Power System Protection Week-01: Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh Lecturer (EE) Sukkur IBA University
Power System Protection Week-01: Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh Lecturer (EE) Sukkur IBA University
Power System Protection Week-01: Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh Lecturer (EE) Sukkur IBA University
1. Quiz(03) -10marks
2. Assignments(02) -05 marks
3. Presentation/Class performance -05 marks
Total - 20 marks
Protection is the science, skill, and art of applying and setting
relays or fuses, or both, to provide maximum sensitivity to faults
and undesirable conditions, but to avoid their operation under all
permissible or tolerable conditions.
Power System Protection…..
Electrical energy systems consists of various equipments
connected together. Typically, power is generated at lower
voltages (a few kV) (3-phase ac voltage source) which is stepped
up by a transformer and fed into a transmission grid.
A transmission grid is a meshed network of high voltage lines
(underground or overhead) and transformers. It can have
multiple voltage levels like 500 kV, 220 kV, etc.
The power is delivered to load centers which may be far off
(even thousands of km's apart).
This system has to be protected from abnormalities (For example;
Transformer Protection
Generator Protection
Motor Protection
Health loss
Anxiety (unease)
Educational loss
Traffic jam
Damage equipment
% Causes Of Faults
1. Lightning 12
2. Sleet, wind, mechanical (jumping conductors) 20
3. Apparatus failure 20
4. Switching to a fault 20
5. Miscellaneous (tree falling on line, birds, etc..) 28
1. Symmetrical Fault
The faults which involve all the three phases is known as the
symmetrical fault. Such types of fault remain balanced even after the
fault. The symmetrical faults mainly occur at the terminal of the
generators. The fault on the system may arise on account of the
resistance of the arc between the conductors or due to the lower
footing resistance. The symmetrical fault is sub-categorized into line-
to-line-to-line fault and three-phase line-to-ground-fault
The most dangerous fault, that occurs in a power system is the short
circuit. In 3 – phase ac power networks, the SC faults can be classified as;
• Human errors: Electrical faults are also caused due to human errors such as selecting
improper rating of equipment or devices, forgetting metallic or electrical conducting
parts after servicing or maintenance, switching the circuit while it is under servicing, etc.
• Smoke of fires: Ionization of air, due to smoke particles, surrounding the overhead lines
results in spark between the lines or between conductors to insulator. This flashover
causes insulators to lose their insulting capacity due to high voltages.
Harmful Effect of Faults on Power System:
On the occurrence of the fault, heavy short circuit current is flowing in the circuit. This
current have the following disadvantages. Their consequences are explained below in
1.The heavy current due to fault causes excessive heating which may result in fire or
2.Sometimes the short circuit current takes the form of an arc that may cause considerable
damage to the element of the power system.
3.The stability of the power system may be adversely affected, and even the complete
shutdown of the power system may occur.
4.Damage to other apparatus in the system may be caused due to overheating and due to
abnormal mechanical forces set up.
Short Circuit
Whenever a fault occurs on a network such that a large current flows in one or
more phases, a short-circuit is said to have occurred.
When a short circuit occurs, a heavy current called short circuit current flows
through the circuit. This can be beautifully illustrated by referring to Fig. 16.6
where a single-phase generator of voltage V and internal impedance Zi is supplying
to a load Z. Under normal conditions, the current in the circuit is limited by *load
impedance Z. However, if the load terminals get shorted due to any reason, the
circuit impedance is reduced to a very low value ; being Zi in this case. As Zi is
very small, therefore, a large current flows through the circuit. This is called short-
circuit current.
What is Short-Circuit, overload and Earth fault?
• When a short-circuit occurs, the voltage at fault point is reduced to zero and
current of abnormally high magnitude flows through the network to the point of
• On the other hand, an overload means that loads greater than the designed
values have been imposed on the system. Under such conditions, the voltage at
the overload point may be low, but not zero. The undervoltage conditions may
extend for some distance beyond the overload point into the remainder of the
system. The currents in the overloaded equipment are high but are substantially
lower than that in the case of a short-circuit.
• Earth fault is the unintentional fault between the live conductor and the earth.
It also occurs, because of the insulation breakdown. When the fault occurs, the
short-circuit currents flow through the system, and this current is returned
through the earth or any electrical equipment. This fault current damaged the
equipment of the power system and also interrupted the continuity of the supply.
A short-circuit current is differentiated from an overload by the fact that the
current is flowing outside of the normal path. These currents are much
larger than overload and can cause significant damage in the form of
thermal, magnetic, and arcing. Time is critical in the interruption of short
circuits from the system.
A short circuit in the power system is the result of some kind of abnormal
conditions in the system. It may be caused due to internal and/or external effects.
(ii) External effects causing short circuit include insulation failure due to lightning
surges, overloading of equipment causing excessive heating; mechanical damage by
public etc.
1. Heavy currents due to short – circuit cause excessive heating which may result in
fire or explosion.
2. Due to short circuit, arc may struck and damage the elements of power system.
(i.e., overhead conductors)
3. Unsymmetrical S.C faults introduce unbalance currents results in unbalance
voltages throughout the network.
4. Stability of the power system may be adversely affected and even the complete
shutdown of power system.
5. Damage to other apparatus in the system may be caused due to overheating and
abnormal mechanical forces set up.
6. there may be considerable reduction in voltage on healthy feeders connected to
the system having fault. This may cause either an abnormally high current being
drawn by the motors or the operation of no – voltage coils of motors. In the later
case loss of production may result as the motors will have to be restarted.
7. In an interconnected system, when a fault develops, reduction in voltage or
frequency may occur. In result motors, which normally take power from the supply,
starts feeding the fault, they may be termed as sources of fault power.
Short-Circuit Currents
Most of the failures on the power system lead to short-circuit fault and cause heavy current
to flow in the system. The calculations of these short-circuit currents are important for the
following reasons :
(ii) The magnitude of short-circuit current determines the setting and sometimes the types
and location of protective system.
(iii) The magnitude of short-circuit current determines the size of the protective reactors
which must be inserted in the system so that the circuit breaker is able to withstand the
fault current.
(iv) The calculation of short-circuit currents enables us to make proper selection of the
associated apparatus (e.g. bus-bars, current transformers etc.) so that they can withstand
the forces that arise due to the occurrence of short circuits.
• As we know that The type of electrical failure that causes greatest concern is
the short circuit, or “fault” as it is usually called, but there are other abnormal
operating conditions peculiar to certain elements of the system that also require
attention. Some of the features of design and operation aimed at preventing
electrical failure are:
D. Features that operate throughout the period from the inception of the fault until
after its removal, to maintain voltage and stability.
1. Automatic voltage regulation.
2. Stability characteristics of generators.
F. Frequent surveys as system changes or additions are made, to be sure that the
foregoing features are still adequate.
• Thus, protective relaying is one of several features of system
design concerned with minimizing damage to equipment and
interruptions to service when electrical failures occur.
• When we say that relays “protect” we mean that, together with
other equipment, the relays help to minimize damage and improve
service. It will be evident that all the mitigation features are
dependent on one another for successfully minimizing the effects
of failure.
• Therefore, the capabilities and the application requirements of
protective-relaying equipment should be considered concurrently
with the other features. This statement is emphasized because
there is sometimes a tendency to think of the protective-relaying
equipment after all other design considerations are permanently
settled. Within economic limits, an electric power system should
be designed so that it can be adequately protected.
Basic Protective Equipment….
The isolation of short circuits and overloads requires the
application of protective equipment that will both:
i) sense an abnormal condition and then
ii) remove the affected portion from the system.
In some types the sensing device and the interrupting device are
completely separated, interconnected only through external control
In other types the sensing and interrupting functions are combined
in the same device.
A fuse is both a sensing and interrupting device. It is connected
in series with the circuit and responds to thermal effects produced
by current flow through it. Its fusible element is designed to open
at a predetermined time depending on the amount of current that
Circuit breakers are interrupting devices only and must be used
in conjunction with sensing devices to fulfill the detection
function. In the case of medium and high voltage (hundreds of kV)
circuit breakers, the sensing devices are separate protective relays
or combinations of relays.
Components of a Typical Protection System…….
Protective Relays
Circuit Breakers
Protective Relays
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) defines
a relay as ‘‘an electric device that is designed to respond to input
conditions in a prescribed manner and, after specified conditions are
met, to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in
associated electric control circuits.’’
The IEEE defines a protective relay as "a relay whose function is
to detect defective lines or apparatus or other power system
conditions of an abnormal or dangerous nature and to initiate
appropriate control circuit action" (IEEE 100, 2000).
Formally, a relay is a logical element which processes the inputs
(mostly voltages and currents) from the system/apparatus and
issues a trip decision if a fault within the relay's
jurisdiction/influence is detected.
Loss of power, voltage dips(rise and fall), and over voltages will occur
,because it is impossible as well as impractical to avoid the consequences of
natural events, Physical accidents, equipment failure, or human error. Many of
these result in faults: unintentional, accidental connections, and flashovers b/w the
phase wires or from the phase wires to ground.
It is important to take timely decisions in a power system’s protection
because time margin is very narrow, and when faults occur, a recheck
for verification or a decision-making procedure that involves additional
time, is not desirable.it is vital:
Digital relay
Numerical Relays
Electromechanical Relays
Output Element
The signals obtained from measuring element are required to be
amplified before applying to the tripping circuit.
Thus output element is an amplifier. Sometimes this element not
only amplifies the signals but multiplies them or combines them
with other signals to delay them.
Feed Element
The measuring element uses electronic circuits consisting
transistors, diodes etc. The output element uses transistor as an
amplifier. All these components along with the tripping circuit
require dc supply for proper functioning. The feed element
provides the dc voltage required by various elements.
Applications of Solid state Relays:
SSR has gained favor in various regions that was earlier the domain of
electromechanical relay or contactor. These are increasingly used in
transformers, lamps, temperature control, solenoids, motors and
valves etc. Few applications include the following:
1. Industrial automation, lighting and appliances
2. Packaging and tooling machines
3. Electronic appliances
4. Manufacturing equipment
5. Test and security systems
6. Instrumentation system
7. Production equipment
8. On-board power control
9. Traffic control
10.Elevator control etc
Advantages of Static Relays:
1. The moving parts are absent in the control circuit.
2. The burden on current transformers gets considerably reduced
thus smaller C.Ts can be used.
3. The power consumption is very low as most of the circuits are
4. The response is very quick.
5. As moving parts are absent, the minimum maintenance is
required. No bearing friction or contact troubles exist.
6. The resetting time can be reduced and overshoots can be reduced
due to absence of mechanical inertia and thermal storage.
7. The sensitivity is high as signal amplification can be achieved
very easily.
8. The
use of printed circuits eliminates the wiring errors and mass
production is possible.
9. As electronic circuits can be used to perform number of
functions, the wide range of operating characteristics can be
obtained, which almost approach to ideal requirements.
10. The low energy levels required in the measuring circuits make
the relays smaller and compact in size.
11. The testing and servicing is simplified.
Limitations of Static Relays
With various advantages, the static relays also have the following
1. The characteristics of electronic components such as transistors,
diodes etc. are temperature dependent. Hence relay characteristics
vary with temperature and ageing.
2. The reliability is unpredictable as it depends on a large number of
small components and their electrical connections.
3. These relays have low short time overload capacity compared to
electromagnetic relays.
4. Additional dc supply is required for various transistor circuits.
5. Susceptible to the voltage fluctuations and transients.
6. Less mechanically robust compared to electromagnetic relays.
Digital Relay
• The world's first commercially available digital protective relay was introduced to
the power industry in 1984.
• A microprocessor-based digital protection relay can replace the functions of many
discrete electromechanical instruments. These relays convert voltage and currents
to digital form and process the resulting measurements using a microprocessor.
• The digital relay can emulate functions of many discrete electromechanical relays
in one device, simplifying protection design and maintenance.
• Each digital relay can run self-test routines to confirm its readiness and alarm if a
fault is detected. Digital relays can also provide functions such as communications
interface, monitoring of contact inputs, metering, waveform analysis, and other
useful features.
• Digital relays can, for example, store multiple sets of protection parameters, which
allows the behavior of the relay to be changed during maintenance of attached
Numerical Relays
Protective relays have undergone wonderful evolution over the
years. The microprocessor that was invented around 1971,
revolutionized the electronics scene in its entirety and the
development of a microprocessor-based relay followed soon
Other popular nomenclatures for such relays are digital relay,
computer-based relay or numerical relay. In numerical relays, there
is an additional entity, the software, which runs in the background
and which actually runs the relay.
With the advent of numerical relays, the emphasis has shifted
from hardware to software. Hardware is more or less the same
between any two numerical relays. What distinguishes one
numerical relay
from the other is the software.
So, The modern numerical relay
has evolved from a torque
balancing device to a programm-
-able information processor.
Block Diagram of a Numerical Relay
The signals from the CTs and PTs cannot be sampled without
anti-aliasing filter (a low-pass filter) and converted to the digital
form. This is to make sure that the signal does not contain
frequency components having a frequency greater than one half of
the sampling frequency.
Next, the analogue signal is sampled and held constant during
the time the value is converted to digital form.
The sampled and held value is passed on to the ADC through a
multiplexer so as to accommodate a large number of input signals.
The sample and hold circuit and the ADC work under the
control of the microprocessor and communicate with it with the
help of control signals such as the “end-of conversion signal”
issued by the ADC.
The ADC passes on the digital representation of the
instantaneous value of the signal to the microprocessor via an
input port.
The output of the ADC may be 4, 8, 12, 16, or 32 bits wide or
even wider. The wider the output of the ADC, the greater its
The incoming digital values from ADC are stored in RAM of
the microprocessor and processed by the relay software in
accordance with an underlying relaying algorithm.
The microprocessor issues the trip signal on one of the bits of
its output port which is then suitably processed so as to make it
compatible with the trip coil of the CB.
The relaying program or the relay software, which resides in
the EPROM, can only be upgraded or modified by authorized
personnel. Thus, new features and functionalities can be added to
an existing relay by upgrading its software.
Directional type relays:
With the action of the contacts being described as "make" (M) or "break" (B). Then a
simple relay with one set of contacts as shown above can have a contact description of:
Examples of just some of the more common contact types for relays in circuit or
schematic diagrams is given, but there are many more possible configurations.
Relay Contact Configurations
C is the Common terminal
NO is the Normally Open contact
NC is the Normally Closed contact
Components of a Typical
Protection System…….
Protective Relays
Circuit Breakers
Fundamental Requirements for a Protection relaying
The protection system must have:
Reliability : Assurance that the protection will perform correctly.
Sensitivity : Minimal changes in measured parameter that the system can react to.
Speed : Minimum fault duration and consequent equipment damage and system
Economy: The most important factor in the choice of a particular protection scheme is the
economic aspect.
Only the effected parts of the power system shall be disconnected. This quality of
protective relay is called discrimination. Protection system must discriminate
between healthy and faulty sections of power system.
1. Time-grading/Current Grading:
Relays are set to operate depending on the time and current characteristics.
2. Unit systems
The protective relay should operate when the magnitude of the current exceeds
the preset value. This value is called pick – up current. Relay should operate
when current value just exceed its pick – up value.
Presently, the sensitivity is determined by the CT/VT and design of the system
The protection system must provide its function when required to avoid damage
to equipment, people or property.
– Incorrect design
– Incorrect installation/testing
– Deterioration
The most important factor in the choice of a particular protection scheme is the
economic aspect. Sometimes it is economically unjustified to use an ideal scheme of
protection and a compromise method has to be adopted. As a rule, the protective
gear should not cost more than 5% of total cost. However, when the apparatus to be
protected is of utmost importance (e.g. generator, main transmission line etc.),
economic considerations are often subordinated to reliability.
Reliability. It is the ability of the relay system to operate under the
pre-determined conditions. Without reliability, the protection would
be rendered largely ineffective and could even be-come a liability.
Simplicity. The relaying system should be simple so that it can be
easily maintained. Reliability is closely related to simplicity. The
simpler the protection scheme, the greater will be its reliability.
Economy. The most important factor in the choice of a particular
protection scheme is the economic aspect. Sometimes it is
economically unjustified to use an ideal scheme of protection and a
compromise method has to be adopted. As a rule, the protective
gear should not cost more than 5% of total cost. However, when the
apparatus to be protected is of utmost importance (e.g. generator,
main transmission line etc.), economic considerations are often
subordinated to reliability.