Interaction of L-Alanine and L-Valine Aminoacid Molecules With Phospholipid Bilayer. Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Interaction of L-Alanine and L-Valine Aminoacid Molecules With Phospholipid Bilayer. Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Interaction of L-Alanine and L-Valine Aminoacid Molecules With Phospholipid Bilayer. Molecular Dynamics Simulation
S. A. Aramyan , A. H. Poghosyan ,
Cor. Member of NAS RA A. A. Shahinyan
The aim of this work was to determine the ways of interaction of aminoacids with
phospholipid bilayers using computer simulation methods. Particularly for these
simulations the method of molecular dynamics was used. It was interesting to
find out in details the ways of aminoacid-phospholipids bilayer interactions in
atomic scale. There were used molecules of L-alanine and L-valine with the bilayer
consisting of 128 dipalmitoilphosphatidilcholine (dppc) and 3655 water molecules.
In this experiment there are elucidated many nuances of aminoacid behavior and
bilayer property changes during aminoacid addition to bilayer.
Aminoacid behavior
In Fig. 5 you can see the permeation of
aminoacid into the bilayer. During simulation
aminoacids are entering to bilayer from their
starting point until phosphorus level (7.5 ns)
and then even go deeper then average
phosphors. From figure it is clear that at the
end of simulation, starting from 12 ns till end,
L-valine penetrates deeper then L-alanine,
which can be explained by L-valines more
hydrophobicity compared with L-alanine.
• In conclusion we can say that we have modeled for the first time
the above mentioned aspect of interaction between phospholipid
bilayer and aminoacids.
• Several parameters, describing the structure of the bilayer, such as
area per lipid on the surface of bilayer, thickness of bilayer,
arrangement of aminoacid molecules in the bilayer were
• We have got that areas per lipid for the aminoacid neighboring part
of bilayer are decreasing from 0.62 to 0.4 nm2. And the bilayers
thicknesses again for the aminoacid neighboring part of bilayers are
decreasing from 3.7 to 3.5 nm.
• Aminoacids center of masses are penetrating into the bilayer
deeper then lipids average phosphorus for 0.3 nm, furthermore L-
valine is penetrating deeper than L-alanine.
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