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Feed System
Feed System
To provide a flow-way in the injection mould to connect the nozzle of
the injection machine to each impression.This flow-way is termed as
Feed System.
Normally the feed system comprises a Sprue, Runner and Gate, are
applied equally to the flow-way itself, and to the moulded material
which is removed from the flow-way in the process of extracting the
The plastic material formed in the tapered passage which connects the
nozzle to the mould’s parting surface.
Sprue Bush
A hardened steel bush which incorporates the tapered sprue passageway.

When the mould opens it is essential that the sprue is pulled positively
from the sprue bush.With single impression moulds the sprue feeds
directly into the base of the component and sprue is pulled at the same
time as the molding is pulled from the cavity.
A channel, machined in one or both mould plates, to connect the sprue
with the entrance (gate) to the impression.
In two-plate mold the runner is positioned on the parting surface while
on more complex designs the runner may be positioned below the
parting surface.
The wall of the runner channel must be smooth to prevent any
restriction to flow.
Feed System
Runner Design
The designer should keep in mind the following points during
design of runner.
Shape and cross section of the runner
Size of the runner
Layout of the runner
Shape and Cross section:
Various shapes and cross sections are:
Semi- circular
Modified Trapezoidal
Runner Efficiency
Depends on:
 Cross sectional area
 Periphery of the runner

Cross Sectional Area

Runner efficiency = -------------------------
Periphery of the runner
Choice of Runner
For simple two plate tool with flat parting surface
Fully round or hexagonal runner(Increased mould cost is relatively small)
For moulds with complex parting surfaces
Semi-circular runner
For multi-plate mould

Trapezoidal or modified trapezoidal runner .

Runner size
The runner size will be decided based on:
 The wall section and volume of the moulding
 The overall length of the runner
 Runner cooling consideration
 Standard cutter size
 The plastic material to be used
√W x4√L
Runner diameter D = ------------
D = runner diameter (mm)
W = Moulding weight (gm)
L = runner length (mm)
The empherical formula is used when
 The weight of moulding is up to 200 gms.
 The wall thickness of the moulding is less than 3 mm.

Other Points to be Considered for deciding the runner size.

 For rigid PVC and Acrylics, increase the calculated
value by 25%
 The runner size should not be below 2 mm dia. and not
above 10 mm or 13 mm dia.
 The calculated value should be increased to the next
cutter size.
 The cross sectional area of the main runner should be
equal to the area of the branch runners.
Layout of the Runner depends on:
Number of impression
Type of mould
Type of gate
Layout of the cavities

Points to be kept in mind when designing runner layout:

Minimum runner length
Balanced layout
Radial arrangement Runners Multiple Cavity Moulds
Radial arrangement Runners with multiple cavity moulds
The gate is a channel or orifice connecting the runner with the
impression.It has a small cross-sectional area when compared with the
rest of the feed system.
A small gate is desired so that :
 The gate freezes soon after the cavity filled
 The injection plunger can be withdrawn immediately
without forming voids due to suck-back.
 It is easy for degating
 Small witness mark remains on the product
 Better filling of cavities in multi-impression mould.
 More packing of material due to shrinkage effect is minimised
Gate Location
The location of the gate is decided based on:
 Appearance
 Function of the part (end use)
The area near the gate is highly stressed due to:
 Frictional heat generated at the gate
 The high velocity of the melt.
Gate location affects the molecular orientation of the resin during
injection process which produces:
 Flow directional variation in structural properties
Gate area should be away from the load bearing surfaces
The optimum size of the gate will depends on a
number of factors.

The flow characteristics of the plastics material

The thickness of the moulding
The volume or weight of the moulding
The temperature of the melt
The mould temperature
Gate Area = h x w
Where: h = depth of gate
w = width of gate
n . √A
Gate width W = ------------
Where : n = material constant (0.6-0.9)
A = surface area of cavity (mm2)

Depth of gate h = n . t
Where n = material constant ;
t = wall thickness of the moulding (mm)
Land length L = 0.5 – 1.5 mm
Types of gate
Edge gate
Tab gate
Sprue gate
Diaphragm gate
Ring gate
Fan gate
Submarine or Tunnel gate
Valve Gate
Edge Gate
Most common manual trim gate
Nominal thickness 50% to 75% nominal wall
Can be constant thickness or
Tab Gate
Gate goes into tab that goes to the part
Similar to edge gate
Used to lower shear stress in the part
Stress stays in the tab

Tab Gate
Sprue Gate
Sprue directly into part
Size at part dependant on sprue orifice size
Diaphragm Gate
Usedto gate into the inside diameter of round parts
Normally has thin land at part
Ring Gate
Like a diaphragm gate but is for the
outside of the part
Not recommended
Difficult to get even flow
Fan Gate
Wide edge gate
Balanced to achieve a flat flow front entering the part
Flash Gate
Similar to ring and fan gates
Designed to have flat flow front
entering part
Difficult to achieve
Not recommended
Submarine Gate
Tapered round gate that intersects the part below the parting
Very Common
Nominal orifice diameter 25% to 75% nominal wall

Parting Line
Cashew Gate
Curved tunnel gate
Difficult to machine
Possible maintenance problem
Pin Point Gate
Used in 3 plate molds
Very small orifice
Nominal orifice diameter 0.25 to
1.5 mm
Hot Drop
Delivers Flow
hot material to the channel
part directly
Gate geometry and size
dependant on type of hot
drop desired
Orifice size can be critical
so the nozzle will not drool

Gate geometry
varies widely
depending on drop
style and usage
Valve Gate
Similar to a hot drop but the gate orifice
is closed by a pin
Pin can be opened and
closed several times during
the cycle
Gate Balancing
The method of balanced gating, there are two ways of varying the
i) By varying the land length and
ii) By varying the cross-sectional area of the gate

For Round Gate:

d2 = d1(w2/w1)1/ 4
d1 = The gate diameter of the first cavity (cm)
d2 = The gate diameter of the second cavity (cm)
w1 = The weight of the first cavity component (gm)
w2 = The weight of the second cavity component
For Rectangular Gate:
t2 = t1 (w2/w1) 1/ 3
t1 = depth of gate in first cavity (cm)
t2 = depth of gate in second cavity (cm)

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