses -1800 line is called [ ]
a) Phase cross over frequency b) Natural frequency
c) Gain cross over frequency d) Corner frequency
5. The root locus separates at a point between two open loop poles, the point is called [ ]
a) Critical point b) Cross over point c) Shift point d) Break away point
6. If the root locus lies only on the negative real axis then the response is [ ]
a) Over damped b) Under damped c) Oscillatory d) Sustained oscillatory
7. The bandwidth of a control system can be increased by [ ]
a) phase lag compensator b) phase lead compensator
c) phase lag lead compensator d) phase lead lag compensator
8. The open-loop transfer function of a control system has 5 poles and 3 zeros. The number of asymptotes is
a) 5 b) 3 c) 2 d) 8 [ ]
9. The state transition matrix for the system is given by [ ]

a) b) c) d)
10. Which of the following properties are associated with the state transition matrix ?

Select the correct answers using the codes given below: [ ]

a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 1 and 2 c) 2 and 3 d) 1 and 3

II. True or false (write in FULL FORM) 5× 1/2 = 2.5 M

11. A second order characteristic equation having all the coefficients of same sign represents a system which is Marginally
stable. [ ]
12. The Routh - Hurwitz criterion gives Absolute stability. [ ]

13. The break away point is determined by solving . [ ]

14. The Bode plot is obtained using Open loop transfer function. [ ]
15. When , GM and PM are positive, system is stable. [ ]
III. Fill in the Blanks 5× 1/2 = 2.5 M
16. Solution of state equation X(t)= _________
17. The frequency at which the magnitude of the Bode plot crosses 0 db axis is termed as ______________________________
18. A point is said to be encircled by a closed path, if it is found to Lie __________ that of closed path.
19. For checking controllability by kalmans method ,the controllability matrix Q c is _______________

20. For checking observability by kalmans method, the Observability matrix Q o is _______________


Karakambadi Road, Tirupati - 517507
II B.Tech I Semester II Internal (Descriptive) Examinations, November- 2016
Branch: EEE – A

Time: 90Min Max. Marks: 30M

Answer any THREE of the following 3X10 = 30 M

1. (a) Find the stability using Routh-Hurwitz criterion

S4+8S3+18S2+16S+5=0 4M
(b)Explain the nyquist criterion and write the procedure for Nyquist plot 6M
2. Sketch the bode plot for the transfer function G(s)= 30/s(1+0.5s)(1+0.08s) and determine the system gain
margin , phase margin and stability 10 M
3. Sketch the polar plot for following transfer function& from the plot determine the phase margin &
gain margin and stability G(s)= 1/s2(1+s)(1+2s) 10 M
4. Sketch the root locus For G(s)= K/s(s+2)(S+5) and find the stability 10 M
5. (a) Explain State transition Matrix properties 4M

(b) Find the solution of state transition matrix for a given system matrix A= 6M

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