ch09 pt3
ch09 pt3
ch09 pt3
Rate of
momentum (Eq. 9.30)
transfer out
Momentum Equation for
Steady One-Dimensional Flow
►In words, Newton’s second law for a control volume is:
(= 0 at steady state)
time rate of change resultant force net rate at which momentum is
of momentum contained = acting on the + transferred into the control
within the control volume control volume volume accompanying mass flow
(Eq. 9.31)
Velocity of Sound
► A sound wave is a small pressure disturbance that
propagates through a gas, liquid, or solid at a velocity
c that depends on the properties of the medium.
► Analyses using mass and momentum equations
supported by experimental data reveal that the
relation between pressure and specific volume
across a sound wave is nearly isentropic, and that its
velocity c – called the velocity of sound – is given by
(Eq. 9.36b)
Velocity of Sound
►The special case of an ideal gas with constant
specific heats is used extensively in Chapter 9. For
this case, the relationship between pressure and
specific volume for fixed entropy is pvk = constant
where k is the specific heat ratio. Using this
relationship, Eq. 9.36b becomes
(Eq. 9.37)
(Eq. 9.38)
(Eq. 9.39) s
One-Dimensional Steady Flow
in Nozzles and Diffusers
► Owing to important applications for nozzles and
diffusers, the remainder of our study of compressible
flow centers on them.
►We begin by establishing criteria for determining
whether a nozzle or diffuser should have a converging,
diverging, or converging-diverging shape.
►These criteria are determined from differential
equations obtained in Sec.9.13.1 using isentropic
property relations. Since actual flows through well-
designed nozzles and diffusers are nearly isentropic
(Sec. 6.12.2), findings drawn from the differential
equations are observed for such flows as well.
One-Dimensional Steady Flow
in Nozzles and Diffusers
►One of these equations relates velocity and
pressure changes in the direction of flow:
(Eq. 9.44)
Subsonic Nozzle
Velocity increases
Area decreases
Pressure decreases
One-Dimensional Steady Flow
in Nozzles and Diffusers
►Another equation relates velocity and area changes in
the direction of flow:
(Eq. 9.45)
Supersonic Nozzle
Velocity increases
Area increases
Pressure decreases
One-Dimensional Steady Flow
in Nozzles and Diffusers
►Another equation relates velocity and area changes in
the direction of flow:
(Eq. 9.45)
Supersonic Diffuser
Velocity decreases
Area decreases
Pressure increases
One-Dimensional Steady Flow
in Nozzles and Diffusers
►Another equation relates velocity and area changes in
the direction of flow:
(Eq. 9.45)
Subsonic Diffuser
Velocity decreases
Area increases
Pressure increases
Exploring the Effects of Area Change
in Subsonic and Supersonic Flows
►Consider a converging section with subsonic flow connected
to a diverging section to form a converging-diverging duct.
►If the Mach number is unity at the end of the converging
section, and the flow continues to accelerate, the flow will
become supersonic in the diverging section.
M = 1 at the throat.
This is called a converging-diverging nozzle.
M = 1 at the throat.
This is called a converging-diverging diffuser.
Modeling Normal Shocks
►The mass and momentum equations together with
property data for the particular gas combine to give a
curve on an h-s diagram called a Rayleigh line.
Modeling Normal Shocks
►The upstream and downstream states x and y must
satisfy all three equations (mass, energy, and
momentum). Accordingly, the only simultaneous
solutions to them are at the intersections of the Fanno
and Rayleigh lines.
►Since sy > sx, state y falls
at the upper intersection of
the two curves where flow
is subsonic while state x
falls at the lower
intersection where flow is
Modeling Normal Shocks
►The figure also locates the stagnation states
corresponding to the states x and y upstream and
downstream of the shock, respectively.
►Stagnation enthalpy
does not change across
the shock.
►Stagnation pressure
decreases across the
Isentropic Flow Functions for Ideal
Gases with Constant Specific Heats
►Next, for the case of ideal gases with constant specific
heats, Eqs. 9.50 and 9.51 are introduced.
►They relate Stagnation state
temperature T and po
pressure p at a state of a
compressible flow to the Mo = 0
stagnation temperature
To and stagnation
pressure po in terms of
T Compressible
the specific heat ratio k M flow
and Mach number M: s
Isentropic Flow Functions for Ideal
Gases with Constant Specific Heats
►These equations are developed in Sec. 9.14.1 using mass
and energy balances together with isentropic property
(Eq. 9.50)
(Eq. 9.51)
Isentropic Flow Functions for Ideal
Gases with Constant Specific Heats
►Additionally, the cross-sectional area A at a location where
the Mach number is M is related to the area A* that – for the
same mass flow rate and stagnation state – would be required
for sonic flow (M = 1).
(Eq. 9.52)
(Eq. 9.53)
(Eq. 9.54)
Normal Shock Functions for Ideal Gases
with Constant Specific Heats
►Consider a normal shock
standing in a duct as shown in
the figure.
►The Mach numbers across the
shock are related by
(Eq. 9.55)
(Eq. 9.56)
Normal Shock Functions for Ideal Gases
with Constant Specific Heats
►Using Eqs. 9.53-
9.56, this tabulation
for k = 1.4 – Table
9.3 – can be
developed. Use of
Table 9.3 for
problem solving is
illustrated in
Example 9.15.
►Eqs. 9.53-9.56 are
programmed for
use with hand-held