Completion Technique
Completion Technique
Completion Technique
Section 1 Preface
The history of Cementing technological
The functions of cementing
The implications of cementing on well
Cement additives
Cement additives have played an important
role in the advancement of cementing
technology. To properly use the available
cements, additives were developed to
control the major cement properties
(thickening time, consistency, fluid-loss
rate, free water, setting time)
Fluid-loss control
Perhaps one of the most notable developments among all
the additives is the one that controls the fluid-loss rate of
the cement and maintains the proper water-to-cement
ratio. These additives made their debut in the early
1950s in response to deeper drilling below 10,000 to
12,000 ft. For a cement to be pumpable, excess water
above that required for proper hydration is required.
Some or all of this excess water can be easily squeezed
from the slurry, if the cement encounters a permeable
formation in the well-bore during the cement job. The
loss of only a portion of this water can significantly alter
the cement properties. If a high portion of the excess
water is squeezed from the slurry, the cement may
experience what many call a flash set. At this point, the
cement is no longer pumpable and the job is terminated
prematurely. Fluid-loss additives tie up the excess water,
and prevent it from being squeezed from the slurry.
Density-Altering Additives
The density of neat cement, i.e.,
water and cement, varies from
14.8 to 16.4 lb/gal depending
on the API Class of cement
used. In many cases of high
bottom-hole formation
pressures, the density is too
low to control the well fluids. In
other cases, lower density
cements are required to
prevent lost circulation during
the cement job. Many additives
have been developed to
control and meet density
Testing Equipments
One of the outstanding developments of
mechanical devices for cement slurry design
was the high-temperature, high-pressure
thickening time tester developed in 1939 by R. F.
Farris. The device allowed a more accurate
determination of the thickening time of cement
slurries under a simulated down-hole
environment of temperature and pressure
Cement Bondingbuilding a
base for future production
Production activities after drilling the well depend
on a good primary cement job. A solid,
continuous cement sheath around the casing is
a necessity for protecting formation integrity,
promoting maximum production from pay zones,
as well as prolonging the productive life of the
well. Poor bonding between casing wall and
cement or between the cement and the well bore
can provide paths for fluid migration.
kh( Pc pwf )
141.2 B [ln s ]
1424 ZT (L)1
The above discussion demonstrates that the ability
of a well to achieve its production potential is
influenced most by the degree of zonal isolation
achieved during the completion. The quality of
the cement sheath is in turn the most important
factor influencing zonal isolation. Therefore, the
cementation of a well should be of critical
importance to every operator.
2-1 Materials :
Portland cement consists principally of four
compounds: tri-calcium silicate(C3 S ) , di-calcium
silicate ( C2 S ), tri-calcium aluminate ( C3 A )
and tetracalium aluminoferrite ( C3 AF ). These
compounds are formed in a kiln by a series of
reactions at temperatures as high as 1500
between lime, silica, alumina, and iron oxide.
In the above
S SiO2
A Al2O3
F Fe2 o3
2-2 Classification
API classification system
There are 8 classes of API Portland cements,
designated A through H. They are arranged
according to the depths to which they are
placed, and the temperatures and pressures
to which they are exposed. If you meet some
problems in using the specifications, you can
refer to them in some handbooks. Here is the
simple classification.
2-3-2 Categories
Eight categories of additives are generally
1.Accelerators: chemicals which reduce the setting
time of a cement system, and increase the rate
of compressive strength development.
2.Retarders: chemicals which extend the setting
time of a cement system
3.Extenders: materials which lower the density of a
cement system, and/or reduce the quantity of
cement per unit volume of set product.
Typical process
Types of centralizing
Cementing plugs
packers are
used in
2 Well-bore environment
The specific problems posed by the nature of the
open-hole interval traversed by the casing string
require careful evaluation. One must consider
the presence of pay zones, of over-pressured
formations, or, etc. Pore pressures are important
from a those with low fracture gradients, gas,
massive salt zones well-security standpoint, and
information on this chemical properties of the
mud also need to be may be obtained by mud
logging. The physical and considered when
designing a cement job. Chemical washes,
spacers, or other flush fluids must be compatible
with the mud as well as the cement, and may
need to contain special additives.
3 Temperature data
Both bottom-hole circulating temperature (BHCT) and
bottom-hole static temperature
(BHST) need to be considered as well as the temperature
differential (DT) between the bottom and top of the
cement column. The first of these, BHCT, is the
temperature to which the cement will , theoretically, be
exposed as it is placed in the well. As such, it is the
temperature which will be used for high temperature,
high-pressure thickening time testing of the proposed
cement formulation. BHST is important principally for
either the assessment of the long-term stability, or the
rate of compressive strength development of a given
cement system. The temperature differential between
the top and bottom of the cement can be extremely
important when embarking upon a cementing design.
V k1 ( D d1 ) H d 2 h
D-the diameter of the well-hole
d1-the outside diameter of the casing
d2-the inside diameter of the casing
H-the height of the mud to be lifted
h-the height of the slurry
2. G=k2*Q*V
G-the volume of the cement , bag
Q-the volume of dry cement needed per 1
( L d L d Lslurry
L L d )
V-the volume of theV cement
3.The volume of fresh water
V1-the water needed to mix into slurry per bag
4. The volume of mud to be displaced
Vmud ( L1d12 L2 d 22 L L Ln d n2 )
1 1
Mud Removal
chemical Wash: 20 bbl
Turbulent Flow Spacer (12 lb/gal [1.44 g/cm*3]): 80 bbl
Total volume
100 bbl
The casing should be well centralized and rotated/reciprocated through
the job.
Laboratory testing optimizes the slurry formulations to meet the
required performance specifications, and also provides data
concerning the rheological properties of the slurries, spacers, and
mud at both surface and down-hole conditions. These data ( Table
11-6, 11-7, and 11-8 ) are then used in the final job design.
It must be stressed here that these calculations are based purely on
hydrostatic pressures, and are used to determine well security after
placement. A graphical representation of these data is shown in Fig,
11-3. a simulation of the actual operation, including shutdowns, rate
changes, U-tubing, etc., is shown in Figs 11-4 and 11-5 . A job
schedule table, representative of the expected rig procedures, upon
which the simulation is based, is illustrated in Table 11-9 . Figure 114 illustrates the fact that flow rates in and out of the well are not
equivalent for a large part of the job.
9300 ft
1. Conductor pipe
The conductor is usually the first and shortest casing string.
Its purpose is to protect shallow sands from being
contaminated by drilling fluids, and help prevent
washouts which can easily occur near the surface
because of loose, unconsolidated topsoils, gravel
beds, etc. the conductor pipe also serve as a channel
to raise the circulating fluid high enough to return to the
mud system. It can be used for the attachment of a
blowout preventer (BOP), should gas sands, for
example, be encountered at shallow depths. The
conductor pipe serves to protect the subsequent
casing strings from corrosion, and may be used to
support some of the wellhead load when the ground
support may be inadequate.
2 Surface casing
The second string of casing, which serves to case off
unconsolidated formations and aquifers found at
relatively shallow depths, is known as surface casing. In
addition to maintaining hole integrity, the surface casing
prevents the contamination of fresh groundwater by
drilling fluids, subterranean brines, oil, or gas. Quite
often, the surface casing is the first string to which BOPs
are connected. Therefore, the selected casing must be
strong enough to support a BOP and to withstand the
gas or fluid pressures which may be encountered.
Surface casing should have the strength to support
further casing strings and production tubulars, and
provide a solid anchor for the casing head when the well
is put on production. Ordinarily, the burst pressure
should be equal to one psi per foot of depth to which it is
3 Producing casing
Setting this string of casing is one of the principal objectives
when drilling a well. In many ways, the production string
is the oil well. This string of casing serves to isolate the
reservoir from undesirable fluids in the producing
formation, and from other zones penetrated by the wellbore. It is the protective housing for the tubing and other
equipment used in a well. The production casing is
normally run and cemented through a zone to be
produced, and then perforated to allow communication
with the formation. Sometimes it is set just above the
zone, and an open-hole completion is performed. The
production casing is normally the last casing set in the
well. It may be subjected to maximum well pressures
and temperatures, and must be designed to withstand
such conditions. The cementing of production casings is
1. Single-Stage cementing
After the casing is in place, the mud is circulated
as long as necessary to remove high-gelstrength mud pockets formed during the semistatic period of removing the drill-pipe, logging,
or running the casing. Mud circulation is
usually performed through the cement head to
avoid stopping for an excessive period of time
after the mud has been conditioned. If a singleplug cement head is used, circulation must be
stopped prior to cementing to load both
cement plugs.
2.Multiple-Stage cementing
Multiple-stage cementing may be necessary for a variety of
Down-hole formations unable to support hydrostatic
pressures exerted by a long column of cement,
Upper zone to be cemented with ( higher density, higher
compressive strength ) uncontaminated cement, and
Cement not required between widely separated intervals.
Most of the reasons for multiple-stage cementing fall in the
first category. Three standard multistage techniques are
commonly employed:
Regular two-stage cementing where the cementing of
each stage is a distinct and separate operation,
Continuous two-stage cementing with both stages
cemented in one continuous operation, and
Three-stage cementing where each stage is cemented
as a separate operation.
4. Liners
A liner is a string of standard casing which does not extend
all the way to the surface, but is hung from inside the
previous casing string. The overlap depends on the
purpose of the liner, and could vary from 50 ft ( 15 m) for
drilling liners to as long as 500 ft (152 m) for production
liners. Liners can be classified as follows:
* production liners: run from the last casing to total depth,
they replace production casing. Cementing is usually
critical as zonal isolation is essential during production
and any subsequent stimulation treatments that may be
Drilling or intermediate liners: these are set primarily to
case off and isolate zones of lost circulation, highly overpressured zones, sloughing shales, or plastic formations,
so that drilling may be continued.
Tieback stub liners: these extend from the top of an
existing liner to a point up-hole inside another casing.
Types of liners
Section 1 Introduction to
1-1 Main factors influencing completion design
1.Parameters related to the wells purpose
The purpose of drilling can vary depending on the well, with a
distinction basically made between: an exploration well; an appraisal
well; a development well
2.Parameters related to the environment
There may be constraints on operation due to the country or site where
the well is located, whether on land or offshore.
3.Parameters related to drilling
Type of drilling rig ,well profile and the drilling program are the factors
should be considered.
4.Parameters related to the reservoir
The reservoir pressure and its changes is the main factor that we have
to consider.
PI th
With :
(ln s )
furthermore, the flow efficiency (Fe) is defined as
the ratio between the actual flow rate and the
theoretical flow rate that the ideal well would
have under the same bottom-hole pressure
Qth PI th (ln R s )
PI th 7 s 8 s
2 Selectivity
The problem may either involve one bore-hole that
penetrates several reservoir formations or one reservoir
containing several fluids. It is necessary to understand
the reservoir and its behavior over time , especially in the
second case.
The contrast in mobility (ratio between permeability and
viscosity for a given fluid )
between the target fluid and the other fluids present is also
a very important parameter. It is particularly unfavorable
for oil and gas.
3. Minimizing restrictions in the flow path
In the long run all energy consumption in the form of
pressure losses has a negative effect, either in terms of
flow rate or natural flow capability. As a result, it is
important to endeavor to minimize these restrictions.
4 Well safety
Here we mean both safety during completion operations as
such and also safety later on during production. The main
points that need to be taken into consideration are the
pressure , equipment corrosion and erosion, and effluent
5. Flow adjustment
During production the flow of a well needs to be controlled.
In particular reservoir considerations or local regulations
may mean that the flow rate must be deliberately limited.
6. Operations at a later date
A number of measurement and maintenance operations are
required in order to monitor the reservoir and maintain the
means of production . This should be practicable without
having to resort to workover. It may also be advisable to
be able to carry out certain adaptations or modifications
according to the changing operate conditions without
having to pull out equipments.
2 Multiple-zone completions
In the past, the technique of producing
several levels together through the same
tubing was used. It required only a
minimum amount of equipment. However,
the subsequent reservoir and production
problems that were experienced have
caused this practice to become much less
3.Tubingless completions
Completion fluids
This is the term of the specific fluid that is used opposite the
pay zone, it is designed to cause the least damage possible
to the reservoir. it must be pumped into the well before the
formation is penetrated, whatever the configuration chosen
for the connection between the borehole and the pay zone.
This is particularly true and important for sandstone type
formations which do not react well to acid. It is often
difficulty to formulate a fluid which:
* does not damage the reservoir
* provides good characteristic with respect to drilling
The completion fluid is therefore used mainly:
* if possible or necessary as soon as the pay zone is
drilled in
*during initial completion
* to control the well
* during work-over, after the well has been produced, to
repair or modify the well
2-2 Perforating
2-2-1 The aim of perforating is to re-establish the
best possible connection between the pay zone
and the borehole when the chosen configuration
is cased hole. Although perforating was done
originally by bullets and even though in some
very special cases other techniques such as
hydraulic perforation may be advantageous,
today shaped charges are used almost
exclusively. An effective connection depends
largely on the perforation method and of the
type of support or gun.
pressure perforating
after equipment
Perforations are made
after well equipment
has been run in and
once the production tree
has been installed, with
the well full of a light
fluid. The guns are run
into the well through the
tubing by means of an
electric cable through a
Overbalanced pressure
perforating here a
large gun can be run
directly through the
casing with the
following advantages:
* large explosive loads
* Multiple shot directions
with close clearance
and consequently good
particularly penetration.
2 Back surging
This technique consists in using a temporary string
equipped with an atmospheric pressure chamber on the
lower end. By opening the lower valve, a considerable
negative pressure is applied almost immediately to all of
the perforations while the flow volume is restricted at the
same time.
3 Circulation washing with a washing tool
The perforations are cleaned by circulating from one to the
other beginning at the bottom by means of a tool
equipped with cups. The circulating flow rate is in the
range of several hundred liters per minute. The
technique is mainly used when gravel packing is due to
be installed later on for sand control. It is designed to
make sure that all the perforations are open, but the
circulating fluid and the fines that are stirred up may
damage the formation.
4. Acid washing
Acid is injected under pressure to restore the connection
between the formation and the well-bore. Acid is
pumped down to bottom either before final equipment
installation by using a temporary string or after it.
Whatever the cleaning method used, the perforations are
never 100% unplugged and the modifications brought
about by treatment may even promote plugging.
Additionally, each time that cleaning is undertaken with a
temporary string, temporary plugging agents may have
to be used afterwards to re-stabilize the well so that the
temporary string can be pulled out and the final
completion equipment can be run in.
As a result, when the formation itself is not badly plugged
up the best way of cleaning the perforations is to
perforate under under-balanced pressure conditions
after equipment installation to keep from damaging the