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Preventive Maintenance Testing Method

for Gas Insulated Substations (GIS)

AIA Acoustic Insulation Analyzer

GIS – Operational Features:
• Low failure rates
• Long outage time
• Located in important nodes in the grid
• Commissioned by proof testing

Diagnostic testing – Need for

inspection tool:
• Quality assurance for commissioning test
• In service testing in order to reduce costly time
for scheduled maintenance
Failure statistics of GIS

• Norwegian experience: 82 GIS, about 500 circuit breakers.

125-145 kV:1.21 faults per 100 bay-years.
300 kV: 3.4 faults per 100 bay-years.
420 kV: 2.23 faults per 100 bay-years.
• International experience: 125-145 kV:0.26 faults per 100 bay-years.
245 kV: 0.67 faults per 100 bay-years
300 kV: 1.8 faults per 100 bay-years.
420 kV: 3.9 faults per 100 bay-years.
Acoustic Insulation Analyzer


• A portable inspection tool for condition

monitoring of Gas Insulated Substation (GIS).

• An acoustic emission (AE) sensor is used on the

enclosure to listen for defects.

The method is well accepted as a standard by CIGRÉ as

well as number manufacturers of GIS.
Acoustic Diagnostic Method

• Good sensitivity to detection of number of
different defects
• Immunity to external noise.
• Defects may be localized.
• Defects may be recognized.
• Risk assessment based on source
Examples– Field Application
Acoustic Diagnostic Method

Experience with the Acoustic Method:

• Gas Insulated Substations
• Cable Accessories
• Power Transformers (PD-measurements)
• Dead Tank Breakers
• Current Transformers
• Capacitor Banks
Principle of the Acoustic Method
Type of Defects

Particle on spacer
Electrically floating
Protrusion shield

Void in
Protrusion on Free particle
earth potential
Particles in GIS
acoustic and
electric signals
at impact
Attenuation of
the acoustic
with distance
Examples of readings
• Detection of PD correlated with the power
• Detection of peak level of the discharge.

Background noise/no flaws: Small partial discharge:

Examples of readings
• Phase resolved plot

Background noise/no flaws: Partial discharge:

Examples of readings
• Particles

Continuous Mode Partical Mode:

Particle Protrusion

50/100 Hz Weak 50 Hz 100 Hz


Signal Level High Low High

Level High Stable Stable


Pattern Elevation Phase Phase

plot plot plot

Signal Shape Pulsed Cont. Cont.

Steps to be covered to arrive at an assessment:

1. Screen the GIS to reveal any defects

2. Assess the validity of the signal/
discriminate it from noise
3. Locate the defect
4. Record the signals to establish signatures
5. Recognize the defect type
6. Characterize the defect
7. Assess the risk for the GIS
Experience from application
• In factory tests
• As stand-alone inspection tool during normal service:
- check on a periodic basis
- follow up of earlier detected flaws
- pre-testing before commissioning
- testing during commissioning
- testing prior to planned service/revision
- testing after planned service for quality assurance

• As a complimentary tool for continuous UHF-monitoring

in order to pin-point and characterize flaws.
Loose part (screw) on 132 kV current transformer

Signature before opening

Loose screw

Signature after repair

• Recorded a strong PD from a loose shield/part

• A loose screw was found when opening the unit
• The PD-signature disappeared after the repair.
Electrically floating shield - 500 kV disconnector
Original signature

Signature after replacement

• Trace of discharges, AIA recorded
high level of PD
•After replacement a signature close
to the background noise level was
Protrusion on a 275 kV busbar

• PD located on the enclosure.

Recorded signature
• The signature was identified to be
a protrusion.
• The section was opened. Some
small particles and a 15 mm scratch
in the painting was found on the
enclosure side.
Signature after cleaning • A PD signature was also recorded
after the enclosure was cleaned. It
was concluded that the scratch
caused these discharges.
• The decision was made to do the
repair at a later stage.
AIA experience – Hydro Quebec
• The sensitivity of the AIA is comparable to that of
the UHF method, but its radius of action is
considerably less.

• The AIA has a great capability to locate and

characterise the sources of discharges or particles
very accurately.

• The AIA lived up to its promise and revealed a

sensitivity far superior to that available from
handheld ultrasonic probes.
TENAGA - Procedure for in-service measurements

• New substations: Acoustic measurements is done

at the end of the guarantee period (during com-
missioning). Future tests will be done with
reference to these measurements.

• Further tests depend on the strategic importance

of the GIS and experience with the same design.

• Measurements should be repeated every second

TENAGA - Procedure for in-service measurements

• In “dirty” points the measurements should be

performed more frequently and the measuring
interval should be based on the acoustic signal
previously measured in a particular point.

• Acoustic measurements can be used to anticipate

periodic maintenance or help to predict the
maintenance work.
• Several years of field experience has proven that the
acoustic method is a very sensitive and reliable tool
for condition assessment of the GIS insulation

• The method is easy to apply.

• Potential weak points found during service may be

checked more often and repaired in time to both
reduce the risk of failure and cost of failures.

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