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1-0September 1993

ANOC)IC COATINGS FOR ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUMALLOYS This spec!ffcatlon Is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.


1.1 Scope. This specification covers the requirements for SIX types and two classes of electrolyticallyformed anodic coatings on aluminum and aluminum alloys for non-architecturalapplications (see 6.1).

1.2 Classification. The anodic coating Types and Classes covered by this specification are as specified herein (see 6.2 and 6.21):
1.2.1 Types Type I Type IB Type IC Type II Type 116 Type III Chromic acid anodizing, conventional coatings produced from chromic acid bath (see 3.4.1) Chromic acid anodizing, low voltage process, 22~ 2V, (see 3.4.1) Non-chromic acid anodizing, for use as a non-chromate alternative for Type I and 16 coatings (see 3.4.1 and 6.1.2) Sulfuric acid anodizing, conventional coatings produced from sulfurlc acid bath (see 3.4.2) Thin sulfuric acid anodizing, for use as a non-chromate alternative for Type I and 16 coatings (see 3.4.2 and 6.1.2) Hard Anod\c Coatings (see 3.4.3)

1.2.2 Classes. :Class 1 Class 2 - Non-dyed (see 3.5.) -Dyed (see 3.6.)

Benefic~al comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use In Improving this document should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Alr Warfare Center Aircraft Dlvlsion Lakehurst, Code SR3, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100, by using the self-addressed Standardlzatlon Document Improvement Proposal (00 Form ?426) appearlnq at the end of this document or by letter. AREA MFFP Approved for public release; distribution Is unlimited.


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MIL-A-8625F 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents, 2.1.1 Speciflcattonsand standards. The followlng speclflcatlonsand standards form a part of this document to the extent speclfled herein. Unless otherwise speclfled, the issues of these documents are those l~sted h the issue of the I)epartment Defense Index of Specificationsand Standards of (0001SS) and supplement thereto, cited In the solicitation. . SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-P-23377 MIL-C-81706 MIL-P-85582 FEDERAL QQ-A-250/4 STANDARDS FEDERAL FED-sTD-141 FED-STD-151 MILITARY MIL-STD-105 Sampling Procedures and Tables For Inspect~on By Attribute Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Materials: Methods For Sampltng and Testing Metals; Test Methods Aluminum Alloy 2024, Plate and Sheet Primer Coating, Epoxy-Polyamide,Chemical and Solvent Resistant Chemical Conversion Materials for Coating Alumlnum and Aluminum Alloys Primer Coatings: Epoxy, Waterborne

(Unless otherulse Indicated, copies of federal and military specifications and standards are available from DODSSP-Customer Service, Standardlzatlon Documents Order Desk, 700 Robblns Avenue, Building 4D, Phlladelphla, PA 19111-5094.) 2.2 Non-Government publications. The followtng documents form a part of this-documentto the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise speclfled, the ~ssues of the documents which are DOD adopted are those llsted In the Issue of the 0001SS cited In the solicitation. Unless otherwise speclfled, the issues of documents not llsted In the DODISS are the issues of the documents cited fn the sollcltatlon (see 6.2). AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTH) ASTM B 117 ANSI/ASTM B 137 = ASTM B 244 Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing Height of Coating on Anod~cally Coated Aluminum, Measurefnent of Thickness of Anodic Coatings on Alumlnum and of Other Nonconductive Coatings on Nonmagnetic Basis Metals with Eddy Current Instruments, Measurement of Light and Water Exposure Apparatus (Carbon-Arc Type) for Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products, Standard Practice for Operating


M~L-A-8625F ASTMD 2244 Color Dlfferences OpaquOflter~alsi of .,. Instrumental , J Evaluation of Standard Practice for Opera$@g Light Exposure Apparatus (Carbon-Aic Type) bllthandllfthout Water for Exposure of Non-metallic Materials Operating Light-Exposure Apparatus (Xenon-Arc Type) With and bllthoutIlaterfor Exposure of Non-metalllc materials



(Application for cop~es should be addressed to the American Society for . Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Phlladelphla, PA 19103.) 3 2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing In this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulat~ons unless a speclflc exemption has been obtained.



3.{ Materials. The materials used shall be such as to produce coatings which meet the requirements of this specification. 3.1.1 Base metal. The base metal shall be free from surface defects, caused by machining, cutting, scratching, polishlng, buffing, roughening, bending, stretching, deforming, rolling, sandblasting,vaporblastlng, etching, heat treatment condltlon, alloy chemtstry Imbalance and inclusions, that will cause coated test panels or parts to fafl any of the requirements of this specification. The base metal shall be subjected to cleaning, etching, anodlzlng and seallng procedures as necessary to yteld coatings meeting all requirementsof th!s specification. 3.2 Equipment and processes. The equipment and processes employed shall be such as to produce coatings which meet the requirements of th~s specification.-Unless otherwise specified In the contract, purchase order or applicable drawfng (see 6.2), process operating conditions shall be at the option of the supplfer. 3.3 General. 3.3.1 Anodlztng of parts and assemblies. Anodlzlng of parts. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, purchase ortieror ap@Jicable dr$u?fig(see6:2), parts shall be anodized after , ,, al? heat treatment,~. machining, ~e?dlr!g?formingand perforating have been . completed. ! Anod~zhd of assemb~ies. Unlessotherwise speclfled In the contract, purchasebrderor applicable drawi%g, anodic coatings shall not be applied to-assembltes whtchwill entraptheelectrolyte In joints or recesses (components shall be anodized separately prior to assembly). Nhen anodlzlng of assemblies is authorized by the;coit~actj purchase,orderor applicable drawing, the proce,sslng,fflet~od s~all not result in subsequent damage to used the assembly from electrolyte entraprnent[Type I orIA coatings shall be used ( unless another coating Type Is specl,fied). Assemblies which contain non-aluminumparts such as steel, brass or organic substances, which would be attacked by pretreatment or anodizing solutlons or would prevent un{form formation of the anodlc coating, shall not be anodized as assemblies, unless the non-aluminum surfaces are masked or electrically insulated In a manner which produces anodlc coatings meeting the requirements of this specification.

MIL-A-8625F Anodtzlng of complex .shapes. Hhen anodizing complex shapes which uIII entrap the electrolyte in recesses, the processing method used shall not result in subsequent damage to the part from electrolyte entrapment (Type I or 1A coatings shall be used unless another coating Type Is speclfled). 3.3.2 Handllng and cleanlnq. Parts shall be so handled during all pretreatment, anodizing and post treatments that mechanical damage or contaminationwI1l be avoided. Parts shall be free of all forefgn substances, oxides and soils, such as greases, oIL pafnt and welding flux< Parts shall have oxide and other interfering films removed by the use of pr~per cleanlng ~rocedures so as to be clean and have water break free surfaces. Abrasfves contatntng Iron, such as steel wool, Iron oxide rouge and steel wire, whfch maY become embedded in the metal and accelerate corrosion of alumlnum and alfimlnum alloys. are prohibited as a means of mechanical cleanlng, prtor to anodlzlng. If special cleaning requirements are required they shall be spectfled In the contract or purchase order (see 6.2). 3.3.3 Reflective surfaces. When spectffed In the contractor purchase order (see 6.2), parts fabricated to produce a highly reflective surface shall be chemically or electrochemically brightened, prior to anodlc coating (see 6.9).

3.3.4 Touch UP (mechanlcd d~maqe and contact marks). Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), mechanically damaged areas from which the anodlc coating has been removed without damage to the part may be touched up us~ng chemical conversionmaterials approved on QPL-81706 for Class 1A coatings and the applicablemethod of application. Touch up shall apply only to inadvertent mechanical damage such as scratch marks. For Type HI coatings, touch up shall only be allowed In areas which will not be subjected to abrasion (see 6.1.1). The mechanically damaged area(s) shall not exceed 5 percent of the total anodized area of the Item or touch up shall not be permitted. Hhen specified in the contract or purchase order (see 6.2), contact marks shall be touched up using the above method required for mechanical damage.
3.4 Coatings. Conventional anodic coatings as specified in the contract, purchase order or applicable drawings (see 6.2), shall be prepared by any process or operation to produce the specified coating on alumlnum and alumlnum alloys. 3.4.1 Type I, 16, and IC coatings. Type I and lB coatings shall be the result of treatinlg alumlnum and alumtnum alloys electrolytically in a bath contaWng chromic acid to produce a unl@rrn anodlc coa.tlng the metal on Type IC coatings shall be the result of treating aluminum and surface. aluminum alloys electrolytically In a bath containing mineral or mixed mineral/organicactds (non-chromic acid) to produce a uniform anodic coating on the metal surfac,e. Uqless otherwise spec~fied In the contract, purchase order or applicable drawing, Type I coatings shall not be a,pplied alumlnum to alloys with a nqninal copper content in excess of 5.0 percent; nornl,nal silicon contents in excess of 7.0 percent; or when the total allowable contents of nominal alloying element; exceed 7.5 percent. Heat treatable alloyiwhlch are to receive a Type X, IB, or IC coating shall be In the required temper obtained by heat treatment, such as -T4, -T6, or 773, prior toanod~zlng. Type IC coatings. Type IC coatings provide a non-chromate by alternative to Type I and 16 coatings. Unless approved. the procuring activity, substitutionof a Type IC coattng where Type I or 16 Is specified shall be prohibited.


Type II and IIE$~coathgs shall be,the 3.4.2 Type II and 116 coatings. of treating alumlnum and alumlnumalloys electrOlyt-~cally a bath In containing sulfuric acid to produce aunlforrnanod!c coating on the metal temper obtained by surface. Heat treatable alloys shall be In the requ~,qed heat treatment, such as -T4, -T6, or T73, prior toanodfzing. result
Type 116 coatings provide a non-chromate Type 116 coatings. alternative to Type I and IB coatings. Unless approved by the procuring activity, substitutionof a Type HB coating where Type I or 16 Is spec~fled shall be prohibited. $ Type III coattngs shall be the result of 3.4.3 Type III coatlnqs. treating aluminum and aluminum alloys electrolytically to produce a uniform anodic coating on the metal surface. Type III coatings shall be prepared by any process operation to produce a heavy dense coat.lngof speclfled th~ckness on alumlnum alloys (see Unless otherwise specified In the contract, purchase order or applicable drawing, Type III coatings shall not be applled to aluminum alloys with a nominal copper content h excess of 5 percent or a nominal silicon content in excess of 8.0 percent. Alloys with a nominal silicon content higher than 8.0 percent may be anodized subject to approval of the procuring activity. Heat treatable alloys shall be in a temper obtained by heat treatment, such as -T4, -T6, or T73, prior to anodizing. 3.5 Class 1. bJhenclass 1 is specified in the contract or purchase order, (see 6.2), the anodic coating shall not be ,dyedor pigmented,. Any natural coloration resulting from anodic treatmentwith the various alloy compostttons shall not be considered coloration. The characteristic color imparted by the seallng process shall also be considered as non-dyed. 3.6 Class 2. bJhenclass 2 Is specified in the contract or purchase order (see 6.2), the anodic coating shall be uniformly dyed or pigmented by exposure to a solution of a suitable type dye or stain. The color on wrought alloys shall be uniform. Cast alloys may exhlblt dye bleed-out or lackof color (or color uniformity) associated-with-theInherent porosity of the casting. The dyes and pigments used shall not be damaging to the anodlccoatlngs. 3.6.1 Dye color. When dyed or pigmented coathgs are required, the color and color uniformity requirements shall be as specified on the contract purchase order or applicable drawing (see 6.2). Castlnq alloys. Dyed casting Alloys may show a slight lack of color uniformity. The degree of non+~lformlty that Is acceptable shal be established by the procuring actlvlty fsee 6.21. . 3.7 Detail requirements. 3.7.1 Twes

I, IB,IC, II, and IIB coatings.

,, Wetqht of coating. Prior to:dy.ehg or Sealing, Type I, IB, IC, II, and IIB coatings shall meet the coating weight requirements of Table I when tested In accordance with 4.5.2 (see 6.10,6).

MIL-A-8625F TABLE I. Types I, IB, ICI 11, and IIB unsealed anod!c coating wetqhts. I I Coating Type

200 minimum 200 minimum- 700 maximum 1000 minimum II IIB 200m10imum - 1000 maxlnfum ~J - Coating weights over 700mg/ft2 may be used if speclfled. h the contract or purchase order (see 6.1.2 and 6.2).
IC 1/

1 and IB

Coating Height (mg/ft2) Corrosion resistance. After exposure to the salt spray test specified In 4.5.3, specimens shall be visually examined to determtne that all of the following conditions are met: Test specimens shall show no more than a total of 15 Isolated pits (see 6.19), none larger than 0.031 Inch in diameter, in a total of 150 square inches of test area grouped from five or more test pieces. Areas within 0.062 Inch from tdentlflcatlonmarkings, edges and electrode contact marks remalnlng after processing shall be excluded. b. Test specimens shall show no more than 5 isolated pits, none larger than 0.031 inch in diameter, In a total of 30 square tnches from one or more test pieces. Areas wlthln 0.062 inch from Identfficatlonmarkings, edges and electrode contact marks remaining after processing shall be + excluded. c. In add!tlon to the requirements in (a) and (b) above, Type I and 16 test specimens shall not exhibit patchy dark gray areas (spots, streaks, or marks). Light fastness resistance. Class 2, dyed anodic coatings, shall show no more fading or discoloration than would be equivalent to a Delta (E) value of 3 when subjected to the light fastness resistance test (see 4.5.4), unless otherwise speclfled In the contract or purchase order (see 6.2). Light fastness resistance shall be determined only when specified in the contract. purchase order or applicable drawing (see 6.2). Paint adhesion. Hhen tested In accordance with 4.5.6, no intercoat separation shall occur between the paint system and the anodlc coating or between the anodlc coathg and the base metal. Paint adhesion shall be determined only when speclfled in the contract, purchase order or applicable drawing (see 6.2). 3.7.2 Type III coatlnqs. Thickness of coatinq. Unless otherwise spec~fied in the contract, purchase order, or applicable drawifig(see 6.2), the nodnalth!ckness ofthe coating shall be 0.002 inch (2 roils)(see 6.16, 6.17 and 6.10 through 6.10.5). Unless otherwise speclfled, the thickness of the coatfng shall not vary by more than * 20 percent for coatings up to 0.002 inches thick (2 rolls)when tested in accordance with 4.5.1. Coatings over 0.002 Inches (2 rolls)shall not vary by more than * 0.0004 hches (0.4 roils)in thickness. A typical Type III coating thickness range !s shown fn Table IV.


MIL-A-HbZbt Weiclhtofcoatlnq. The coatfng weight may be determined In lleu of the coatlnu thickness (see, at the option of the procuring actlvlty. Un~ealed Type III coatings shall have a mtnlmum coatlngwelghtof 4320 miil\grams per square foot for every 0.001 fnch of coating when tested In accordance with 4.5.2 (see 6.2). u Abrasion resistance. When tested In accordance with 4.5.5, unsealed Type 111 coatings shall provide a hard abrasion resistant ffnish as The anod~c coattng shall have a maximum wear speclfled herein (see 6.17). Index of3.5 mg/1000 cycles on alumlnum alloys having a copper contentzof 2 percent or higher (see 6.13). The wear Index for all other alloys shall not exceed 1.5 mg/1000 cycles.



3.8.1 Types I, 16, IC, II, and IIB. All Types I, IB, IC, II, and IIB anodfc coatlnm shall be completely sealed, unless otherwise speclfled In the contract, pur;hase order or applicable drawing (see 6.2). They shall be sealedln accordance with or as applicable. If wetting agents are used they shall be of the non-ionic type. Class 1. Hhen class 1 is specified, sealing shall be accomplished by immersion in a sealing medium such as a 5 percent aqueous solutlon of sodium or potassium bichromate (PH 5.0 to 6.0) for 15 minutes at 90C to 100*C (194F to 212*F), in boiling deionized water, cobalt or nickel acetate, or other suitable chemical solutlons (see 6.15). Class 2. When class 2 Is specified, sealing shall be accomplished after dyeing by immersion in a seallng medium, such as a hot aqueous solution containing 0.5 percent nickel or cobalt acetate (pH 5.5 to 5.8), bolllng detonlzed water, duplex sealing with hot aqueous solutlons of nickel acetate and sodium bichromate (see 6.11), or other suitable chemical solutions. Type III coatings shall not be sealed where the main 3.8.2 Type IIL functlonof application Is to obtain the max!mum degree of abrasion or wear reslstanceo Hhere Type III coatings are used for exter~or non-mainta~ned applications requiring corros~on resistance but permitting reduced abrasion resistance, the contract or purchase order shall specify that sealing R required. Seallng for such Type 111 coatings shall be accomplished by immersion in a medium, such as bollhgdelonfzed water, In a hot aqueous 5 In percent sodium dlchromate solution,: ajhot aqueous solution contaln~ng nickel or cobalt acetate or other suitable chemical solutions (see 6.2). Nhen Type III coatings are provided unsealed, parts shall be thoroughly rinsed in cold, clean water and dried after anodizfng. 7,!, 3.9 Ohnensions of coatedart\~cles.~:lArtlcles parts shall comply with or the dimensional requirements ofltheapp llcable,d!rawings after appl~catlon of the anodfc coating (see 6.1OJ). (!ForInterference In close fits of parts or assemblies see 6.10.5). 3.10 Toxicity. The coatings and e?ectrlcal/chemical processes used to develop these anodlc coatings shallhave no adverse effect on the health of personnel when used for their Intended purp,oses. Questtons pertinent to thfs effect shall be referred by the contracting actlvlty to the appropriate departmental medical service who will act as an advisor to the contracting agency.

MIL-A-8625F 3.11 Palntlng/coatln~. Palntlng/coatingoperations shall be performed as soon as pract~cal after the anodizfng process on clean coatings. If parts require storage prior to palntlng/coating, they shall be stored In a manner that wI1l avo!d contamination. If the parts become contaminated, they shall be cleaned In a manner that will not be detrimental to the anodlc coatlngor the base metal (see 6.3). 3.12 Dyeing or colorln$ Anodic coatings shall not be allowed to dry before dyeing or colorlng. Items to be dyed or colored should be preferably coated by the Type II anodlzhg treatment (see 6.12). Dyed or colored coatings shall not be allowed to remain In rinse waters for more than 5 minutes before sealing. 3.13 Workmanship. Except for touch up areas In accordance with 3.3.4 and as noted below, the applled anodic coating shall be continuous, smooth, adherent, uniform in appearance, free from powdery areas, loose films, breaks, scratches and other defects which will reduce the serviceabilityof anodized parts or assembles. Differences in anodic coating appearance resulting from inherent base metal differences h a component such as the presence of welds, components containing cast and machined surfaces, and differences tn grain size within a forging shall not be cause to reject the anodic coating unless otherwise specified In the contract or purchase order (see 6.2). Slight discolorationfrom dripping or rundown of the sealing solutlon from designed crevices in a component shall be allowed.

3.13.1 Contact marks. The size and number of contact marks shall be at a minimum consistent with qood practice (see 6.14). If a specific location for contact marks is desired; the-location shall be specified-on the contract or purchase order (see 6.2).

4.1 Responslb!lityfor Inspection. Unless otherwise specified In the contract or purchaseorder, th@ contractor Is responsible for the performance of all inspectionrequirements (examlnatlons and tests) as spectfled herein. Except as otherulse specified ~n the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the rtght to perform any of the InspectIons set forth h the specificationwhere such InspectIons are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4.1.1 Respons~billtyfor compliance. All Items must meet all recfulrements of Section 3. The InspectIon set forth In this specification shall become a partof the contractorsoverall inspection system or quality program. The absence of any Inspection requirements In the specification shall not relleve the contractorof the responslbilityof ensuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirementsof the contract. Sampling inspection, as part of manufacturing operations, is an acceptable pract!ce to ascertain conformance to requirements, however, this does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government to acceptance of defective material. 4.2 Classificationof !nspection. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:

MIL-A-8625F a. Process control lnspectl~n (see 4.3). b. Quality conformance Inspection (see 4.4). !. :: 4.3 Process control Inspection. -1 w 4.3.1 Process control document (PCD). The anodtzer shall develop, maintain, and adhere to a-PCD describing the anodizing process and procedures used to meet the requirements of this specification. As a minimum, the PCD shall describe the following:

-All steps in the processing sequence. -Ranges for hnmersfon time and temperature for each step in the process. -Chemical constituents used and allowable solution control ranges to be used for solut~on analysls (see 4.3.2) for each stepWi the process. -Ranges for temperature, current density and anodizing the (or voltage ramps and hold times) as applled to individual alloys or alloy series. 4.3.2 Solutlon analysts. Solutlon analysis shall be performed on all the processing solutlons h the anodlzlng llneto determine If the solution controls ire within the acceptable ranges established In the PCD (see-4.3.1). Solution analysis shall be performed at least once every two weeks unless otherwise specified byvt~,e procurfng activity. The processor shall malntatn a record of the history of each processing bath, showing all chemicals OF treatment solutions added to the baths and the results of all chemical analysis performed. Upon request of the procuring activity, such records, as well as reports of the test results, shall be made available. These records shall be maintained for not less than one year after completion of the contract or purchase order. 4.3.3 Process control tests. To assure continuous control of the process, specimens shall be tested tn accordance with Table II. Process control tests are conducted to determine conformance of the anodic coatings with the requirementsof this specification and are acceptable as evidence of the properties being obtained with the equipment and procedures employed. Frequency ofthe process control tests. Process control tests shall be conducted at least once every month. In addlt~on, the intervals between each monthly test shallnot exceed35 days. .If production in accordance with this s~eclflcatlon IS not performedfor a period of one month or longer; processcontrol tests shall be conducted at the start of production.


TABLE II. ~!, .3 $ Test Coating welqht Applicable

Process control tests. .f, 1<,

. . w

,: , , . .. . thickness 4.5.3 4.3*3.2.3 Corrosion I, IB, It,II, IIB 5 resistance (minimum) 4.5.4 Light I, IB, IC, 11, 116 3 fastness Class 2 only 4.5.5 Abrasion 2 111 resistance ~/ For Type 111 coatings, the coating weight may be chosen in lieu of the coating thickness at the option of the procuring activity (see


Type I, IB, IC, II, IIB 3 III / III+] ;

Paraqraph IWnberof Test spectmens Specimen : ~ to be tested Preparation Requirement Method 4.3.3?02;.2 ~

4.5.2 4.5.2 4.5.1

MIL-A-8625F process control test specimens. Production parts shall be used for process control ~nspectlon provtded they can be adapted to the applicable test. If the production parts can not be adapted to a particular test, test panels shall be used. At the optlonof the supplier, test panels shall be composed of either 2024-T3 per QQ-A-250/4 or the alloy representing the largest percent of work anodized during the monthly process control period. Hhenever possible, the specfmen panels shall be anodized with an actual production run. Additional details for the specimen panels shall be as specified in through Test specimens for coattng weight. Coating weight shall be determined on undyed and unsealed production parts or specimen panels (see Mhen specimen panels are used, they shall have a mlnlmumwldthof 3 Inches, a mlnlmum length of 3 Inches, and a mlnlmum nominal thickness of 0.032 Inches. Test specimens for coating thickness. Coating thickness shall be determined on Type III production parts or spectmen panels (see Hhen specimen panels are used, they shall have a minimum width of 3 Inches, a mlnlmum length of 3 Inches, and a minimum nominal thickness of 0.032 tnches. Test specimens for corrosion and light fastness resistance. Corros~on res~stance shall be determined on dyed (Class 2 only) and sealed production parts or specimen panels (see Light fastness testing Is performed onlyon dyed (Class 2) coatings and only when specified (see 6.2). Hhen specimen panels are used, they shall have a mlnlmum width of 3 inches, a minimum length of 10 Inches, and a minimum nominal thickness of 0.032 inches. Test specimens for abrasion resistance. Abrasion resistance shall be determined on Type 111 production parts or specltnen panels (see Hhen specimen panels are used, they shall have a wtdth of 4 fnches, a length Of 4 inches, and a minimum nominal thickness of 0.063 Inches. 4.3.4 Failure. Failure to conform to any of the process control requirements specifted tn Table II shall result In Immedtate halt of production. The reason for failure shall be determined and corrected before production resumes. All traceable work from the time the failed process control specimens were anodized to the time when production was halted shall be re$ected unless otherwise speclf~ed by the contracting off~cer. Traceable work shall be defined as all work in which the location is know. Process control testing shall be performed at the start of production. 4.4 Qual~ty conformance (ie. lot acceptance) inspection. Quality conformance tnspectlon shall consist of-tilw-al(see and dlmens!onal (see4 .4.2.2) examlnattons. (see 6.2.1). bihenspecified in the contractor purfhase order (see 6.2), quality conformance InspectIon shall also Include paint adhesion testing In accordance with 4.5L6. 4.4.1 Lot. A lot shall consist of all Items of the same part number anodized Ifihe same tank using the same process and of the same coating type and class offered for acceptance at one time. In addition, the lot size shall not exceed the number of Items processed in one shtft.


MIL-A-8625F 4.4.z Sampl\nq for vlsuahand d~menslonal ekarn$natlons. Samples for visual and dimensional examinations (see.4.2-.l 4 and4.4.2.2) shall be selected from each lot of anodized parts in accorda~ce with the provisions of rriteria shall be as MIL-STD-105, InspectIon Level 11. The acceptancec specified In the contract or purchase order (see 6.2 and 6.20). If no acceptance cr~teria Is specified, the crlteria glvem In 6.20 shall be used. . . . Visual examination. Samples selected In accordance with 4.4.2 shall be inspected and visually examined for compliance with 3.13 after anod!zlng, seallng and dyeing (tf applicable). . Dimensional examdnatlon. Samples, seJected in accordance with 4.4.2, shall be dimensionally \nspected for compliance with 3.9, unless otherwise specified by the procur~ng activity (see 6.10.5). 4.4.3 Sampling for paint adhesion testing. Hhen the paint adhesion test is s~ec~fied (see 4.4), two test panels shall be tested In accordance with 4.5.6 to determine conformance to3.7.1.4. The test panels shall be 3 Inches \nwidth by 10 Inches In length with a minimum nominal thickness of 0.032 inches. Unless otherwise spedfled, the test-panels shall be composed of either 2024-T3 per mA-250/4 or the predoinlnafit alloy In the lot from which the paint adheston test is required to be performed. Unless another paht system \s speclfled (see 6.2), the paint system in shall be applied to the anodized panels. Preparation of paint adhesion specimens. Specimen panels (see 4.4.3) shall be flnlshed with one coat of an epoxy-polyamide primer conforming to either fvIIL-P-23377 (Class 1 or 2) or MIL-P-85582. In either case the primer shall be applied to a dry film thickness of 0.0006 to O.0009 inch (0.6 to O.9mll) and dried In accordance with the applicable primer specification before testing In accordance w~th 4.5.6. 4.4.4 Failure. Failure to conform to any of the quallty conformance requirements shall result in rejection of the represented lot. 4.5 Test methods. 4.5.1 Anodlc coatlnq thickness. Test spec~mens prepared In accordance with, shall be tested for anodtc coating %hlckness In accordance with ASTM B 244, Method S20 or Method 520.1 of FEO-STD-151 to determine conformance to the requlrement$ of If either ASTM B 244 or Method 520 of FED-STD-151 Is used, the thickness shall be computed as the average of not less than eight me?surement!s. In.case ofdlspute, anodlc coattng thickness shall, determined by;measurebnt of a perpendicular cross section of the be anodized specimen ustng a metall[ogra,phlc microsco~e~ with a calibrated



4.5.2 Anodfc coating welqhtjT@st%peclmens prepared In accordance with shall be tested for anodic cdatlng wdlgh~telther in accordance with ANSI/ASTM B 137, or the method spec~ified ih- Type I, IB, IC, II, and IIB coatings shall be tested for conformance with the requirements of If the procuring activity chooses to have coating weight tested In lleuof the coating thickness for Type 111 hard anodized coatings, it shall be tested for conformance with




Method. Artodfc coating weight determinations shall be

the followlng manner:

accomplished h

a. Test specimens shall be weighed Mnediatelyafter anodlzlng, prior to balance or other instrument senslttve to dyeing or sealing. An analytical at least 10 percent of the net Anodlc coatfng weight on test spechnen shall be used. Speclrrtens shall be cleaned and dried for a minimum of 30 minutes at 93ef 6*C (200~ 10F) and allowed to cml to room temperature before weighing. b. Immediately after weightng, the test specimens shall be stripped by immersion in a phosphoric-chromicacid solution for amhlmumof 5 minutes, (not to exceed 6 minutes), at 100*~6C (212~ 10*F). The solution shall consist of the followlng: Phosphoric acid, 85 percent Chrodc acid (Cr03) Water to make 35 milliliters 20 grams 1,000 rnlllfliters

c. The test specimens shall be removed from the solution, washed In dlst~lled water, dried, and weighed. The 5-fnhwte exposure shall be repeated until the coating h completely removed, whtch is Indicated by the specimens weight remalntng constant. The stripping solutlon shall be discarded after l-liter of the solutlon has dissolved 5 grams of the anodlc coating. d. After final we~ghtng, the total surface area of the test specimen shall be accurately determined. e. The unit film weight shall be determined by subtracting the weight h milligrams of the stripped specimen from its weight In ndllfgrams prior to stripping and dividing by the surface area expressed in square feet. 4.5.3 Corrosion resistance. Method. Test specimens, prepared in accordance with, shall be washed In distilled or deionized water, dried with a soft cloth and then subjected to a 5 percent salt spray test tn accordance with ASTMB 117, except that the slgntflcant surface shall be inclined 6 degrees from the vertical. Spechens shall be exposed for 336 hours. After exposure, specfmns shall be examined to determine compliance with 4.5.4 Light fastness resistance (Class 2 only). Test specfmens, prepared in accordance with, shall be tested for light fastness resistance by exposure to ultraviolet radiation In accordance with-either ASTM G 23, ASTM D822 or ASTM G 26, for a period of 200 hours, except that the spec~mens wII1 be exposed continuously to llght without water spray. After exposure, specimens shall be compared with duplicate specimens not exposed to a light source for the same period of time to determ~ne the Delta (E) value In accordance with ASTM D 2244. The Delta (E) value shall be used to determine conformance with ~



4.5.5 Abrasion rieisistzu!ce. Te,s., s-peel ~ns, prepa~ed in accordance WIth, shall be tested in accordance wj=thMetho~ 6192.l:of F~D-STD-141 using CH7 wheels with a 1000. gr,a~:l.oad. ThelU&@JSshall revolve on the anod!c coatfng at a speed of 70 revolutions per minute (RPM) for 10,000 cycles. The abrasion wheels shallbe refaced at,least once every 10,000 cycles. The wear index shall be determined after the 10,000 cycle period by dlvldlng the weight loss by 10. The wear index shall meet the requirements of
4.5.6 Paint adhesion test. Hhen speclfled (see 4.4), spec~men panels prepared In accordancer with 4.4.3 shall be tested for wet tape adhesion. The test shall be conducted as described in method 6301 of FED-STD-141 to deterfnlne conformance with paragraph 5. PACKAGING (Not applicable to this speclflcation)

6. NOTES (This section contains informationof a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful but is not mandatory) 6.1 Intended use. The coatings covered in this.document are Intended to ylpvide corrosion resistance, improvedpalnt adhesion and abrasion resistance as speclffed In 6.1.lthrough 6.1.3. .Thisdocument Is not Intended to sufficientlycover anodlc coatfngs for use in structural adhesive bonding.

The:conventional Types I, IB and II anodic 6.1.1 Types I, IB-andII. coatings are tntended to improve surface corrosion protection, under severe service conditions or as a base for paint systems. Anodlc coatings can be colored wjth a large variety of dyes and pigments. Types I, IB and II coatings prov~de better corrosion. projection ,#thlgher cost than the chemical conversion systems. Repair of mechanically damaged areas by the use of materials conforming to MIL-C-8?706 (see 3.3.4) wII1 not restore abrasion resistance but will iprovlde an effective means of reestabl.,ishlng corros~on resistance. Hhere anodic coatings are required on fatigue critical components, Type I and 16 coatings (see 6.1.2) are used due to the thtnness of the coating (see 6.10.7).
6.1.2 Type ICand 116. Type IC and HB coatings provideinon-chromate alternatives to Type I and IB coatings where~orroslon resistance, paint P adhesion, and fatjguereslstance is required. ~.lease note that Type ICor IIB nay not serve as suitable replacements when theeffects of electrolyte entrapments the pvlrnary: concern (see and 3.3.1. ). Maximum Type IC and Type 116 coating weights of 700 mg/ft2 and 1000mg/ft 2 , respectively, are specified In Table I for fatigue purposes (see 6.10.7). If higher Type K coating weights are permissible for the Intended use, It should be specified In the contract or purchase order (see 6.2). If Mgher Type IIB coathg weights are permissible for the intended use, Type II should be specified. ?. gf:: 6.1.3 Type 111. Type III coatings are intended to provide wear and abrasion resistant &Maces with Improved cofi~oslon protection due to greater thickness and weight than the conventional anodic coatings. Sealing of Type 111 coatings Is not!recommended unless corros~on resistance Is also a factor. Hear resistance Is reduced by seallng. tAnodlc;,coatings form an excellent base for most types of patfitsystems, adhesives and dryifllm lubricants. Hard coatings may reduce fatigue strength. These factors should be considered In proposed use of parts subjected to cyclic loads. Generally, these hard coatings should not be used on parts or portions of parts which normally during rework would require restoring of dimensional tolerances because of wear of hard coated surfaces.
------- ,..


MIL-A-8625F Appllcatlons. Tj@e MI coat!ngs are used In such appllcat!ons as valves, slidlng parts, hinge inechanlsms, cams, gears, swivel joints, pistons, rocket nozzles, Insulation plates, blast sh~elds, etc. 6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acqulsit~on documents should specify the following: a. b. :: e. f. Title, number and date of this specification. Type of anodic coating (see 1.2.1). Class ofanodic coating (see 1.2.2). Special process operating conditions, If applicable (see 3:2). Special cleaning and fabrkatlon requirements (see 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.3.3). If coating uelght for Type IC can exceed the maximum specified h Table 1. Color and uniformity of Class 2 coatings, if applicable (see 3.6.1 and 3.12). Degree of non-uniformity of dyed casting alloys (see Light fastness resistance, if applicable, and a Delta E value If different than 3 (see Type III coating thickness, Inapplicable (see Coating weight for thickness, Type HI, If substituted (see Special sealing requirements (see 3.8). Hhen applicable, the allowable difference In anodlc coating appearance resulting from Inherent base metal differences (see 3.13). Provide the specific locatfon of contact marks if important to the function of the part (see 3.13.1 and 6.14). Acceptance criteria for quality conformance inspections (see 4.4.2 and 6.20). If paint adhesion testing Is required for quallty conformance testing (see 4.4) and the required patnt system (if different than that in

h. 1.

1. m.

n. o. P*

6.2.1 Consideration of data requirements. The followlng data requirements should be considered when this specification is applied on a contract. The applicable Data Item i)escrlption(DID) should be reviewed In conjunction with the specific acquisition to ensure that only essential data are requested/provtdedand that the DID is tailored to reflect the requirements of the spec!fic acquisition. To ensure correct contractual applicationof the data requirements, a Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423) must be prepared to obtain the data, except where DOD FAR Supplement 27-4.75-1 exempts the requirement for a 00 Form 1423. Reference Para. 4 ;4 DID Number DI-NDTI-80809A DID TNle TEST/INSPECTIONREPORTS Suggested Tallorlnq

The above DID was cleared as of the date of this specification. The current Issue of DCMl 501O.12-L, Acquisition Management Systems and Data Requirements Control List (AMSDL), must be researched to ensure that only current, cleared DIDs are cited on the 00 Form 1423.

MIL-A-8625F 6.2.2 Exceptions~o drawlnqs for types I, IB, IC, H, and:IIB. coatWs. Hhen the anodlc coating, type is not speclfled,on the drawtng,sFjpe 18, IC, I; H, or HB maybe furnished within thellmltsof this spec~f!catton,at the option of the contractor. When the+coating c~ass Is not speclfled on the drawing, either Class 1 or Class 2 maybe supplted wlthln the llmltsofth~s specification,at the option of the contractor.


6.3 Palntlng/coatlnq. When anodlccoatlngs are required tobe painted/coated,the~piirts should be dried and @ainted as prcxii~tly possible, as during which time, $posure to contam~n~atlon should be kept to a mintmum. Prior to pa!ntlngor coating anodized parts, wiping, buffing or mechanical operations should be kept to a min~mum. This maydamage the less dense outside layer of the anodlc coating making It susceptible to subsequent adhesion failures. Sealing processes can have a slgnfftcant effect on adhesion of prfmers and other polymeric materials to the anodized surface as well as the cohesive strength of the anodized layer. If these factors are Important to the application, such as subsequent painting operations, specific details for (or the omlsslon of) the sealing process should b.especlfled in the contract or purchase order.
6.4 Electrolytic action. Severe attack by the electrolyte on castings or welds may be occasioned either by unsound cast!ngs, improper welding practice, a difference In composition between the weld and the base metal or, particularly In the case of the sulfuric acid process, the retention of the solution in cracks, creytces, or Irregular surfaces. Severe attack by the electrolyte may also be caused by contaminants In the electrolyte, particularly chlorides or by Improper racking of the parts.

6.5 Anodlzlng rate. Alumlnum and alunhumalloys may be conveniently grouped by anodlztng rate, especially In the case of the chromic acid process (Type I) for conventional coatings. However, either the chromic (Type I) or the sulfurlc acid process (Type II) wI1l anodize mixed loadssatisfactorily, depending upon local processing preference. Suppllers arecautioned that, especially in the sulfuric acid process, the anodizing time will have to be sufficiently long to assure that the slower anodlzlng alloys have at least a minimum coating thickness. In some cases, this may result In Improper coatings on the fast anodizing alloys.
6.6 Color match. FED-STD-595 maybe used as a gu~de for specifying color of anodic coatings. The color standards In FED-STD-595 are intended for paint finishes and should be used for approximate comparison only $dth the anodic .}, , . coatfngs (see 6.2). 6.7 Lapplnq. The Type III anodlc coatings generally have increased surface roughness as well as having the property of being less dense on the top surface than in the core of the coating toward the base metal. Such coatfngs may be processed oversized and then lapped or honed down to the final desired dimension. For 6.8 Coating bat~s,,,,, information, It should be notpd that processes providing other coatifig electrolyte; for the conventional coatings may be aqueous solutlons cpn-talning oxallc acid, boric acid plus ammonium borate and nitrides. There are proprietary processes requiring coating electrolytes, other than sulfuric acid, for the Type 111 coatings; for example, the various

MIL-A-8625F Alumilltes, the Hartln Hard Coat, the Sanford, the Hardas and others. One of the Alumilite processes requires an aqueous solutlon contatnlng both sulfuric and oxal~c acids for the bath. Other baths used less frequently and for special purposes employ sulfosallcyllc, sulfamlc or sulfophthal~cacid solutlons. 6.9 Chemical brlghtenlnq and pollshln~. Chemical brightening can be beneficial by Improving the appearance and corrosfon resistance, In smoothing the metall~c surface by removing certain contaminants and h enhancing the continuity of the anod~c coathgs on alumlnum alloys (see 3.3.3). The. percentage of reflectivity obtained from a part which has been electrolytically brightened and subsequently anodized will depend on the alloy and the coating thfckness. Certain alloys are more capable of obtaining a highly brightened surface and thicker anodlc coatings will reduce reflectivity.


Design information.

6.10.1 Surface dlmensfon of parts. On spectfytng the thickness of coatings, especially for the Type III coatings, allowance must be made for dtmenslonal Increase. Both amachtning dimension and a coated ditnenslon should be placed on applicable drawings. An increase In d!menslon, equal to one half of the thickness of the applied coating, can be expected for each surface coated due to surface growth. For example, for a 0.004 inch (4 mtls) coating on close tolerance parts, a pre-machining allowance of 0.002 fnch (2 rni?s)per surface must be made prior to hard coating. If close fits are spec~fied in design drawings, buildup tn thickness caused by anodfc coatings, especially Type 111, may result In interferenceon assembly. Holes. In the case of small holes and tapped holes, coating thickness can.vary from no film to a full normal coating. Holes, both tapped and not tapped, over 1/4 inch should be anodized. Parts with Type II coatings, external or internal, with a total tolerance of 0.0004 Inch or less, If lapped, honed or stoned to size after anodizing, should be subsequently treated with QPL-81706 materials to provide surface protection. Dlscoloratlon on the surface that has been sized Is acceptable (see 6.6). The designer Is cautioned to require adequate thread and hole sealing operations h subsequent assembles as may be required to produce the necessary corrosion resistance. 6.10.2 Thread dimensions. All anodic coattngs will affect thread d~menslons for external and Internal threads; the major and minor diameter wIII be increased 2 ttmes the amount of growth (see 6.10.1). The pitch diameter for threads having an included angle of 60 wtll increase 4 t~mes the amount of growth. For threads having an Included angle, other than 60, the pitch diameter will Increase 2 times the amount of growth (see 6.10.1) dlvlded by the sine of 1/2 the included angle. 6.10.3 Fabrication. Successful use ofanodlc coatings, especially the hard Type III, depends on proper product design. Because of the manner of formation, anodlc coatings will develop vo~ds at sharp corners and edges. Sharp edges and corners are dlff!cult to anodize satisfactorilyand In general should be avoided. All edges and Inside corners should be radfused prior to anodizing. Chattering should not be used unless resulting sharp edges are radlused. In general, to avoid any uncoated edges or inside corners, the plerclng and blank!ng operations should comply with the radii of curvature for nominal coating thicknesses as in Table III.




approXlma~~.lJ...z inch I approx~mately 3/3:~nch q.LA1W 1/8 0.002 approx~ma~~~1~~ ().003 ,. . *TT -+ting can be ().()()4 ! obtatne.d I ~ ~~~ckne$s oft~e.~eavy Type 1~1 W _ 1 Anod~zed:coatlng can.be anodizing ~~th all 6.10.4 Coatlna thickness. o~eranceso ;~a,tjve purFJoses, + 0.0001 ,inch(0.1 roll). than for dec( controlled to extremely closeas of as little t~ lg~neerlngrather with tolerances used for opera Dart while used pr~marlly for en techniques are processes lent. a number of highly specialized to carefully measure the coat:- , pr0cess~n9 method that may be employed k Q bath for a ftxed period of treatrof process~ng coating per unlf of ~;lon ulated rate of still wet and replace \t \O th( based upon a calcl )as~s Calculations ~~q~das the b - for determ~nlng the exact dur~-..ha time maY UC ... speciflc alloy t)e~ngcoated. typical thickness required for the . Table N gives ~.-i~ter~erenCe Is ~plted on aluminum and aluminum all ~B, IC, 6.10.5 Coating d~menslons. g, Type 1$ an anodlc coat~ngs that can be a{ the substrate materlal~ If to withstand e anod\C coat~n9S are ar~n~ ~~ accomplished by force fittjn! ngs assembly may be IS are tw thin and too br~ttl[ requ!red for assembly, Mlth Type 111 coat~ surplus coating. ~e lssemblYQ 116, and sme Type 11 coating f th IQ to force fittings. g, \aPP~~9 r otherwise remvtng abrasive dama9e urlng c!-! ----accompl~~hedby ings are brittle and may crack and span W grlndin( . alumlnum allofi ,(j~c COat All ano s on alumlnu~ and . of anodlc coating PSS ran@ me, \nch - . Th~ckness r? TABLE IV. Th\ckn$ I Tuna n fi .WW2 --L- 0.W07 to n Mlo r0at\n9w~: ..I
.tid~ co~t~d~~ one -Pd



*W, 11 111 I


0.0005 to U.uuw . -,imum,thicknesses n i

~rcnrdance with Table in9s formed on some wrought and cas 6.10.6 Coatin~ th!c~ne~ Inches nf andtc mlnlmum coat~ng weight requirements In a coatl Cmp ~: and 11, Class 1. anodlc coatln~s. for ~ \cal) in Inchof ..* _*-t*m thickness (tYP TA~LEV. rn~ni ., , .


,t Table V gives typtcal m~ll alloys that could

Alloy designation I

I ()000044 ().000035 0 000033 ().00021 0 (). 000034 ()000040 0.000045 ().00004~

q q q

2024-T4 Z024-T6 3003 s052

0.000103 0.000098 () .ooio99 :1

6061-T6 7075-T6 Alclad 2014-T6 Alclad 7075-T6 295-T6 i: 356-T6 514

0.000107 ().000102

: ().000086

MIL-A-8625F 6.10.7 Effect on fatlwe. The fatigue properties of ahmlfwm alloys can be severely reduced by anodlc coatings. The arnountof reduction varies with the process= As a general rule, the ~hlcker the coating the greater the reduction In fatigue will be. 6.11 Duplex seallnq. The corros~on resistance of dyed parts, especially those anodized in a sulfuric acid bath, Type II and HB, may be enhanced by treatment In a sodfum bichromate solutton-either during or after conventional sealing u~th nickel acetate. This treatment can cause slight changes In the color of the dye. Paint systems adhere very sat!sfactorllyto.duplex-sealed dyed coattngs. However, where any objection with such duplex sealing application Is warranted because of a firmly desired coloration, the dual process for seal!ng should not be used. 6.12 Dyelnq or coloring Type 1, IB, IC, and IIB coatings. Type I, IB, and IC coatings have a different pore structure and along with Type 116 coatings are thinner than Type 11 coatings which makes them more dlfflcult to dye. As a result, Type I, 16, IC, and IIB black anodized may not readtly obtainable. 6.13 Alloys havhq 2 percent or more copper content. Aluminum alloys having a nominal copper content of 2 percent or higher Include all 2XXX series alloys, 7050 and 7178 (see 6.14 Size of contact marks. In order toobtaln the desired current density ufthout burning the parts, the size or number of contact marks will be greater on parts having higher surface areas. Because current density fS a measure of the requtred current per square foot of aluminum being anodized, a part having twice as much surface area relative to another will require twice as much current. Trying to force the higher currents required for larger parts through smaller contact areas sufficient for parts with lower surface areas may result In burning. 6.15 S.eallnq. The hot deionized water seal Is advantagesfrom an environmentalvlew~olnt. In addltlon, The use of a hot deionized water seal on Type I and IB coatings yields good-corrosion resistance and may ellmlnate the appearance of patchy dark gray areas after salt spray exposure (see 6.18 and 6.16 Effects on coating thl.ckness. A hardcoat of 2 mfls or more h extremely difficult to obtain onhigh sll~cone die castings such as 360, 380, and 383.- It is recommended that this be considered when specifying a coating thicknessfor high sfllcone castings. 6.17 Effects of Type III coating thfckness on abras~on resistance. The abrasion resistance of Type III coatings will decrease as the coathg thickness approaches 3 roils. In general, the abrasion resistance does not Increase with Increasingcoating thickness. 6.18 Corrosion resistance of T.YpeI and IB coatings. Although plttlng may not be visually evtdent with the unaided eye, the appearance of dark gray areas on the surface after salt spray exposure is an WHcation of coating degradation. . u

6.19 Definition of a Pit. A pit is defined as an areaof localized corrosion having a depth greater than its width. As a general rule, a plt usually displays a characteristic tall or llne (see

MIL-A-8625F Previous revisions of this document specified 6.20 Acceptance crlterla. an Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) of 1.5 percent defective. 6.21 Supersedure data. Type 1, conventional chromic acid anodlzlng, referenced throughout th~s specification is the same as the Type IA designated In the D revision and the Type I in all versions preceding the D revision. 6.22 Changes from previous Issue. Asterisks are not used in this revlslon to identify changes w!th respect to the previous Issue due to the extensiveness of the changes. . 6.23 Subject term (keyword) llstinq. Aluminum Aluminum alloys Anodlc coatings Anodlzlng Chromates Chromic Acid Potassium Bichromate Sodium Bichromate



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