Name: Shoaib Ahmed
Name: Shoaib Ahmed
Name: Shoaib Ahmed
The first power distribution system in the United States was a 120-V dc
system invented by Thomas A. Edison to supply power for incandescent
light bulbs.
Unfortunately, his power system generated and transmitted power at
such low voltages that very large currents were necessary to supply
significant amounts of power.
These high currents caused huge voltage drops and power losses in the
transmission lines, severely restricting the service area of a generating
Another drawback was that this dc voltage was inadequate to transmit
over long distance.
The invention of the transformer and the simultaneous
development of ac power sources eliminated forever these
restrictions on the range and power level of power systems.
A transformer ideally changes one ac voltage level to
another voltage level without affecting the actual power
supplied. If a transformer steps up the voltage level of a
circuit, it must decrease the current to keep the power into
the device equal to the power out of it.
Therefore ac electric power can be generated at one central
location, its voltage stepped up for transmission over long
distances at very low losses, and its voltage stepped down
again for final use.
In a modern power system, electric power is generated at
voltages of 12 to 25 kV. Transformers step up the voltage to
between 110 kV and nearly 1000 kV for transmission over
long distances at very low losses. Transformers then step
down the voltage to the 12- to 34.5-kV range for local
distribution and finally permit the power to be used safely in
homes, offices, and factories at voltages as low as 120
Why we always use HV in
transmission line?
Increase efficiency
Decrease voltage drop
Decrease cost
The overheating of the transformer is basically because of
sustained overloads and short circuits.
The acceptable overload and the corresponding duration is
dependent on the type of transformer and class of insulation used
for the transformer.
The overloading which continues for longer time is
dangerous as it causes overheating of the transformer.
Similarly the failure of the cooling system, though rare,
is another possible cause of overheating.
Generally the thermal overload relays and temperature
relays with alarm are used to provide protection against
overheating. If the corrective action is not taken within
certain period of time (like starting of fans) then the
circuit breaker trips.
Winding Faults
The winding faults are called internal faults. These are:
i) Phase to phase faults ii) Earth faults iii) Inter-turn
The overheating or mechanical stress causes to weaken
the winding insulation. If winding insulation is weak,
there’s a possibility of short circuit between the phases or
between phase & ground. Also short circuit between
adjacent turns of the same phase winding is possible.
When such an internal fault occurs, the transformer
must be quickly disconnected from the system. If such a
The differential protection is very commonly used to
provide protection against such faults. Since the terminals
of transformer are physically close to each other, it is an
ideal candidate for application of the principle of
differential protection.
But this protection is not economical for transformers
below 5 MVA for which over current protection is used.
For high capacity transformers, in addition to main
differential protection, the over current protection is also
provided as a backup protection.
Over Fluxing
The flux and applied voltage in a transformer are related
through the following expression
V = 4.44 φmf N
V is the r.m.s value of the voltage
f is the frequency
N is the number of turns in the winding.
Thus, we can write the flux as
Whenever there is an over-voltage (frequency remaining
constant), the transformer core is subjected to a higher
value of flux in order to be able to support the higher
applied voltage.
By design, power transformers operate at the knee of
saturation curve at normal voltage. Hence, any increase in
applied voltage, and consequent increase in flux density,
drives the transformer deeper into saturation.
The transformer, therefore, draws an excessive
magnetization current. Hence, this condition is also
described as over excitation.
This, considerably increases the core losses giving rise
Such an operating condition cannot be allowed to
continue for long and the transformer should be
disconnected if there is a prolonged or lengthy over-
Therefore, to keep the working flux within permissible
design limits, the V/f ratio must not exceed permissible
Thus over-excitation can be detected by measuring the
V/f ratio by a so-called volts/hertz relay (device no. 24).
The SIEMENS SIPROTEC 7UT613 , 7UT633 and 7UM62
are examples of V/Hz relay where a definite-time alarm
stage and an instantaneous stage can be used.
Incipient Faults in Transformers
Faults which are not significant in the
beginning but which slowly develop into serious
faults are known as incipient faults.
Buchholz relay provides protection against
such incipient faults. A Buchholz relay is a
standard protection fitted to all oil-immersed
transformers which detects all insulation
breakdowns inside the transformer tank causing
either the formation of gas or surges of oil flow
from the tank to the expansion vessel.
This applies to all phase and ground faults on
the windings and to inter-turn faults. The relay
also detects loss of oil caused by leaks.
Figure shows
the position of
the Buchholz
relay with
respect to the
transformer tank
and the
The conceptual diagram of the inner working of
the Buchholz relay is shown in Figure.
When an incipient fault such as a winding-to-
core fault or an inter-turn fault occurs on the
transformer winding, there is severe heating of
the oil. This causes gases to be liberated from
the oil. is a build-up
of oil pressure
causing oil to rush
into the
A vane is placed in the path of surge of oil
between the transformer and the conservator.
A set of contacts, operated by this vane, is used
as trip contacts of the Buchholz relay . This
output of Buchholz relay may be used to trip the
The Buchholz relay also has another set of
contacts operated by a float. These contacts stay
open when the transformer tank is filled with oil.
However, in case of leakage of oil or
decomposition of oil, the float sinks causing the
Loss of oil will no doubt cause
the transformer temperature to
rise but does not require
immediate tripping. Hence,
normally these contacts are
wired to an alarm which alerts
the operator.
Differential Protection for
The differential protection or Merz-Price protection
based on the circulating current principle gives protection
against phase to phase faults and phase to ground faults
to the power transformers.
The principle of such a protection scheme is the
comparison of the currents entering and leaving a