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Road Map: Development and Modernization of Roads in State of Uttar Pradesh

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Development and Modernization of Roads in
State of Uttar Pradesh

Back Ground
Back Ground Continued….

• Bombay Plan (1961-81)-

– Further Development of Road system

• LUCKNOW Plan(1981-2001)Targets
• NH- 4818 Km
• SH- 27807
• MDRs- 46980
• RuralRaods (ODR&VR)-196496
• Total- 276101
Background Continued….
• Lucknow Plan-(1981-2001) -
–Definite State wise targets up to 2001
for development and modernization of
Roads were set up.
Background Continued….
• Development of Roads against these targets
till 2008 has been-
• NH - 5700 Km
• SH - 8391 Km
• MDR - 7335 Km
• ODR - 30924 Km
• VR - 99765 Km
Background Continued….
• GOUP came up with the “Road Development
Policy” in 1998 to tackle the hurdles and
resource crunch by way of making policy
decisions, Private partnership, issuing public
bonds and of course getting external
assistance from Nabard World Bank, Asian
World Bank etc.
Present Scenario
The Road Network of UP has developed itself up to large extend but still lags behind
than that of the requirement.
Road Network in Utter Pradesh
Target 1992 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001xx 2002xx 2003xx 2008
National 5888 2754 2862 3083 4019 4495 3811 4860 4931 5700
State Highways 35300 9782 9647 9444 8702 9486 9939 9609 9022 8391
MDR 59310 8863 8874 8896 8809 9831 7198 7305 7301 7335
ODR/ village 254662 78316 91696 96046 100135 102931 91095 94861 99385 130689
Kachcha roads)
Other Dept. 58568 78592 78592 78592 142767 93035 94616 94616 151580
uding Kachcha

Total 355160 158283 191671 196061 200257 269510 205078 211251 215255 303695
Present Scenario Continued…
• Density of Road – Density per Lac population
(147.08) is much lower than other states.
Present Scenario Continued…
The Road Density in comparison to other states per 100
SqKm of area is (101.46) as below :-
Present Scenario Continued…
Pattern of regional variation of road density.
Present Scenario Continued…
Road Capacity of state Highways and Major District Road

State Highways MDR ODR

BSSL 20469 Km (25%) 4578 km(62%) 25656km(83%)

S Single Lane 1285 kms (15%) 1761 kms 3491 km(11%)

Two Lanes 4968 kms(59%) 953 kms 1514 km(5%)
More than two 91 kms(1%) 44 kms.(1%) 263 km(1%)
Present Scenario Continued…
Road Length by Type of surface in Utter Pradesh as on March 30, 2008

Surfaced Un-surfaced
WBM BT CC Motor able Non Motor Total

SH 24 8367 0 - - 9022
MDR 4 7331 7335
ODR 105 30819 0 30924

VR 2362 93895 0 2458 1050 99765

Other 31964 0 46878 72738 151580

Urban Road 18022 23037 63 9671 0 50793
Municipal Road 17738 20876 0 9400 - 48014
Present Scenario Continued…
• State of UP has the network of about 1,52,116
Km. consisting of following :-
• NH – NH - 5700 Km
• SH - 8391 Km
• MDR - 7335 Km
• ODR - 30924 Km
• VR - 99765 Km
• Kachcha and other Rural Roads – 151580 Km.
Challenges ahead
• Low density –

– The state of UP has low density as explained the

density per lac population lies at 10th rank and
whereas the density per 100 Sq. Km lies 24rd in
state in India.

– The density is still lower in Purvanchal and

Bundelkhand Reign.
Challenges ahead continued…
• Inadequate Road Quality –
– Riding quality of roads is not up to the standard.
– About 25% of SH are Below standards single lane.
– About 15% of SH are of single lane.
– About 59% of SH are of two lane.
– Only 1% SH are of more than two lane.
Challenges ahead continued…
• Similarly only 13% MDR are of two lane width.
• 87% of ODRs are of Single or Below single
standard lane
– Single lane roads do not provide comfortable
travelling and result in very large travel time and
hence categoriesed in poor riding quality roads.
Challenges ahead continued…
• Inadequate number of bridges and over-
bridges, and railway over-bridges.
– Large number of bridges and over-bridges are still
required to avoid Congestion, jam and reduction
in travel time. (No of Bridges-1047)
Challenges ahead continued…
• Urban Congestion-
– Absence of parking places, encroachments and
narrow roads also contribute to the Congestion.
• Maintenance of the large network is a again a
difficult task.
– A road maintenance management system
(software) is being acquired for implementation.
Challenges ahead continued…
– Scarcity of resource for maintenance of

– Weigh in motion bridges needs to be

provided to put an effective check on
overloading, the major factor which
destroyes roads
Challenges ahead continued…
• Poor Village Connectivity-
– Total 66851 villages have been connected so far
out of 99066 villages.
– 1,23,862 habitations out of total 1,70,004
habitations. Either why paccka or khadanja Roads
huge resources are connect all villages.
Challenges ahead continued…
• Resource Crunch –
• Rs. 24,631 Crores have been allocated for road
sector in 11th 5 year plan against the approximate
Rs. 100,000 Crores. Gap is to be met with by PPP
and other resources.
• Institutional weakness-
– Lac of efficient planning and road management
system unit, training institutions for refresher and
capacity building courses, multiplicity of agencies are
also major challenges in this area.
• State of UP requires approximately 6708
Crores for bringing all single lane SH (3354
Km) to double lane or seven meter wide
• It requires 24844.95 Crores for upgrading
4968.99 Km. of two lane State Highways into 4
lane or 14 meter wide category.
Plan Contd….
• State needs 12676.61 Crores to bring
6338.306 Km of single lane & below single
lane MDRs to double lane standard.
• Cost of upgrading 3500 Km. of ODRs to double
lane standard shall be 7000 Crores.
• The cost of connecting remaining 32215
villages with Packa Road shall be about rupees
19,490 Crores.
Plan Contd….
• The cost of connecting remaining 20400
habitations shall be around 10,000 Crores.

• The state also requires Rs. 12000 Crores for

road development of roads in Bundelkhand
and Purvanchal region.
Plan Contd….
• Total 1047 Bridges, Over-Bridges and Railway-
Over-Bridges need to be constructed at the
cost of Rs. 6282 Crores.
• The states therefore requires around Rs.
75194.00 Crores for bringing some
improvement in existing system other than
the regular non plan expenditures.
Plan Contd….
• State has plan to construct 800 Km. of express
ways in next 5 years to the cost of 87,500
• The state also requires Rs. 12000 Crores for
road development of roads in Bundelkhand
and Purvalchal region.
Plan Contd….
• Total 1047 Bridges, Over-Bridges and Railway-
Over-Bridges need to be constructed at the
cost of Rs. 6282 Crores.
• The states therefore requires around Rs.
108623 Crores for bringing some
improvement in existing system other than
the regular non plan expenditures.
Plan Contd….
• 11th five year plans provides Rs. 24631.09 Crores
in the sector of road development.
• 10,000 Crores is expected to come from PMGSY.
• Approximately 1,000 Crores comes from CRF.
• Rs. 1800 Crores is expected to be contributed by
• 87,000 Crores from public private partnership for
development of expressways.
• Therefore a gap of Rs. 71191.98 Crores (excluding
the expenditure of 08-09 & 09-10) still remains.
Plan Contd….
• The state therefore can expect to bring all SH
and MDRs to the label of two lane standard,
bring around 50% SH to 4 lane standard and
connect all remaining villages and habitations
by end of 12th plan provided It gets around
71191.98 Crores during 12th plan.
Plan Contd….
• The anticipated input from different sources
and budget is as below :-
– 47700 Crores - from 12th five year plan.
– 15,000 Crores – from PMGSY .
– 1,000 Crores - from CRF.
– 5000 Crores – from World Bank, or other
external aid.
– 2,500 Crores – from NABARD
Plan Contd….
• 2007-08
Item Target Achievement

Strengthening and widening of SH, MDR, 2032 1443


Bridges and ROBs 42 80

Connectivity of Villages and Habitations 1374 3576

Plan Contd….
• 2008-09
Item Target Achievement

Strengthening and widening of SH, MDR, 1548 1548


Bridges and ROBs 57 93

Connectivity of Villages and Habitations 2500 3191

Plan Contd….
• 2009-10

Item Target Achievement

Strengthening and widening of SH, MDR, 1800


Bridges and ROBs 100

Connectivity of Villages and Habitations 4000

Plan Contd….
• 2010-11
Item Target Achievement

Strengthening and widening of SH, MDR, 1800


Bridges and ROBs 110

Connectivity of Villages and Habitations 4200

Plan Contd….
• 2011-12

Item Target Achievement

Strengthening and widening of SH, MDR, 1800


Bridges and ROBs 110

Connectivity of Villages and Habitations 4200

Plan Contd….
• 2012-13
Item Target Achievement

Strengthening and widening of SH, MDR, 1900


Bridges and ROBs 120

Connectivity of Villages and Habitations 3348

Plan Contd….
• 2013-14
Item Target Achievement

Strengthening and widening of SH, MDR, 1900


Bridges and ROBs 105

Connectivity of Villages and Habitations 2500

Plan Contd….
• 2014-15
Item Target Achievement

Strengthening and widening of SH, MDR, 2000


Bridges and ROBs 120

Connectivity of Villages and Habitations 2500

Plan Contd….
• 2015-16
Item Target Achievement

Strengthening and widening of SH, MDR, 2000


Bridges and ROBs 108

Connectivity of Villages and Habitations 2500

Plan Contd….
• 2016-17
Item Target Achievement

Strengthening and widening of SH, MDR, 1970


Bridges and ROBs 101

Connectivity of Villages and Habitations 2200

Plan Contd….
• State plans to renew/resurface around 12,500
Km. of road and repair around 60,000 Km.
every year at the cost of Rs. 1500 Crores.

• The department plans to develop and network

master plan of roads to prioritize the routes
by 2010.
Plan Contd….
• Also plans to implement road maintenance
management system to create data base and
process these data for decision support system
by 2011.

• A institute for training and capacity building of

engineers and other officers of the PWD and
other departments carrying out same kind of
work is also being planned to be established by
Plan Contd….
• Construction of by passes for the cities having
population more than five Lacs is also on the

• A planed approach to implement road safety

measures as per “manual for safety in road
design” along with Road safety audit and
Black spot rectification.
Plan Contd….
• Department also intends to implement to
adopt information technology for having
efficient management information system
(MIS) and geographical information system
(GIS) in comprehensive way in next five years

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