T3 Verilog4CombinationalLogic
T3 Verilog4CombinationalLogic
T3 Verilog4CombinationalLogic
Verilog Programming for Implementing Combination Logic
02 October 2009
Abdullah Mansoor
Dept of Electrical Engineering
NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Gate Level Modeling
Used to describe Combinational Logic
circuits using Verilog
Coding is comparatively simpler as
compare to higher level of modeling
Use blocking statements
Design Example: XOR gate
out1=a.b + b.a
Design Example: XOR gate
module <NAME> (<LIST OF PORTS>);
//port Declarations
//data type/variables declaration
//functionality in terms of structural or behavioral style
end module
Design Example: XOR gate
module myXOR (a, b, out1);
//port Declarations
//data type/variables declaration
//functionality in terms of structural or behavioral style
end module
Good programming style is to use self explanatory port names
Do not use pre-defined keywords
Design Example: XOR gate
Step1: Port Declarations
module myXOR (a, b, out1);
input a, b;
output out1;
//data type/variables declaration
//functionality in terms of structural or behavioral style
end module
PORT Declarations:
input : Input port
output: Output port
inout: Bidirectional port
Note: inout usually used for power supply ports or other bidirectional ports
Design Example: XOR gate
Step2: Data Type Declaration
module myXOR (a, b, out1);
input a, b;
output out1;
wire a_br, b_br, and1out, and2out, out1;
//functionality in terms of structural or behavioral style
end module
Verilog Data Types:
There are three important data types in addition to other data types
available in C:
Nets: To describe interconnection between devices
Nets are further classified as wire, wand, wor etc.
Registers: To represent storage elements
Parameters: user-defined constants
Note: To know more about data types consult sec 3.2 PAL
Design Example: XOR gate
Step3: Structural Implementation
module myXOR (a, b, out1);
input a, b;
output out1;
wire a_br, b_br, and1out, and2out, out1;
not nota (a_br, a);
not notb (b_br, a);
and and1(and1out, a, b_br);
and and2(and2out, b, a_br);
or or1(out1, and1out, and2out);
end module
Not: Syntax for Instantiation:
<Buit-in gates or predefined Modules> <instance_name>(interconnections;output is first then
Design Example: XOR gate
Step3: Behavioral Implementation
module myXOR (a, b, out1);
input a, b;
output out1;
assign out1=(a & ~b) | (~a & b);
end module
Continuous assignment:
The RHS is assigned to LHS immediately
(except for small delay associated in calculation)
Continuous Assignment
Represents true Hardware implementation
Cannot implement some functionalities
Edge triggering
Sequential style code like case statements
These functions are added using non-
continuous assignments
Non-continuous assignments
These can be implemented either using
always or initial block in Verilog code
Example always block
module myXOR (a, b, out1);
input a, b;
output out1;
reg out1;
always @ (a or b) begin
out1=(a & ~b) | (~a & b);
end module
Register type out1. Not really a
register. Just Verilog Syntax.
Sensitivity list triggers action in the body
Design Example2: 2-to-1 MUX
/* 2-to-1 mux implementation*/
module myMUX (a, b, select, out1);
input a, b, select;
output out1;
wire select_br, and1out, and2out;
not (select_br, select);
and (and1out, select_br, a);
(and2out, select, b);
or (out1, and1out, and2out);
end module
Design Example3: 4-to-1 MUX
Design Example3: 4-to-1 MUX
/* 2-to-1 mux implementation*/
module myMUX4 (a, b, c, d select, out1);
input a, b, c, d;
Input [1:0] select;
output out1;
wire m1, m2;
m0 (.select(select[0]), .a(a), .b(b), .out(m1));
m1 (.select(select[0]), .a(c), .b(d), .out(m2));
m2 (.select(select[1]), .a(m1), .b(m2), .out(out1));
end module
Design Example3: 4-to-1 MUX
Using Non-Continuous assignment
/* 2-to-1 mux implementation*/
module myMUX4 (a, b, c, d select, out1);
input a, b, c, d;
input [1:0] select;
output out1;
reg out1;
always @ (a, b, c, d, select)
case (select)
2b00: out1=a;
2b01: out1=b;
2b10: out1=c;
2b11: out1=d;
end module
Simulation and Testing using Verilog
Test Bench
module testbench;
//data type declaration
//instantiate modules
//Apply Stimulus
//Display Results
end module
Test Bench MUX
module testbench;
//define variables
reg a, b;
wire out1;
//instantiate modules
myXOR XOR1 (a, b, out1);
initial begin //Apply Stimulus
#5 a=1b1;
#5 a=1b1;
#100 $stop
initial begin //Display Results
$display(a=%b, b=%b, out1=%b, a, b , out1);
end module
Reading Assignment:
Sec 3.2, Sec 6.3, and 6.4
Thank you!