Alstom Testing
Alstom Testing
Alstom Testing
Testing Protection Devices
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1 Table of contents
2 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 3
8 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 28
Testing Protection Devices
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2 Overview
Tests of protection devices, which are performed by the device manufacturer, can be generally divided in
two different parts:
1. Routine Tests
– of each manufactured device
– as part of the production process
– to ensure the quality and functionality of each delivered device
2. Type Tests
– of devices manufactured in the series production
– as part of the R&D process
– to ensure the quality and functionality of all hardware and software components
The figure below shows duration, objectives, test location and targets of routine tests and type tests of
protection devices.
Test Strategies
Routine tests will be done as part of the production process. Each device has to be tested, before it will
be delivered out of the production. The main objective of the routine test is to ensure quality and
functionality of each manufactured device.
The list below shows steps of the routine of protection devices. All steps will be executed as part of the
production process.
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More steps can be added depending on the routine test strategy of the manufacturer. The results of the
routine tests have to be archived as test reports. The routine test reports shall be delivered together with
the protection device printed on paper or stored on a floppy disk.
Type tests of a protection device have to be done before the series production is started. Type tests have
to be performed as part of the R&D process to ensure the quality and functionality of all hardware and
software components. Only series produced devices have to be used for type tests.
– Accuracy tests
– Functional tests
– EMC type tests
– Safety test
– CE conformity
– Environmental tests
– etc.
– Protection functions
– Control functions
– Communication functions
– Data acquisition functions
– Measurement functions
– Programmable scheme logic
– HMI (Human Machine Interface)
– etc.
Testing Protection Devices
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Ä Test of the protection device as black box in case of realistic network situations
Modern protection devices are designed as multi-function devices. All protection, measuring and control
functions are realized as independent software modules running on one microprocessor board.
µC µP
The figure above shows the typical structure of a microprocessor based multi-function device. The data
acquisition software samples voltages and currents and stores these data in ring buffers. All device
functions have a free access to the sampled and to the precalculated data independent from each other.
Therefore it is very easy to integrate new protection functions in addition to an existing device software.
Testing Protection Devices
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Metering LIMIT
Protection Functions
The evolution from single-function protection relays to multi-function protection devices increases
dramatically the number of protection functions implemented in one device. Therefore the realization of
multi-function devices has forced the development and the realization of new test concepts.
Functional type tests of one function only are not any more sufficient. It is necessary to test the protection
device as a system. System type tests have to be defined to stimulate several device functions in parallel
e.g. distance protection, auto reclosing and synchron check. The advantage of system type tests is, that
the protection device can be tested during complex fault situations.
Customers wants to get more and more informations about the behavior of the protection device in
specific network situations. This can be e.g. the protection of a customer specific untransposed line or
basic researches about single-pole automatic reclosing in Petersson coil grounded networks. On other
typical example is to test the influence of a remanent magnetic flux in case of an automatic reclosing of a
circuit breaker after a single-pole trip command.
This publication presents a realized concept to test multi-function devices. Methods and tools will be
Testing Protection Devices
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Static type tests stimulate protection devices using voltages and currents represented by sine variables
using the fundamental frequency of the electrical power network only. Amplitude and phase angle of
voltages and currents are defined for a fixed test period. Different test periods can be combined to a test
sequence. Static type tests consist typically of pre-fault, fault and post fault periods.
M Voltages and currents are calculated as sine variables only without transient signal components.
M A sudden change of amplitudes will be realized using an absolute amplitude shift.
M A sudden change of phases will be realized using an absolute phase shift.
M The DC-component is calculated based on a mathematical equation, but not as the result of a
network simulation.
M No transient signal components can be used e.g. for ground faults in insulated or Petersson coil
grounded networks.
It can be stated that static type tests calculate voltages and currents using linear mathematical equations
only. Such equations can not take into account the transient behavior of electrical power networks.
Zq Zf Zl-Zf iA (t) R L
Monitoring Location u(t), i(t)
Fault Location uA (t)
iB (t) R L UA = ZA IA
Tripping Time
uB (t) UB = ZB IB
iC (t) R L
uC (t)
Fault Location 80% Line
The figure above shows a line model typically used from static type test tools. The line model is a simple
representation of an overhead line or cable without any mutual coupling or capacities. The next figure
shows the phase currents used for a static type tests. The phase currents were calculated based on the
presented line model.
Static type tests can be used to test the behavior of the protection device e.g. accuracy, operating times,
etc. But transient phenomena can not be taken into account. On this point of view static type tests are
only a poor representation of electrical power networks.
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Figure 6: Pre-Fault, Fault and Post Fault of Phase Currents used for Static Type Tests
As conclusion it can be stated, that static type tests are not sufficient enough to test protection devices.
Transient type tests are based on network simulation systems. A network simulation system calculates
voltages and currents by solving the differential equations of the electrical network. This method takes
into account the dynamic characteristic of the electrical network. Transient phenomena e.g. mutual
coupling are taken into account, too.
þ Voltages and currents depend on the characteristic of the electrical power network.
A transient type test consists of voltages and currents using components of the power frequency and high
order frequencies experienced during system operating conditions. The signals used in these tests can
be calculated analyzing computer models of a electrical power systems using electromagnetic transient
analysis programs.
Different dynamic network and fault situations can be simulated depending on the structure of model of
the electrical network:
Testing Protection Devices
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§ Untransposed Lines
§ Double-Circuit Lines with Mutual Coupling in the Zero Sequence System
§ etc.
First the protection engineer has to design a suitable model of the electrical network. The network
simulation software calculates voltages and currents for each network node. Voltages and currents have
to be used to stimulate the protection devices. Transient phenomena are taken into account depending
on the chosen network model.
It can be stated, that transient type tests have to be used to test protection devices in addition to static
type tests. Transient type tests give better informations about the behavior of the protection device in
case of typical network disturbances.
The network simulation system ATP (Alternative Transients Program) is designed and will be further
developed to simulate single- and multi-phase electrical power networks. ATP is very well prepared to
calculate voltages and currents of 3-phase electrical power networks. It can be used to simulate high-
frequency transient phenomena as well as stationary short circuits.
ATP supports a lot of network elements, linear and nonlinear impedances and mathematical methods to
design a model of the electrical power network.
§ Impedances (RLC)
§ Overhead Lines (Single-Circuit Lines, Double-Circuit Lines, etc.)
§ Transposed and Untransposed Lines
§ Cables
§ Transformers (2 Winding, 3 Winding, etc.)
§ Circuit Breakers
§ Generators
§ Rotating Machines
§ etc.
Further Properties
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It can be stated that the use of the network simulation system ATP improves the testing of protection
§ to calculate settings e.g. the reactive reach X1 for the protection device.
The figure below shows a line model using mutually-coupled RL elements. This line model can be used in
case of solid grounded networks, where the influence of the capacities can be neglected.
R Ls Lm
R Ls Lm
R Ls
The phase currents presented in the next figure were calculated in case of a 3-phase-to-ground fault. The
relation between reactance and resistance of the electrical network causes a DC-component.
Testing Protection Devices
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The line model based on mutually-coupled RL elements can be used to calculate balanced lines using the
positive and zero sequence impedance only. Nevertheless it is possible to calculate voltages and currents
in case of an untransposed line too, based on the geometrical and physical data of the overhead line or
the underground cable.
5.2 Line Model for Insulated and Petersson Coil Grounded Networks
The figure below shows a line model designed to simulate insulated and Petersson coil grounded
networks. The model of insulated or Petersson coil grounded networks has to be taken into account the
capacities of the overhead lines and cables as well as the inductances of all transformers.
R Ls Lm
R Ls Lm
R Ls
Testing Protection Devices
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The figures above show the phase-to-ground voltages and the phase currents in case of a single-pole-to-
ground fault. Voltages and currents were calculated using ATP.
As part of the network simulation system ATP, different line models are provided to take into account
transient phenomena. In case of single-phase-to-ground faults in insulated or Petersson coil grounded
networks, it is sufficient to use the distributed-parameter line model.
The distributed-parameter line model can be used to calculate balanced lines using the positive and zero
sequence impedance only as well as untransposed lines using the geometrical and physical data of the
overhead line or the underground cable.
Further line models take into account frequency dependent parameters e.g. the frequency dependence of
the earth resistance.
The network simulation system ATP is a very powerful tool to analyze electrical networks. But ATP was
not designed to test protection devices. Additional tools will be needed, until protection engineers can
easily use ATP to test protection devices.
First it will be analyzed, which steps have to be executed, if a protection engineer has to test a protection
device using a network simulation system. The list below shows the steps to execute one test sequence.
Testing Protection Devices
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1. Definition Phase
Definition of the test network
2. Test Phase
Generating of the ATP input file
Calculation of voltages and currents using ATP
Converting of the ATP output file e.g. to COMTRADE
Transfer of the sampled data to a test bench
Stimulation of the protection device using power amplifiers
Measuring the reactions of the protection device e.g. the operating times
Writing of the test report
3. Analyzing Phase
Analyzing the measured reactions of the protection device
The definition and the analyzing phases have to be carried out from a protection engineer. But in both
phases the protection engineer has to be assisted by suitable software tools to minimize time and costs.
The test phase has to be 100% automated using additional software tools running on a PC.
The main objective of the Universal Test Network is to assist the protection engineer during the definition
phase efficiently. “Efficiently” means to execute a maximum of test procedures with a minimum of time
and costs. The design of the Universal Test Network depends on the following basic requirements.
Basic researches have shown, that the Universal Test Network can be designed using a very small
number of network components only.
§ 2 Network Infeeds
§ 2 Busbars
§ 3 Lines (Single-Circuit Lines, Double-Circuit Lines, Cables)
Testing Protection Devices
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§ 4 Load Impedances
§ 6 Transformers
§ 14 Circuit Breakers
§ Independent Fault Types and Fault Locations
§ Some Additional Components e.g. Fault Impedances, Arc Resistances, CVT’s, etc.
The figures above and below show two different structures of the Universal Test Network using the same
number of network elements. The left network structure can be used to test distance protection devices in
case of transposed or untransposed double-circuit lines with mutual coupling in the zero sequence
system. The right network structure can be used to test transformer differential protection devices.
Figure 13: Double Line Protection (left) and Transformer Differential Protection (right)
Testing Protection Devices
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The last two figures have presented snap shots of the 32-bit-software AtpNet. AtpNet is a Windows
based graphical user interface for testing protection devices. The objectives to develop AtpNet were to
assist protection engineers
Compared with the phases of a test sequence presented in “Table 6-1: Definition of a Test Sequence”,
AtpNet helps the protection engineer to automate the test procedure as far as possible.
The definition and analyzing phases have to be performed by the protection engineer. In both phases the
protection engineer gets an optimal assistance by AtpNet. Both phases can not be done 100% automated
by a software tool, because engineers need years of experience in protection to perform both steps.
In contrast to the definition and analyzing phases, the test phase can be 100% automated. AtpNet writes
the ATP input file, starts ATP as a background task, converts the ATP output data, transfers the sampled
data to the power amplifiers and controls the complete test procedure including the stimulation of the
protection device and the analyze of the reactions.
The next figure shows the test equipment used since some years to test protection devices for type tests
and application tests.
Windows Interface
(CM Engine) Communication and
Supervision of Trip
Testing Protection Devices
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The PC shall consist of a high speed CPU and min. 256 MBytes RAM. ATP needs a lot of CPU power
and RAM to calculate voltages and currents efficiently. A Windows operating system is required to
execute ATP and the graphical user interface AtpNet. With Windows NT the best results of long term
stability have been performed.
The test systems of OMICRON can be used as external amplifiers. OMICRON includes a software library
called “CM Engine” to control and program CMC test systems using Windows operating systems. The
test software AtpNet communicates with the CMC test systems via the CM Engine DLL.
A typical test equipment consists of the basic device CMC156EP as a 3-phase voltage and 3-phase
current amplifier with extended precision. In addition one external amplifier as CMA156 with 2x 3-phase
current amplifiers can be connected. Using such a test equipment the protection engineer is able to test
distance protection devices including double-circuit lines with parallel line compensation. Transformer
differential protection can be tested up to 3 windings, line differential protection devices up to 3 terminals.
An improved test equipment can consist of the basic device CMC256. This newer basic device contains a
4-phase voltage amplifier and 2x 3-phase current amplifiers. It can be used in combination with one
external amplifier as CMA156 too. Using such a test equipment the protection engineer is able to test
transformer differential protection devices up to 4 windings and line differential protection devices up to 4
AtpNet is designed to be the control center for testing protection devices. The protection engineer can
perform all activities to test protection devices. Configuration dialogs will be presented depending on the
network elements or presented to configure the network topology.
It can be stated, that AtpNet assists protection engineers to define test networks and test procedures, to
execute test procedures and to analyze the test results.
The protection engineer can not design the test network using a drag&drop technology. He can only
activate or deactivate options in the configuration dialog. The graphical representation of the test network
depends on the chosen configuration options and will be drawn automatically.
This restrictive design method has one important advantage: It is possible to check all implemented
network configurations to maximize security and reliability. The protection engineer can define the test
network without a deep knowledge about ATP and directly will get an approved network.
In addition a lot of intuitive dialogs assist the protection engineer to configure the network elements or to
define fault types and fault situations. Complex network elements as CVT’s (Capacitive Voltage
Transformers) or CT saturation can be activated or deactivated “by a click” only.
Depending on the activated network elements and the network definition, AtpNet chooses approved
models to simulate the network elements.
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The graphical network diagram will be drawn automatically depending on the activated network elements
and the chosen network topology.
The second snap shot (right side) in the figure above shows as an example the dialog to configure line 1.
First the protection engineer has to choose the line model:
The line impedances can be defined using the other dialog elements as the line impedance or the zero
sequence system.
A flexible definition of fault types and fault sequences is one of the most important functions. AtpNet
assists the protection engineer with an intuitive dialog. The protection engineer can use up to three
different fault types for each line in parallel. Point on wave or start time and the end time can be defined
separately. The figure below shows the dialog to configure the fault situation.
Testing Protection Devices
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The example presented in the figure above defines an evolving fault. After the pre-fault, a single-pole-to-
ground fault AG occurs. The fault will be extended to a 3-pole-to-ground fault ABCG 20ms later. AtpNet
realizes the evolving fault with time programmable switches. In the lower part of the dialog, the protection
engineer can see the closing and opening times of the fault switches. He can check, that his definition of
the evolving fault is correct. The figure below shows the definition of the evolving fault depending on the
simulation time.
20 ms TIME
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Evolving faults shall be one of the standard tests for distance protection devices. A high percentage of
network faults starts with a single-pole-to-ground fault and extends after a short time gap of some
milliseconds to a 2-pole or 3-pole fault. The protection device can detect the evolving fault as one or two
separated faults. This depends on the time in between both faults. Therefore protection devices shall be
tested in case of an evolving fault using different time gaps.
The figure below shows the phase-to-ground voltages and the phase currents calculated for an evolving
fault AG ⇒ ABG in a solid grounded electrical power network using different time gaps DT.
The first two figures show phase-to-ground voltages and phase currents in case of an evolving fault with
time gap DT = 5 ms.
Figure 18: Voltages and Currents during an Evolving Fault with DT = 5ms
The next two figures show phase-to-ground voltages and phase currents in case of an evolving fault with
time gap DT = 25 ms.
Figure 19: Voltages and Currents during an Evolving Fault with DT = 25ms
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The figure below shows the transient signal components caused by an CVT (Capacitive Voltage
Transformer). The fault location of the left diagram was defined at 0% of the line length for 3-pole-to-
ground fault. Therefore the calculated voltages show only the transient behavior of the CVT after the fault
occurrence without the fundamental frequency.
The right diagram shows the phase-to-ground voltages for a fault location of about 10 km. The transient
signal components are damped by the line impedance in between the monitoring point of the protection
device and the fault location.
The energizing of a transformer causes harmonic signal components, if the transformer was not loaded.
The reason is the magnetic characteristic of the transformer core. The figure below shows the phase
currents after an unloaded transformer has been connected with an electrical power network. The phase
currents consists of harmonics caused by the inrush effect.
Testing Protection Devices
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The figure below shows the phase currents in case of a 3-pole-to-ground fault with CT saturation.
CT saturation is the most complicated situation for a protection device especially for distance protection.
The determination of the fault direction is possible in case of CT saturation. The calculation of the fault
impedance is complicated by the transient signal components caused by the non-linear inductance of the
current transformer.
The next figure shows the magnetic characteristic of the current transformer including hysteresis. The
magnetic flux was calculated by integration of the voltage measured on the non-linear inductance.
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80% of all faults in overhead line networks are single-pole-to-ground faults. After the fault clearance,
distance protection devices tries to energize the overhead line again using the automatic reclosing
function. The next two figures show the phase currents in case of a single-phase-to-ground fault with
successful fault clearance and a single-pole automatic reclosing of the circuit breaker. The diagram at the
right is a zoom of the diagram at the left.
The left figure below shows the phase-to-ground voltages in case of an fault with arc resistance. The fault
location was defined at 0% of the line length. Therefore the phase-to-ground voltage consists only of the
arc voltage caused by the dynamic behavior of the arc resistance. After the occurrence of the fault, the
arc voltage increases, because the length of the arc increases.
The diagram at right shows the phase currents. According to the physic of the arc resistance, the phase
current does not contain harmonics.
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If the test network and all network elements are configured, the protection engineer has to define the test
procedure. The test procedure consists of a sequence of single test steps. The protection device will be
stimulated for each test step, the reactions will be measured and stored into a report file. After the test
sequence is completed, the protection engineer can analyze the test results with assistance of AtpNet.
The figure above shows the dialog to define a test procedure. Test procedures can consist of up to 2 test
levels. Test level 2 will be automatically executed for each value of test level 1.
For example the figure shows the definition of a standard test procedure for EHV distance protection
devices. AtpNet modifies as "Test Level 1” the “Fault Location Line 1 “ from 0% up to 90% of the line
length in 5% steps. As “Test Level 2”, AtpNet modifies the “Point on Wave” from 0° up to 330° in 30°
steps for each fault location.
AtpNet can monitor the 10 binary inputs of the connected CMC test system. The measured operating
times will be compared with specified minimum and maximum operating times. Up to 4 monitoring ranges
can be used. The supervision of trip command, starting signal and backward direction will be used as
standard configuration of the monitored binary inputs.
In this example, the test procedure consists of 260 different test steps. The protection device will be
stimulated 10 times for each test step. In sum the protection device will be stimulated 2600 times.
For each test step, AtpNet transfers the calculated voltages and currents as sampling data to the CMC
test system. The CMC test system will then be programmed to stimulate and monitor the protection
device. AtpNet reads out the monitored data and calculates the operating times.
The operating times of the protection device will be written into a test report. An example of a test report
is presented in the text box below.
Testing Protection Devices
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Start of Type Test: 25.01.2001, 14:07:33
Device : 437
F-Number : 0.007312.0
Software Version : 602.00
Software Date : 06.12.2000
Order No. : P437-0-08555490
Order Ext. No. : 301-401-451-912-602-801-801
Monitored Binary Inputs with Static Specified Level and Max. Operating Time
No. 01: 036.071 : General trip command Spec. Level : Not relevant
Min.Op. Time: 0.0 ms
Max.Op. Time: 40.0 ms
No. 02: 036.000 : General starting Spec. Level : Not relevant
Min.Op. Time: 0.0 ms
Max.Op. Time: 40.0 ms
No. 03: 036.019 : Fault direction backward Spec. Level : Not relevant
Min.Op. Time: 0.0 ms
Max.Op. Time: 1000.0 ms
Maximum Repetitions : 10
Relaxing Time : 100 ms
Testing Protection Devices
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Metallic Short-Circuit
Fault Type AG
ALSTOM PCB Responsible | Customer Responsible
Name/Signature: | Name/Signature:
------------------------ | ------------------------
§ about the tested protection device e.g. the device identification or the software version,
§ a short description of the test procedure,
§ a description of the monitored signals,
§ the measured operating times and
§ the result of the type test.
Testing Protection Devices
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An improved kind of presentation of the test results is presented in the next figure. AtpNet can read the
presented test report and draws automatically the tripping characteristic as a graphical diagram. The
protection engineer is able to recognize the reactions of the protection device at first sight.
The diagram shows the tripping characteristic of the EHV distance protection P437 for a line reactance of
10Ω. The reactive reach of zone 1 was defined at 80% of the line length. The operating times are less
then 25ms up to the line length of 65%. The execution of this standard test procedure takes about 1 hour.
The protection device was stimulated 2600 times.
One of the objectives of the AtpNet test software was to execute test procedure batches 100%
automated. The figure below shows a snap shot of the AtpNet dialog to define an automatic test. An
automatic test consists of a sequence of test procedures. AtpNet executes each test procedure step by
step and stores the test reports in a user defined directory.
The advantage of this concept is, that the protection engineer is able to create different test batches
based on the same pool of test procedures.
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The protection engineer can analyze the test reports of an automatic test assisted by AtpNet. The test
results can be presented e.g. as operating times and deviations. The figure below shows the results of a
standard automatic test for the EHV distance protection P437. The test results are based on 62400
stimulations of the protection device.
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The EHV distance protection device P437 was tested for the fault types AG, AB and ABCG and the SIR
factors 0.25, 1, 5 and 10. The automatic test consists of 24 test procedures. The test reports would be
analyzed to identify the minimum and maximum operating times for fault locations up to 65% of the line
The second aspect was the accuracy of the decision zone. The reactive reach of zone 1 was defined at
80% of the line length. The column at the right shows the deviations of the decision zone.
8 References
The following copyright notice applies to the software that accompanies this documentation: