Current Electricity Final1
Current Electricity Final1
Current Electricity Final1
Prepared by
Felicia Aswathy W
Physical Science
Titus II Teachers College
Learning objectives
The learner can
Describe how continuous flow of current is maintained in a circuit.
Describe potential difference, current and emf, and measure each
using suitable devices.
Distinguish between resistance and resistivity and explain them.
Describe through experiments the factors affecting the resistance of
a conductor.
Explain Ohm's Law and recognise the relation between potential
difference, current and resistance by constructing circuits.
Calculate the effective resistance by constructing circuits in parallel
and series.
Solve numerical problems connected with potential difference,
current and resistance.
Introduction current Ohm's Law
This doubt was raised by a child when she was observing an experiment at a
science fair.
Why is there a difference in the intensity of light from the bulbs in the two
Will the flow of electric
current sustain in the circuit if
it is switched on?
For a bulb to glow in a circuit, as shown
Q in Figure, a potential difference should
Will the bulb glow if switched on? be maintained between P and Q.
3. 3
Activity Voltage (V)
Current (I)
12 ........ 4
...... 2 3
8 4 ...........
6 3 ..........
* The current through each resistor is * The current through each resistor is
the same. different. It is divided as per the value
of resistors
*The potential difference across each * The potential difference across each
resistor is different. It gets divided as resistor is the same
per the value of the resistors.
* only a single switch is to be used to *Each resistor can be controlled by
control all the resistors using separate switches
Numerical Problems
1.What is the current if 4 Ω and 2 Ω
resistors are connected in series and 6 V
potential difference is applied?
2.What is the current if 12 Ω and 4 Ω
resistors are connected in parallel and 12
V potential difference is applied?
3.10 resistors of 2 Ω each are connected
in parallel. Calculate the effective
Colour Coding For Resistors
Colour Number Multiplicity
Black 0 0
Brown 1 1
Red 2 2
Orange 3 3
Yellow 4 4
Green 5 5
Blue 6 6
Violet 7 7
Grey 8 8
White 9 9
BB ROY of Great
Britain has a Very
Good Wife
Combination of cells: A battery is a combination of
two or more cells connected in a suitable manner.
Cells can be connected in two ways.
1. Series connection
2. Parallel connection
The method of connecting cells one The method of connecting similar
after the other in such a way that poles together.
the positive of one cell is connected
Salient features
to the negative of another cell.
If all the cells have equal emf then
Salient features the emf of the circuit is the same as
The total emf is the sum of the emf that of a single cell.
of all the cells.
The total current flowing in the
The current passing through each circuit, splits up and flows through
cell is the same.
each cell.
The internal resistance developed
The internal resistance of the circuit
in the circuit by the battery
increases. is very low.
The current in the external circuit
More current can be made available
increases under high voltage. for a longer time under low
Combination of cells
Let's assess
1.A potential difference of 6 V is applied across a
conductor having 12 Ω resistance. How much
current will pass through it?
How many times will the current increase if length
of the resistor is halved and potential difference is
doubled? 3.What mode of
2.The resistance of a 10 connection of three
cm long wire is 12 Ω. If this resistors of 3 Ω each will
is folded into two parts of produce minimum
equal length and included resistance? What will
in a circuit, how much will produce maximum
be the resistance resistance? Draw the
produced? diagram and calculate the
effective resistance.
4.Complete the table properly
Component Measuring Unit
Potential Joule/
difference coulomb
PhysicsSCERT text book class 9
You tube videos