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B S - 2 Unit - 2

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B. Arch.

AR 6511 Building services- II


Prepared by
Associate Professor / EEE / JKKMCT
1. Principles of light
2. Electromagnetic radiation
3. Waves & Nature of vision
4. Measurement of lighting
5. Principles of illumination
6. Visual tasks & Factors affecting visual tasks
7. Definitions of flux
8. Solid angle
9. luminous intensity
10. Luminous flux – Candle – solid angle
11. Brightness & Glare
12. Illumination – utilization factor – Depreciation
factor –MSCP – MHCP
Sensitivity of Human Eye

• Natural light consists of seven colors

different wavelengths.
• The average human eye is most sensitive to
wave length of 5500 0A.

The Sensitivity Curve

Visual task

Types of Colour Theories

1. Subtractive Theory
• The subtractive, or pigment
theory deals with how white
light is absorbed and reflected
off of coloured surfaces.

2. Additive Theory
• The Additive, or light theory
deals with radiated and filtered

Subtractive Theory
• Black absorbs most light
• White reflects most light
• Coloured Pigments absorb light and
reflect only the frequency of the
pigment colour.
• All colours other than the pigment
colours are absorbed so this is called
subtractive colour theory.
• The primary colours in Subtractive
Theory are:
• Subtractive or Pigment Theory is
used in printing and painting.
– Cyan (C)
– Magenta (M)
– Yellow (Y)
– Black (K)
Additive Theory • Black radiates no light
• White (sun) radiates all light
• Video is the process of
capturing and radiating light,
therefore it uses Additive
(Light) Theory not Subtractive
(Pigment) Theory.
• The primary colours in
Additive Theory are:
– Red (R)
– Green (G)
– Blue (B)

• The primary colours add together

to make white
• Light Theory is also called
Additive Theory.
• Light Theory is used in Television,
theater lighting, computer
monitors, and video production.
Luminous flux and Luminous Intensity

Illumination of a Surface

An illumination of one lux occurs when

a flux of one lumen falls on an area of
one square meter.


F Area A
E  A Unit: lux
(lx) 10
Illuminance E

Lumen and candle power

• Lumen: the lumen is the unit of luminous flux and is

defined as the amount of luminous flux given out in a space
represented by one unit of solid angle by a source having
an intensity of one candle power in all directions.
Lumens = candle power x solid angle
• Total lumens given out by source of one candela are 4π
• lumens.

• Candle power: Candle power is the light radiating capacity of a

source in a given direction and is defined as the number of
lumens given out by the source in a unit solid angle in a given
direction. It is denoted by a symbol C.P. 12
Solid angle

• Mean horizontal candle power: (M.H.C.P) It is
defined as the mean of candle powers in all
directions in the horizontal plane containing the
source of light.
• Mean spherical candle power: ( M.S.C.P) It is
defined as the mean of the candle powers in all
directions and in all planes from the source of light.
• Mean hemi-spherical candle power: (M.H.S.C.P) It is
defined as the mean of candle powers in all
directions above or below the horizontal plane
passing through the source of light.
Lamp Efficiency

It is defined as the visible radiations

by it in lumens per watt.

Law of Illumination

The illumination on a surface depends upon the

luminous intensity, distance between
the source and surface and the direction of
rays of light. It is governed by following laws :
1. Inverse square law
2. Lambert’s cosine law

Factors required for Light Scheme

The following factors required to be

areconsidered while designing the lighting
scheme :
1. Illumination level
2. Quality of light
3. Co efficient of utilization
4. Depreciation factor
5. Space height ratio

Illumination Level

This is the vital factor in deciding the

number and wattage of luminaries so that we
are able to see and recognize the
object properly. Colors of the body have the
property of reflecting the light in different
proportions, degree of illumination, its
distance from the viewer, contrast between
the object to be seen and its surroundings.

Illumination Level

Type of recommended illumination

work Offices level 100-400 lumens/ meter
Schools square 250-400 lumens/ meter
Industry square 1000 lumens/ meter
Shops square
Hotels 250-500 lumens/ meter
Hospitals square 80-100 lumens/ meter
250-3500 lumens/ meter 19
Co – efficient of Utilization

A surface to be illuminated receive light

either directly from the lamps or reflected
from the ceiling and walls or both. In this
case, the total flux reaching the surface will
never be equal to the flux emitted by the
lamp, due to absorption by reflectors, ceiling
and walls.
Utilization factor = lumens reaching at the working place
total lumens emitted by the source
Usually it varies from 0.5 to 0.8.
Depreciation Factor

The total flux emitted by the source and its

fitting may be reduced due to deposition
of dust upon the surfaces. Similarly quantity
of light reflected from the ceiling and
walls also decreases with the passage of
time. This is called as depreciation factor.
Usually it varies from 1.3 to 1.6.

Session 5

• Classification of lighting-Artificial light sources
• Spectral energy distribution
• Colour temperature
• Colour rendering
• Design of modern lighting – Lighting for stores, offices,
schools, hospitals and house lighting.
• Elementary idea of special features required and
minimum level of illumination required for
physically handicapped and elderly in building types.

spectral energy distribution

• A spectral energy distribution (SED) is a plot

of brightness or flux density versus frequency
or wavelength of light.
• It is used in many branches of astronomy to
characterize astronomical sources.
• A tool to know the process of star formation
is provided by the spectral energy distribution
(SED) mainly in the near- and mid-infrared

Types of Artificial Lighting

• There are four basic types of

1. Incandescent,
2. Fluorescent,
3. High-intensity discharge, and
4. Low-pressure sodium

Incandescent Light


• Light is produced by a tiny coil of tungsten wire

that glows when it is heated by an electrical
– shortest lives
– Inefficient
Incandescent Bulbs

1.Inexpensive s
2.Available in many configurations and
3. No warm-up required
4. Not temperature sensitive
5. Easily controlled

Incandescent Bulbs

s - 25
1. Inefficient (10
2. Short lamp life
3. Vibration sensitive
4. Over-voltage sensitive

High Intensity
(HID) Lamp

High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamp
• High-intensity discharge
(HID) lamps provide the
highest efficacy and longest
service life of any lighting
– mercury vapor
– high-pressure sodium

They also require ballasts, and they take a few seconds

to produce light when first turned on because the ballast
needs time to establish the electric arc 108
Mercury vapor Lamp

Mercury vapor Lamp

Sodium vapor Lamp

Sodium vapor Lamp

Sodium Vapor Lamp

• A sodium vapor lamp is a gas discharge lamp which uses

sodium in an excited state to produce light. There are
two varieties of such lamps: low pressure and high
– Low Pressure Sodium Lamps (LPS)
– Spectrum of a low-pressure sodium lamp.
• The intense orange band on the left is the atomic sodium
D-line emission, comprising about 90% of the visible light
emission for this lamp type.

Sodium Vapor Lamp

• High pressure sodium (HPS) lamps are smaller and contain

additional elements such as mercury, and produce a dark
pink glow when first struck, and a pinkish orange light when
• Some bulbs also briefly produce a pure to bluish white
light in between. This is probably from the mercury
glowing before the sodium is completely warmed.
• The sodium D-line is the main source of light from the
HPS lamp, and it is extremely pressure broadened by the
high sodium pressures in the lamp; due to this
broadening and the emissions from mercury, colors of
objects under these lamps can be distinguished.

Sodium Vapor Lamp

• High Lumen output per watt.

• Many different types of fixtures available.
• Reasonable cost per lamp unit.
• Reasonable cost per replacement bulbs.
• Parts easily available.
• More energy efficient than Mercury

Street lighting

Luminous Efficacy

• This is the ratio of

light output from a
lamp to the electric
power it consumes
and is measured in
lumens per watt

Colour rendering

• Colour rendering is an important aspect of artificial lighting. In some

situations colours should be represented as naturally as possible as under
daylight conditions, yet in other cases lighting should highlight individual
colours or create a specific ambience. However, there are also various
lighting situations where it is not so much a precise natural colour
rendering that matters most, but where illumination level and efficacy are
of greater importance. So, colour rendering is an important criterion
when selecting light sources for lighting application solutions.

Colour rendering

• To classify light sources on their colour rendering

properties the so called colour rendering index
(CRI or also denoted as Ra) has been introduced.
• The scale of the Ra ranges from 50-100.
• The following table shows the meaning of the Ra
• Ra = 90 - 100 Excellent colour rendering properties
• Ra = 80 - 90 Good colour rendering properties
• Ra = 60 - 80 Moderate colour rendering properties
• Ra < 60 Poor colour rendering properties

Colour temperature

• Colour temperature is an important aspect in

lighting applications – the choice of colour
temperature being determined by the
following factors:
• Ambience
• Climate
• Level of illumination needed
• Colour scheme in an interior.
Colour temperature

Lighting in office

• Lighting is an essential provision for any workplace. It is

preferrable to provide uniform illumination over the entire
workplace by combining both natural and artificial lighting.
• Localised lighting may be required in certain cases to cut
costs and improve illumination. Good lighting helps us to
see and to recognise hazards. It can reduce visual strain and
• Poor lighting may affect workers' performance and
health as poor visibility increases the chances of errors
being made. It also means that people work slower.
Besides, natural working posture may not be possible
under poor lighting, thus resulting in musculo-skeletal

Lighting in office

Light distribution classification

Examples of optimum average
illumination in offices

Session 6

• To learn and practice the wiring diagram
of Electrical layout of
– simple residential
– school
– commercial building

Residential building


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