Critical Appraisal
Critical Appraisal
Critical Appraisal
Validity Questions to ask Key Learning points
• Is there outcome data for How do dropouts threaten
all patients show entered validity? Dropouts or those
the trial? • If so, was the lost to follow-up create
F: Patient percentage of patients missing data that might
Follow-Up without outcome data disrupt the balance in
Were all similar between groups? • groups created by
patients who Were reasons why patients randomization, especially
entered the dropped out or were since those who
trial properly missing outcome data well- discontinue a study often
accounted for described? have a different prognosis
and attributed than do those who
at its continue. A large number
conclusion? of dropouts may introduce
Was follow-up systematic differences
complete? between groups in those
lost to follow-up
Why is randomization
important? Randomization
R: guarantees that each
Randomizati subject has the same
• Were patients selected chance of entering any
on Was the at random from the target
allocation group and aims to
population? • Was the balance groups for known
(assignment) assignment randomized?
of patients to and unknown prognostic
• Was the method to factors so that group
treatment generate randomization differences can be
randomized? appropriate? • Was
Was the attributed to the effect of
evidence of concealment treatment. Allocation
allocation provided?
concealed? concealment assures that
those assessing eligibility
and assigning patients to
groups don’t have
knowledge of the
allocation sequence.
• Were all patients Why intention-to-treat
analyzed in the groups to analysis is important? ITT
which they were preserves the balance of
I: Intention to randomized? • What prognostic factors in
Treat percentage of patients was groups created by the
Analysis excluded from the original random group
Were patients analyses? • How were allocation. It provides the
analyzed in missing outcomes handled truest estimate of the
the groups to (e.g., were missing data effects of treatment
which they imputed using statistical allocation in real-world
were modeling techniques)? • If practice by including data
randomized? missing data were imputed from crossovers, non-
Were all was a sensitivity analysis adherents, dropouts and
randomized or “worst case scenario” those lost to follow-up
patient data analysis done? If so, what
analyzed? did that analysis show?
• Was sufficient
information provided Why should the groups
S: Similar about important be similar at baseline? It
Baseline demographic and clinical is important to verify that
Characteristi characteristics known to
those factors known to
cs of affect prognosis? • If influence outcome are
Patients important differences equally distributed. And
Were groups existed between the
to assess the potential
similar at the groups, did the
effect on the study
start of the imbalance favor the outcome of an imbalance
trial? control or treatment that occurs by chance.
Why is blinding important?
• Potential groups needing Blinding equalizes the
blinding: patients, effect of patient and
providers, raters or therapist expectations on
assessors, data analysts, outcome across groups.
B: Blinding adjudicators. • While For raters, blinding
Were patients, patients and providers are minimizes subjectivity in
health necessarily unblinded in outcome measurement.
workers, and psychotherapy trials, For providers, blinding
study objectivity is enhanced by eliminates the possibility of
personnel the use of blinded raters either
“blind” to and objective outcome conscious/unconscious
treatment? measures. • If appropriate, differential administration
was the integrity of the of effective intervention to
blinding tested and found either group, such as co-
to have been preserved? interventions (unintended
additional care to either
group) or contamination
(provision of the
intervention to the control
E: Equal Why should groups be
Treatment treated equally? Equal
Aside from treatment helps
• Were patients in the
the guarantee that the
different groups treated
experimental differently in any way groups remain
intervention, prognostically balanced
(other than the
were the intervention)? by avoiding systematic
groups differences in the care
treated provided other that the
equally? intervention.
Weaknesses or
concerns: How
serious are the
Summary of article’s threats to
validity validity and in
what direction
could they bias
the study
1a. R- Was the assignment of patients to treatments
What is best? Where do I find the information
Centralised computer The Methods should tell you
randomisation is ideal and how patients were allocated to
often used in multi-centred groups and whether or not
trials. Smaller trials may use randomisation was concealed.
an independent person (e.g,
the hospital pharmacy) to
“police” the randomization.
What is best? Where do I find the
Losses to follow-up should The Results section should
be minimal – preferably less say how many patients were
than 20%. However, if few Randomised (eg., Baseline
patients have the outcome of Characteristics table) and
interest, then even small how many patients were
losses to follow-up can bias actually included in the
the results. Patients should analysis. You will need to
also be analysed in the read the results section to
groups to which they were clarify the number and reason
randomised – ‘intention-to- for losses to follow-up.
treat analysis’.
This paper: Yes No Unclear Comment:
3. M - Were measures objective or were the patients
and clinicians kept “blind” to which treatment was
being received?
What is best? Where do I find the
It is ideal if the study is First, look in the Methods
‘double-blinded’ – that is, both section to see if there is
patients and investigators are some mention of masking of
unaware of treatment treatments, eg., placebos
allocation. If the outcome is with the same appearance
objective (eg., death) then or sham therapy. Second,
blinding is less critical. If the the Methods section should
outcome is subjective (eg., describe how the outcome
symptoms or function) then was assessed and whether
blinding of the outcome the assessor/s were aware of
assessor is critical. the patients' treatment.
This paper: Yes No Unclear Comment:
What were the results?
How large was the treatment effect?
Most often results are presented as dichotomous outcomes
(yes or not outcomes that happen or don't happen) and can
include such outcomes as cancer recurrence, myocardial
infarction and death.
Consider a study in which
Similar Patients
1. Are your patients similar to those in the
2. Are they so different that the results can’t
help you?
3. How much of the study effect can you
expect for your patients?
Realistic Interventions
4. Is the intervention
realistic in your setting?
+ve -ve
Index test +ve 240
-ve 600
+ve -ve
10 600 610
250 750 1000
What is the measure? What does it mean?
Sensitivity (Sn) = the The sensitivity tells us how well the
proportion of people with the test identifies people with the
condition who have a positive condition. A highly sensitive test will
test result. not miss many people.
In our example, the Sn = 10 people (4%) with dementia were
240/250 = 0.96 falsely identified as not having it. This
means the test is fairly good at
identifying people with the condition.
Specificity (Sp) = the The specificity tells us how well the
proportion of people without the test identifies people without the
condition who have a negative condition. A highly specific test will not
test result. falsely identify many people as having
the condition.
In our example, the Sp = 150 people (20%) without dementia
600/750 = 0.80 were falsely identified as having it.
This means the test is only moderately
good at identifying people without the
Positive Predictive Value (PPV) This measure tells us how well the test
= the proportion of people with a performs in this population. It is
positive test who have the dependent on the accuracy of the test
condition. (primarily specificity) and the
prevalence of the condition.
In our example, the PPV = Of the 390 people who had a positive
240/390 = 0.62 test result, 62% will actually have
Negative Predictive Value This measure tells us how well the test
(NPV) = the proportion of people performs in this population. It is
with a negative test who do not dependent on the accuracy of the test
have the condition. and the prevalence of the condition.
In our example, the NPV = Of the 610 people with a -ve test , 98%
600/610 = 0.98 will not have dementia.
Step 3: Applicability of the results
Were the methods for performing the test described in sufficient
detail to permit replication?
What is best? Where do I find the information?
I a. Meta-analysis of RCT
b. Large RCT
II a. Controlled trial without randomization
b. Cohort, case control studies
III a. Cross-sectional
b. Case series, case reports
IV Expert opinion
Impelentation of
of EBM
practice How
How to
to get
get started
1. Teaching EBM in medical schools
Easier than to change the already existing attitude
Most important
May be included in formal curricula or integrated in
existing activities: ward rounds, on calls, case
presentations, group discussions, journal clubs, etc
2. Workshop for teaching staff
3. Workshop for practitioners, incl. nurses
Resistance to
to EBM
EBM teaching
teaching &
Clinical guidelines
Practice development leaders (! Environment)
Development units
Dissemination of good practice
Research summaries
Action research