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Engineering Physics A

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BSC 3 1 0 4 2019

Preamble: The aim of the Engineering Physics Program is to offer students a solid background in the
fundamentals of Physics and to impart that knowledge in engineering disciplines. The
program is designed to develop scientific attitudes and enable the students to correlate
the concepts of Physics with the core programmes

Prerequisite: Higher secondary level Physics, Mathematical course on vector calculus,

differential equations and linear algebra

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO 1 Compute the quantitative aspects of waves and oscillations in engineering systems.

CO 2 Apply the interaction of light with matter through interference, diffraction and identify
these phenomena in different natural optical processes and optical instruments.

CO 3 Analyze the behaviour of matter in the atomic and subatomic level through the principles of
quantum mechanics to perceive the microscopic processes in electronic devices.

CO 4 Classify the properties of magnetic materials and apply vector calculus to static magnetic
fields and use Maxwell’s equations to diverse engineering problems

CO 5 Analyze the principles behind various superconducting applications, explain the working of
solid state lighting devices and fibre optic communication system

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12
CO 1 3 2 1 2 1
CO 2 3 2 1 2 1
CO 3 3 2 1 2 1
CO 4 3 1 1 2 1
CO 5 3 1 1 2 1

Assessment Pattern

Continuous Assessment Tests

Bloom’s Category Test 1 Test 2 End Semester Examination
(Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
Remember 15 15 30
Understand 25 25 50
Apply 10 10 20

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Mark distribution

Total Marks CIE ESE ESE Duration

marks marks

150 50 100 3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:

Attendance : 10 marks
Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers) : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 marks

End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contain 10
questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students should
answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which student should answer
any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry 14 marks.

Course Level Assessment Questions

Course Outcome 1 (CO1):

1. Explain the effect of damping force on oscillators.

2. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves.

3. (a) Derive an expression for the fundamental frequency of transverse vibration in a

stretched string.

(b) Calculate the fundamental frequency of a string of length 2 m weighing 6 g kept

stretched by a load of 600 kg.

Course Outcome 2 (CO2):

1. Explain colours in thin films.

2. Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction.

3. (a) Explain the formation of Newton’s rings and obtain the expression for radii of bright and
dark rings in reflected system. Also explain how it is used to determine the wavelength of
a monochromatic source of light.

(b) A liquid of refractive index µ is introduced between the lens and glass plate.

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What happens to the fringe system? Justify your answer.

Course Outcome 3 (CO3):

1. Give the physical significance of wave function ?

2. What are excitons ?

3. (a) Solve Schrodinger equation for a particle in a one dimensional box and obtain its
energy eigen values and normalised wave functions.

(b) Calculate the first three energy values of an electron in a one dimensional box of width
1 A0 in electron volt.

Course Outcome 4 (CO4):

1. Compare displacement current and conduction current.

2. Mention any four properties of ferro magnetic materials.

3. (a) Starting from Maxwell’s equations, derive the free space electromagnetic wave
equation and show that velocity of electromagnetic wave is 1/ (µo εo) ½

(b) An electromagnetic wave is described by E = 100 exp 8πi [10 14 t – (10 6 z / 3)] V/m.
Find the direction of propagation of the wave,speed of the wave and magnetic flux
density in the wave.

Course Outcome 5 (CO5):

1. Explain the working of a solar cell.

2. Distinguish between Type I and Type II super conductors.

3. (a) Define numerical aperture and derive an expression for it.

(b) Explain the working of intensity modulated fibre optic sensor.

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Model Question paper


Reg No:______________

Name :______________


Course Code: PHT 100

Course Name: Engineering Physics A

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours


Answer all Questions. Each question carries 3 Marks

1. Compare electrical and mechanical oscillators

2. Distinguish between longitudinal and transverse waves

3. Write a short note on antireflection coating.

4. Diffraction of light is not as evident in daily experience as that of sound waves. Give reason.

5. State and explain Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle. With the help of it explain natural

line broadening.

6. Explain surface to volume ratio of nanomaterials.

7. State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.

8. Compare displacement current and conduction current

9. List four important applications of superconductors.

10. Give the working principle of LED. (10x3=30)


Answer any one full question from each module. Each question carries 14 Marks

Module 1

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11. (a) Derive the differential equation of damped harmonic oscillator and deduce its
solution.Discuss the cases of over damped, critically damped and under damped cases. (10)

(b) The frequency of a tuning fork is 500 Hz and its Q factor is 7×10 4. Find the relaxation time.
Also calculate the time after which its energy becomes 1/10 of its initial undamped value.(4)

12. (a) Derive an expression for the velocity of propagation of a transverse wave in a stretched
string. Deduce laws of transverse vibrations. (10)

(b) The equation of transverse vibration of a stretched string is given by y =0.00327 sin (72.1x-
2.72t)m, in which the numerical constants are in S.I units. Evaluate (i) Amplitude (ii) Wavelength
(iii) Frequency and (iv)Velocity of the wave. (4)

Module 2

13.(a)Explain the formation of Newton’s rings and show that the radius of dark ring is
proportional to the square root of natural numbers. How can we use Newton’s rings
experiment to determine the refractive index of a liquid. (10)

(b) Two pieces of plane glass are placed together with a piece of paper between two at one
end. Find the angle of the wedge in seconds if the film is viewed with a monochromatic light of
wavelength 4800Å. Given β = 0.0555 cm. (4)

14. (a) Explain the diffraction due to a plane transmission grating. Obtain the grating equation. (10)

(b) A grating has 6000 lines per cm. Find the angular separation of the two yellow lines
of mercury of wavelengths 577 nm and 579 nm in the second order. (4)

Module 3

15.(a) Derive time dependent and independent Schrodinger equations. (10)

(b) An electron is confined to one dimensional potential box of length 2Å. Calculate the energies
corresponding to the first and second quantum states in eV. (4)

16.(a) Classify nanomaterials based on dimensionality of quantum confinement and explain the
following nanostructures. (i) nano sheets (ii) nano wires (iii) quantum dots. (10)

(b) Find the de Broglie wavelength of electron whose kinetic energy is 15 eV. (4)

Module 4

17.(a) State Poynting’s Theorem. Calculate the value of Poynting vector at the surface of the sun if
the power radiated by the sun is 3.8 x 10 26 W and its radius is 7 X 10 8 m. (5)

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(b) Distinguish between paramagnetic, diamagnetic and ferromagnetic materials. (9)

18.(a) Starting from Maxwell’s Equations, derive electromagnetic wave equations in free space. (10)

(b) If the magnitude of H in a plane wave is 1 A/m, find the magnitude of E in free space. (4)

Module 5

19.(a) Show that superconductors are perfect diamagnets. Distinguish between Type I and

Type II superconductors with suitable examples. (10)

(b) Write a short note on high temperature superconductors. (4)

20.(a) Define numerical aperture of an optic fibre and derive an expression for the NA of a step
index fibre with a neat diagram. (10)

(b) Calculate the numerical aperture and acceptance angle of a fibre with a core refractive index
of 1.54 and a cladding refractive index of 1.50 when the fibre is inside water of refractive
index 1.33. (4) (14x5=70)

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Module 1
Oscillations and Waves
Harmonic oscillations, Damped harmonic motion-Derivation of differential equation and its solution,
Over damped, Critically damped and Under damped Cases, Quality factor-Expression, Forced
oscillations-Differential Equation-Derivation of expressions for amplitude and phase of forced
oscillations, Amplitude Resonance-Expression for Resonant frequency, Quality factor and Sharpness
of Resonance, Electrical analogy of mechanical oscillators

Wave motion- Derivation of one dimensional wave equation and its solution, Three dimensional
wave equation and its solution (no derivation), Distinction between transverse and longitudinal
waves, Transverse vibration in a stretched string, Statement of laws of vibration

Module 2
Wave Optics
Interference of light-Principle of superposition of waves, Theory of thin films - Cosine law (Reflected
system), Derivation of the conditions of constructive and destructive Interference, Interference due
to wedge shaped films -Determination of thickness and test for optical planeness, Newton’s rings -
Measurement of wavelength and refractive index, Antireflection coatings

Diffraction of light, Fresnel and Fraunhofer classes of diffraction, Diffraction grating-Grating

equation, Rayleigh criterion for limit of resolution, Resolving and Dispersive power of a grating with
expression (no derivation)

Module 3
Quantum Mechanics & Nanotechnology
Introduction for the need of Quantum mechanics, Wave nature of Particles, Uncertainty principle,
Applications-Absence of electrons inside a nucleus and Natural line broadening mechanism,
Formulation of time dependent and independent Schrodinger wave equations-Physical meaning of
wave function, Particle in a one dimensional box- Derivation for normalised wave function and
energy eigen values, Quantum Mechanical Tunnelling (Qualitative)

Introduction to nanoscience and technology, Increase in surface to volume ratio for nanomaterials,
Quantum confinement in one dimension, two dimension and three dimension-Nano sheets, Nano
wires and Quantum dots, Properties of nanomaterials-mechanical, electrical and optical,
Applications of nanotechnology (qualitative ideas)

Module 4
Magnetism & Electro Magnetic Theory
Magnetic field and Magnetic flux density, Gauss’s law for Magnetic flux density, Ampere’s Circuital
law, Faraday’s law in terms of EMF produced by changing magnetic flux, Magnetic permeability and
susceptibility, Classification of magnetic materials-para, dia and ferromagnetic materials

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Fundamentals of vector calculus, concept of divergence, gradient and curl along with physical
significance, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Gauss divergence theorem & Stokes’ theorem,
Equation of continuity, Derivation of Maxwell’s equations in vacuum, Comparison of displacement
current with conduction current. Electromagnetic waves, Velocity of Electromagnetic waves in free
space, Flow of energy and Poynting’s vector (no derivation)

Module 5
Superconductivity & Photonics
Superconducting phenomena, Meissner effect and perfect diamagnetism, Types of superconductors-
Type I and Type II, BCS Theory (Qualitative), High temperature superconductors-Applications of
super conductivity

Introduction to photonics-Photonic devices-Light Emitting Diode, Photo detectors -Junction and PIN
photodiodes, Solar cells-I-V Characteristics, Optic fibre-Principle of propagation of light, Types of
fibres-Step index and Graded index fibres, Numerical aperture –Derivation, Fibre optic
communication system (block diagram), Industrial, Medical and Technological applications of optical
fibre, Fibre optic sensors-Intensity Modulated and Phase modulated sensors.

Text Books

1. M.N.Avadhanulu, P.G.Kshirsagar,TVS Arun Murthy “A Text book of Engineering Physics”, S.Chand

&Co., Revised Edition 2019

2. H.K.Malik , A.K. Singh, “Engineering Physics” McGraw Hill Education, Second Edition 2017

Reference Books

1. Arthur Beiser, “Concepts of Modern Physics ", Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 6th Edition

2. D.K. Bhattacharya, Poonam Tandon, “Engineering Physics”, Oxford University Press, 2015

3. Md.N.Khan & S.Panigrahi “Principles of Engineering Physics 1&2”, Cambridge University

Press, 2016

4. Aruldhas G., “Engineering Physics”, PHI Pvt. Ltd., 2015

5. Ajoy Ghatak, “Optics”, Mc Graw Hill Education, Sixth Edition, 2017

6. T. Pradeep, “Nano:The Essentials’’, McGraw Hill India Ltd, 2007

7. Halliday, Resnick, Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics’’, John Wiley & Sons.Inc, 2001

8. David J Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics’’, Addison-Wesley publishing, 3rd Edition,


9. Premlet B., “Advanced Engineering Physics”, Phasor Books,10th edition,2017

10. I. Dominic and. A. Nahari, “A Text Book of Engineering physics”, Owl Books Publishers,
Revised edition, 2016

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Course Contents and Lecture Schedule
No Topic No. of Lectures
1 Oscillations and Waves (9 hours)

1.1 Harmonic oscillations, Damped harmonic motion-Derivation of 2 hrs

differential equation and its solution, Over damped, Critically damped
and Under damped Cases, Quality factor-Expression
1.2 Forced oscillations-Differential Equation-Derivation of expressions for
amplitude and phase of forced oscillations, Amplitude Resonance- 3hrs
Expression for Resonant frequency, Quality factor and Sharpness of
Resonance, Electrical analogy of mechanical oscillators
1.3 Wave motion- Derivation of one dimensional wave equation and its
solution, Three dimensional wave equation and its solution (no
derivation) 2 hrs
1.4 Distinction between transverse and longitudinal waves. Transverse 2 hrs
vibration in a stretched string, Statement of laws of vibration
2 Wave Optics (9 hours)

2.1 Interference of light-Principle of superposition of waves, Theory of thin 2 hrs

films - Cosine law (Reflected system), Derivation of the conditions of
constructive and destructive Interference
2.2 Interference due to wedge shaped films -Determination of thickness 4 hr
and test for optical planeness, Newton’s rings - Measurement of
wavelength and refractive index, Antireflection coatings
2.3 Diffraction of light, Fresnel and Fraunhofer classes of diffraction, 2 hrs
Diffraction grating-Grating equation
2.4 Rayleigh criterion for limit of resolution, Resolving and Dispersive 1 hr
power of a grating with expression (no derivation)
3 Quantum Mechanics &Nanotechnology (9hours)

3.1 Introduction for the need of Quantum mechanics, Wave nature of 2 hrs
Particles, Uncertainty principle, Applications-Absence of electrons
inside a nucleus and Natural line broadening mechanism
3.2 Formulation of time dependent and independent Schrodinger wave 4 hrs
equations-Physical Meaning of wave function, Particle in a one
dimensional box- Derivation for normalised wave function and energy
eigen values, Quantum Mechanical Tunnelling (Qualitative)
3.3 Introduction to nanoscience and technology, Increase in surface to 2 hrs
volume ratio for nanomaterials, Quantum confinement in one
dimension, two dimension and three dimension-Nano sheets, Nano
wires and Quantum dots
3.4 Properties of nanomaterials-mechanical, electrical and optical 1 hr
Applications of nanotechnology (qualitative ideas)
4 Magnetism & Electro Magnetic Theory (9 hours)
4.1 Magnetic field and Magnetic flux density, Gauss’s law for Magnetic flux 2 hrs

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density, Ampere’s Circuital law, Faraday’s law in terms of EMF
produced by changing magnetic flux
4.2 Explanation for Magnetic permeability and susceptibility Classification 1 hr
of magnetic materials- para, dia and ferromagnetic materials
4.3 Fundamentals of vector calculus, concept of divergence, gradient and 2 hrs
curl along with physical significance, Line, Surface and Volume integrals,
Gauss divergence theorem & Stokes’ theorem
4.4 Equation of continuity, Derivation of Maxwell’s equations in vacuum, 4 hrs
Comparison of displacement current with conduction current.
Electromagnetic waves, Velocity of Electromagnetic waves in free
space, Flow of energy and Poynting’s vector (no derivation)
5 Superconductivity &Photonics (9hours)
5.1 Super conducting Phenomena, Meissner effect and perfect 2 hrs
diamagnetism, Types of superconductors-Type I and Type II
5.2 BCS Theory (Qualitative), High temperature superconductors, 2 hrs
Applications of super conductivity
5.3 Introduction to photonics-Photonic devices-Light Emitting Diode, Photo 2 hrs
detectors -Junction and PIN photodiodes, Solar cells-I-V Characteristics
5.4 Optic fibre-Principle of propagation of light, Types of fibres-Step index 3 hrs
and Graded index fibres, Numerical aperture –Derivation, Fibre optic
communication system (block diagram), Industrial, Medical and
Technological applications of optical fibre, Fibre optic sensors-Intensity
Modulated and Phase modulated sensors

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