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NDT of Welds

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A. General
A 100 Application 101 This section provides requirements for quality control of ship hull welds during newbuilding. The section contains requirements for the application of non-destructive testing (NDT) - methods, extent of testing and required quality level for satisfactory workmanship. 102 Additional requirements to extent of testing and acceptance criteria are given in Pt.5 for the relevant ship types. A 200 Basic requirements 201 The rules are based on the following conditions mentioned below. Weld joint types The following main weld joints are covered (see figures in Sec.5): butt joints T-joints (with and without full penetration) fillet welds. Types of imperfections The main types of imperfections in fusion welding are given in EN ISO 6520-1 Welding and Allied Processes Classification of Geometric Imperfections in Metallic materials, Part 1: Fusion Welding. Testing methods For detection of surface imperfections the following methods applies: Visual testing (VT), Magnetic particle testing (MT) and Penetrant testing (PT). For detection of sub-surface imperfections the following methods applies: Ultrasonic testing (UT) and Radiographic testing (RT). The choice of test methods to be applied in each case depends on the component- or weld shape, the material and the defects to be detected. 202 For NV 420 grades and higher, final inspection and NDT shall not be carried out before 48 hours after completion unless heat treatment has been carried out.

B. NDT Procedures
B 100 General 101 NDT shall be performed in accordance with agreed written procedures that, as a minimum are in accordance with DNV Classification Notes No.7 and give detailed information on the following aspects: applicable code or standard materials, dimensions and temperature of tested material periodically verification of equipment requirements joint configuration and dimensions technique (sketches/ figures to be referenced in the NDT report) equipment and consumables sensitivity, and light conditions for MT and PT calibration techniques and calibration references testing parameters and variables assessment of imperfections and the surfaces from which the examination has been performed reporting and documentation of results. The reporting system shall ensure that there is no doubt what is examined, where it is examined and give a clear and exact description of reportable defect location. reference to applicable welding procedure(s) personnel qualification acceptance criteria. 102 Unless otherwise agreed, the surface to be tested shall be presented clean and smooth, i.e. free from dirt, scale, rust, welding spatter, etc. which may influence the results of the testing. B 200 Visual testing

201 If necessary mechanical aids (gauges and rulers) should be used to assess and size the discontinuities. Unless otherwise agreed, visual testing shall be completed before other NDT methods are applied. B 300 Magnetic particle testing 301 Where possible, both sides of the welds shall be tested. Magnetic particle testing shall be applied for welds in furrow-magnetic materials if not otherwise agreed. B 400 Radiographic testing 401 For radiographic inspection, X-ray source shall be used whenever possible. Gamma-ray sources may be used as outlined in Classification Note No.7. Radiographic testing may be replaced by ultrasonic testing and vice versa, when methodologically justifiable and in agreement with the Society. 402 Processing and storage shall be such that the radiographs maintain their quality throughout the agreed storage time. The radiographs shall be free from imperfections due to development processing. 403 Suspect planar indications discovered by radiographic testing that is left un-repaired shall be type determined, located and sized by ultrasonic testing. B 500 Ultrasonic testing 501 Ultrasonic test procedures shall contain sketches for each type of joint and dimensional range of joints which clearly show scanning pattern and probes to be used. Ultrasonic examination shall not be carried out on welds with thickness < 10 mm if not qualified and accepted down to 8 mm. Ultrasonic testing of welds shall include testing of the area adjacent to the weld for laminations and scanning for transverse defects in the weld and base material. B 600 Penetrant testing 601 Where possible, both sides of the welds shall be tested. Penetrant testing shall only be applied for welds in nonfurrow magnetic materials if not otherwise agreed.

C. Personnel Qualifications
C 100 General 101 All testing shall be carried out by qualified and certified personnel. The NDT operators shall be certified according to a recognized certification scheme accepted by the Society, e.g. EN 473, ISO 9712. The certificate shall clearly state the qualifications as to which testing method and within which category the operator is certified to.

D. Extent of NDT
D 100 General 101 The extent of testing will depend on the type of ship and the location of the joints. 102 The basic requirements for all ship types are that all welds are subject to 100% visual testing. In addition, welds shall be subjected to testing with other test methods as given in the table below. The extent may be extended further depending on quality of welds and repair rate (ref. E201). 103 The locations and areas to be examined shall be incorporated into the NDT plan.
Table D1 Minimum extent (in%) of NDT for structural welds Area Type of connection General Butt- and T-Joints, full penetration T-joints, partly penetration Fillet welds Butt- and T-Joints, full penetration T-joints, partly penetration Fillet welds Butt- and T-Joints, full penetration T-joints, partly penetration Fillet welds Testing method MT/PT1) RT/UT2) 2% 2% 2% 5% 5% 5% 20% 20% 20% 20% -

Deck/bottom plating within 0.4 L amidship Critical areas

1) Magnetic particle testing shall be applied for furrow-magnetic materials. 2) Radiographic testing shall not be applied for T-joints.

104 The different areas in Table D1 are defined as follow: Critical areas Areas in way of critical load transfer points and large stress concentrations where a failure will endanger the safety of the ship, such as: stress concentrations in rudders or intersection between rudder structure and hull for twin hull vessels stress concentrations in way of connections between hull and wet deck deck beams in open hatch container ships strength deck plating at outboard corners of cargo hatch openings in container carriers and other ships with similar hatch opening configuration other areas where the likelihood of occurrence of detrimental defects is considered to be extra high.
Guidance note: Areas to be considered for classification under this item are: - welds produced by welding methods which the yard has little or no user experience - welds produced by high heat input (>5 kJ/mm) welding methods - welds in large thickness (>50mm).

Deck and bottom plating within 0.4L amidship Sheer strake at strength deck. Stringer plate in strength deck. Deck strake at longitudinal bulkhead. Strength deck plating at corners of cargo hatch openings in bulk carriers, ore carriers, combination carriers and other ships with similar hatch opening configuration. Bilge strake. Longitudinal hatch coamings of length greater than 0.15 L. End brackets and deck house transition of longitudinal cargo hatch coamings. All watertight bulkheads independent of location.
Guidance note: For ships with no clearly defined strength deck e.g. cruise ships, the above extents shall be applied to the decks contributing most to the hull strength

General Areas not mentioned above. 105 NDT shall cover start and stop points of automatically welded seams.

E. Acceptance Criteria for NDT

E 100 General 101 All welds shall show evidence of good workmanship. For visual inspection IACS REC No.47 Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard Part A may be applied. Acceptance criteria for NDT shall normally comply with ISO 5817 quality level C, intermediate. For critical areas more stringent requirements such as ISO 5817 level B, may be applied. Level B and level C of ISO 5817 are equal to, respectively, acceptance level 2 and 3 of EN 1712/ISO 11666 Nondestructive examination of welds. Ultrasonic examination of welded joints - acceptance levels (ref. correlation given in EN 1712/ISO 11666 and EN 12062/ISO 17635). Regarding ultrasonic testing EN 1712/ISO 11666 level 2 or level 3 applies with the following amendment: All imperfections from which the reflected echo amplitude exceeds the evaluation level shall be characterised, and all that are characterised as planar e.g. cracks, lack of fusion, incomplete penetration shall be rejected. Welds tested and accepted by the builder may be verified if deemed necessary by the Society. E 200 Non-conforming weldments 201 If a non-conforming discontinuity is detected the lengths welded immediately before and after the section containing the discontinuity shall be examined by the same method. If systematically repeated discontinuities are revealed, the extent of testing shall be increased for welds manufactured under same conditions and where similar defects may be expected.

202 If non-conforming discontinuities are found to occur regularly, the welding procedures shall be reassessed before continuation of the welding, and necessary actions shall be taken to bring the production to the required quality level. 203 Detected non-conforming discontinuities shall be repaired unless they are found acceptable by the Society. Removal of weld discontinuities and repair shall be performed in accordance with a procedure approved by the Society. 204 After repair welding has been performed, the complete weld, (i.e. the repaired area plus at least 100 mm on each side) shall be subjected to at least to the same NDT method(s) as specified for the original weld.

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