Continuous Improvement Toolkit: Probability Distributions
Continuous Improvement Toolkit: Probability Distributions
Continuous Improvement Toolkit: Probability Distributions
- Probability
What is a Probability Distribution?
It is a way to shape the sample data to make predictions
and draw conclusions about an entire population.
It refers to the frequency at which some events or
experiments occur.
- Probability
Helps finding all the possible values a random variable can
take between the minimum and maximum possible values.
Used to model real-life events for which the outcome
is uncertain.
Once we find the appropriate model,
we can use it to make inferences
and Sampl
- Probability
Line managers may use probability distributions to
generate sample plans and predict process yields.
Fund managers may use them to determine the
possible returns a stock may earn in the future.
Restaurant mangers may use them to resolve
future customer complaints.
Insurance managers may use them to
forecast the uncertain future claims.
- Probability
Probability runs on a scale of 0 to 1.
If something could never happen, then it has a probability of
• For example, it is impossible you could breathe and be
under water at the same time without using a tube or
- Probability
If something is certain to happen, then it has a probability of
• For example, it is certain that the sun will rise tomorrow.
- Probability
You might be certain if you examine the whole population.
But often times, you only have samples to work with.
To draw conclusions from sample data, you should
compare values obtained from the sample with the
theoretical values obtained from the probability
- Probability
There will always be a risk of drawing false conclusions
or making false predictions.
We need to be sufficiently confident before taking any
decision by setting confidence levels.
• Often set at 90 percent, 95 percent or 99 percent.
- Probability
Many probability distribution can be defined by factors such
as the mean and standard deviation of the data.
Each probability distribution has a formula.
- Probability
There are different shapes, models and
classifications of probability
trials. Pass
• Each is either a success or a failure, given the
probability of success on each trial.
Success could mean anything you want to
consider as a positive or negative outcome.
- Probability
Binomial Distribution:
Assume that you are tossing a coin 10 times.
You will get a number of heads between 0 and 10.
You may then carry out another 10 trials, in
which you will also have a number of heads
0 and 10.
By doing this many times, you will have a data set which has
the shape of the binomial distribution.
Getting a head would be a success (or a hit).
The number of tosses would be the trials.
The probability of success is 50 percent.
- Probability
Binomial Distribution:
The binomial test requires that each trial is independent
from any other trial.
In other words, the probability of the second trial is not
affected by the first trial.
- Probability
Binomial Distribution:
This test has a wide range of applications, such as:
• Taking 10 samples from a large batch which is 3 percent
defective (as past history shows).
• Asking customers if they will shop again in the next 12 months.
• Counting the number of individuals who own more than one
• Counting the number of correct answers in a multi-choice exam.
- Probability
Binomial Distribution:
The binomial distribution is appropriate when the
following conditions apply:
• There are only two possible outcomes to each trial (success
and failure).
• The number of trials is fixed.
• The probability of success is identical for all trials.
• The trials are independent (i.e. carrying out
one trial has no effect on any other trials).
- Probability
Binomial Distribution:
The probability of ‘r’ successes P(r) is given by the binomial