Ch1 Intro BushPPT1
Ch1 Intro BushPPT1
Ch1 Intro BushPPT1
Lecture Notes
Welcome to "Microprocessors and Interfacing,"
Why this Course?
● Most todays Electronic systems constitute of Microprocessors and
microcontrollers within them.
● Simply whether you know it or not you already own a device with
Basics of Computers (Re-verview)
01 First, Lets review basic terms and
concepts of Computers.
What is a Computer?
What is a Computer?
● It is an Electronic, Digital device.
● It is a data processing device that can accept data, manipulate the data according
to specific rules, produce results and stored the results for further use..
○ Computers process data to create information.
● The basic components that make up a typical Von Neumann computer system has three
major components and their interconnection:
a. Central processing unit (CPU),
b. Main Memory (RAM),
c. Input/Output (I/O), and
d. System Interconnection (System Bus)
Architecture of a Typical Von Neumann Machine
Main Memory
System Bus
The Computer: Top-Level Structure
a hierarchical view
of the internal
structure of a
traditional single-
● Discuss each components
● Different configurations:
○ Single processor computer
○ Multiprocessor computer
○ Multicore computer
○ Parallel system
○ Distributed System
○ etc
● However, conventionally a computer consists of at
least one processing element(CPU) and some form of
Classes of a Computer
● Computers can be classified, or typed, in many ways.
○ For example, by purpose and by size.
○ Classes by purpose:
■ Microcomputers (personal computers)
■ Minicomputers (mid-range computers)
■ Mainframe computers
■ Supercomputers
○ Classes by function:
■ Servers
■ Workstations
■ Information appliances
■ Embedded computers/Embedded Systems
Computers Architecture and
02 Organization(CompArch)
Basic concepts related to ‘how computers are
What is Comp Arch?
● Computer Architecture refers to the end-to-end structure of a computer
system that determines how its components interact with each other in
helping to execute the machine's purpose (i.e., processing data).
Comp. Arch(Cont.)
2. Microarchitecture:
○ also known as "computer organization“
○ refers to the operational units and their interconnections that realize
the architectural specifications
○ describes how a particular processor will implement the ISA
3. Systems design:
○ includes all of the other hardware components within a computing system,
such as data processing other than the CPU (e.g., direct memory access),
virtualization, and multiprocessing.
Comp. Arch(Cont.)
● There are other technologies in computer architecture. The following
technologies are used in bigger companies like Intel, and were estimated in
2002[14] to count for 1% of all of computer architecture:
■ Macro-architecture
■ Assembly Instruction Set Architecture
■ Programmer-Visible Macro-Architecture
■ Microcode
■ Pin Architecture
CompArch Implementation
● Once an instruction set and Micro-architecture have been designed, a practical
machine must be developed.
○ This design process is called the implementation.
Computer Level of Abstraction
● The terms CISC and RISC refer to different types of computer architectures
CISC Vs. RISC (Cont.)
2. RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computers):
RISC architecture focuses on a smaller set of simple and efficient
instructions that can be executed quickly.
Instructions in RISC architectures are typically of fixed length and are
simpler in nature.
RISC processors usually have a larger number of general-purpose
Examples of RISC architectures include ARM processors.
In summary, the main difference between CISC and RISC architectures lies in
the complexity and size of the instruction set.
CISC architectures have a larger and more complex instruction set, while
RISC architectures have a smaller set of simpler instructions.
Each type of architecture has its own advantages and trade-offs in terms
of performance, power efficiency, and ease of programming.
Elementary Components
● The operation of the digital computer is based on the storage and processing of
binary data.
○ Storage elements that can exist in one of two stable states, and
○ electronic circuits that can operate on binary data under the control of
control signals to implement the various computer functions.
● These storage elements and circuits can be implemented in digital logic,
specifically with combinational and sequential circuits.
● So, at the most basic level, a computer is a device(electronic circuit)
consisting of only 3 elementary/fundamental components:
1. Gates: is a device/electronic ckt that implements a simple Boolean or
logical function. It is a processor/computational unit which interpret and
execute instructions
2. Memory cell: is a device/electronic ckt that can store one bit of data;
that is, the device can be in one of two stable states at any time.
3. Conductive wires ,,a mechanism for transferring data/signal to and from.
Elementary Components
Stored Program Computers(Cont.)
● The reasoning behind these concepts was:\
○ There is a small set of basic logic components that can be combined in
various ways to store binary data and perform arithmetic and logical
operations on that data.
Stored Program Computers(Cont.)
Program Execution
● The basic function performed by a computer is execution of a program.
○ A program is a set of instructions stored in memory.
○ The processor does the actual work by executing instructions specified in the
Program Execution(Cont.)
1. Fetch:
The first step in the cycle is the fetch phase.
The CPU fetches the next instruction from memory that is pointed to by the
program counter (PC), which is a register that holds the memory address of the
next instruction to be executed.
The instruction is retrieved from the memory location indicated by the program
counter and loaded into the instruction register (IR) within the CPU.
2. Decode:
• In the decode phase, the CPU interprets the fetched instruction to
determine what operation needs to be performed.
• The control unit of the CPU decodes the instruction by identifying the opcode
(operation code) that specifies the operation to be carried out and any operands
or memory addresses associated with the instruction.
Program Execution(Cont.)
3. Execute:
• Once the instruction has been fetched and decoded, the CPU proceeds to execute the
instruction in the execute phase.
• The ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) performs the actual operation specified by the
opcode, such as arithmetic calculations, logical operations, data transfers, or
branching to another part of the program.
• Depending on the instruction, data may be fetched from memory, processed by the
ALU, and stored back in memory or registers.
4. Repeat:
After completing the execute phase and any subsequent write-back phase, the program
counter is incremented to point to the next instruction in memory, and the fetch-
decode-execute cycle repeats for the next instruction in sequence.
This cycle continues until the program reaches a halt instruction or completes all
instructions in the program.
Computer Booting Process
● The computer booting process is the sequence of events that occur when you turn on
a computer, leading to the operating system being loaded into memory and the system
becoming ready for use. Here is an explanation of the typical computer booting
1. Power On: When you press the power button on a computer, it sends a signal to the power supply
unit to provide electricity to the components of the computer. This action initiates the booting
2. Power-On Self Test (POST):The computer's hardware components, such as the CPU, memory, storage
devices, and peripherals, are checked during the Power-On Self Test (POST) phase. The POST ensures
that the hardware is functioning correctly before the operating system is loaded.
3. BIOS/UEFI Initialization: The BIOS/UEFI firmware locates the boot device where the operating system
is stored. This can be a hard drive, solid-state drive, optical drive, USB drive, or network
location. The boot order configured in the BIOS/UEFI determines the priority of boot devices.
4. Boot Device Selection: The BIOS/UEFI firmware locates the boot device where the operating system is
stored. This can be a hard drive, solid-state drive, optical drive, USB drive, or network location.
The boot order configured in the BIOS/UEFI determines the priority of boot devices.
Computer Booting Process(Cont.)
5. Boot Loader Execution: Once the boot device is identified, the BIOS/UEFI hands over control to the
boot loader stored on the boot device. The boot loader is a small program that loads the operating
system kernel into memory.
6. Operating System Kernel Loading: The boot loader loads the operating system kernel into memory. The
kernel is the core component of the operating system that manages system resources, controls
hardware devices, and provides essential services to applications.
7. Operating System Initialization: After the kernel is loaded, the operating system initialization
process begins. The operating system initializes device drivers, starts system services, and
prepares the user interface for interaction.
8. User Login/Interface: Once the operating system initialization is complete, the user is presented
with a login screen or desktop environment. The user can log in and start using the computer with
access to applications and files.
9. Ready State: After completing the booting process, the computer is in a ready state for the user to
perform tasks, run programs, access data, and utilize various features provided by the operating
Introduction to Microprocess
03 What is Microprocessor?
What is Microprocessor
Processor (in computing ): a processor or processing unit is
an electronic component (digital circuit) that performs
operations on an external data source, usually memory or some
other data stream.
What is Microprocessor
● Microprocessor is a controlling unit of a micro-computer, fabricated on a small chip
capable of performing ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit) operations and communicating
with other devices connected to it.
○ is designed to execute instructions and carry out tasks in a computer
○ contain both combinational logic and sequential digital logic, and
operate on numbers and symbols represented in the binary number
● The term microprocessor and microcontroller have always been confused each other. Both
of them are ICs and have been designed for real time application. They share many
common features and at the same time they have significant differences.
● Microprocessor: is an IC which has only the CPU inside them i.e., only the
processing power.
○ These microprocessors don’t have RAM, ROM, and other peripheral on the chip.
● Microcontroller: has a CPU, in addition with a fixed amount of RAM, ROM and other
peripherals all embedded on a single chip. Sometimes it is also termed as a mini
computer or a computer on a single chip. They are designed for to perform specific
Evolution of Microprocess
04 First, Lets review basic terms and
concepts of Computers.
History of Intel Processors
● Fairchild Semiconductors (founded in 1957) invented the first IC in 1959.
● In 1968, Robert Noyce, Gordan Moore, Andrew Grove resigned from Fairchild
● One of its most successful products is the Intel microprocessor. We will see
its historical background is described below
IBM PC/AT (1984)